Rik Henson: Personal Homepage
My primary interest concerns how our brains enable our cognition, particularly memory, and how this changes in old age and dementia. To investigate this, I develop cognitive tasks and relate them to data from brain imaging, including structural and functional MRI and EEG/MEG.
I am a Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Cambridge, based at the MRC CBU. I am also Director of the Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN), and President-Past of the British Neuroscience Association.
You can contact me by:
Tel: +44 (0)1223 355 294
Fax: +44 (0)1223 359 062
Email: rik.henson AT mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk
MRC CBU, 15 Chaucer Road, Cambridge, CB2 7EF, UK.
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Current Post-Docs (people who know better than me):
Andrea Greve: Schema and prediction error in memory (MRC).
Petar Raykov: Memory and ageing (MRC).
Kshipra Gurunandan: Schema in language learning (Basque Government Department of Education).
Tina Emery: CBU Cohort Manager (MRC).
Adam Attaheri: CBU Cohort Data Manager (MRC).
Marta Correia: CBU MR physicist (MRC).
Olaf Hauk: CBU MEG physicist (MRC).
Peter Watson: CBU statistician (MRC).
Current Docs (people beginning to realise they know better than me):
Kevin Campion (PhD): Event boundaries in episodic memory (MRC, supervised with Aya Ben-Yakov).
Pranay Yadav (PhD): Neurophysiological modelling of ageing of sensory responses (Indian Scholarship).
Maya Raza (PhD): Effects of novelty and effort on memory (MRC).
Fatih Serin (PhD): Effects of theta synchrony on memory (ESRC DTP).
Ina Demetriou (PhD): Longitudinal relationships between cardiovascular health, brain and cognition (MRC).
Ayat Abdurahman (PhD): Effects of age on memory and attention (BBSRC, supervised with Jon Simons).
David Nesbitt (MD/PhD): Detection of dementia in the community (MRC, supervised with James Rowe).
Past Docs (people who ought to know better than me):
Levan Bokeria: Spatial and nonspatial schemas (Gates Studentship). Now researching at the Turing Institute.
Deborah Oakley: The distinct contributions of cardiovascular risk factors to cognitive ageing (BBSRC, supervised with Kamen Tsvetanov).
Juliette Lanskey: Neurophysiological modelling of MEG responses in dementia (MRC, supervised with James Rowe).
Scott Lee: Predictive coding models of priming (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan).
Sarah Shipley: Replay in Alzheimer rodent models (Cambridge Trusts, supervised with Caswell Barry).
Alex Quent: Novelty, prediction error and memory encoding: limitations of the PIMMS framework (Gates Studentship). Proceeded to his own lab in China.
Sophia Borgeest: Effects of lifestyle on ageing brains and cognition (MRC, supervised with Rogier Kievit). Proceeded to management consultant.
Delshad Vaghari: MEG biomarkers for MCI (University of Tehran). Proceeded to postdoc in Cambridge Psychology Department.
Alex Kaula: Effects of Priming on Subsequent Associative Memory: Testing Prediction Error and Attentional Accounts (MRC). Proceeded to a job in psychometrics industry.
Pei Huang: Improving Data Quality for High Resolution Functional MRI in Cognitive Neuroscience Applications (Singapore A-star studentship, co-supervised with Marta Correia). Returned to Signapore for postdoc in MRI.
Hunar Abdulrahman: Investigating neural correlates of stimulus repetition using fMRI (Cambridge International PhD Scholarship). Returned to medical training in Iraq.
Brieuc Lehmann: Characterising dynamic functional connectivity (MRC, co-supervised by Simon White, MRC Biostats Unit). Proceeded to a postdoc in Oxford.
David Howett: Spatial navigation in dementia (MRC, co-supervised with Dennis Chan at Clinical Neurosciences). Proceeded to a lectureship in Newcastle.
Seyedehrezvan (Rezvan) Farahibozorg: Uncovering Dynamic Semantic Networks in the Brain: Using Novel Approaches for EEG/MEG Connectome Reconstruction (Cambridge International PhD Scholarship, co-supervised with Olaf Hauk). Proceeded to a postdoc in Oxford.
Jiri Cerova: Computational modelling of prediction error in probabilistic associative learning (MRC). Proceeded to start-up in AI industry.
Ali Trelle: Episodic memory decline in health ageing (led by Jon Simons, Psychology). Proceeded to a post-doc at Stanford University.
Alex Lau: Intrusive emotional memories: a special form of memory? (MRC, co-supervised with Emily Holmes). Proceeded to clinical psychology training.
Daniel Wakeman: Elekta PhD studentship to work on Multi-stage evaluation and improvement of MEEG Part 1 and Part 2. Proceeded to RA in Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging.
Aidan Horner: MRC PhD Studentship to work on Stimulus-response learning in priming and repetition suppression. Proceeded to postdoc at: UCL.
Elias Mouchlianitis: Self-funded PhD to work on Hemispheric asymmetries in face priming. Proceeded to post-doc at Kings College London.
Lisa Brindley: Elekta PhD studentship to work on Cliical potential of MEG in dementia. Proceeded to post-doc at University of Cardiff.
Karen Taylor: MRC Studentship (led by Kim Graham) to work on Role of medial temporal lobes in recognition memory for faces vs scenes. Proceeded to post-doc at University of California at Davis.
Chris Berry: A single-process model of recognition memory and priming (co-supervised with David Shanks, UCL). Proceeded to a Lecturership at University of Plymouth.
Michael Hornberger: EEG and fMRI investigations of retrieval orientation (led by Mick Rugg, UCL). Proceeded to a post-doc at MRC CBU.
Past Post-docs (people who definitely know better than me):
Dingrong Guo (Peking University, Beijing, China): Spatial schema. Now a post-doc in Frankfurt.
Roni Tibon (Newton then British Academy Fellow): Schema and unitisation in memory. Now a lecturer at the University of Nottingham.
Aya Ben-Yakov (EU Marie Curie Fellow then Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow): Prediction error and event boundaries. Now group leader at The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, Israel.
Kamen Tsvetanov (Brain Fellow): Activity and connectivity in ageing. Proceeded to an independent fellow in the University of Cambridge.
Ethan Knights (EU Horizon 2020 CamCAN Data Manager). Proceeded to job in psychometric industry.
Elisa Cooper (MRC RA/Postdoc, 2012-2022). Proceeded to job in psychometric industry.
Renee Visser (EU Marie Curie Fellow). Proceeded to Veni Fellow and Lecturer at University of Amsterdam
Lara Bridge (RA): Enriching CamCAN for LifeBrain (EU Horizon 2020). Proceeded to a PhD in Amsterdam.
Linda Geerligs (NWO Veni Fellow). Proceeded to Research Fellow at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen.
Arjen Alink (British Academy Fellow). Proceeded to Research Fellow in Hamburg.
Rogier Kievit (former post-doc working on ageing in CamCAN BBSRC project). Proceeded to Sir Henry Wellcome Trust Fellow and CBU Programme-Leader Track.
Darren Price. Former CamCAN data-manager; Proceeded to AI start-up.
Bernhard Staresina (former Sir Henry Wellcome Trust Fellow working on functional integration within the medial temporal lobes). Proceeded to a Sir Henry Dale Wellcome Trust Fellow at Birmingham.
Nick Furl (former ESRC Fellow working on neurocomputational models of dynamic face processing). Proceeded to a Lecturership at Royal Holloway University of London.
Nitin Williams (former post-doc working on ageing in CamCAN BBSRC project). Proceeded to a post-doc at University of Helsinki.
Jason Taylor (former MRC CBU post-doc working on recollection, familiarity and priming) Proceeded to a Lecturership at the University of Manchester.
Pierre Gagnepain (former INSERM post-doc working on relationship between recollection, familiarity and priming). Proceeded to a Research Fellow at University of Caen.
Marie Smith (former MRC/GSK CBU post-doc working on sleep deprivation and MEG). Proceeded to Lecturership at University of Birkbeck.
Morgan Barense (former MRC CBU post-doc working on role of medial temporal lobe in perception). Proceeded to Associate Professor at University of Toronto.
Doris Eckstein (former Swiss NSF Research Fellow working on subliminal priming). Proceeded to a post-doc at University of Bern.
Audrey Duarte (former MRC CBU post-doc working on effects of ageing on recognition memory). Proceeded to Associate Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology.
.................................................."Imagine if there were no hypotheticals".....................................................