Adrian Owen
CBSU publications
Brady, M.C., Ali, M., VandenBerg, K., Williams, L.J., Williams, L.R., Abo, M., Becker, F., Bowen, A. , Brandenburg, C., Breitenstein, C., Bruehl, S., Copland, D.A., Cranfill, T.B.,, di Pietro-Bachmann, M., Enderby, P., Fillingham, J.,, Galli, F.L., Gandolfi, M., Glize, B., Godecke, E., Hawkins. N., Hilari, K., Hinckley, J., Horton, S., Howard, D., Jaecks, P., Jefferies, E., Jesus, L.M.T., Kambanaros, M., Kang , E.K., Khedr, E.M., Kong, A.P.H.,Kukkonen, T., Laganaro, M., LAMBON RALPH, M.A., Laska, A.C., Leemann, B., Leff, A.P., Lima, R.R., Lorenz, A., MacWhinney, B.,, Shisler Marshall, R., Mattioli, F., Maviş, İ., Meinzer, M., Nilipour, R., Noé, E., Paik, N.J., Palmer, R., Papathanasiou, I., Patrício, B.F., Martins, I.P., Price, C., Price, C., Jakovac, T.P., Rochon, E., Rose, M.L., Rosso, C., Rubi-Fessen, I., Ruiter, M.B., Snell, C., Stahl, B., Szaflarski, J.P., Thomas, S.A., van de Sandt-Koenderman, M.,, van der Meulen, I., Visch-Brink, E.,, Worrall, L., Wright, H.H.
(2022) Complex speech-language therapy interventions for stroke-related aphasia: the RELEASE study incorporating a systematic review and individual participant data network meta-analysis, Review from National Institute for Health and Care Research, Southampton (UK), 21 Dec 2022 [Open Access]
Brady, M.C., Ali, M., VandenBerg, K., Williams, L.J., Williams, L.R., Abo, M., Becker, F., Bowen, A. , Brandenburg, C., Breitenstein, C., Bruehl, S., Copland, D.A., Cranfill, T.B., di Pietro-Bachmann, M., Enderby, P., Fillingham, J., Lucia, F., Gandolfi, M., Glize, B., Godecke, E., Hawkins, N., Hilari, K., Hinckley, K., Horton, S., Howard, D., Jaecks, P., Jefferies, E., Jesus, L.M.T., Kambanaros, M., Kang, E.K., Khedr, E.M., Pak-Hin Kong, A., Kukkonen, T., Laganaro, M., LAMBON RALPH, M.A., Laska, A.C., Leemann, B., Leff, A.P., Lima, R.R., Lorenz, A., MacWhinney, B., Shisler Marshall, R., Mattioli, F., Maviş, I., Meinzer, M., Nilipour, R., Noé, E., Paik, N-J., Palmer, R., Papathanasiou, I., Patricio, B.F., Martins, I.P., Price, C., Jakovac, T.P., Rochon, E., Rose, M.L., Rosso, C., Rubi-Fessen, I., Ruiter, M.B., Snell, C., Stahl, B., Szaflarski, J.P., Thomas, S.A., van de Sandt-Koenderman, M., van der Meulen, I., Visch-Brink, E., Worrall, L., Wright, H. (2020) RELEASE: a protocol for a systematic review based, individual participant data, meta- and network meta-analysis, of complex speech-language therapy interventions for stroke-related aphasia, Aphasiology, 34(2), 137-157 [Open Access]
Hampshire, A., Hellyer, P.J., Parkin, B., Hiebert, N., MacDonald, P., Owen, A. M. , Leech, R., ROWE, J. (2016) Network mechanisms of intentional learning, Neuroimage, 127, 123-134 [Open Access]
Chennu, S., FINOIA, P., Kamau, E., Monti, M.M. Allanson, J., Pickard, J.D. Owen, A. M., BEKINSCHTEIN, T. (2013) Dissociable endogenous and exogenous attention in disorders of consciousness, NeuroImage: Clinical, 3, 450-461 [Open Access]
FALLON, S.J., Williams-Gray, C., Barker, R.A., Owen, A. , Hampshire, A. (2013) Putative cortical dopamine levels affect cortical rescruitment during planning, Neuropsychologia, 51(11), 2194-2201 [Open Access]
Chennu, S., Noreika, V., Gueorguiev, D., Blenkmann, A.. Kochen, S.. Ibañez, A., Owen, A. , BEKINSCHTEIN, T. (2013) Expectation and attention in hierarchical auditory prediction, Journal of Neuroscience, 33(27), 11194-11205 [Open Access]
FALLON, S.J., Williams-Gray, C.H., Barker, R.A., Owen, A. M., Hampshire, A. (2013) Prefrontal Dopamine Levels Determine the Balance between Cognitive Stability and Flexibility, Cerebral Cortex, 3(2), 361-369 [Open Access]
Gruszka, A., HAMPSHIRE, A., & OWEN, A. M. (2012) Learned Irrelevance Revisited: Pathology-Based Individual Differences, Normal variation and Neural Correlates, In: A. Gruszka, G. Matthews, B. Szymura (Eds.). Handbook of Individual Differences in Cognition Attention, Memory, and Executive Control. Springer Series on Human Exceptionality Series Editors: Donald H. Saklofske and Moshe Zeidner, 127-144 [Read More]
Bruno, M.A., Fernandez-Espejo, D., Lehembre, R., Tshibanda, L., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Gosseries, O., Lommers, E., Napolitani, M., Noirhomme, Q., Boly, M., Papa, M., OWEN, A. , Maquet, P., Laureys, S., Soddu, A (2011) Multimodal neuroimaging in patients with disorders of consciousness showing “functional hemispherectomy”, Progress in Brain Research, 193, 323-333 [Read More]
Fernández-Espejo, D., BEKINSCHTEIN, T,, Monti, M.M., Pickard, J.D., Junque, C, Coleman, M.R., Owen, A. M. (2011) Diffusion weighted imaging distinguishes the vegetative state from the minimally conscious state, NeuroImage 54(1), 103-112 [Read More]
May, J., Calvo-Merino, B., deLahunta, S., McGregor, W., CUSACK, R. Owen, A. VELDSMAN, M., RAMPONI, C. and BARNARD, P.J. (2011) Points in mental space: an interdisciplinary study of imagery in movement creation, Dance Research Electronic, 29(2), 402-430 [Open Access]
BEKINSCHTEIN, T.A., DAVIS, M.H., Rodd, J.M., OWEN, A. M. (2011) Why clowns taste funny: the relationship between humour and semantic ambiguity, Journal of Neuroscience, 31(26),9665-9671 [Open Access]
HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R., DUNCAN. J. & OWEN, A. M. (2011) Lateral prefrontal cortex sub-regions make dissociable contributions during fluid reasoning, Cerebral Cortex, 21(1), 1-10 [Open Access]
Kempton, M.J, Ettinger, U., Foster, R., Williams, S.C.R., Calvert, G.A., HAMPSHIRE, A., Zelaya, F.O., O’Gorman, R.L., McMorris, T., OWEN, A. M., Smith, M.S. (2011) Dehydration affects brain structure and function in healthy adolescents, Human Brain Mapping, 32(1), 71-79 [Read More]
Piech, R.M., Lewis, J., Parkinson, C.H., OWEN, A. M., Roberts, A.C., Downing, P.E., Parkinson, J.A. (2010) Neural correlates of affective influence on choice, Brain and Cognition, 72(2), 282-288 [Read More]
MONTI, M.M., Laureys, S., OWEN, A. M. (2010) The vegetative state, BMJ (Online), 341(7767), 292-296 [Read More]
MONTI, M.M., Laureys, S., OWEN, A. M. (2010) The vegetative state, BMJ (Clinical Research ed.), 341, 3765 [Read More]
MONTI, M.M., OWEN, A. M. (2010) Behavior in the brain: Using functional neuroimaging to assess residual cognition and awareness after severe brain injury., Journal of Psychophysiology, 24(2), 76-82 [Read More]
HUGHES, L.E., Barker, R.A., OWEN, A. M., ROWE, J.B. (2010) Parkinson’s disease and healthy aging: independent and interacting effects on action selection., Human Brain Mapping, 31(12), 1886-1899 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., HAMPSHIRE, A., GRAHN, J.A., Stenton, R., Sajan, S., Burns, A.S., Howard, R.J., Ballard, C.G. (2010) Putting brain training to the test, Nature, 464(7292), 1111 [Open Access]
MONTI, M.M., Vanhauaudenhuyse, A., Coleman, M.R., Boly, M., Pickard, J.D., Tshibanda, L., OWEN, A. M. amd Laureys, S (2010) Willful Modulation of Brain Activity in Disorders of Consciousness, New England Journal of Medicine [Open Access]
HAMPSHIRE, A., Chamberlain, S., MONTI, M.M., DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A. M (2010) The role of the right inferior frontal gyrus: inhibition and attentional control, NeuroImage, 50(3), 1313–1319 [Open Access]
HAMPSHIRE, A. & OWEN, A. M. (2010) Clinical Studies of attention and learning, In M. Pelley and C. Mitchell (Eds) Attention and Associative Learning: From Brain to Behaviour , Oxford University Press [Read More]
Piech, R.M., Lewis, J., Parkinson, C.H. OWEN, A. M., Roberts, A.C., Downing, P.E., Parkinson, J.A. (2009) Neural correlates of appetite and hunger-related evaluative judgments, PLoS ONE, 4(8), e6581 [Open Access]
Coleman, M.R., BEKINSCHTEIN, T., MONTI, M.M., OWEN, A. M., Pickard, J.D. (2009) A multimodal approach to the assessment of patients with disorders of consciousness, Progress in Brain Research, 177, 231-248 [Read More]
ROWE, J.B., HUGHES, L., Barker, R.A., OWEN, A. M. (2009) Dynamic causal modelling of effective connectivity from fMRI: are results reproducible and sensitive to Parkinson’s disease and its treatment?, Neuroimage, 52(3), 1015-1026. [Read More]
MONTI, M.M., Coleman, M.R. & OWEN, A. M. (2009) Executive functions in the absense of behavior: Functional imaging of the minimally conscious state, Progress in Brain Research, Volume 177, 249-260 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. Schiff, N., Laureys, S. (2009) A new era of coma and consciousness science, Progress in Brain Research, 177, 399-411 [Read More]
Coleman, M.R., DAVIS, M.H., Rodd, J.M., Robson, T., Ali, A., Pickard, J.D. & OWEN, A. M. (2009) Towards the routine use of brain imaging to aid the clinical diagnosis of disorders of consciousness, Brain, 132(9), 2541-2552 [Read More]
MONTI, M.M., Coleman, M.R. & OWEN, A. M. (2009) Neuroimaging and the vegetative state: resolving the behavioral assessment dilemma?, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences: Disorders of Consciousness 1157, 81-89. [Open Access]
Berry, E., HAMPSHIRE, A., ROWE, J., Hodges, S., Kapur, n., WATSON, P.C., Browne, G., Smyth, G., Wood, K. & OWEN, A. M. (2009) The neural basis of effective memory therapy in a patient with limbic encephalitis, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry with Practical Neurology, 80(11), 1202-1205 [Open Access]
GRAHN, J.A., Parkinson, J.A. & OWEN, A. M. (2009) The Role of the Basal Ganglia In Learning and Memory: Neuropsychological Studies, Behavioural Brain Research, 45(1), 54-61 [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R., DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A. M. (2009) Selective tuning of the right inferior frontal gyrus during target detection., Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 9(1), 103-112. [Open Access]
OWEN, A. M. & HAMPSHIRE, A. (2009) The mid-ventrolateral frontal cortex and attentional control, In Neuroimaging of Human Memory: Linking cognitive processes to neural systems. Edited by Frank Rosler, Charan Ranganath, Brigitte Roder and Rainer Kluwe, 195-212 [Read More]
Piech, R.M., HAMPSHIRE, A., OWEN, A. M. & Parkinson, J.A. (2009) Modulation of cognitive flexibility by hunger and desire, Cognition and Emotion, 23(3), 528-540 [Read More]
ROWE, J.B,. HUGHES, L,, Ghosh, B.C., Eckstein, D., Williams-Gray, C.H., FALLON, S., Barker, R.A., OWEN, A. M. (2008) Parkinson’s disease and dopaminergic therapy – differential effects on movement, reward and cognition., Brain, 131(8), 2094-2105 [Open Access]
Coleman, M.R. & OWEN, A. M. (2008) Functional Neuroimaging of Disorders of Consciousness, In G. Mashour (Ed) Unconscious Processes. International Anaesthesia Clinics, 46(3), 147-57 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Coleman, M.R. (2008) Detecting Awareness in the Vegetative State, In D. Pfaff (Ed) Molecular and Biophysical Mechanisms of Arousal, Alertness and Attention. Annuals of thr New York Academy of Sciences [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. Schiff, N., Laureys, S (2008) The Assessment of Conscious Awareness in the Vegetative State, In S. Laureys and G Tononi (eds) The Neurology of Consciousness [Open Access]
ROWE, J.B., HUGHES, L., Williams-Gray, C.H., BISHOP, S., FALLON, S., Barker RA, OWEN, A. M. (2008) The val(158)met COMT polymorphism’s effect on atrophy in healthy aging and Parkinson’s disease., Neurobiology of Aging, 31(6), 1064-1068 [Read More]
CUSACK, R., OWEN, A. M. (2008) Distinct networks of connecticity for parietal (AIPS/PIPS) but not frontal (VLPFC/DLPFC) regions identified with a novel alternative to the “resting state” method, Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, B1 [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A. & OWEN, A. M. (2008) Dissociable contributions of ventrolateral prefrontal and frontopolar cortex sub-regions during analogical reasoning, 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, S98 [Read More]
Chamberlain, S.R., Menzies, L.A., HAMPSHIRE, A., Fineberg, N.A., del Campo, N., Craig, K., OWEN, A. M., Bullmore, E.T., Robbins, T.W. & Sahakian. B.J. (2008) Orbitofrontal dysfunction in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and their unaffected relatives, Science, 321(5887), 421-422. [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R., DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A. M. (2008) The target selective neural response – similarity, ambiguity, and learning effects, PLos ONE, 3(6), e2520 [Open Access]
ROWE, J.B., ECKSTEIN, D., Braver, R. & OWEN, A. M. (2008) How does reward expectation influence cognition in the human brain, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(11), 1980-1992 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. & Coleman, M.R. (2008) Functional neuroimaging of the vegetative state, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 9(3), 235-243 [Read More]
ROWE, J., HUGHES, L., ECKSTEIN, D., and OWEN, A. M. (2008) Rule-Selection and Action-Selection have a Shared Neuroanatomical Basis in the Human Prefrontal and Parietal Cortex, Cerebral Cortex, 18(10), 2275-2285 [Read More]
GRAHN, J.A., Parkinson, J. & OWEN, A. M. (2008) The cognitive functions of the caudate nucleus., Progress in Neurobiology, 86(3), 141-155 [Read More]
Williams-Gray, C.H., HAMPSHIRE, A., Barker, R.A. & OWEN, A. (2008) Attentional control in Parkinson’s disease is dependent on COMT val158met genotype, Brain, 131(2), 397-408 [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A., Gruszka, A., FALLON, S.J. & OWEN, A. M. (2008) Inefficiency in self-organized attentional switching in the normal aging population is associated with decreased activity in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(9), 1670–1686 [Open Access]
DOVE, A., MANLY, T., Epstein, R.A. & OWEN, A. M. (2008) The engagement of mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and posterior brain regions in intentional cognitive activity., Human Brain Mapping, 29(1) 107-119 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Coleman, M.R., Menon, D., K., Pickard, J. D (2008) Assessing Cognition in the Vegetative State, Helix Review Series: Neurology and Cognitive Neuroscience [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. & Coleman M.R. (2007) Functional MRI in Disorders of Consciousness: Advantages and Limitations, Current Opinion in Neurology, 20(6), 632-637 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Coleman, M.R., DAVIS, M.H., Boly, M., Laureys, S. & Pickard, J.D. (2007) Response to Comments on “Detecting awareness in the vegetative state”, Science, 315(5816), 1221c [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Coleman, M.R., DAVIS, M.H., Boly, M., Laureys, S. & Pickard, J.D (2007) Using functional magnetic resonance imagine to detect covert awareness in the vegetative state, Archives of Neurology, 64(8), 1098-1102 [Read More]
Boly, M., Coleman, M. R., DAVIS, M. H., HAMPSHIRE, A., BOR, D., Moonen, G., Maquet, P. A., Pickard, J.D., Laureys, S. & OWEN, A. M. (2007) When thoughts become action: an fMRI paradigm to study volitional brain activity in non-communicative brain injured patients., Neuroimage, 36(3), 979-992 [Read More]
Williams-Gray, C.H., HAMPSHIRE, A., Robbins, T., OWEN, A. M. & Barker, R.A (2007) COMT val158met genotype influences frontoparietal activity during planning in patients with Parkinson’s disease, Journal of Neuroscience, 27(18):4832-4838 [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A., DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A. M. (2007) Selective tuning of the BOLD response during simple target detection dissociates human frontoparietal sub-regions, Journal of Neuroscience, 27(23), 6219-6223. [Read More]
Hinton, E.C., Holland, A.J. & OWEN, A. M. (2007) Functional neuroimaging in Prader–Willi syndrome, International Journal of Obesity 31(2), 390–391 [Read More]
BOR, D. & OWEN, A. M. (2007) Cognitive Training: Neural Correlates of Expert Skills, Current Biology, 17(3), R95-R97 [Read More]
Boly, M., OWEN, A. M. & Laureys, S. (2007) To be or not to be…Vegetative., In Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, 918-925 [Read More]
Malhi, G.S., Lagopoulos, J., OWEN, A. M., Ivanovski, B., Shnier, R. & Sachdeve, P. (2007) Reduced activtion to implicit affect induction in euthymic bipolar patients: An fMRI study, Journal of Affective Disorders, 97(1-3), 109-122 [Read More]
BOR, D. & OWEN, A. M. (2007) A Common Prefrontal-Parietal Network for Mnemonic and Mathematical Recoding Strategies within Working Memory, Cerebral Cortex , 17(4), 778-786 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Coleman, M.R., Pickard, J.D. (2006) Functional imaging in patients with altered consciousness, In Latronico, N., Rasulo, FA, Candiani A (Ed), Brescia Anaesthesia Intensive Care Neuroscience, 41-48, Media Press, Italy [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., CUSACK, C. & SCHWARZBAUER, C. (2006) What were you thinking? Using real-time fMRI to interpret volitional brain activity., 12th Annual Meeting for the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, S451 [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A., DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) Components of the human frontoparietal network become responsive to the presentation of task relevant information at dissociable levels of abstraction, 12th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping , S100 [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) Fractionating attentional control using event related fMRI, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 538 [Read More]
Laureys, S., Giacino, J.T., Schiff, N.D., Schabus, M. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) How should functional imaging of patients with disorders of consciousness contribute to their clinical rehabilitation needs?, Current Opinion in Neurology, 19(6), 520-526 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. (2006) When Thoughts Become Actions: Functional Neuroimaging in the Vegetative State, Future Neurology, 1(6), 693-695 [Read More]
Gould, R.L., Arroyo, B., Brown, R.G., OWEN, A. M., Bullmore, E.T. & Howard, R.J (2006) Brain mechanisms of successful compensation during learning in Alzheimer, Neurology, 67(6), 1011-1017 [Read More]
Hinton, E.C., Holland, A.J., Gellatly, M.S.N., Soni, S., Ghatei, M.A. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) Neural Representations of hunger and satiety in Prader-Willi syndrome, International Journal of Obesity, 30(2), 313-321 [Read More]
Christoff K. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) Improving reverse neuroimaging inference: cognitive domain versus cognitive complexity., Trends in Cognitive Science, 10(8), 352-353 [Read More]
GRAHN, J.A. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) Memory: obstacle avoidance in the absence of visual cues, Current Biology, 16(7) R247-R249 [Read More]
Gould, R.L., Brown, R.G., OWEN, A. M., Bullmore, E.T. & Howard, R.J. (2006) Task-induced deactivations during successful paired associates learning: An effect of age but not Alzheimer’s disease, Neuroimage, 31(2), 818-831 [Read More]
Slabosz, A., Lewis, S. J. G., Smigasiewicz, K., Szymura, B., Barker, R.A. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) Learned Irrelevance Revisited: The Cognitive Basis of Attentional Set-Shifting Impairments in Parkinson’s Disease, Neuropsychology, 20(5), 578-588 [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A. & OWEN, A. M (2006) Fractionating Attentional Control Using Event-Related fMRI, Cerebral Cortex, 16(12), 1679-1689 [Read More]
DAVIS, M. H., Coleman, M. R., Absalom, A., Rodd, J. M., Johnsrude, I. S., Matta, B., Menon, D.K. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) Neural correlates of speech perception and comprehension during sedation: an fMRI study, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, G60 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Coleman, M.R., Boly, M., DAVIS, M.H., Laureys, S. & Pickard, J.D (2006) Detecting Awareness in the Vegetative State, Science, 313(5792), 1402 [Open Access]
Hon, N., Epstein, R.A., OWEN, A. M. & DUNCAN, J. (2006) Frontoparietal activity with minimal decision and control, Journal of Neuroscience, 26(38), 9805-9809. [Read More]
DOVE, A., BRETT, M., CUSACK, R. & OWEN, A. (2006) Dissociable contributions of the mid-ventrolateral frontal cortex and the medial temporal lobe system to human memory, NeuroImage, 31(4), 1790-1801 [Read More]
Hinton, E.C,, Holland. A,J., Gellatly, M.S.N., Soni, S. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) An investigation into food preferences and the neural basis of food-related incentive motivation in Prader-Willi syndrome, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 50(9), 633-642 [Read More]
BOR, D., DUNCAN, J., LEE, A.C.H., PARR, A. & OWEN, A. M (2006) Frontal lobe involvement in spatial span: Converging studies of normal and impaired function, Neuropsychologia ,44(2), 229-237 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. (2006) The human ventrolateral frontal cortex and intended action, In W. Printz and N. Sebanz (Eds). Disorders of Volition, 329-346 [Read More]
Unterrainer, J.M. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) Planning and Problem Solving: from Neuropsychology to Functional Neuroimaging. , Journal of Physiology – Paris 99(4-6), 308-317 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. (2006) When does thought equal action? The unusual case of (probable) persistent vegetative state, in W. Printz and N. Sebanz (Eds). Disorders of Volition [Read More]
Owen, A. M., Coleman, M.R., Menon, D.K., Berry, E.L., Johnsrude, I.S., Rodd, J.M., DAVIS, M.H., Pickard, J.D. (2005) Using a Heirarchical Approach to Investigate Residual Auditory Cognition in Persistent Vegetative State, In S. Laureys (ed), The Boundaries of Conscioussness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Progress in Brain Research, Volume 150: 461-476, Elsevier, London [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., McMillan, K.M., Laird, A.R. & Bullmore, E.T. (2005) The n-back working memory paradigm: A meta-analysis of normative fMRI studies, Human Brain Mapping, 25(1), 46-59 [Read More]
Hinton, E.C., Holland, A.J., Gellatly, M.S.N., Soni, S, OWEN, A. M. (2005) Neural representations of hunger and satiety in Prader-Willi syndrome., International Journal of Obesity, 30(2), 313-321 [Read More]
BOR, D. & OWEN, A. M. (2005) Differential prefrontal cortex activity due to mnemonic or mathematical strategies, Twelth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 143 [Read More]
DOVE, A., Epstein, R. & OWEN, A. M. (2005) Unlike posterior brain areas ventrolateral prefrontal cortex is only active during intentional processing, Brain Impairment, 6(2), 139-140, 2005 [Read More]
Cheesman, A.L., Lewis, S.J.G., Barker, R.A., OWEN, A. M., Robbins, T.W., Brooks, D.J. (2005) Lateralisation of strital function: Evidence from 18F-dopa PET in Parkinson’s disease, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 76(9), 1204-1210 [Read More]
OWEN, A. ,., Coleman, M.R., Menon, D.K., Johnsrude, I.S., Rodd, J.M., DAVIS, M.H., Taylor, K., Pickard, J.D (2005) Residual auditory function in persistent vegetative state: A combined PET and fMRI study, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 15(3-4), 290-306 [Read More]
Lewis, S.G.J., SLABOSZ, A., Barker, R.A., Robins, T.W., OWEN, A. M (2005) Dopaminergic basis for selective working memory deficits in Parkinson’s disease, Neuropsychologia, 43(6), 823-832 [Read More]
Simons, J.S., OWEN, A. M., Fletcher, P.C., Burgess, P.W (2005) Anterior prefrontal cortex and the recollection of contextual information, Neuropsychologia, 43(12), 1774-1783 [Read More]
Gould, R.L., Brown, R.G., OWEN, A. M., Bullmore, E.T., Williams, S.C.R., Howard, R.J (2005) Functional neuroanatomy of successful paired associate learning in Alzheimer’s disease, American Journal of Psychiatry, 162(11), 2049-2060 [Read More]
Simons, J.S., Gilbert, S.J., OWEN, A. M., Fletcher, P.C., Burgess, P.W (2005) Distinct roles for lateral and medial anterior prefrontal cortex in contextual recollection, Journal of Neurophysiology, 94(1), 813-820 [Read More]
Blackwell, A.D., DUNN, B. D., OWEN, A. M. & Sahakian, B.J (2005) Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia, In J. O’Brien, D. Ames, A. Burns (Eds). Dementia. Arnold. 2nd Edition., 45-54 [Read More]
Lewis, S.G.J., Foltynie, T., Blackwell, A.D., Robbins, T.W., OWEN, A. M. & Barker, R.A. (2005) Heterogenity of Parkinson’s disease in the early clinical stages using a data driven approach, Journal of Neurosurgery, Neurology and Psychiatry, 76, 343-348 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M (2005) Cognitive planning in humans: New Insights from the Tower of London task., In R.G Morris & G. Ward (Eds.), The Cognitive Psychology of Planning [Read More]
Ouellet, M-C., Beauchamp, M.H., OWEN, A. M. & Doyon, J. (2004) Acquiring a cognitive skill with a new repeating version of the Tower of London task, Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 58(4), 272-288 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M (2004) The Neuropsychology and Neuropharmacology of Cognitive Deficits in Parkinson’s Disease investigated using fMRI, Proceedings of Mental Dysfunctions in Parkinson’s Disease [Read More]
Hinton, E., Parkinson, J.A., Holland, A.J., Arana, F.S., Roberts, A.C., OWEN, A. M (2004) Neural contributions to the motivational control of food intake in humans, European Journal of Neuroscience, 20(5), 1411-1418 [Read More]
Malhi, G.S., Lagopoulos., OWEN, A. M., Yatham, L.N (2004) Bipolaroids: Functional Imaging in Bipolar Disorder, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 110(Supp 422), 1-10 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., and SLABOSZ, A (2004) Mechanizm przerzutnosci uwagi – wyuczona nieadekwatnosc. Studia Psychologiczne, Oblic uwagi, 42(1), 71-78 [Read More]
BOR, D., and OWEN, A. M. (2004) Prefrontal activity related to using mnemonic or mathematical chunks., 548.6. Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2004 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. (2004) Cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease: the role of frontostriatal circuitry, The Neuroscientist, 10(6), 525-537 [Read More]
Laureys, S., OWEN, A. M. & Schiff, N. (2004) Brain function in coma, vegetative state, minimally conscious state, locked-in syndrome and brain death, The Lancet Neurology, 3(9), 537-546 [Read More]
BOR, D., CUMMING, N., Scott, C. E.L. & OWEN, A. M. (2004) Prefrontal cortical involvement in verbal encoding strategies, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(12), 3365-3370 [Read More]
Bekinschtein, T., Leiguarda, R., Armony, J., OWEN, A. M., Carpintiero, S., Niklison, J., Olmos, L., Sigman, L. & Manes, F. (2004) Emotional processing in the minimally conscious state, Journal of Neurosurgery, Neurology and Psychiatry, 75, 788-793 [Read More]
Lewis, S.G.J., Dove, A., Robbins, T.W., Barker, R.A. & OWEN, A. M. (2004) Striatal contributions to working memory: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(3), 755-760 [Read More]
Curran, E., Sykacek, P., Stokes, M., Roberts, S.J., Penney, W., JOHNSRUDE, I. & OWEN, A. M. (2004) Cognitive tasks for driving a brain-computer interfacing system: a pilot study, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 12(1), 48-54 [Read More]
Gelling, L., SHIEL, A., Elliott, L., OWEN, A. , WILSON, B., Menon, D. & Pickard, J. (2004) Commentary on Oh H. and Seo W. (2003) Sensory stimulation programme to improve recovery in comatose patients., Journal of Clinical Nursing, 13(1), 125-127 [Read More]
Arana, F.S., Parkinson, J.A., Hinton, E., OWEN, A. M., & Roberts, A.C. (2003) Dissociable contributions of the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex to incentive motivation and decision making, Journal of Neuroscience, 23(29), 9632-9638 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. (2003) HERA Today, Gone Tomorrow, Trends In Cognitive Sciences, 7(9), 383-384 [Read More]
Gould, R.L., Brown, R.G., Ffytche, D.H., Howard, R.J. & , OWEN, A. M (2003) fMRI BOLD response to increasing task difficulty during successful paired associates learning., Neuroimage, 20(2), 1006-1019 [Read More]
BOR, D., CUMMING, N. & OWEN, A. M. (2003) Chunking increases lateral prefrontal activity and verbal working memory performance , Program no. 195.18 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington DC: Society for Neurocience, November 2003 [Read More]
Bor, D. & Owen, A. M. (2003) Encoding Strategies Increase Prefrontal Activation but Reduce Verbal Working Memory Demand., Neuroimage (2003) vol. 19, no. 2 Poster – Human Brain Mapping 2003 – June 2003 [Read More]
Lewis, S.J.G., DOVE, A., Robbins, T.W., Barker, R.A. & OWEN, A. M. (2003) Cognitive impairments in early Parkinson’s disease are accompanied by reductions in activity in frontostriatal neural circuitry, Journal of Neuroscience, 23(15), 6351-6356 [Read More]
Lewis, S.G.J., Cools, R., Robbins, T.W., DOVE, A., Barker, R.A., & OWEN, A. M (2003) Using executive heterogeneity to explore the nature of working memory deficits in Parkinson’s disease, Neuropsychologia, 41(6), 645-654. [Read More]
MANLY, T., OWEN, A. M., McAvinue, L., Datta, A., Lewis, G.H., K, S.,Rodrden, C., Pickard, J., & Robertson, I.H. (2003) Enhancing the sensitivity of a sustained attention task to frontal damage. Convergent clinical and functional imaging evidence, Neurocase, 9(4), 340-349 [Read More]
BOR, D., DUNCAN, J., Wiseman, R.J. & OWEN, A. M. (2003) Encoding strategies dissociate prefrontal activity from working memory demand, Neuron, 37(2), 361-367 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., EPSTEIN, R. & JOHNSRUDE, I.S. (2003) FMRI: Applications in Cognitive Neuroscience, In P M Matthews, P Jezzard & S M Smith (Eds) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain: Methods for Neuroscience. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp311-327 [Read More]
CALDER, A.J., LAWRENCE, A.D., KEANE, J., Scott, S.K., Owen, A. , Christoffels, I and Young, A.W (2002) Reading the mind from eye gaze. , Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14, Suppl, 74 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Lewis, S.J.G., DOVE, A., Robbins, T.W., CUSACK, R., & Barker, R.A (2002) Dissociating the effects of disease and behaviour in Parkinson’s disease using event-related fMRI, Neuroimage, 16, 2336-2337 [Read More]
DOVE, A., EPSTEIN, R., GRAHAM, K.S., BRETT, M., OWEN, A. M (2002) Encoding and retrieval of abstract paintings, faces and places: The Role of Intention, Neuroimage, 16(3 Pt 1), 614-615 [Read More]
Cools, R., Clark, L., OWEN, A. M, & Robbins, T.W (2002) Defining the neural mechanisms of probalistic reversal learning using event-related fMRI., Neuroimage, 16, 2218-2219 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., GRAHAM, K.S., & OWEN, A. M. (2002) Pray or prey? Dissociation of semantic memory access from episodic memory processes using positron emission tomography and a novel homophone task., Neuroimage, 16(3 Pt1), 724-735 [Read More]
Rodd, J. M., DAVIS, M.H., JOHNSRUDE, I. S., OWEN, A. M (2002) Barking up the right tree: an fMRI study of semantic ambiguity, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 28. 2002 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., GRAHAM, K.S., Simons, J.S., HODGES, J.R., OWEN, A. M. & PATTERSON, K. (2002) Regional brain activations differ for semantic features but not categories, Neuroreport 13(12), 1497-1501 [Read More]
MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D., OWEN, A. , FORD, M., BRETT, M., Pickard, J.D. & Price, C. (2002) Brain mechanisms for past tense processing: Neuro-imaging evidence., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14, F49 Suppl. S APR [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., Smith, S., Calvert, G.A., Tracey, I., Matthews, P. & OWEN, A. M. (2002) Evidence for asymmetric frontal-lobe involvement in episodic memory from functional magnetic resonance imaging and patients with unilateral frontal-lobe excisions, Neuropsychologia, 40, 2420–2437 [Read More]
CALDER, A.J., LAWRENCE, A.D., KEANE, J., Scott, S.K., OWEN, A. M., Christoffels, I. & Young, A.W. (2002) Reading the mind from eye gaze, Neuropsychologia, 40(8), 1129-1138 [Read More]
Cools, R., Stefanova, E., Barker, R.A., Robbins, T.W. & OWEN, A. M. (2002) Dopaminergic modulation of high-level cognition in Parkinson’s disease: the role of the prefrontal cortex revealed by PET, Brain, 125, 584-594 [Read More]
COX, S.M.L., Stefanova, E., JOHNSRUDE, I.S., Robbins, T.W. & OWEN, A. M. (2002) Preference formation and working memory in Parkinson’s disease and normal ageing, Neuropsychologia, 40 (3), 317-326 [Read More]
BRETT, M., JOHNSRUDE, I.S & OWEN, A. M. (2002) The problem of functional localization in the human brain, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 3 (3), 243-249 [Read More]
Hodgson, T.L., Tiesman, B., OWEN, A. M. & Kennard, C. (2002) Abnormal gaze strategies during problem solving in Parkinson’s disease, Neuropsychologia, 40(4), 411-422 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Menon, D.K., JOHNSRUDE, I.S., BOR, D., Scott, S.K., MANLY, T., Williams, E.J., Mummery, C. & Pickard, J.D. (2002) Detecting Residual Cognitive Function in Persistent Vegetative State (PVS), Neurocase, 8(5), 394-403. [Read More]
DOVE, A., Rowe, J., JOHNSRUDE, I.S., & OWEN, A. M (2001) Involvement of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in manipulation of items held in working memory, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13, Suppl 89 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Gould, R.L., Brown, R.G., DOVE, A., Ffytche, D.H., WOJCIULIK, E., & Howard, R (2001) Object-Location Memory Examined Using fMRI: Contrasting Measures of Difficulty and the Implications for Studies of Patients, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 27, 74.3 [Read More]
LEE,A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., GRAHAM, K.S., & OWEN, A. M (2001) Dissociation of semantic and episodic memory using positron emission tomography and a novel homophone task, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 27,639.8 [Read More]
Cools, R., Stefanova, E., Barker, R.A., Robbins, T.W., & Owen, A. M (2001) Dopaminergic modulation of high-level cognition in Parkinson’s disease. The role of prefrontal cortex and basal hanglia revealed by PET, Neuroimage, 13, S652 [Read More]
BOR, D., DUNCAN, J ., & OWEN, A. M (2001) Organised working memory lists decrease task difficulty but increase activation in the lateral frontal cortex., Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 27, 80.3 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., GRAHAM, K.S. & Owen, A. M (2001) Dissociation of semantic and episodic memory using positron emission tomography and a novel homephone task, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 639.8 [Read More]
GRAHAM, K.S., LEE, A.C.H., Lee, M., OWEN, A. & PATTERSON, K. (2001) Taking sides: Left and right-temporal activations during retrieval of long-term memories., Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 639, 10 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., GRAHAM, K.S. & OWEN, A. M. (2001) Dissociation of semantic and episodic memory using positron emission tomography and a novel homophone task., Neuroimage – Never published [Read More]
MANLY, T., OWEN, A. M., Datta, A., Lewis, G., Scott, S., Rorden, C., Pickard, J. & Robertson, I. (2001) Busy doing nothing?: Increased right frontal and parietal activation associated with self-sustained attention to an unchallenging task, NeuroImage, 13 (6): S331-S331, Part 2 [Read More]
Dagher, A., OWEN, A. M., Boecker, H. & Brookes, D.J. (2001) The Role of the Striatum and Hippocampus During Motor Planning: A PET activation Study in Parkinson’s disease., Brain, 124(5), 1020-1032 [Read More]
BOR, D., DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A. M. (2001) The Role of Spatial Configuration in Tests of Working Memory Explored with Functional Neuroimaging, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 42 (3), 217-224 [Read More]
SIMONS, J.S., GRAHAM, K.S., OWEN, A. M., PATTERSON, K. & HODGES, J.R. (2001) Perceptual and semantic components of memory for objects and faces: A PET study, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13 (4), 430-443 [Read More]
Rowe, J.B., OWEN, A. M., JOHNSRUDE, I.S. & Passingham, R.E. (2001) Imaging the mental components of a planning task., Neuropsychologia, 39, 315-327 [Read More]
Harrison, J.E. & OWEN, A. M. (2001) Cognitive Deficits in Neurological Disorders: Methodological Consideration, In J. E. Harrison & A. M. Owen (Eds), Cognitive Deficits in Neurological Disorders. London: Dunitz [Read More]
Harrison, J.E., Stow, I. & Owen, A. M. (2001) Parkinson’s disease, In J. E. Harrison & A. M. Owen (Eds), Cognitive Deficits in Brain Disorders. London: Martin Dunitz Ltd, 197-215 [Read More]
Mehta, M.A., OWEN, A. M., Sahakian, B.J., Mavaddat, N., Pickard, J.D., & Robbins, T.W (2000) The effects of the stimulant methylphenisate on regional cerebral blood flow during performance of a working memory task, Journal of Neuroscience, 20 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., & OWEN, A. M (2000) Episodic Memory and the Frontal Lobes: Functional Neuroimaging Studies of Encoding and Retrieval, Critical Reviews in Neurobiology 14, 165-197 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H, Robbins, T.W., & OWEN, A. M. & , (2000) Episodic Memory Meets Working Memory in the Frontal Lobe: Functional Neuroimaging Studies of Encoding and Retrieval., Critical Reviews in Neurobiology, 14 (3-4), 475-483 [Read More]
Schneider, W.X., OWEN, A. M. & DUNCAN, J. (2000) Executive Control and the Frontal Lobe: Current Issues, Experimental Brain Research, 133(1), 1-2 [Read More]
Lee, A.C.H., Manes, F.F., BOR, D., Robbins, T.W. & OWEN, A. M. (2000) Dissociating Planning and Working Memory Processes Within The Human Lateral Frontal Cortex., Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 26, 749.6 [Read More]
BOR, D., DUNCAN, J., OWEN, A. M. (2000) Lateral prefrontal cortex activity may be modulated by the configuration of stimuli in a spatial working memory task, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 26, 1501 [Read More]
DUNCAN, J. & Owen, A. M. (2000) Common regions of the human frontal lobe recruited by diverse cognitive demands, Trends in Neurosciences, 23(10), 475-483 [Read More]
JOHNSRUDE, I.S., Giraud, A.L., Morosan, P., BRETT, M., OWEN, A. M. & Zilles, K. (2000) Functional Imaging of the auditory system: The use of positron emission tomography, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Head and Neck Surgery. K. Jahnke & M. Fischer (Eds.). Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, pp 49-58. [Read More]
Cools, R., Swainson, R., OWEN, A. M. & Robbins, T.W. (2000) Cognitive Dysfunction in Non-Demented Parkinson’s Disease, In Wolters, E.C.H., Cheltens, P.H., Berendse, H.W. (Eds), Mental Dysfunction In Parkinson’s disease, pp.142-164. Academic Pharmaceutical Productions, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. [Read More]
OWEN, A. (2000) The role of the lateral frontal cortex in mnemonic processing; The contribution of functional neuroimaging., Experimental Brain Research 133, 33-43, 2000 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Lee, A.C.H. & Williams, (2000) Dissociating Aspects of verbal Working Memory Within The Human Frontal Lobe: Further Evidence for a “Process-Specific” Model of Lateral Frontal Organization., Psychobiology (2000), 28(2), 146-155. [Read More]
Stern, C.E., OWEN, A. M., Petrides, M., Look, R.B., Tracey, I. & Rosen, B.R. (2000) Activity in Ventrolateral and Mid-dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex During Non-Spatial Visual Working Memory Processing: Evidence from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, NeuroImage, 11 (5), 392-399 [Read More]
Lee, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., Pickard, J.D. & OWEN, A. M. (2000) Asymmetric frontal activation during episodic memory: the effects of stimulus type on encoding and retrieval(Was recorded as Left or Right Prefrontal Cortical Involvement in Episodic Memory Encoding and Retrieval?: The Effects of Stimulus Type.), Neuropsychologia, 38. 677-692 [Read More]
Mehta, M.A., OWEN, A. M., Sahakian, B.J., Mavaddat, N., Pickard, J.D. & Robbins, T.W. (2000) Methylphenidate enhances working memory by modulating discrete frontal and parietal lobe regions in the human brain, Journal of Neuroscience, 20, 1-6 [Read More]
Hodgson, T.L., Bajwa, A., OWEN, A. M. & Kennard, C. (2000) The strategic control of gaze direction in the Tower of London Task, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 12, 913-923 [Read More]
Vandenberghe, R., DUNCAN, J., ARNELL, K.M., BISHOP, S.J., Herrod, N.J., OWEN, A. M., Minhas, P.S., Dupont, P., Pickard, J.D. & Orban, G.A. (2000) Maintaining and shifting attention within left or right hemifield, Cerebral Cortex 10 (7), 706-713 [Read More]
JOHNSRUDE, I.S., OWEN, A. M., White, N.M., Zhao, W.V. & Bohbot, V. (2000) Impaired preference Conditioning after Anterior Temporal Lobe Reseaction in Humans, Journal of Neuroscience, 20(7), 2649-2656. [Read More]
Lee, A. C. H. OWEN, A. M., Rogers, R., Sahakian, B. J., Robbins, T.W. (2000) Utility of the CANTAB battery in functional neuroimaging, In M. Ernst & J.M. Rumsey (Eds.), Functional Neuroimaging in child psychiatry, 366-378. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press [Read More]
DUNCAN, J. and OWEN, A. (2000) Dissociative methods in the study of frontal lobe function., In Attention and performance XVIII, 567-576. By S. Monsell and J. Driver, MIT Press. [Read More]
Rowe, J.B., OWEN, A. M., JOHNSRUDE, I.S., & Passingham, R (1999) Imaging the mental components of a planning task, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 25, 44.11 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Menon, D.K., Williams, E.J., Minhas, P.S., JOHNSRUDE, I.S., SCOTT, S.K., Allen, C.M.C., Boniface, J., Kendall, I.V., Downey, S.P.M.J., Antoun, N., Clark, J., & Pickard, J.D (1999) Functional imaging in persistent vegitative state (PVS), Neuroimage, 9, S581 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., Pickard, J.D., OWEN, A. M (1999) Episodic memory encoding and retrieval: a combined PET and functional MRI study., Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 25, 259.4 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., Pickard, J.D., & OWEN, A. M (1999) Asymmetric frontal activation during episodic memory: the effects of stimulus type on encoding and retrieval, NeuroImage, 9, S955 [Read More]
BOR, D., DUNCAN, J., Navaddat, N., Williams, E.J., Pickard, J.D., & OWEN, A. M (1999) Dissociation of function within the human lateral frontal cortex., NeuroImage, 9, S330 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Doyon, J., Dagher, A., & Evans, A.C. (1999) Abnormal basal ganglia outflow in Parkinson’s disease identified with Positron Emission Tomography: implications for higher cortical functions., Focus on Parkinson’s Disease, 18-19 [Read More]
Harrison, J.E., OWEN, A. M. (1999) Research Issues in the Neuropsychological investigation of brain disease, In J.E. Harrison & A.M. Owen (Eds.), Cognitive Deficits in Neurological Disorders. London: Dunitz Chapter 1 [Read More]
Harrison, J.E. & OWEN, A. M. (1999) The Neuropsychological Sequelae of Frontal-Lobe damage, In J.E. Harrison & A.M. Owen (Eds.), Cognitive Deficits in Neurological Disorders. London: Dunitz [Read More]
Pantelis, C., Barber, F.Z., Barnes, T.R.E., Nelson, H.E., OWEN, A. M. & Robbins, T.W. (1999) A comparison of set-shifting ability in patients with schizophrenia and frontal lobe damage, Schizophrenia Research 37, 251-270, [Read More]
rogers, r. d., OWEN, A. M., Middleton, H. C., Williams, E. J., Pickard, J. D., Sahakian, B. J. and Robbins, T. W. (1999) Choosing between small, likely rewards and large, unlikely rewards activates inferior and orbital prefrontal cortex, Journal of Neuroscience, 1999, 20(19), 9029-9038. [Read More]
Menon, D.K., OWEN, A. M., Williams, E.J., Kendall, I. V., Downey, S.P.M.J., Minhas, P.S., Allen, C.M.C., Boniface, S., Antoun, N., Pickard, J.D., (1999) Cortical function in the persistent vegetative state: response to: Schiff, N. and Plum, Trends In Cognitive Sciences, 3(2), 44-46 [Read More]
Doyon, J., OWEN, A. M. Jackson, P. L., Lafleur, M., Cesaro, P., Remy, P. (1999) Analysis des effets therapeutiques au plan moteur et cognitif des greffes de cellules mesencephaliques dopaminergiques chez les patients attients de la maladie de parkinson., Medecine/Sciences , 5(15), XX-XXIII [Read More]
Dagher, A., OWEN, A. M., Boecker, H., & Brooks, D.J. (1999) Mapping the network for planning: A correlational PET activation study with the “Tower of London” task., Brain, 122, 1973-1987. [Read More]
Johnsrude, I.S., OWEN, A. M., Zhao, V.W., White, N.M. (1999) Conditioned Preference in Humans: A Novel Experimental Approach, Learning and Motivation, 1999, 30, 250-264. [Read More]
Johnsrude, I.S., OWEN, A. M., Crane, J., Milner, B. Evans, A.C. (1999) A cognitive activation study of memory for spatial relationships. , Neuropsychologia, (1999), 37, 829-841. [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. (1999) Functional Neuroimaging: Recent Contributions to Neuropsychology, Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurology., In Jose M. Olivares (Ed). Investigation en Psiquiatria (Published 1999 in Spain) [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Herrod, N.J., Menon, D.K., Clark, J.C., Downey, S.P.M.J., Carpenter, T.A., Pawanjit, S.M., Turkheimer, F.E., Williams, E.J., Robbins, T.W., Sahakian, B.J., Petrides, M., & Pickard, J.D. (1999) Redefining the functional organization of working memory processes within human lateral prefrontal cortex, European Journal of Neuroscience, 11(2), 567-574 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. & Doyon, J. (1999) The cognitive neuropsychology of Parkinson’s disease: A functional neuroimaging perspective., In G. Stern (Ed.) 1999. Parkinson’s Disease (Advances in Neurology). Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Press, pp.49-56 [Read More]
Robbins, T.W., OWEN, A. M., and Sahakian, B.J. (1998) The neuropsychology of basal ganglia disorders; An integrative cognitive and comparative approach., In M. Ron and A. David (Eds.) Disorders of Brain and Mind., 1998, Cambridge University Press. [Read More]
Robbins, T.W., James, M., OWEN, A. M., Sahakian, B.J., McInnes, L. Rabbitt, P. (1998) A study of performance on tests from the CANTAB battery sensitive to frontal lobe dysfunction in a large sample of normal volunteers: implications for theories of executive function and cognitive ageing. , Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 4, 474-490. [Read More]
Menon, D.K., OWEN, A. M., Williams, E.j., Minhas, P.S., Allen, C.M.C., Boniface, S.J., & Pickard, J.D., with the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre Team. (1998) Cortical processing in the persistent vegetative state revealed by functional imaging, Lancet, 18th July 1998, 352, (9123), p.200 [Read More]
Rushworth, M.F.S. & OWEN, A. M. (1998) The functional organization of the lateral frontal cortex: conjecture or conjuncture in the electrophysiology literature?, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2(2), 46-53. [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Stern, C. E., Look, R. B., Tracey, I., Rosen, B. R. & Petrides, M. (1998) Functional organisation of spatial and nonspatial working memory processing within the human lateral frontal cortex., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 95, 7721-7726. [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Doyon, J., Dagher, A., Sadikot, A., & Evans, A.C. (1998) Abnormal basal ganglia outflow in Parkinson’s disease identified with PET: Implications for higher cortical functions , Brain, 121(5), 949-965. [Read More]
Pantelis, C., Barnes, T.R.E., Nelson, H.E., Tanner.S., Weatherley, L., OWEN, A. M., Robbins, T. (1997) Frontal-striatal cognitive deficits in patients with chronic schizophrenia, Brain, 120(10), 1823-1843 [Read More]
Robbins, T.W., James, M. OWEN, A. M., & Sahakian, B.J (1997) A neural systems approach to the cognitive psychology of ageing: studies with CANTAB on large samples of the normal elderly population., In P.Rabbitt (Ed.) Methodology of frontal and executive function. Sussex: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Iddon, J.L., HODGES, J.R., & Robbins, T.W (1997) Spatial and non-spatial working memory at different stages of Parkinson’s disease, Neuropsychologia, 35, 519-532 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M (1997) The functional organization of working memory processes within Human lateral frontal cortex: The contribution of functional neuroimaging., European Journal of Neuroscience, 9, 1329-1339 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. (1997) Cognitive planning in humans: neuropsychological, neuroanatomical and neuropharmacological perspectives., Progress in Neurobiology, 53 , pp.431-450 [Read More]
Brady, M.C., Ali, M., VandenBerg, K., Williams, L.J., Williams, L.R., Abo, M., Becker, F., Bowen, A. , Brandenburg, C., Breitenstein, C., Bruehl, S., Copland, D.A., Cranfill, T.B., di Pietro-Bachmann, M., Enderby, P., Fillingham, J., Lucia, F., Gandolfi, M., Glize, B., Godecke, E., Hawkins, N., Hilari, K., Hinckley, K., Horton, S., Howard, D., Jaecks, P., Jefferies, E., Jesus, L.M.T., Kambanaros, M., Kang, E.K., Khedr, E.M., Pak-Hin Kong, A., Kukkonen, T., Laganaro, M., LAMBON RALPH, M.A., Laska, A.C., Leemann, B., Leff, A.P., Lima, R.R., Lorenz, A., MacWhinney, B., Shisler Marshall, R., Mattioli, F., Maviş, I., Meinzer, M., Nilipour, R., Noé, E., Paik, N-J., Palmer, R., Papathanasiou, I., Patricio, B.F., Martins, I.P., Price, C., Jakovac, T.P., Rochon, E., Rose, M.L., Rosso, C., Rubi-Fessen, I., Ruiter, M.B., Snell, C., Stahl, B., Szaflarski, J.P., Thomas, S.A., van de Sandt-Koenderman, M., van der Meulen, I., Visch-Brink, E., Worrall, L., Wright, H. (2020) RELEASE: a protocol for a systematic review based, individual participant data, meta- and network meta-analysis, of complex speech-language therapy interventions for stroke-related aphasia, Aphasiology, 34(2), 137-157 [Open Access]
Hampshire, A., Hellyer, P.J., Parkin, B., Hiebert, N., MacDonald, P., Owen, A. M. , Leech, R., ROWE, J. (2016) Network mechanisms of intentional learning, Neuroimage, 127, 123-134 [Open Access]
Chennu, S., FINOIA, P., Kamau, E., Monti, M.M. Allanson, J., Pickard, J.D. Owen, A. M., BEKINSCHTEIN, T. (2013) Dissociable endogenous and exogenous attention in disorders of consciousness, NeuroImage: Clinical, 3, 450-461 [Open Access]
FALLON, S.J., Williams-Gray, C., Barker, R.A., Owen, A. , Hampshire, A. (2013) Putative cortical dopamine levels affect cortical rescruitment during planning, Neuropsychologia, 51(11), 2194-2201 [Open Access]
Chennu, S., Noreika, V., Gueorguiev, D., Blenkmann, A.. Kochen, S.. Ibañez, A., Owen, A. , BEKINSCHTEIN, T. (2013) Expectation and attention in hierarchical auditory prediction, Journal of Neuroscience, 33(27), 11194-11205 [Open Access]
FALLON, S.J., Williams-Gray, C.H., Barker, R.A., Owen, A. M., Hampshire, A. (2013) Prefrontal Dopamine Levels Determine the Balance between Cognitive Stability and Flexibility, Cerebral Cortex, 3(2), 361-369 [Open Access]
Gruszka, A., HAMPSHIRE, A., & OWEN, A. M. (2012) Learned Irrelevance Revisited: Pathology-Based Individual Differences, Normal variation and Neural Correlates, In: A. Gruszka, G. Matthews, B. Szymura (Eds.). Handbook of Individual Differences in Cognition Attention, Memory, and Executive Control. Springer Series on Human Exceptionality Series Editors: Donald H. Saklofske and Moshe Zeidner, 127-144 [Read More]
Bruno, M.A., Fernandez-Espejo, D., Lehembre, R., Tshibanda, L., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Gosseries, O., Lommers, E., Napolitani, M., Noirhomme, Q., Boly, M., Papa, M., OWEN, A. , Maquet, P., Laureys, S., Soddu, A (2011) Multimodal neuroimaging in patients with disorders of consciousness showing “functional hemispherectomy”, Progress in Brain Research, 193, 323-333 [Read More]
Fernández-Espejo, D., BEKINSCHTEIN, T,, Monti, M.M., Pickard, J.D., Junque, C, Coleman, M.R., Owen, A. M. (2011) Diffusion weighted imaging distinguishes the vegetative state from the minimally conscious state, NeuroImage 54(1), 103-112 [Read More]
May, J., Calvo-Merino, B., deLahunta, S., McGregor, W., CUSACK, R. Owen, A. VELDSMAN, M., RAMPONI, C. and BARNARD, P.J. (2011) Points in mental space: an interdisciplinary study of imagery in movement creation, Dance Research Electronic, 29(2), 402-430 [Open Access]
BEKINSCHTEIN, T.A., DAVIS, M.H., Rodd, J.M., OWEN, A. M. (2011) Why clowns taste funny: the relationship between humour and semantic ambiguity, Journal of Neuroscience, 31(26),9665-9671 [Open Access]
HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R., DUNCAN. J. & OWEN, A. M. (2011) Lateral prefrontal cortex sub-regions make dissociable contributions during fluid reasoning, Cerebral Cortex, 21(1), 1-10 [Open Access]
Kempton, M.J, Ettinger, U., Foster, R., Williams, S.C.R., Calvert, G.A., HAMPSHIRE, A., Zelaya, F.O., O’Gorman, R.L., McMorris, T., OWEN, A. M., Smith, M.S. (2011) Dehydration affects brain structure and function in healthy adolescents, Human Brain Mapping, 32(1), 71-79 [Read More]
Piech, R.M., Lewis, J., Parkinson, C.H., OWEN, A. M., Roberts, A.C., Downing, P.E., Parkinson, J.A. (2010) Neural correlates of affective influence on choice, Brain and Cognition, 72(2), 282-288 [Read More]
MONTI, M.M., Laureys, S., OWEN, A. M. (2010) The vegetative state, BMJ (Online), 341(7767), 292-296 [Read More]
MONTI, M.M., Laureys, S., OWEN, A. M. (2010) The vegetative state, BMJ (Clinical Research ed.), 341, 3765 [Read More]
MONTI, M.M., OWEN, A. M. (2010) Behavior in the brain: Using functional neuroimaging to assess residual cognition and awareness after severe brain injury., Journal of Psychophysiology, 24(2), 76-82 [Read More]
HUGHES, L.E., Barker, R.A., OWEN, A. M., ROWE, J.B. (2010) Parkinson’s disease and healthy aging: independent and interacting effects on action selection., Human Brain Mapping, 31(12), 1886-1899 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., HAMPSHIRE, A., GRAHN, J.A., Stenton, R., Sajan, S., Burns, A.S., Howard, R.J., Ballard, C.G. (2010) Putting brain training to the test, Nature, 464(7292), 1111 [Open Access]
MONTI, M.M., Vanhauaudenhuyse, A., Coleman, M.R., Boly, M., Pickard, J.D., Tshibanda, L., OWEN, A. M. amd Laureys, S (2010) Willful Modulation of Brain Activity in Disorders of Consciousness, New England Journal of Medicine [Open Access]
HAMPSHIRE, A., Chamberlain, S., MONTI, M.M., DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A. M (2010) The role of the right inferior frontal gyrus: inhibition and attentional control, NeuroImage, 50(3), 1313–1319 [Open Access]
HAMPSHIRE, A. & OWEN, A. M. (2010) Clinical Studies of attention and learning, In M. Pelley and C. Mitchell (Eds) Attention and Associative Learning: From Brain to Behaviour , Oxford University Press [Read More]
Piech, R.M., Lewis, J., Parkinson, C.H. OWEN, A. M., Roberts, A.C., Downing, P.E., Parkinson, J.A. (2009) Neural correlates of appetite and hunger-related evaluative judgments, PLoS ONE, 4(8), e6581 [Open Access]
Coleman, M.R., BEKINSCHTEIN, T., MONTI, M.M., OWEN, A. M., Pickard, J.D. (2009) A multimodal approach to the assessment of patients with disorders of consciousness, Progress in Brain Research, 177, 231-248 [Read More]
ROWE, J.B., HUGHES, L., Barker, R.A., OWEN, A. M. (2009) Dynamic causal modelling of effective connectivity from fMRI: are results reproducible and sensitive to Parkinson’s disease and its treatment?, Neuroimage, 52(3), 1015-1026. [Read More]
MONTI, M.M., Coleman, M.R. & OWEN, A. M. (2009) Executive functions in the absense of behavior: Functional imaging of the minimally conscious state, Progress in Brain Research, Volume 177, 249-260 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. Schiff, N., Laureys, S. (2009) A new era of coma and consciousness science, Progress in Brain Research, 177, 399-411 [Read More]
Coleman, M.R., DAVIS, M.H., Rodd, J.M., Robson, T., Ali, A., Pickard, J.D. & OWEN, A. M. (2009) Towards the routine use of brain imaging to aid the clinical diagnosis of disorders of consciousness, Brain, 132(9), 2541-2552 [Read More]
MONTI, M.M., Coleman, M.R. & OWEN, A. M. (2009) Neuroimaging and the vegetative state: resolving the behavioral assessment dilemma?, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences: Disorders of Consciousness 1157, 81-89. [Open Access]
Berry, E., HAMPSHIRE, A., ROWE, J., Hodges, S., Kapur, n., WATSON, P.C., Browne, G., Smyth, G., Wood, K. & OWEN, A. M. (2009) The neural basis of effective memory therapy in a patient with limbic encephalitis, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry with Practical Neurology, 80(11), 1202-1205 [Open Access]
GRAHN, J.A., Parkinson, J.A. & OWEN, A. M. (2009) The Role of the Basal Ganglia In Learning and Memory: Neuropsychological Studies, Behavioural Brain Research, 45(1), 54-61 [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R., DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A. M. (2009) Selective tuning of the right inferior frontal gyrus during target detection., Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 9(1), 103-112. [Open Access]
OWEN, A. M. & HAMPSHIRE, A. (2009) The mid-ventrolateral frontal cortex and attentional control, In Neuroimaging of Human Memory: Linking cognitive processes to neural systems. Edited by Frank Rosler, Charan Ranganath, Brigitte Roder and Rainer Kluwe, 195-212 [Read More]
Piech, R.M., HAMPSHIRE, A., OWEN, A. M. & Parkinson, J.A. (2009) Modulation of cognitive flexibility by hunger and desire, Cognition and Emotion, 23(3), 528-540 [Read More]
ROWE, J.B,. HUGHES, L,, Ghosh, B.C., Eckstein, D., Williams-Gray, C.H., FALLON, S., Barker, R.A., OWEN, A. M. (2008) Parkinson’s disease and dopaminergic therapy – differential effects on movement, reward and cognition., Brain, 131(8), 2094-2105 [Open Access]
Coleman, M.R. & OWEN, A. M. (2008) Functional Neuroimaging of Disorders of Consciousness, In G. Mashour (Ed) Unconscious Processes. International Anaesthesia Clinics, 46(3), 147-57 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Coleman, M.R. (2008) Detecting Awareness in the Vegetative State, In D. Pfaff (Ed) Molecular and Biophysical Mechanisms of Arousal, Alertness and Attention. Annuals of thr New York Academy of Sciences [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. Schiff, N., Laureys, S (2008) The Assessment of Conscious Awareness in the Vegetative State, In S. Laureys and G Tononi (eds) The Neurology of Consciousness [Open Access]
ROWE, J.B., HUGHES, L., Williams-Gray, C.H., BISHOP, S., FALLON, S., Barker RA, OWEN, A. M. (2008) The val(158)met COMT polymorphism’s effect on atrophy in healthy aging and Parkinson’s disease., Neurobiology of Aging, 31(6), 1064-1068 [Read More]
CUSACK, R., OWEN, A. M. (2008) Distinct networks of connecticity for parietal (AIPS/PIPS) but not frontal (VLPFC/DLPFC) regions identified with a novel alternative to the “resting state” method, Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, B1 [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A. & OWEN, A. M. (2008) Dissociable contributions of ventrolateral prefrontal and frontopolar cortex sub-regions during analogical reasoning, 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, S98 [Read More]
Chamberlain, S.R., Menzies, L.A., HAMPSHIRE, A., Fineberg, N.A., del Campo, N., Craig, K., OWEN, A. M., Bullmore, E.T., Robbins, T.W. & Sahakian. B.J. (2008) Orbitofrontal dysfunction in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and their unaffected relatives, Science, 321(5887), 421-422. [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R., DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A. M. (2008) The target selective neural response – similarity, ambiguity, and learning effects, PLos ONE, 3(6), e2520 [Open Access]
ROWE, J.B., ECKSTEIN, D., Braver, R. & OWEN, A. M. (2008) How does reward expectation influence cognition in the human brain, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(11), 1980-1992 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. & Coleman, M.R. (2008) Functional neuroimaging of the vegetative state, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 9(3), 235-243 [Read More]
ROWE, J., HUGHES, L., ECKSTEIN, D., and OWEN, A. M. (2008) Rule-Selection and Action-Selection have a Shared Neuroanatomical Basis in the Human Prefrontal and Parietal Cortex, Cerebral Cortex, 18(10), 2275-2285 [Read More]
GRAHN, J.A., Parkinson, J. & OWEN, A. M. (2008) The cognitive functions of the caudate nucleus., Progress in Neurobiology, 86(3), 141-155 [Read More]
Williams-Gray, C.H., HAMPSHIRE, A., Barker, R.A. & OWEN, A. (2008) Attentional control in Parkinson’s disease is dependent on COMT val158met genotype, Brain, 131(2), 397-408 [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A., Gruszka, A., FALLON, S.J. & OWEN, A. M. (2008) Inefficiency in self-organized attentional switching in the normal aging population is associated with decreased activity in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(9), 1670–1686 [Open Access]
DOVE, A., MANLY, T., Epstein, R.A. & OWEN, A. M. (2008) The engagement of mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and posterior brain regions in intentional cognitive activity., Human Brain Mapping, 29(1) 107-119 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Coleman, M.R., Menon, D., K., Pickard, J. D (2008) Assessing Cognition in the Vegetative State, Helix Review Series: Neurology and Cognitive Neuroscience [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. & Coleman M.R. (2007) Functional MRI in Disorders of Consciousness: Advantages and Limitations, Current Opinion in Neurology, 20(6), 632-637 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Coleman, M.R., DAVIS, M.H., Boly, M., Laureys, S. & Pickard, J.D. (2007) Response to Comments on “Detecting awareness in the vegetative state”, Science, 315(5816), 1221c [Read More]
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Boly, M., Coleman, M. R., DAVIS, M. H., HAMPSHIRE, A., BOR, D., Moonen, G., Maquet, P. A., Pickard, J.D., Laureys, S. & OWEN, A. M. (2007) When thoughts become action: an fMRI paradigm to study volitional brain activity in non-communicative brain injured patients., Neuroimage, 36(3), 979-992 [Read More]
Williams-Gray, C.H., HAMPSHIRE, A., Robbins, T., OWEN, A. M. & Barker, R.A (2007) COMT val158met genotype influences frontoparietal activity during planning in patients with Parkinson’s disease, Journal of Neuroscience, 27(18):4832-4838 [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A., DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A. M. (2007) Selective tuning of the BOLD response during simple target detection dissociates human frontoparietal sub-regions, Journal of Neuroscience, 27(23), 6219-6223. [Read More]
Hinton, E.C., Holland, A.J. & OWEN, A. M. (2007) Functional neuroimaging in Prader–Willi syndrome, International Journal of Obesity 31(2), 390–391 [Read More]
BOR, D. & OWEN, A. M. (2007) Cognitive Training: Neural Correlates of Expert Skills, Current Biology, 17(3), R95-R97 [Read More]
Boly, M., OWEN, A. M. & Laureys, S. (2007) To be or not to be…Vegetative., In Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, 918-925 [Read More]
Malhi, G.S., Lagopoulos, J., OWEN, A. M., Ivanovski, B., Shnier, R. & Sachdeve, P. (2007) Reduced activtion to implicit affect induction in euthymic bipolar patients: An fMRI study, Journal of Affective Disorders, 97(1-3), 109-122 [Read More]
BOR, D. & OWEN, A. M. (2007) A Common Prefrontal-Parietal Network for Mnemonic and Mathematical Recoding Strategies within Working Memory, Cerebral Cortex , 17(4), 778-786 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Coleman, M.R., Pickard, J.D. (2006) Functional imaging in patients with altered consciousness, In Latronico, N., Rasulo, FA, Candiani A (Ed), Brescia Anaesthesia Intensive Care Neuroscience, 41-48, Media Press, Italy [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., CUSACK, C. & SCHWARZBAUER, C. (2006) What were you thinking? Using real-time fMRI to interpret volitional brain activity., 12th Annual Meeting for the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, S451 [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A., DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) Components of the human frontoparietal network become responsive to the presentation of task relevant information at dissociable levels of abstraction, 12th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping , S100 [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) Fractionating attentional control using event related fMRI, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 538 [Read More]
Laureys, S., Giacino, J.T., Schiff, N.D., Schabus, M. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) How should functional imaging of patients with disorders of consciousness contribute to their clinical rehabilitation needs?, Current Opinion in Neurology, 19(6), 520-526 [Read More]
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Gould, R.L., Arroyo, B., Brown, R.G., OWEN, A. M., Bullmore, E.T. & Howard, R.J (2006) Brain mechanisms of successful compensation during learning in Alzheimer, Neurology, 67(6), 1011-1017 [Read More]
Hinton, E.C., Holland, A.J., Gellatly, M.S.N., Soni, S., Ghatei, M.A. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) Neural Representations of hunger and satiety in Prader-Willi syndrome, International Journal of Obesity, 30(2), 313-321 [Read More]
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GRAHN, J.A. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) Memory: obstacle avoidance in the absence of visual cues, Current Biology, 16(7) R247-R249 [Read More]
Gould, R.L., Brown, R.G., OWEN, A. M., Bullmore, E.T. & Howard, R.J. (2006) Task-induced deactivations during successful paired associates learning: An effect of age but not Alzheimer’s disease, Neuroimage, 31(2), 818-831 [Read More]
Slabosz, A., Lewis, S. J. G., Smigasiewicz, K., Szymura, B., Barker, R.A. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) Learned Irrelevance Revisited: The Cognitive Basis of Attentional Set-Shifting Impairments in Parkinson’s Disease, Neuropsychology, 20(5), 578-588 [Read More]
HAMPSHIRE, A. & OWEN, A. M (2006) Fractionating Attentional Control Using Event-Related fMRI, Cerebral Cortex, 16(12), 1679-1689 [Read More]
DAVIS, M. H., Coleman, M. R., Absalom, A., Rodd, J. M., Johnsrude, I. S., Matta, B., Menon, D.K. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) Neural correlates of speech perception and comprehension during sedation: an fMRI study, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, G60 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Coleman, M.R., Boly, M., DAVIS, M.H., Laureys, S. & Pickard, J.D (2006) Detecting Awareness in the Vegetative State, Science, 313(5792), 1402 [Open Access]
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DOVE, A., BRETT, M., CUSACK, R. & OWEN, A. (2006) Dissociable contributions of the mid-ventrolateral frontal cortex and the medial temporal lobe system to human memory, NeuroImage, 31(4), 1790-1801 [Read More]
Hinton, E.C,, Holland. A,J., Gellatly, M.S.N., Soni, S. & OWEN, A. M. (2006) An investigation into food preferences and the neural basis of food-related incentive motivation in Prader-Willi syndrome, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 50(9), 633-642 [Read More]
BOR, D., DUNCAN, J., LEE, A.C.H., PARR, A. & OWEN, A. M (2006) Frontal lobe involvement in spatial span: Converging studies of normal and impaired function, Neuropsychologia ,44(2), 229-237 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. (2006) The human ventrolateral frontal cortex and intended action, In W. Printz and N. Sebanz (Eds). Disorders of Volition, 329-346 [Read More]
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Owen, A. M., Coleman, M.R., Menon, D.K., Berry, E.L., Johnsrude, I.S., Rodd, J.M., DAVIS, M.H., Pickard, J.D. (2005) Using a Heirarchical Approach to Investigate Residual Auditory Cognition in Persistent Vegetative State, In S. Laureys (ed), The Boundaries of Conscioussness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Progress in Brain Research, Volume 150: 461-476, Elsevier, London [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., McMillan, K.M., Laird, A.R. & Bullmore, E.T. (2005) The n-back working memory paradigm: A meta-analysis of normative fMRI studies, Human Brain Mapping, 25(1), 46-59 [Read More]
Hinton, E.C., Holland, A.J., Gellatly, M.S.N., Soni, S, OWEN, A. M. (2005) Neural representations of hunger and satiety in Prader-Willi syndrome., International Journal of Obesity, 30(2), 313-321 [Read More]
BOR, D. & OWEN, A. M. (2005) Differential prefrontal cortex activity due to mnemonic or mathematical strategies, Twelth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 143 [Read More]
DOVE, A., Epstein, R. & OWEN, A. M. (2005) Unlike posterior brain areas ventrolateral prefrontal cortex is only active during intentional processing, Brain Impairment, 6(2), 139-140, 2005 [Read More]
Cheesman, A.L., Lewis, S.J.G., Barker, R.A., OWEN, A. M., Robbins, T.W., Brooks, D.J. (2005) Lateralisation of strital function: Evidence from 18F-dopa PET in Parkinson’s disease, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 76(9), 1204-1210 [Read More]
OWEN, A. ,., Coleman, M.R., Menon, D.K., Johnsrude, I.S., Rodd, J.M., DAVIS, M.H., Taylor, K., Pickard, J.D (2005) Residual auditory function in persistent vegetative state: A combined PET and fMRI study, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 15(3-4), 290-306 [Read More]
Lewis, S.G.J., SLABOSZ, A., Barker, R.A., Robins, T.W., OWEN, A. M (2005) Dopaminergic basis for selective working memory deficits in Parkinson’s disease, Neuropsychologia, 43(6), 823-832 [Read More]
Simons, J.S., OWEN, A. M., Fletcher, P.C., Burgess, P.W (2005) Anterior prefrontal cortex and the recollection of contextual information, Neuropsychologia, 43(12), 1774-1783 [Read More]
Gould, R.L., Brown, R.G., OWEN, A. M., Bullmore, E.T., Williams, S.C.R., Howard, R.J (2005) Functional neuroanatomy of successful paired associate learning in Alzheimer’s disease, American Journal of Psychiatry, 162(11), 2049-2060 [Read More]
Simons, J.S., Gilbert, S.J., OWEN, A. M., Fletcher, P.C., Burgess, P.W (2005) Distinct roles for lateral and medial anterior prefrontal cortex in contextual recollection, Journal of Neurophysiology, 94(1), 813-820 [Read More]
Blackwell, A.D., DUNN, B. D., OWEN, A. M. & Sahakian, B.J (2005) Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia, In J. O’Brien, D. Ames, A. Burns (Eds). Dementia. Arnold. 2nd Edition., 45-54 [Read More]
Lewis, S.G.J., Foltynie, T., Blackwell, A.D., Robbins, T.W., OWEN, A. M. & Barker, R.A. (2005) Heterogenity of Parkinson’s disease in the early clinical stages using a data driven approach, Journal of Neurosurgery, Neurology and Psychiatry, 76, 343-348 [Read More]
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OWEN, A. M (2004) The Neuropsychology and Neuropharmacology of Cognitive Deficits in Parkinson’s Disease investigated using fMRI, Proceedings of Mental Dysfunctions in Parkinson’s Disease [Read More]
Hinton, E., Parkinson, J.A., Holland, A.J., Arana, F.S., Roberts, A.C., OWEN, A. M (2004) Neural contributions to the motivational control of food intake in humans, European Journal of Neuroscience, 20(5), 1411-1418 [Read More]
Malhi, G.S., Lagopoulos., OWEN, A. M., Yatham, L.N (2004) Bipolaroids: Functional Imaging in Bipolar Disorder, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 110(Supp 422), 1-10 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., and SLABOSZ, A (2004) Mechanizm przerzutnosci uwagi – wyuczona nieadekwatnosc. Studia Psychologiczne, Oblic uwagi, 42(1), 71-78 [Read More]
BOR, D., and OWEN, A. M. (2004) Prefrontal activity related to using mnemonic or mathematical chunks., 548.6. Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2004 [Read More]
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Laureys, S., OWEN, A. M. & Schiff, N. (2004) Brain function in coma, vegetative state, minimally conscious state, locked-in syndrome and brain death, The Lancet Neurology, 3(9), 537-546 [Read More]
BOR, D., CUMMING, N., Scott, C. E.L. & OWEN, A. M. (2004) Prefrontal cortical involvement in verbal encoding strategies, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(12), 3365-3370 [Read More]
Bekinschtein, T., Leiguarda, R., Armony, J., OWEN, A. M., Carpintiero, S., Niklison, J., Olmos, L., Sigman, L. & Manes, F. (2004) Emotional processing in the minimally conscious state, Journal of Neurosurgery, Neurology and Psychiatry, 75, 788-793 [Read More]
Lewis, S.G.J., Dove, A., Robbins, T.W., Barker, R.A. & OWEN, A. M. (2004) Striatal contributions to working memory: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(3), 755-760 [Read More]
Curran, E., Sykacek, P., Stokes, M., Roberts, S.J., Penney, W., JOHNSRUDE, I. & OWEN, A. M. (2004) Cognitive tasks for driving a brain-computer interfacing system: a pilot study, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 12(1), 48-54 [Read More]
Gelling, L., SHIEL, A., Elliott, L., OWEN, A. , WILSON, B., Menon, D. & Pickard, J. (2004) Commentary on Oh H. and Seo W. (2003) Sensory stimulation programme to improve recovery in comatose patients., Journal of Clinical Nursing, 13(1), 125-127 [Read More]
Arana, F.S., Parkinson, J.A., Hinton, E., OWEN, A. M., & Roberts, A.C. (2003) Dissociable contributions of the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex to incentive motivation and decision making, Journal of Neuroscience, 23(29), 9632-9638 [Read More]
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Gould, R.L., Brown, R.G., Ffytche, D.H., Howard, R.J. & , OWEN, A. M (2003) fMRI BOLD response to increasing task difficulty during successful paired associates learning., Neuroimage, 20(2), 1006-1019 [Read More]
BOR, D., CUMMING, N. & OWEN, A. M. (2003) Chunking increases lateral prefrontal activity and verbal working memory performance , Program no. 195.18 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington DC: Society for Neurocience, November 2003 [Read More]
Bor, D. & Owen, A. M. (2003) Encoding Strategies Increase Prefrontal Activation but Reduce Verbal Working Memory Demand., Neuroimage (2003) vol. 19, no. 2 Poster – Human Brain Mapping 2003 – June 2003 [Read More]
Lewis, S.J.G., DOVE, A., Robbins, T.W., Barker, R.A. & OWEN, A. M. (2003) Cognitive impairments in early Parkinson’s disease are accompanied by reductions in activity in frontostriatal neural circuitry, Journal of Neuroscience, 23(15), 6351-6356 [Read More]
Lewis, S.G.J., Cools, R., Robbins, T.W., DOVE, A., Barker, R.A., & OWEN, A. M (2003) Using executive heterogeneity to explore the nature of working memory deficits in Parkinson’s disease, Neuropsychologia, 41(6), 645-654. [Read More]
MANLY, T., OWEN, A. M., McAvinue, L., Datta, A., Lewis, G.H., K, S.,Rodrden, C., Pickard, J., & Robertson, I.H. (2003) Enhancing the sensitivity of a sustained attention task to frontal damage. Convergent clinical and functional imaging evidence, Neurocase, 9(4), 340-349 [Read More]
BOR, D., DUNCAN, J., Wiseman, R.J. & OWEN, A. M. (2003) Encoding strategies dissociate prefrontal activity from working memory demand, Neuron, 37(2), 361-367 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., EPSTEIN, R. & JOHNSRUDE, I.S. (2003) FMRI: Applications in Cognitive Neuroscience, In P M Matthews, P Jezzard & S M Smith (Eds) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain: Methods for Neuroscience. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp311-327 [Read More]
CALDER, A.J., LAWRENCE, A.D., KEANE, J., Scott, S.K., Owen, A. , Christoffels, I and Young, A.W (2002) Reading the mind from eye gaze. , Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14, Suppl, 74 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Lewis, S.J.G., DOVE, A., Robbins, T.W., CUSACK, R., & Barker, R.A (2002) Dissociating the effects of disease and behaviour in Parkinson’s disease using event-related fMRI, Neuroimage, 16, 2336-2337 [Read More]
DOVE, A., EPSTEIN, R., GRAHAM, K.S., BRETT, M., OWEN, A. M (2002) Encoding and retrieval of abstract paintings, faces and places: The Role of Intention, Neuroimage, 16(3 Pt 1), 614-615 [Read More]
Cools, R., Clark, L., OWEN, A. M, & Robbins, T.W (2002) Defining the neural mechanisms of probalistic reversal learning using event-related fMRI., Neuroimage, 16, 2218-2219 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., GRAHAM, K.S., & OWEN, A. M. (2002) Pray or prey? Dissociation of semantic memory access from episodic memory processes using positron emission tomography and a novel homophone task., Neuroimage, 16(3 Pt1), 724-735 [Read More]
Rodd, J. M., DAVIS, M.H., JOHNSRUDE, I. S., OWEN, A. M (2002) Barking up the right tree: an fMRI study of semantic ambiguity, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 28. 2002 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., GRAHAM, K.S., Simons, J.S., HODGES, J.R., OWEN, A. M. & PATTERSON, K. (2002) Regional brain activations differ for semantic features but not categories, Neuroreport 13(12), 1497-1501 [Read More]
MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D., OWEN, A. , FORD, M., BRETT, M., Pickard, J.D. & Price, C. (2002) Brain mechanisms for past tense processing: Neuro-imaging evidence., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14, F49 Suppl. S APR [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., Smith, S., Calvert, G.A., Tracey, I., Matthews, P. & OWEN, A. M. (2002) Evidence for asymmetric frontal-lobe involvement in episodic memory from functional magnetic resonance imaging and patients with unilateral frontal-lobe excisions, Neuropsychologia, 40, 2420–2437 [Read More]
CALDER, A.J., LAWRENCE, A.D., KEANE, J., Scott, S.K., OWEN, A. M., Christoffels, I. & Young, A.W. (2002) Reading the mind from eye gaze, Neuropsychologia, 40(8), 1129-1138 [Read More]
Cools, R., Stefanova, E., Barker, R.A., Robbins, T.W. & OWEN, A. M. (2002) Dopaminergic modulation of high-level cognition in Parkinson’s disease: the role of the prefrontal cortex revealed by PET, Brain, 125, 584-594 [Read More]
COX, S.M.L., Stefanova, E., JOHNSRUDE, I.S., Robbins, T.W. & OWEN, A. M. (2002) Preference formation and working memory in Parkinson’s disease and normal ageing, Neuropsychologia, 40 (3), 317-326 [Read More]
BRETT, M., JOHNSRUDE, I.S & OWEN, A. M. (2002) The problem of functional localization in the human brain, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 3 (3), 243-249 [Read More]
Hodgson, T.L., Tiesman, B., OWEN, A. M. & Kennard, C. (2002) Abnormal gaze strategies during problem solving in Parkinson’s disease, Neuropsychologia, 40(4), 411-422 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Menon, D.K., JOHNSRUDE, I.S., BOR, D., Scott, S.K., MANLY, T., Williams, E.J., Mummery, C. & Pickard, J.D. (2002) Detecting Residual Cognitive Function in Persistent Vegetative State (PVS), Neurocase, 8(5), 394-403. [Read More]
DOVE, A., Rowe, J., JOHNSRUDE, I.S., & OWEN, A. M (2001) Involvement of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in manipulation of items held in working memory, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13, Suppl 89 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Gould, R.L., Brown, R.G., DOVE, A., Ffytche, D.H., WOJCIULIK, E., & Howard, R (2001) Object-Location Memory Examined Using fMRI: Contrasting Measures of Difficulty and the Implications for Studies of Patients, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 27, 74.3 [Read More]
LEE,A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., GRAHAM, K.S., & OWEN, A. M (2001) Dissociation of semantic and episodic memory using positron emission tomography and a novel homophone task, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 27,639.8 [Read More]
Cools, R., Stefanova, E., Barker, R.A., Robbins, T.W., & Owen, A. M (2001) Dopaminergic modulation of high-level cognition in Parkinson’s disease. The role of prefrontal cortex and basal hanglia revealed by PET, Neuroimage, 13, S652 [Read More]
BOR, D., DUNCAN, J ., & OWEN, A. M (2001) Organised working memory lists decrease task difficulty but increase activation in the lateral frontal cortex., Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 27, 80.3 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., GRAHAM, K.S. & Owen, A. M (2001) Dissociation of semantic and episodic memory using positron emission tomography and a novel homephone task, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 639.8 [Read More]
GRAHAM, K.S., LEE, A.C.H., Lee, M., OWEN, A. & PATTERSON, K. (2001) Taking sides: Left and right-temporal activations during retrieval of long-term memories., Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 639, 10 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., GRAHAM, K.S. & OWEN, A. M. (2001) Dissociation of semantic and episodic memory using positron emission tomography and a novel homophone task., Neuroimage – Never published [Read More]
MANLY, T., OWEN, A. M., Datta, A., Lewis, G., Scott, S., Rorden, C., Pickard, J. & Robertson, I. (2001) Busy doing nothing?: Increased right frontal and parietal activation associated with self-sustained attention to an unchallenging task, NeuroImage, 13 (6): S331-S331, Part 2 [Read More]
Dagher, A., OWEN, A. M., Boecker, H. & Brookes, D.J. (2001) The Role of the Striatum and Hippocampus During Motor Planning: A PET activation Study in Parkinson’s disease., Brain, 124(5), 1020-1032 [Read More]
BOR, D., DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A. M. (2001) The Role of Spatial Configuration in Tests of Working Memory Explored with Functional Neuroimaging, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 42 (3), 217-224 [Read More]
SIMONS, J.S., GRAHAM, K.S., OWEN, A. M., PATTERSON, K. & HODGES, J.R. (2001) Perceptual and semantic components of memory for objects and faces: A PET study, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13 (4), 430-443 [Read More]
Rowe, J.B., OWEN, A. M., JOHNSRUDE, I.S. & Passingham, R.E. (2001) Imaging the mental components of a planning task., Neuropsychologia, 39, 315-327 [Read More]
Harrison, J.E. & OWEN, A. M. (2001) Cognitive Deficits in Neurological Disorders: Methodological Consideration, In J. E. Harrison & A. M. Owen (Eds), Cognitive Deficits in Neurological Disorders. London: Dunitz [Read More]
Harrison, J.E., Stow, I. & Owen, A. M. (2001) Parkinson’s disease, In J. E. Harrison & A. M. Owen (Eds), Cognitive Deficits in Brain Disorders. London: Martin Dunitz Ltd, 197-215 [Read More]
Mehta, M.A., OWEN, A. M., Sahakian, B.J., Mavaddat, N., Pickard, J.D., & Robbins, T.W (2000) The effects of the stimulant methylphenisate on regional cerebral blood flow during performance of a working memory task, Journal of Neuroscience, 20 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., & OWEN, A. M (2000) Episodic Memory and the Frontal Lobes: Functional Neuroimaging Studies of Encoding and Retrieval, Critical Reviews in Neurobiology 14, 165-197 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H, Robbins, T.W., & OWEN, A. M. & , (2000) Episodic Memory Meets Working Memory in the Frontal Lobe: Functional Neuroimaging Studies of Encoding and Retrieval., Critical Reviews in Neurobiology, 14 (3-4), 475-483 [Read More]
Schneider, W.X., OWEN, A. M. & DUNCAN, J. (2000) Executive Control and the Frontal Lobe: Current Issues, Experimental Brain Research, 133(1), 1-2 [Read More]
Lee, A.C.H., Manes, F.F., BOR, D., Robbins, T.W. & OWEN, A. M. (2000) Dissociating Planning and Working Memory Processes Within The Human Lateral Frontal Cortex., Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 26, 749.6 [Read More]
BOR, D., DUNCAN, J., OWEN, A. M. (2000) Lateral prefrontal cortex activity may be modulated by the configuration of stimuli in a spatial working memory task, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 26, 1501 [Read More]
DUNCAN, J. & Owen, A. M. (2000) Common regions of the human frontal lobe recruited by diverse cognitive demands, Trends in Neurosciences, 23(10), 475-483 [Read More]
JOHNSRUDE, I.S., Giraud, A.L., Morosan, P., BRETT, M., OWEN, A. M. & Zilles, K. (2000) Functional Imaging of the auditory system: The use of positron emission tomography, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Head and Neck Surgery. K. Jahnke & M. Fischer (Eds.). Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, pp 49-58. [Read More]
Cools, R., Swainson, R., OWEN, A. M. & Robbins, T.W. (2000) Cognitive Dysfunction in Non-Demented Parkinson’s Disease, In Wolters, E.C.H., Cheltens, P.H., Berendse, H.W. (Eds), Mental Dysfunction In Parkinson’s disease, pp.142-164. Academic Pharmaceutical Productions, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. [Read More]
OWEN, A. (2000) The role of the lateral frontal cortex in mnemonic processing; The contribution of functional neuroimaging., Experimental Brain Research 133, 33-43, 2000 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Lee, A.C.H. & Williams, (2000) Dissociating Aspects of verbal Working Memory Within The Human Frontal Lobe: Further Evidence for a “Process-Specific” Model of Lateral Frontal Organization., Psychobiology (2000), 28(2), 146-155. [Read More]
Stern, C.E., OWEN, A. M., Petrides, M., Look, R.B., Tracey, I. & Rosen, B.R. (2000) Activity in Ventrolateral and Mid-dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex During Non-Spatial Visual Working Memory Processing: Evidence from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, NeuroImage, 11 (5), 392-399 [Read More]
Lee, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., Pickard, J.D. & OWEN, A. M. (2000) Asymmetric frontal activation during episodic memory: the effects of stimulus type on encoding and retrieval(Was recorded as Left or Right Prefrontal Cortical Involvement in Episodic Memory Encoding and Retrieval?: The Effects of Stimulus Type.), Neuropsychologia, 38. 677-692 [Read More]
Mehta, M.A., OWEN, A. M., Sahakian, B.J., Mavaddat, N., Pickard, J.D. & Robbins, T.W. (2000) Methylphenidate enhances working memory by modulating discrete frontal and parietal lobe regions in the human brain, Journal of Neuroscience, 20, 1-6 [Read More]
Hodgson, T.L., Bajwa, A., OWEN, A. M. & Kennard, C. (2000) The strategic control of gaze direction in the Tower of London Task, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 12, 913-923 [Read More]
Vandenberghe, R., DUNCAN, J., ARNELL, K.M., BISHOP, S.J., Herrod, N.J., OWEN, A. M., Minhas, P.S., Dupont, P., Pickard, J.D. & Orban, G.A. (2000) Maintaining and shifting attention within left or right hemifield, Cerebral Cortex 10 (7), 706-713 [Read More]
JOHNSRUDE, I.S., OWEN, A. M., White, N.M., Zhao, W.V. & Bohbot, V. (2000) Impaired preference Conditioning after Anterior Temporal Lobe Reseaction in Humans, Journal of Neuroscience, 20(7), 2649-2656. [Read More]
Lee, A. C. H. OWEN, A. M., Rogers, R., Sahakian, B. J., Robbins, T.W. (2000) Utility of the CANTAB battery in functional neuroimaging, In M. Ernst & J.M. Rumsey (Eds.), Functional Neuroimaging in child psychiatry, 366-378. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press [Read More]
DUNCAN, J. and OWEN, A. (2000) Dissociative methods in the study of frontal lobe function., In Attention and performance XVIII, 567-576. By S. Monsell and J. Driver, MIT Press. [Read More]
Rowe, J.B., OWEN, A. M., JOHNSRUDE, I.S., & Passingham, R (1999) Imaging the mental components of a planning task, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 25, 44.11 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Menon, D.K., Williams, E.J., Minhas, P.S., JOHNSRUDE, I.S., SCOTT, S.K., Allen, C.M.C., Boniface, J., Kendall, I.V., Downey, S.P.M.J., Antoun, N., Clark, J., & Pickard, J.D (1999) Functional imaging in persistent vegitative state (PVS), Neuroimage, 9, S581 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., Pickard, J.D., OWEN, A. M (1999) Episodic memory encoding and retrieval: a combined PET and functional MRI study., Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 25, 259.4 [Read More]
LEE, A.C.H., Robbins, T.W., Pickard, J.D., & OWEN, A. M (1999) Asymmetric frontal activation during episodic memory: the effects of stimulus type on encoding and retrieval, NeuroImage, 9, S955 [Read More]
BOR, D., DUNCAN, J., Navaddat, N., Williams, E.J., Pickard, J.D., & OWEN, A. M (1999) Dissociation of function within the human lateral frontal cortex., NeuroImage, 9, S330 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Doyon, J., Dagher, A., & Evans, A.C. (1999) Abnormal basal ganglia outflow in Parkinson’s disease identified with Positron Emission Tomography: implications for higher cortical functions., Focus on Parkinson’s Disease, 18-19 [Read More]
Harrison, J.E., OWEN, A. M. (1999) Research Issues in the Neuropsychological investigation of brain disease, In J.E. Harrison & A.M. Owen (Eds.), Cognitive Deficits in Neurological Disorders. London: Dunitz Chapter 1 [Read More]
Harrison, J.E. & OWEN, A. M. (1999) The Neuropsychological Sequelae of Frontal-Lobe damage, In J.E. Harrison & A.M. Owen (Eds.), Cognitive Deficits in Neurological Disorders. London: Dunitz [Read More]
Pantelis, C., Barber, F.Z., Barnes, T.R.E., Nelson, H.E., OWEN, A. M. & Robbins, T.W. (1999) A comparison of set-shifting ability in patients with schizophrenia and frontal lobe damage, Schizophrenia Research 37, 251-270, [Read More]
rogers, r. d., OWEN, A. M., Middleton, H. C., Williams, E. J., Pickard, J. D., Sahakian, B. J. and Robbins, T. W. (1999) Choosing between small, likely rewards and large, unlikely rewards activates inferior and orbital prefrontal cortex, Journal of Neuroscience, 1999, 20(19), 9029-9038. [Read More]
Menon, D.K., OWEN, A. M., Williams, E.J., Kendall, I. V., Downey, S.P.M.J., Minhas, P.S., Allen, C.M.C., Boniface, S., Antoun, N., Pickard, J.D., (1999) Cortical function in the persistent vegetative state: response to: Schiff, N. and Plum, Trends In Cognitive Sciences, 3(2), 44-46 [Read More]
Doyon, J., OWEN, A. M. Jackson, P. L., Lafleur, M., Cesaro, P., Remy, P. (1999) Analysis des effets therapeutiques au plan moteur et cognitif des greffes de cellules mesencephaliques dopaminergiques chez les patients attients de la maladie de parkinson., Medecine/Sciences , 5(15), XX-XXIII [Read More]
Dagher, A., OWEN, A. M., Boecker, H., & Brooks, D.J. (1999) Mapping the network for planning: A correlational PET activation study with the “Tower of London” task., Brain, 122, 1973-1987. [Read More]
Johnsrude, I.S., OWEN, A. M., Zhao, V.W., White, N.M. (1999) Conditioned Preference in Humans: A Novel Experimental Approach, Learning and Motivation, 1999, 30, 250-264. [Read More]
Johnsrude, I.S., OWEN, A. M., Crane, J., Milner, B. Evans, A.C. (1999) A cognitive activation study of memory for spatial relationships. , Neuropsychologia, (1999), 37, 829-841. [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. (1999) Functional Neuroimaging: Recent Contributions to Neuropsychology, Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurology., In Jose M. Olivares (Ed). Investigation en Psiquiatria (Published 1999 in Spain) [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Herrod, N.J., Menon, D.K., Clark, J.C., Downey, S.P.M.J., Carpenter, T.A., Pawanjit, S.M., Turkheimer, F.E., Williams, E.J., Robbins, T.W., Sahakian, B.J., Petrides, M., & Pickard, J.D. (1999) Redefining the functional organization of working memory processes within human lateral prefrontal cortex, European Journal of Neuroscience, 11(2), 567-574 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. & Doyon, J. (1999) The cognitive neuropsychology of Parkinson’s disease: A functional neuroimaging perspective., In G. Stern (Ed.) 1999. Parkinson’s Disease (Advances in Neurology). Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Press, pp.49-56 [Read More]
Robbins, T.W., OWEN, A. M., and Sahakian, B.J. (1998) The neuropsychology of basal ganglia disorders; An integrative cognitive and comparative approach., In M. Ron and A. David (Eds.) Disorders of Brain and Mind., 1998, Cambridge University Press. [Read More]
Robbins, T.W., James, M., OWEN, A. M., Sahakian, B.J., McInnes, L. Rabbitt, P. (1998) A study of performance on tests from the CANTAB battery sensitive to frontal lobe dysfunction in a large sample of normal volunteers: implications for theories of executive function and cognitive ageing. , Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 4, 474-490. [Read More]
Menon, D.K., OWEN, A. M., Williams, E.j., Minhas, P.S., Allen, C.M.C., Boniface, S.J., & Pickard, J.D., with the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre Team. (1998) Cortical processing in the persistent vegetative state revealed by functional imaging, Lancet, 18th July 1998, 352, (9123), p.200 [Read More]
Rushworth, M.F.S. & OWEN, A. M. (1998) The functional organization of the lateral frontal cortex: conjecture or conjuncture in the electrophysiology literature?, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2(2), 46-53. [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Stern, C. E., Look, R. B., Tracey, I., Rosen, B. R. & Petrides, M. (1998) Functional organisation of spatial and nonspatial working memory processing within the human lateral frontal cortex., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 95, 7721-7726. [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Doyon, J., Dagher, A., Sadikot, A., & Evans, A.C. (1998) Abnormal basal ganglia outflow in Parkinson’s disease identified with PET: Implications for higher cortical functions , Brain, 121(5), 949-965. [Read More]
Pantelis, C., Barnes, T.R.E., Nelson, H.E., Tanner.S., Weatherley, L., OWEN, A. M., Robbins, T. (1997) Frontal-striatal cognitive deficits in patients with chronic schizophrenia, Brain, 120(10), 1823-1843 [Read More]
Robbins, T.W., James, M. OWEN, A. M., & Sahakian, B.J (1997) A neural systems approach to the cognitive psychology of ageing: studies with CANTAB on large samples of the normal elderly population., In P.Rabbitt (Ed.) Methodology of frontal and executive function. Sussex: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates [Read More]
OWEN, A. M., Iddon, J.L., HODGES, J.R., & Robbins, T.W (1997) Spatial and non-spatial working memory at different stages of Parkinson’s disease, Neuropsychologia, 35, 519-532 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M (1997) The functional organization of working memory processes within Human lateral frontal cortex: The contribution of functional neuroimaging., European Journal of Neuroscience, 9, 1329-1339 [Read More]
OWEN, A. M. (1997) Cognitive planning in humans: neuropsychological, neuroanatomical and neuropharmacological perspectives., Progress in Neurobiology, 53 , pp.431-450 [Read More]