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Preliminary report of a NeuroPage service within a health care system
WILSON, B.A., Scott, H., Evans, J and EMSLIE, H
Neurorehabilitation, 18(1), 3-9
Year of publication:
CBU number:
NeuroPage, a paging service designed to reduce the everyday memory and/or planning problems of people with neurological deficits, is described. Following several research studies carried out to evaluate the system, a British local health authority set up a nationwide commercial NeuroPage service. A report on the first 40 clients recruited to the service is provided. The age range was 14-81 years, the majority of clients were men and the most frequent diagnosis was traumatic brain injury although a number of different diagnostic groups were represented. The types of messages sent and the group's satisfaction with NeuroPage are considered. Three brief case studies to illustrate the different ways clients used the system are presented.
