Equality and Diversity
“Here at the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit our principal and strongest commitment is to excellence in all our activities. This can only be achieved if we ensure fairness of opportunity for all our existing staff and students, and also for everyone who wishes to join us. We ensure that this is achieved through robust and transparent procedures, flexible working practices, formal and informal support at all career points, and through celebrating and rewarding achievements. The result, we hope, is that the Unit and the individuals who work here fulfil their true potential for conducting and supporting ground-breaking cognitive and clinical neuroscience.”
Past Events
“How can we stem the ‘leaky pipeline’ of diverse neuroscientists?”
Friday 5th November 2020, Online, MRC CBU, 15 Chaucer Road Cambridge, CB2 7EF
The recording can be found below.
The schedule included:
Sophie Meekings,“Doing acoustic research as a deaf person, and other terrible decisions”
Jo Begbie, “The role of Foundation Years in championing socioeconomic diversity”
Rogier Kievit and Anne-Laura van Harmelen, “Spinning plates – combining caring roles and scientific careers”
Alfredo Carpineti, “What it’s like being LGBTQ+ in STEM”
Lorna Halliday, “Plugging the leaky pipeline of women in science”
Michele Veldsman, “The many faces of imposter syndrome”
“Identifying and addressing challenges for (neuro)scientists from diverse backgrounds”
Tue 27 November 2018, 12:00-15:00, Lecture Theatre, MRC CBU, 15 Chaucer Road Cambridge, CB2 7EF
Full programme of this event can be found here
If there are any other resources you would like to see on these pages, please contact a member of the Equality & Diversity Committee.
Guidance on mitigating effects of CV-19 on careers: advice for applicants and line managers
Asking about sex, gender, and ethnicity in your experiments
Early-career opportunities for awards and prizes
Early-career and postdoctoral fellowship opportunities
Maternity leave policy (for University Employees)
Childcare office (Information on various child friendly/family support)
Shared parental leave (for University Employees)
Wellbeing page (for University Employees)
Accommodation service (for University Employees)
If you are onsite, you can visit our internal Equality & Diversity pages which have additional resources, including links to the Equality & Diversity Committee meeting minutes.