Publications from Rehabilitation CBU staff
This page lists recent publications by rehabilitation staff and visitors. Only full journal articles, chapters or books published in 2000 or later are listed here, for older articles and published abstracts search the unit bibliography.
N.B. Publications without ‘request reprint’ links are either i) not yet listed in the CBU bibliography, in which case please email the relevant CBU author for a reprint, or ii) a book or published test, in which case contact the author or publisher for information.
In press
Ewbank, M.P., Lawrence, A.D., Passamonti, L., Keane, J., Peers, P. & Calder, A.J. (2009) Anxiety predicts a differential neural response to attended and unattended facial signals of anger and fear. NeuroImage, 44(3), 1144-1151. [request reprint]
Fish, J., Wilson, B.A. and Manly, T. (in press). The assessment and rehabilitation of prospective memory problems in people with neurological disorders: A review.Neuropsychological Rehabilitation.
Grahn, J.A. (In Press) Advances in neuroimaging techniques: implications for the shared syntactic integration resource hypothesis, In: Language and Music as Cognitive Systems (Rebuschat, P., Rohrmeier, M., Hawkins, J., & Cross, I., eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [request reprint]
Grahn, J.A. (In Press) The role of the basal ganglia in beat perception: neuroimaging and neuropsychological investigations., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. [request reprint]
Grahn, J.A. & Rowe, J.B. (In Press) Feeling the beat: premotor and striatal interactions in musicians and non-musicians during beat processing, Journal of Neuroscience. [request reprint]
Grahn, J.A., McAuley, J.D. (In Press) Neural bases of individual differences in beat perception. NeuroImage. [request reprint]
Sweeney, S., Kersel, D., Morris, R., Manly, T. and Evans, J.J. (in press) The sensitivity of a virtual reality task to planning and prospective memory impairments: Group differences and the efficacy of periodic alerts on performance. Neuropsycholgical Rehabilitation.
Wilson, B.A., & Evans, J.J. (In Press) Models for the rehabilitation of executive impairments, In V. Anderson (Ed.) Executive functions and the frontal lobes: A life span approach, 385-407. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A., Emslie, H., Evans, J.J., Quirk, K., Watson, P. & Fish, J. (in press). The NeuroPage system for children and adolescents with neurological deficits. Developmental Neurorehabilitation.
Dewar, B-K., Wilson, B., Patterson, K. & Graham, K. (2009). Re-acquisition of person knowledge in semantic memory disorders, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 19(3), 383-341. [request reprint]
Dodds, C.M., Müller, U. & Manly, T. (2009). Effects of Psychostimulants on Alertness and Spatial Bias in Healthy Participants. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(3):529-37.
Evans, J.J., Greenfield, E.., Wilson, B.A. & Bateman, A. (2009) Walking and Talking Therapy: Improving Cognitive- Motor Dual Tasking in Neurological Illness, Journal of International Neuropsychological Society, 15(1), 112-120. [request reprint]
Fish, J., Manly, T., & Wilson, B.A. (2009). Rehabilitation for prospective memory problems following acquired brain injury. In M. Oddy and A. Worthington (Eds). Rehabilitation of Executive Disorders: A Guide to Theory and Practice. Oxford OUP. [request reprint]
Grahn, J.A. & Brett, M. (2009) Impairment of beat-based rhythm discrimination in Parkinson’s Disease, Cortex, 45(1), 54-61.[request reprint]
Grahn, J.A., Parkinson, J.A. & Owen, A.M. (2009) The Role of the Basal Ganglia In Learning and Memory: Neuropsychological Studies, Behavioural Brain Research, 45(1), 54-61. [request reprint]
Manly, T., Dove, A., Blows, S., George, M. A., Noonan, M., Teasdale, T. W., et al. (2009). The assessment of unilateral spatial neglect: Scoring Star Cancellation performance from video recordings –a method, its reliability and normative data. Neuropsychology 23(4): 519-528.
Peers, P.V. and Lawrence, A.D. (2009) Attentional control of emotional distraction in rapid serial visual presentation. Emotion, 9(1), 140-145 [request reprint]
Pérez, A., Peers, P.V., Valdés-Sosa, M., Galán, L., García, L., Martínez-Montes, E. (2009) Hemispheric modulations of alpha-band power reflect the rightward shift in attention induced by enhanced attentional load., Neuropsychologia, 47(1), 41-49[request reprint]
Teasdale, T.W., Emslie, H., Quirk, K., Evans, J., Fish, J., & Wilson, B. (2009). Alleviation of carer strain during the use of the Neuropage device by people with acquired brain injury. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 80(7):781-3.[request reprint]
Ally, B.A., Simons, J.S., McKeever, J.D., Peers, P.V. & Budson, A.E. (2008) Parietal contributions to recollection: Electrophysiological evidence from aging and patients with parietal lesions. Neuropsychologia, 46(7), 1800-1812 [request reprint]
Dewar, B-K., Pickard, J.D. & Wilson, B.A. (2008) Behavioural and Psychosocial Outcome Following Vegetative and Minimally Conscious States: Long-Term Follow-Up. Brain Impairment, 9(3), 267-273. [request reprint]
Dodds, C.M., Van Belle, J., Peers, P.V., Dove, A., Cusack, R., Duncan, J. & Manly, T. (2008) The effects of time-on-task and concurrent cognitive load on normal visuospatial bias, Neuropsychology, 22(4), 545-552 [request reprint]
Dove, A., Manly, T., Epstein, R.A. & Owen, A. M. (2008). The Engagement Of Mid-Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex And Posterior Brain Regions In Intentional Cognitive Activity. Human Brain Mapping, 29(1):107-19 [request reprint]
Fish, J., Manly, T., Emslie, H., Evans, J.J. & Wilson, B.A. (2008). Compensatory Strategies For Acquired Disorders Of Memory And Planning: Differential Effects Of A Paging System For Patients With Brain Injury Of Traumatic Versus Cerebrovascular Aetiology. Journal Of Neurology, Neurosurgery And Psychiatry, 79(8): 930-935. [request reprint]
Fish, J., Manly, T., & Wilson, B.A. (2008) Long-Term Compensatory Treatment Of Organizational Deficits In A Patient With Bilateral Frontal Lobe Damage, Journal Of The International Neuropsychological Society, 14(1):154-163. [request reprint]
George, M.S., Mercer, J.S., Walker, R., & Manly, T. (2008). A demonstration of endogenous modulation of unilateral spatial neglect: The impact of apparent time-pressure on spatial bias. Journal Of The International Neuropsychological Society, 14(1):33-41. [request reprint]
Grahn, J.A., Parkinson, J. & Owen, A.M. (2008) The cognitive functions of the caudate nucleus., Progress in Neurobiology, 86(3), 141-155 [request reprint]
Schweizer TA, Levine B, Rewilak D, O’Connor C, Turner G, Alexander MP, Cusimano M, Manly T, Robertson IH, Stuss DT. (2008). Rehabilitation of executive functioning after focal damage to the cerebellum. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 22(1):72-7. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2008). Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 4, 141-162. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A., Coleman, M.R & Pickard, J.D. (2008) Neuropsychological Assessment and Management of People in States of Impaired Consciousness: An overview of some recent studies, Brain Impairment, 9(1), 28-35 [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A., Kopelman, M. & Kapur, N (2008) Prominent and persistent loss of self-awareness in amnesia: delusion, impaired consciousness or coping strategy?, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 18(5-6), 527-540 [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A., Rous, R. & Sopena, S. (2008) The Current Practice of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in the United Kingdom, Applied Neuropsychology, 15(4), 229-240 [request reprint]
Berry, E., Kapur, N., Williams, L., Hodges, S., Watson, P., Smyth, G., Srinivasan, J., Smith, R., Wilson, BA., Wood, K. (2007). The use of a wearable camera, SenseCam, as a pictorial diary to improve autobiographical memory in a patient with limbic encephalitis: A preliminary report. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 17(4/5), 582-601 [request reprint]
Datta, A.K., Cusack, R., Hawkins, K., Heutink, J., Rorden, C., Robertson, I. & Manly, T. (2007). The P300 As A Marker Of Waning Attention And Error Propensity. Computational Intelligence And Neuroscience, 2007: 93968. [request reprint]
Emslie, H., Wilson, BA., Quirk, K., Evans, J.J., Watson, P. (2007). Using a paging system in the rehabilitation of encephalitic patients. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 17(4/5):567-581. [request reprint]
Fish, J., Evans, J.J., Nimmo, M., Martin, E., Kersel, D., Bateman, A., Wilson, B.A. & Manly, T. (2007) Rehabilitation Of Executive Dysfunction Following Brain Injury: “Content-Free Cueing” Improves Everyday Prospective Memory Performance. Neuropsychologia, 45(6), 1318-1330. [request reprint]
Grahn, J.A. & Brett, M. (2007). Rhythm Perception In Motor Areas Of The Brain. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(5), 1-14[request reprint]
Simons, J.S., Peers, P.V., Hwang, D.Y., Ally, B.A., Fletcher, P.C. & Budson, A.E. (2008). Is the parietal lobe necessary for recollection in humans?, Neuropsychologia 46, 1185–1191. [request reprint]
Sopena, S., Dewar, B-K., Nannery, R., Teasdale, T.W, and Wilson, B.A. (2007). The European Brain Injury Questionnaire (EBIQ) as a reliable outcome measure for use with people with brain injury. Brain Injury, 21, 1063-1068. [request reprint]
Taub, A., Wilson B., Gouveia, P. & Boschetti, W. (2007) Avaliação e reabilitação do paciente vítima de traumatismo crânio-encefálico, In: Julia Greve. (ED.). TRATADO DE MEDICINA DE REABILITAÇÃO. 1 ed. São Paulo: Editora Roca, 2007, v. , p. 744-753. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2007) Amnesia, In S.Ayers, A. Baum, C. McManus, S. Newman, K. Wallston, J. Weinman & R. West (eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine, 2nd ed, 546-547. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2007) Neuropsychological rehabilitation, In S.Ayers, A. Baum, C. McManus, S. Newman, K. Wallston, J. Weinman & R. West (eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine, 2nd ed, 367-369 [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2007) Neurological problems: Treatment and rehabilitation, In G. Powell (Ed) and S. Lindsay (Ed.), Handbook of Adult Clinical Psychology, 777-800. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2007) Cognitive Rehabilitation, In Handbook of Applied Cognition – F.T. Durso, R. Nickerson, S. Dumais, S, Lewandowsky, T. Perfect (Eds), 2nd ed, 585-604 [request reprint]
Clare, L. & Wilson, B.A. (2006). Longitudinal assessment of awareness in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease using comparable questionnaire-based and performance-based measures: A prospective one-year follow-up study. Aging and Mental Health, 10(2), 156-165. [request reprint]
Grahn, J.A. & Owen, A.M. (2006). Memory: Obstacle Avoidance Without Visual Cues. Current Biology, 16(7), R247-R249[request reprint]
Miotto, E, Savage C., Evans, J., Wilson, B A., Martins, M.G.M., Iaki, S., Amaro, E. (2006). Bilateral Activation of the Prefrontal Cortex After Strategic Semantic Cognitive Training. Human Brain Mapping 27(4), 288-295 [request reprint]
Muggleton, N., Postma, P., Moutsopoulou, K., Nimmo-Smith, I., Marcel, A. & Walsh, V. (2006) TMS Over Right Posterior Parietal Cortex Induces Neglect In A Scene-Based Frame Of Reference. Neuropsychologia, 44(7), 1222-1229. [request reprint]
Page, M., Wilson, B. A., Shiel, A., Carter, G., & Norris, D. (2006). What is the locus of the errorless-learning advantage? Neuropsychologia, 44(1), 90-100. [request reprint]
Peers, P., Cusack, R., Duncan, J (2006). Modulation Of Spatial Bias In The Dual Task Paradigm: Evidence From Patients With Unilateral Parietal Lesions And Controls. Neuropsychologia, 44(8), 1325-1335. [request reprint]
Savage, R., Cornish, K., Manly, T., & Hollis, C. (2006) Cognitive Processes In Children’s Reading And Attention: The Role Of Working Memory, Divided Attention, And Response Inhibition. British Journal Of Psychology, 97(3), 365-385.. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2006). Current Challenges for Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Brain Impairment, 7(2), 151-165. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2006). Recent Developments in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Higher Brain Function Research, 1 – 8.[request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2006) Single-case experimental designs, In Choosing Methods in Mental Health Research: Mental Health Research from Theory to Practice, 9-23 [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2006) Memory problems after brain injury: third edition, Headway, The Brain Injury Association [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2006). Rehabilitation of memory for everyday life. In L-G Nilsson & N Ohta (Eds.), Memory and society: Psychological Perspectives., 269-280 [request reprint]
Cornish, K., Kogan, C., Turk, J., Manly, T., James, N., Mills, A. & Dalton, A. (2005) The Emerging Fragile X Premutation Phenotype: Evidence From The Domain Of Social Cognition. Brain and Cognition, 57, 53-60. [request reprint]
Cornish, K., Manly, T., Dobler, V., Grant, C., & Hollis, C. (2005). Lateralized Spatial Attention In Attentive And Inattentive School-Aged Boys. Brain And Cognition, 56(1), 118-118. [request reprint]
Cornish, K.M., Manly, T., Savage, R., Swanson, J., Morisano, D., Butler, N., Grant, C., Cross, G., Bentley, L. & Hollis, C.P. (2005). Association Of The Dopamine Transporter (Dat1) 10/10-Repeat Genotype With ADHD Symptoms And Response Inhibition In A General Population Sample. Molecular Psychiatry, 10, 686-698. [request reprint]
Crossley, M., Shiel, A., WILSON, B.A., Coleman, M.R., Gelling, L., Fryer, T., Boniface, S. & Pickard, J. (2005). Monitoring emergence from coma following severe brain injury in an octogenarian using behavioural indicators, electrophysiological measures, and metabolic studies: A demonstration of the potential for good recovery in older adults. Brain Injury, 19(9), 729-37 [request reprint]
Dewar, B-K. & Wilson, B.A. (2005). Cognitive Recovery from Encephalitis Lethargica. Brain Injury, 19(14), 1285-1291. [request reprint]
Dobler, V.B., Anker, S., Gilmore, J., Robertson, I.H., Atkinson, J. & Manly, T. (2005). Asymmetric Deterioration Of Spatial Awareness With Diminishing Levels Of Alertness In Normal Children And Children With ADHD, Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry, 46, 1230-1248. [request reprint]
Elliott, L., Coleman, M., Shiel, A., Wilson, B.A., Badwan, D., Menon, D. & Pickard, J. (2005). Effect of posture on levels of arousal and awareness in vegetative and minimally conscious state patients: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 76, 298-299 [request reprint]
George, M., Dobler, V., Nicholls, E. & Manly, T. (2005). Spatial Awareness, Alertness, And Adhd: The Re-Emergence Of Unilateral Neglect And Time-On-Task. Brain And Cognition, 57(3), 264-275. [request reprint]
Inglis, A., Szymkowiak, A., Gregor, P., Newell, A. F., Hine, N., Wilson, B. A., & Evans, J. (2003). Issues surrounding the user-centred development of a new interactive memory aid. Universal Access in the Information Society journal. Oct 2003, 2(3), 226-234. [request reprint]
Jackson, S.R., Newport, R., Mort, D., Husain, M., Jackson, G.M., Swainson, R., Pears, S. & Wilson, B.A. (2005) Action binding and the parietal lobes, In Glyn W Humphreys and M Jane Riddoch (Eds.), Attention in Action: Advances from Cognitive Neuroscience, 303-324. [request reprint]
Macniven, J.A., Poz, R., Bainbridge, K., Gracey, F., and Wilson, B.A. (2003). Case Study. Emotional adjustment following cognitive recovery from ‘persistent vegetative state’: psychological and personal perceptives. Brain Injury, 17(6), 525-533.[request reprint]
Macniven, J. A. B.; Graham, N. L.; Davies, R. R.; Wilson, B. A. (2005). A 5-year follow-up study of an atypical case of myotonic dystrophy. Brain Injury, 19(14), 1213-1221. [request reprint]
Manly, T. (2005) Commentary – Is There Any Value In The Differential Assessment Of Attention? British Journal Of Developmental Psychology, 23, 507-512. [request reprint]
Manly, T., Dobler, V., Dodds, C. & George. M (2005). Rightward Shift In Spatial Awareness With Declining Alertness, Neuropsychologia, 43(12), 1721-1728. [request reprint]
Manly, T., Cornish, K., Grant, C., Dobler, V. & Hollis, C. (2005). Examining The Relationship Between Rightward Visuo-Spatial Bias And Poor Attention Within The Normal Child Population Using A Brief Screening Task. Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry, 46, 1337-1344. [request reprint]
Peers, P., Ludwig, C., Rorden, C., Cusack, R., Bonfiglioli, C., Bundesen, C., Driver, J., Antoun, N., And Duncan, J. (2005). Attentional Functions Of Parietal And Frontal Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 15(10), 1469-1484. [request reprint]
Shiel, A. & Wilson, B.A. (2005). Can behaviours observed in the early stages of recovery after traumatic brain injury predict poor outcome? Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 15(3), 494 – 502 [request reprint]
Szymkowiak, A., Morrison, K., Gregor, P., Inglis, E.A., Shah, P., Evans, J.J. & , WILSON, B.A. (2005). A memory aid with remote communication: Preliminary findings. Technology and Disability, 17(4), 217 – 225 [request reprint]
Szymkowiak, A., Morrison, K., Gregor, P., Shah, P., Evans, J.J. & Wilson, B.A. (2005). A memory aid with remote communication using distributed technology. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 9, 1-5 [request reprint]
Szymkowiak, A., Morrison, K., Inglis, E.A., Gregor, P., Shah, P., Evans, J.J. & WILSON, B.A. (2003). A memory aid with remote communication for elderly and memory-impaired users. Universal access in HCI: Inclusive design in the information society, Vol. 4 902 – 906 (Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Universal Access in Human – Computer Interaction, 22-27 June, Crete, Greece), [request reprint]
Williams, W.H., Evans, J.J. & WILSON, B.A. (2003). Neurorehabilitation for two cases of post-traumatic stress disorder following traumatic brain injury. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 8(1), 1-18[request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2003). Goal Planning Rather than Neuropsychological Tests Should Be Used to Structure and Evaluate Cognitive Rehabilitation. Brain Impairment, 4(1), 25-30. [request reprint]
Wilson BA. (2005). The clinical neuropsychologist’s dilemma. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 11(4):488-93. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2005) The effective treatment of memory-related disabilities, In P. W. Halligan & D. Wade (Eds.), The effectiveness of rehabilitation for cognitive deficits, 143-151. [request reprint]
Wilson BA, Berry E, Gracey F, Harrison C, Stow I, Macniven J, Weatherley J, Young AW. (2005). Egocentric disorientation following bilateral parietal lobe damage. Cortex, 41(4):547-54. [request reprint]
Wilson BA, Emslie H, Quirk K, Evans J, Watson P. (2005). A randomized control trial to evaluate a paging system for people with traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 19(11):891-4. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A., Emslie, H., Foley, J., Shiel, A., Watson, P., Hawkins, K., Groot, Y. & Evans, J.J. (2005) The Cambridge Prospective Memory Test (CAMPROMPT), London: Harcourt Assessment, 2005.
Clare, L. & Wilson, B.A. (2004) Memory rehabilitation for people with early-stage dementia: A single case comparison of four errorless learning methods, Zeitschrift fur Gerontopsychologie und psychiatrie, 17, 109-117 [request reprint]
Clare, L., Wilson, B.A., Carter, G., Roth, L., and Hodges, J (2004) Awareness in early stage Alzheimer’s disease: relationship to outcome of cognitive rehabilitation, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 26(2), 215-226 [request reprint]
Dobler, V.B., Manly, T., Verity, C., Woolrych, J. & Robertson, I.H. (2004). Modulation Of Spatial Attention In A Child With Developmental Unilateral Neglect. Developmental Medicine And Child Neurology, 45(4), 282-288. [request reprint]
Gelling, L., Shiel, A., Elliott, L., Owen, A., Wilson, B., Menon, D. & Pickard, J. (2004) Commentary on Oh H. and Seo W. (2003) Sensory stimulation programme to improve recovery in comatose patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 13(1), 125-127. [request reprint]
Inglis, E. Szymkowiak, A., Gregor, P., Newell, A. F., Hine, N., Wilson, B. A., EVANS, J., & Shah, P. (2004). Usable technology? Challenges in designing a memory aid with current electronic devices. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 14, 77-87. [request reprint]
Kapur, N., Glisky, G.L., and Wilson, B.A. (2004). Technological memory aids for people with memory deficits. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 14(1-2), 41-60[request reprint]
Kapur, N., Glisky, E.L. & Wilson, B.A (2004) External memory aids and computers in memory rehabilitation, In A.D. Baddeley, M.D. Kopelman, & B.A. Wilson (Eds.), The Essential Handbook of Memory Disorders for Clinicians, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 301-327 [request reprint]
Manly, T., Heutink, J., Davison, B., Gaynord, B., Greenfield, E., Parr, A., Ridgeway, V., & Robertson, I.H. (2004). An Electronic Knot In The Handkerchief: ‘Content Free Cueing’ And The Maintenance Of Attentive Control. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 14(1-2), 89-116. [request reprint]
O’Connor, C., Manly, T., Robertson, I.H., Hevenor, S.J. & Levine, B. (2004) An FMRI Study Of Sustained Attention With Endogenous And Exogenous Engagement. Brain And Cognition, 54(2), 133-135. [request reprint]
Shiel, A., Gelling, L., Wilson, B., Coleman, M. & Pickard, J.D. (2004). Difficulties in diagnosing the vegetative state. British Journal of Neurosurgery, 18(1), 5-7. [request reprint]
Wilson B.A (2004) Assessment of Memory Disorders, In: D Baddeley, M.D Kopelman, & B.A. Wilson (Eds.) The Essential Handbook of Memory Disorders for Clinicians, Chicester: John Wily & Sons Ltd, 159-178. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2004) Theoretical approaches to cognitive rehabilitation., In L.H. Goldstein & J. McNeil (Eds) Clinical Neuropsychology: A Guide to Assessment and Management for Clinicians. Chichester: John Wiley, 345-366. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2004) Management and remediation of memory problems in brain-injured adults, In A.D. Baddeley, M.D. Kopelman & B.A. Wilson (Eds.), The Essential Handbook of Memory Disorders for Clinicians, 199-226. [request reprint]
Calder, A.J., Keane, J., Manly, T., Sprengelmeyer, R., Scott, S.K., Nimmo-Smith, I. & Young, A.W. (2003). Facial Expression Recognition Across The Adult Life Span. Neuropsychologia, 41(2), 195-202. [request reprint]
Clare, L., Wilson, B.A., Carter, G. & Hodges, J.R (2003). Cognitive rehabilitation as a component of early intervention in Alzheimer’s disease: a single case study. Aging & Mental Health, 7(1), 15-21. [request reprint]
Evans, J.J., Wilson, B.A., Needham, P., & Brentnall, S. (2003). Who makes good use of memory-aids? Results of a survey of 100 people with acquired brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 9(6), 925-935. [request reprint]
Ho, A.K., Manly, T., Nestor, P.J., Sahakian, B.J., Robbins, T.W., Rosser, A.E., & Barker, R.A. (2003). A Case Of Unilateral Neglect In Huntingdon’s Disease. Neurocase, 9(3), 261 – 273. [request reprint]
Manly, T., Owen, A.M., Mcavinue, L., Datta, A., Lewis, G.H., K, S.,Rodrden, C., Pickard, J., & Robertson, I.H. (2003). Enhancing The Sensitivity Of A Sustained Attention Task To Frontal Damage. Convergent Clinical And Functional Imaging Evidence. Neurocase, 9(4), 340-349. [request reprint]
Wilson BA, Scott H, Evans J, Emslie H. (2003). Preliminary report of a NeuroPage service within a health care system. NeuroRehabilitation. 18(1):3-8. [request reprint]
Wilson, F.C. & Manly, T. (2003). Sustained Attention Training And Errorless Learning Facilitates Self-Care Functioning In Chronic Ipsilesional Neglect Following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 13(5), 537-548. [request reprint]
Williams, W.H., Evans, J.J. & Wilson, B.A. (2003) Neurorehabilitation for two cases of post-traumatic stress disorder following traumatic brain injury., Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 8(1), 1-18 [request reprint]
Wilson, B. (2003) Treatment and Recovery from Brain Damage, In Encyclopaedia of Cognitive Science. Vol 1, p410-416 London: Nature Publishing Group [request reprint]
Wilson, B. A. (2003) Cognitive rehabilitation of memory disorders: Theory and practice, In P.P. De Deyn, E.Thiery & R.D’Hooge (Eds.), Memory: Basic Concepts, Disorders and Treatment. Leuven: Acco, 399-412. [request reprint]
Wilson, B. A. & Clare, L. (2003) Rehabilitation of memory disorders., In R. J. Greenwood, T. McMillan, M. Barnes & C. Ward (Eds.), Neurological Rehabilitation, 2nd edition. Hove: Psychology Press (377-385) [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A (2003) Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Theory and Practice (Ed), Swets and Zeitlinger.
Wilson, B.A (2003) Case studies in neuropsychological rehabilitation., Translation of original (CBU ref: 3746) into Japanese.
Wilson, B.A. (2003) Memory Rehabilitation. In: J. Grafman & I. Robertson (Eds) Handbook of Neuropsychology, Vol 9: Plasticity and Rehabilitation. Amsterdam: Elsevier (37-53) [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2003) Goal Planning Rather than Neuropsychological Tests Should Be Used to Structure and Evaluate Cognitive Rehabilitation, Brain Impairment, 4(1), 25-30 [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2003) The natural recovery and treatment of learning and memory disorders, In Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology Eds. PW Halligan, U Kischka, JC Marshall. Oxford University Press, 167-180 [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2003) The Theory and Practice of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation : An Overview, In Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Theory and Practice, 1-10, Sept 2003 [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2003) Rehabilitation of Memory Deficits, In Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Theory and Practice, 71-88, Sept 2003. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2003) The Future of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, In Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Theory and Practice, 293-301, Sept 2003 [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2003) Goal planning rather than neuropsychological tests should be used to structure and evaluate cognitive rehabilitation, Psychologica, 37, 27-35 [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. & Evans, J.J. (2003) Does cognitive rehabilitation work? Clinical and economic considerations and outcomes., In G. Prigatano (Ed.). Clinical Neuropsychology and Cost-Outcome Research: An Introduction, pp 339-349, Hove: Psychology Press. 2003 [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A., & Watson, P (2003) Performance of People with non-progressive brain injury and organic memory impairment on the ROCF. In J.Knight and E. Kaplan (eds) The Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure Handbook. Odessa, Florida: Psychological Asessment Resources, Chapter 30, 597-610 [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A., Herbert, C., & Shiel, A (2003) Behavioural Approaches in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Optimising rehabilitation procedures, Psychological Press.
Wilson, B.A., Scott, H., Evans, J and Emslie, H (2003) Preliminary report of a NeuroPage service within a health care system, Neurorehabilitation, 18(1), 3-9 [request reprint]
Baddeley, A & Wilson, B.A. (2002). Prose recall and amnesia: implications for the structure of working memory. Neuropsychologia, 40(10), 1737-1743. [request reprint]
Chan, R.C.K. & Manly, T. (2002). The Application Of ‘Dysexecutive Syndrome’ Measures Across Cultures: Performance And Checklist Assessment In Neurologically Healthy And Traumatically Brain-Injured Hong Kong Chinese Volunteers. Journal Of The International Neuropsychological Society, 8(6), 771-780. [request reprint]
Clare, L., Wilson, B.A., Carter, G., Breen, K., Berrios, G.E. & Hodges, J.R. (2002). Depression and anxiety in memory clinic attenders and their carers: implications for evaluating the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation interventions. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 17: 962-7. [request reprint]
Clare L., Wilson, B. A., Carter, G., Breen, K., Gosses, A., & Hodges, J. R. (2002). Intervening with everyday memory problems in Dementia of Alzheimer Type: An errorless learning approach. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 22, 132-146. [request reprint]
Clare, L., Wilson, B.A., Carter, G., Roth, I. & Hodges, J.R. (2002). Relearning face-name associations in early Alzheimer’s Disease. Neuropsychology, 16(4), 538-547. [request reprint]
Clare, L., Wilson B.A., Carter, G., Roth, I. & Hodges. (2002). Assessing awareness in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease: development and piloting of the Memory Awareness Rating Scale. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 12, 341-362[request reprint]
Cornish, K., Hollis, C., Dobler, V., Manly, T., Grant, C., Kay, C (2002). Evidence For Anomalous Lateralization In ADHD Subtypes. Archives Of Clinical Neuropsychology, 17(8), 788-788. [request reprint]
Groot YC, Wilson BA, Evans J, Watson P. (2002). Prospective memory functioning in people with and without brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 8(5):645-54. [request reprint]
Manly, T., Lewis, G.H., Robertson, I.H., Watson, P.C. & Datta, A.K. (2002). Coffee In The Cornflakes: Time-Of-Day, Routine Response Control And Subjective Sleepiness. Neuropsychologia, 40 (1), 1-6. [request reprint]
Manly, T., Nimmo-Smith, I., Watson, P., Anderson, V., Turner, A. & Robertson, I.H. (2002). The Differential Assessment Of Children’s Attention: The Test Of Everyday Attention For Children (Tea-Ch) , Normative Sample And ADHD Performance. Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry, 42 (8), 1065-1081. [request reprint]
Manly, T., Hawkins, K., Evans, J.J., Woldt, K. & Robertson, I.H. (2002). Rehabilitation Of Executive Function: Facilitation Of Effective Goal Management On Complex Tasks Using Periodic Auditory Alerts. Neuropsychologia, 40 (3), 271-281. [request reprint]
Owen, A.M., Menon, D.K., Johnsrude, I.S., Bor, D., Scott, S.K., Manly, T., Williams, E.J., Mummery, C. & Pickard, J.D. (2002). Detecting Residual Cognitive Function In Persistent Vegetative State (PVS), Neurocase, 8, 394-403. [request reprint]
Williams, W.H., Evans, J.J., Needham, P. and Wilson, B.A. (2002). Neurological, cognitive and attributional predictors of post-traumatic stress symptoms after traumatic brain injury. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 15, 397-400[request reprint]
Williams, W.H., Evans, J.J., Wilson, B.A. & Needham, P. (2002). Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms after severe traumatic brain injury in a representative community sample. Brain Injury, 16(8), 673-679. [request reprint]
Wilson BA. (2002). Cognitive rehabilitation in the 21st century. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 16(2):207-10. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2002). Towards a comprehensive model of cognitive rehabilitation. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 12, 97-110[request reprint]
Wilson BA, Evans JJ, Keohane C. (2002). Cognitive rehabilitation: a goal-planning approach. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 17(6):542-55. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2002) Memory Rehabilitation, L.R. Squire and D. L. Schacter (Eds), Neuropsychology of Memory, The Guildford Press, 263-272 #
Wilson, B.A. (2002) Assessment of memory disorders., In A.D. Baddeley, M Kopelman & B.A. Wilson (Eds) The Handbook of Memory Disorders (2nd ed). Chichester: John Wiley [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2002) Management and remediation of memory problems in brain-injured adults, In A.D. Baddeley, M.D. Kopelman, & B.A. Wilson (Eds.), The Handbook of Memory Disorders, 2nd edition, Chichester: John Wiley, 655-682 [request reprint]
Clare, L., Wilson, B.A., Carter, G., Hodges, J.R. & Adams, M. (2001). Long-term maintenance of treatment gains following a cognitive rehabilitation intervention in early dementia of Alzheimer type: A single case study. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 11, 477-494 [request reprint]
Dobler, V.B., Manly, T., Atkinson, J., Wilson, B.A., Ioannou, K. & Robertson, I.H. (2001). Interaction Of Hand Use And Spatial Selective Attention In Children. Neuropsychologia, 39 (10), 1055-1064. [request reprint]
Manly, T. (2001). Developments in The Rehabilitation Of Unilateral Neglect. Advances In Clinical Neurosciences And Rehabilitation. Advances In Clinical Neurosciences And Rehabilitation, 1 (4), 18-19. [request reprint]
Manly, T., Woldt, K., Watson, P. & Warburton, E. (2001). Is Motor Perseveration In Unilateral Neglect ‘Driven’ By The Presence Of Neglected Left-Sided Stimuli? Neuropsychologia 40(11),1794-1803. [request reprint]
Micallef, S., Anderson, J., Anderson, V., Robertson, I.H., & Manly, T. (2001). Sustained And Selective Attention In Children With Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder And Specific Learning Disabilities. Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment, 2, 1-23.[request reprint]
Robertson, I.H. & Wilson B.A. (2001) Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, J.W. Fawcett, A.E. Rosser & S.B. Dunnett (Eds), Brain damage, brain repair (p289-297). New York: Oxford University Press [request reprint]
Wilson BA, Emslie HC, Quirk K, Evans JJ. (2001). Reducing everyday memory and planning problems by means of a paging system: a randomised control crossover study. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 70(4):477-82. [request reprint]
Wilson BA, Gracey F, Bainbridge K. (2001). Cognitive recovery from “persistent vegetative state”: psychological and personal perspectives. Brain Injury, 15(12):1083-92. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A., Shiel, A., McLellan, L., Horn, S. & Watson, M.A. (2001). Monitoring recovery of cognitive function following severe traumatic brain injury. Brain Impairment, 2, 22-28[request reprint]
Wright, P., Rogers, N., Hall, C., Wilson, B., Evans, J., & Emslie, H. (2001). Enhancing an appointment diary on a computer for use by people after brain injury. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 24, 1-10. [request reprint]
Wright, P., Rogers, N., Wilson, B.A., Evans, J.J., Emslie, H., Hall, C. & Bartram, C. (2001). Comparison of pocket-computer memory aids for people with brain injury. Brain Injury, 15 (9), 787-800. [request reprint]
Clare L, Wilson BA, Emslie H, Tate R, Watson P. (2000). Adapting the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test Extended Version (RBMT-E) for people with restricted mobility. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 39 (4):363-9. [request reprint]
Evans, J.J., Needham, P. & Wilson, B.A. (2000). Performance of individuals with brain injury on the Ravens Matrices rate of decay formula for the detection of malingering. Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment, 2, 97-101.[request reprint]
Evans, J. J., Wilson, B. A., Schuri, U., Andrade,. J., Baddeley, A., Bruna, O., Canavan, T., Della Sala, S., Green, R., Laaksonen, R., Lorenzi, L., & Taussik, I. (2000). A comparison of “errorless” and “trial-and-error” learning methods for teaching individuals with acquired memory deficits. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 10, 67-101. [request reprint]
Levine, B., Robertson, I.H., Clare, L., Carter, G., Hong, J., Wilson, B.A., Duncan, J. & Stuss, D.T. (2000). Rehabilitation of executive functioning: An experimental-clinical validation of Goal Management Training. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 6(3), 299-312. [request reprint]
Manly, T., Davison, B., Heutink, J., Galloway, M. & Robertson, I.H. (2000). Not Enough Time Or Not Enough Attention? Speed, Error And Self-Maintained Control In The Sustained Attention To Response Test (SART). Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment, 3, 167-177. [request reprint]
Shiel, A., Horn, S.A., Wilson, B.A., Watson, M.J., Campbell, M.J., and McLellen, D.L. (2000) The Wessex Head Injury Matrix (WHIM) main scale: A preliminary report on a scale to assess and monitor patient recovery after severe head injury. Clinical Rehabilitation, 14, 320-328 [request reprint]
Shiel, A., Wilson, B. A., McLellan, L., Horn, S., & Watson, M. (2000) The Wessex Head Injury Matrix (WHIM)., Bury St Edmunds: Thames Valley Test Company.
Wilson, F.C., Manly, T., Coile, D. & Robertson, I.H. (2000). The Effect Of Contralesional Limb Activation Training And Sustained Attention Training For Self-Care Programmes In Unilateral Spatial Neglect. Restorative Neurology And Neuroscience, 16 (1), 1-4. [request reprint]
Wills, P., Clare, L., Shiel, A., Wilson, B. (2000) A. Assessing subtle impairments in the everyday memory performance of brain injured people: Exploring the potential of the Extended Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test. Brain Injury, 14, 693-704.[request reprint]
Wilson BA. (2000). Compensating for cognitive deficits following brain injury. Neuropsychology Reviews, 10(4):233-43.[request reprint]
Wilson BA, Watson PC, Baddeley AD, Emslie H, Evans JJ. (2000). Improvement or simply practice? The effects of twenty repeated assessments on people with and without brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 6(4):469-79. [request reprint]
Wilson, B. A. (2000) Research-led practice. The Psychologist, 13, 32-33. [request reprint]
Wilson, B. A., Evans, J. J., Brentnall, S., Bremner, S., Keohane, C., & Williams, H. (2000) The Oliver Zangwill Center for Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: A partnership between health care and rehabilitation research. In A.L. Christensen & B.P. Uzzell (Eds) International Handbook of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (pp. 231-246) New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A ., Watson, P., Baddeley, A.D., Emslie, H., and Evans, J.J. (2000) Improvement or simply practice? The effects of twenty repeated assessments on people with and without brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 6, 469-479, 2000. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2000). Memory and memory disorders, In M. G. Gelder, J. J. LÛpez-Ibor Jr., and N. C. Andreasen (Eds.). New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry, Vol. 1, 271-277. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2000) Compensating for cognitive deficits following brain injury, Neuropsychology Review, 10, 233-243. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. (2000) Memory problems after brain injury, 2nd edition, Memory problems after brain injury (2nd ed), Nottingham, Headway. [request reprint]
Wilson, B.A. & Evans, J.J. (2000) Practical management of memory problems., In G.E. Berrios & J. R. Hodges (Eds), Memory disorders in psychiatric practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 291-310. [request reprint]
Wright, P., Bartram, C., Rogers, N., Emslie, H., Evans, J., & Wilson, B. A. (2000). Text entry on handheld computers by older users. Ergonomics, 43, 702-716. [request reprint]