- Macro theory for cognition and emotion.
- Central executive function and dysfunction.
- Two levels of meaning in the processing of affective and non-affective representations.
I have now retired from full-time research at the Unit. The pages below summarise many of the topics I worked on up until my retirement in 2011. I maintain an active interest in these and other topics.
- An outline of Interacting Cognitive Subsystems
- Applying ICS theory in a clinical context
- A novel process account of Anorexia Nervosa
- Bipolar Disorder
- SenseCam project on Alzheimer's
- ICS and the evolution of cognitive capability and refined emotions
- Mood and memory
- Meaning attention and mood
- Anxiety and attention to threat-related meanings
- Conceptual implicit memory in dysphoria
- Attention to, and memory for, images with impact
- Automatic processing in moral cognition
- Paying attention to social meanings (fMRI study)
- Embodied Cognition
I also have a major interest in cognition and emotion in the context Sci-Art research. You can find a number of papers on choreography and music in my full unit bibliogprahy and they are mentioned in the coverage of Embodied Cognition. I still work with R-Research at Wayne McGregor | Random Dance on creativity and one past project that was based in Cambrudge is summarised at Choreography and cognition.
A few selected publications on theory and on its application to issues in mental health, technology design and to the evolution of mind:
- Basic theory
Barnard, P.J. (1985). Interacting Cognitive Subsystems: A psycholinguistic approach to short term memory. In A Ellis (Ed.), Progress in the Psychology of Language, Vol. 2, Chapter 6. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 197-258.
Barnard, P.J. and Teasdale, J.D. (1991). Interacting cognitive subsystems: A systemic approach to cognitive-affective interaction and change. Cognition and Emotion, 5, 1-39.
Barnard, P.J. (1999). Interacting Cognitive Subsystems: modelling working memory phenomena within a multi-processor architecture. In: Miyake, A & Shah, P. (Eds)Models of Working Memory: Mechanisms of Active Maintenance and Executive Control, Chapter 9, pp. 298-339, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Barnard, P. J. & Bowman, H. (2003). Rendering Information Processing Models of Cognition and Affect Computationally Explicit: Distributed executive control and the deployment of attention. Cognitive Science Quarterly, 3, 297-328.
Barnard, P.J., Duke, D.J., Byrne, R.W. & Davidson, (2007). Differentiation in cognitive and emotional meanings: an evolutionary analysis. Cognition and Emotion, 21(6), 1155-1183.
Barnard, P.J. (2010) From Executive Mechanisms Underlying Perception and Action to the Parallel Processing of Meaning, Current Anthropology, 51:S1, S39-S54
- Applications of theory in mental health & dementia
Teasdale, J.D. and Barnard, P.J. (1993). Affect, Cognition and Change: Re-modelling Depressive Thought. Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Barnard, P., (2003). Asynchrony, implicational meaning and the experience of self in schizophrenia. In A. David & T. Kircher (Eds.). The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry, pp121-146. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Barnard, P. (2004). Bridging between basic theory and clinical practice. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42, 977-1000.
Barnard, P. (2009). Depression and attention to two kinds of meaning: A cognitive perspective. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 23 (3), 248-262.
Park, R. J., Dunn, B.D., and Barnard, P.J. (2011) Schematic Models and Modes of Mind in Anorexia Nervosa: A Novel Process Account with Treatment Implications. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 4(4), 415-437.
Barnard, P.J., Murphy, F.C. ; Carthery-Goulart, M.T., Ramponi, C., and Clare, L. (2011). Exploring the basis and boundary conditions of SenseCam-facilitated recollection. Memory, 19 (7), 758-767.
- Application to use of interactive technologies
Barnard, P. (1991). Bridging between basic theories and the artefacts of human-computer interaction. In J.M. Carroll (Ed.), Designing Interaction: Psychology at the Human-Computer Interface. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 103-127.
Duke, D. J., Barnard, P. J., Duce, D. A. & May, J. (1998). Syndetic Modelling. Human Computer Interaction. Vol 13, 4, 337-393.
Barnard, P. & May, J. (1999). Representing cognitive activity in complex tasks. Human-Computer Interaction, vol 14, 93-158.
Barnard, P. , May, J., Duke, D. & Duce, D. (2000). Systems, Interactions and Macrotheory. ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 7, 222-262.
BARNARD, P. J. (2019) Sticks, Stones and the Origins of Sapience, In Squeezing Minds from Stones: Cognitive Archaeology and the Evolution of the Human Mind, Frederick L. Coolidge and Karenleigh A. Overmann (eds.). New York: Oxford University Press [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J. (2019) ‘Paying Attention to Meanings in the Psychological Sciences and the Performing Arts’. , in Performing Psychologies: Imagination, Creativity and Dramas of the Mind. N. Shaughnessy, & P. Barnard (eds). London: Methuen. pp. 41-66. [Read More]
Shaughnessy, N & BARNARD, P. (2019) Changing Minds and Minding the Gap: Interactions between Arts, Science and Performance, In Performing Psychologies: Imagination, Creativity and Dramas of the Mind. N. Shaughnessy, & P. Barnard (eds). London: Methuen. pp. 3-20 [Read More]
Shaughnessy, N. and BARNARD, P. (2019) Performing Psychologies: Imagination, Creativity and Dramas of the Mind, Book – London: Methuen Drama. [Read More]
deLahunta, S., BARNARD, P. (2018) ‘Seeing the ‘Choreographic Mind’: three analytic lenses developed to probe and notate creative processes in dance’., in: The Neurocognition of Dance, 2nd edition. Eds. Blaesing, B., Puttke, M., Schack, T. London: Taylor & Francis, pp 88-114. [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J. and deLahunta, S. (2017) Intersecting shapes in music and in dance. , In: Music and Shape. Editors: D. Leech-Wilkinson and H. Prior. Oxford, Publisher: Oxford University Press. pp. 328-350. [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J. and deLahunta, S. (2017) Intersecting shapes in music and in dance. , In Music and Shape. Editors: D. Leech-Wilkinson and H. Prior. Oxford, Publisher: Oxford University Press. pp. 328-350. [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J., deLahunta, S. (2017) Mapping the audit traces of interdisciplinary collaboration: bridging and blending between choreography and cognitive science, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 42(4), 359-380 [Open Access]
BARNARD, P. , deLahunta, S. (2017) Bridging and Blending in Science and Art, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 42(4), 359-380 [Open Access]
Cowdrey, F.A., Lomax, C., Gregory, J.D., BARNARD, P. J. (2017) Could a unified theory of cognition and emotion further the transdiagnostic perspective? A critical analysis using interacting cognitive subsystems as a case study, Psychopathology Review, 4(3) 377-399 [Open Access]
BARNARD, P. Davidson, I. & Byrne, R.W. (2016) Toward a Richer Theoretical Scaffolding for Interpreting Archaeological Evidence Concerning Cognitive Evolution, In T. Wynn & F. Coolidge (eds.) Cognitive Models in Palaeolithic Archaeology, New York: Oxford University Press. 45-67. [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J., Davidson, I and Byrne, R.W. (2016) Toward a richer theoretical scaffolding for interpreting archaeological evidence concerning cognitive evolution. , In T. Wynn and F. Coolidge (eds), Cognitive models in Palaeolithic archaeology, pp.45-67. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. [Read More]
Douilliez, C., Heeren, A., Lefevre, N., Watkins, E., BARNARD, P. , & Philippot, P (2014) A French validation of a questionnaire assessing abstract-analytic and concrete experiential repetitive thoughts. [Validation en langue française d’un questionnaire évaluant les pensées répétitives abstraites- analytiques et concrètes-expérientielles], Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science [Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement] 46(2), 185-192 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J. (2012) What do we mean by the meanings of music?, Empirical Musicology Reviews, 7(1-2), 69-80 [Open Access]
Croucher, C.J., MURPHY, F.C., CALDER, A.J., RAMPONI, C. & BARNARD, P. J. (2011) Disgust enhances the recollection of negative emotional images., PLoS One, 6(11), e26571 [Open Access]
Su, L., Bowman, H. & BARNARD, P. (2011) Glancing and then looking: on the role of body, affect and meaning in cognitive control, Frontiers in Psychology, 2:348 [Open Access]
deLahunta, S. Clarke., G. & BARNARD, P. (2011) A conversation about Choreographic Thinking Tools, Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, 3(1-2) [Read More]
May, J., Calvo-Merino, B., deLahunta, S., McGregor, W., CUSACK, R. Owen, A. VELDSMAN, M., RAMPONI, C. and BARNARD, P. J. (2011) Points in mental space: an interdisciplinary study of imagery in movement creation, Dance Research Electronic, 29(2), 402-430 [Open Access]
Pacini, A. & BARNARD, P. J. (2011) When the sunny side is down: Re-mapping the relationship between direction and valence, Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 7(4), 686-696 [Open Access]
Bowman, H., SU, L., Wyble, B. & BARNARD, P. J. (2011) Salience sensitive control, temporal attention and stimulus-rich reactive interfaces, In: C. Roda (ed.), Human Attention in Digital Environments. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp.114-144. [Read More]
MURPHY, F.C., BARNARD, P. J., Terry, K., Carthery-Goulart, M.T., & Holmes, E. (2011) SenseCam, Imagery and Bias in Memory for Wellbeing, Memory, 19(7), 768-767 [Open Access]
BARNARD, P. J., MURPHY, F. C. ; Carthery-Goulart, M-T, RAMPONI, C, and Clare, L. (2011) Exploring the basis and boundary conditions of SenseCam-facilitated recollection, Memory, 19(7), 768-777 [Read More]
Park, R. J., DUNN, B.D., and BARNARD, P. J. (2011) Schematic Models and Modes of Mind in Anorexia Nervosa I: A Novel Process Account, International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 4(4), 415-437 [Read More]
RAMPONI, C., BARNARD, P. , Kherif, F. & HENSON, R.N. (2011) Voluntary explicit versus involuntary conceptual memory are associated with dissociable fMRI responses in Hippocampus, Amygdala and Parietal cortex for emotional and neutral word-pairs., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(8), 1935-1951 [Read More]
Tavares, P., BARNARD, P. & Lawrence, A (2011) Emotional Complexity and the Neural Representation of Emotion in Motion, Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 6(1), 98-108 [Open Access]
BARNARD, P. J. (2010) Choice, confusion and consciousness, The Psychologist, 23(12), 984-986 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J., MURPHY, F.C., Carthery-Goulart M.T., RAMPONI, C., Nestor P.J., Parkinson C.H., van Paasschen J., Clare, L. (2010) Can SenseCam promote elaborative processing and recollection in memory-impaired patients?, Proceedings of the second annual SenseCam symposium (SenseCam 2010), ISBN 1872-327-915, 7–8. [Read More]
SU, L., BARNARD, P. J. and Bowman, H (2010) On the Fringe of Awareness: The Glance-Look Model of Attention-Emotion Interactions, In K. Diamantaras, W. Duch, L.S. Iiadis (Eds): ICANN 2010, Part III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6354, 504-509 [Read More]
RAMPONI, C., MURPHY, F.C., CALDER, A.J, & BARNARD, P. J. (2010) Recognition Memory for Pictorial Material in Subclinical Depression, Acta Psychologica, 135(3) 293-301 [Open Access]
MURPHY, F.C., Hill, E., RAMPONI, C., CALDER, A.J. & BARNARD, P. J. (2010) Paying attention to emotional images with impact, Emotion, 10(5), 605-614 [Read More]
Delduca, C.M., Jones, S.H. & BARNARD, P. J. (2010) A preliminary investigation of the effect of hypomanic personality on the specificity and speed of autobiographical memory recall, Memory, 18(1), 12-26 [Open Access]
RAMPONI, C., Handelsman, G., & BARNARD, P. J. (2010) The Memory Enhancement Effect Of Emotion Is Absent In Conceptual Implicit Memory, Emotion, 10(2), 294-299 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. (2010) From Executive Mechanisms Underlying Perception and Action to the Parallel Processing of Meaning, Current Anthropology, 51:S1, S39-S54 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. (2010) Current Developments in Inferring Cognitive Capabilities From the Archaeological Traces Left By Stone Tools: Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Inference, In Nowell, A., and I. Davidson (Eds). Stone Tools and the Evolution of Human Cognition. , Boulder, CO: Colorado University Press. 207-226 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J., MURPHY, F.C., Carthery-Goulart M.T., Terry, K, & Holmes, E. (2009) SenseCam, Imagery and Bias in Memory for Wellbeing, Proceedings of the annual SenseCam Symposium, Chicago [Read More]
Douilliez, C., Philippot , P., Baeyens, C., Heeren, A., Watkins, E & BARNARD, P. (2009) Validation of the French version of the Cambridge Exeter Rumination Thinking Scale, Poster presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the British Assocaition of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy, 15th-18th July, Exeter, UK [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J. (2009) Depression and attention to two kinds of meaning: A cognitive perspective, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 23(3), 248-262 [Open Access]
Su, L., Bowman, H. & BARNARD, P. J. (2009) Process Algebraic Modelling of Attentional Capture and Human Electrophysiology in Interactive Systems, Formal Aspect of Computing, 21(6), 513-539 [Open Access]
EWBANK, M.P., BARNARD, P. J., Croucher, C.J., RAMPONI, C. and CALDER, A.J (2009) The amygdala response to images with impact, Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 4(2), 127-133. [Open Access]
Lomax, C., Lam, D. & BARNARD, P. J. (2009) Cognitive processing in Bipolar Disorder conceptualised using the Interacting Cognitive Subsystems (ICS) model., Psychological Medicine, 39(5), 773-783 [Open Access]
MURPHY, F.C., Wilde, G., Ogden, N., BARNARD, P. J. & CALDER, A.J. (2009) Assessing the automaticity of moral processing: Efficient coding of moral information during narrative comprehension, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(1), 41-49 [Open Access]
RAMPONI, C., Nayagam, G.S., & BARNARD, P. J. (2009) Conceptual Implicit Memory in Subclinical Depression, Cognition and Emotion, 23(3), 551-568 [Read More]
deLahunta, S., BARNARD, P. J. & McGregor, W. (2009) Augmenting Choreography: insights and inspirations from Science, In: Contemporary Choreography: A critical reader. J. Butterworth and L. Wildschut (Eds.), 431-448 [Read More]
RAMPONI, C. Handelsman, G. & BARNARD, P. J. (2008) Is remembering emotional information an involuntary/unconscious process or is it related to voluntary conscious retrieval?, Meeting of the Experimental Psychology Society, 2nd – 4th of April 2008 [Read More]
Su, L., Bowman, H. & BARNARD, P. J. (2008) Performance of reactive interfaces in stimulus rich environments, applying formal methods and cognitive frameworks, In: the 2nd International Workshop on Formal Methods for Interactive Systems FMIS2007 (held in conjunction with HCI2007), Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 208, 95-111 [Read More]
DALGLEISH, T., Rolfe, J., GOLDEN, A.J., DUNN, B. D., & BARNARD, P. J. (2008) Reduced autobiographical memory specificity and posttraumatic stress: Exploring the contributions of impaired executive control and affect regulation, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117(1), 236-241 [Read More]
Tavares, P., Lawrence, A.D., and BARNARD, P. J. (2008) Paying Attention to Social Meaning: an fMRI Study., Cerebral Cortex, 18(8), 1876-1885 [Read More]
CALDER, A.J., EWBANK, M.P., RAMPONI, C. & BARNARD, P. J. (2007) ‘Visual impact’ predicts the amygdala response to emotional images, Proceedings of the 37th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience [Read More]
PACINI, A.M., BARNARD, P. J. & DALGLEISH, T. (2007) “I’m down but I’m happy” Re-mapping the relationship between neural simulations of direction and valence, Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society [Read More]
Su, L., Bowman, H. & BARNARD, P. (2007) Attentional Capture by Meaning, a Multi-level Modelling Study, Proceedings of 29th Annual Meeting of the Congitive Science Society Aug 1st-4th, Nashville Tennesse, 2007, 1521-1526 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J., Duke, D.J., Byrne, R.W. & Davidson, I. (2007) Differentiation in cognitive and emotional meanings: an evolutionary analysis, Cognition and Emotion, 21(6), 1155-1183 [Read More]
DALGLEISH, T., Williams, J.M.G., Perkins, N., GOLDEN, A.J., BARNARD, P. J., Au-Yeung, C., Murphy, V., Elward, R., Feldman-Barrett, L., Tchanturia, K. & Watkins, E (2007) Reduced specificity of autobiographical memory and depression: The role of executive processes, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 136(1), 23-42 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. & Redgrave, P. (2006) Action, In R.G.M. Morris, L. Tarassenko & M.Kenward (Eds), Cognitive Systems: Information Processing Meets Brain Science, pp 121-137. London: Academic Press [Read More]
Pacini, A.M, BARNARD, P. J & DALGLEISH, T. (2006) Enactive perception and adaptive action in the embodied self., Poster presented at the 3rd International conference on enactive interfaces, Montpellier, France 20-21st November 2006 pp135-36. [Read More]
Park R.J & BARNARD, P. J. (2006) A Process Account of Anorexia Nervosa., Poster presented at the 2006 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Barcelona June 7th-10th. [Read More]
Delahunta, S., BARNARD, P. , NIMMO-SMITH, I., POTTS, J. & RAMPONI, C. (2006) Densities of Agreement: making visible some intangible properties of dance, Dance Theatre Journal, 21(3), 17-23 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J., Watkins, E.R. & RAMPONI, C. (2006) Reducing specificity of autobiographical memory in non-clinical participants: the role of rumination and schematic models, Cognition & Emotion, 20(3/4), 328-350 [Read More]
Park R.J & BARNARD, P. J. (2005) A Process Account of Anorexia Nervosa, Poster presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society Annual Meeting, Fairmont Royal York, Toronto, Canada, 29thSeptember – 1st October 2005. [Read More]
DALGLEISH, T., Watkins, E, Spinks, H., Tchanturia, K., Treasure, J., BARNARD, P. , Perkins, N., Au Yueng, C., Murphy, V, GOLDEN, A.J., Elward, R, Willaims, M., Feldman-Barret, L. (2005) Autobiographical memory for emotional events in individuals with depression, Paper presented at XIIIth Annual Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions, July, Bari, Italy [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J., DALGLEISH, T. (2005) Psychological-level systems theory – The missing link in bridging emotion theory and neurobiology through dynamic systems modelling: Commentary on Lewis, Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 28(2), 196-197 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. , RAMPONI, C., BATTYE, G. & MACKINTOSH, B. (2005) Anxiety and the deployment of visual attention over time, Visual Cognition,12(1), 181-211 [Read More]
TAVARES, P., BARNARD, P. J. & LAWRENCE, A.D. (2004) Activation of the ‘social brain’ by simple animations: effects of film content and attention, Poster presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping. June 13-17, Budapest, Hungary. [Read More]
Byrne, R.W., BARNARD, P. J., Davidson, I., Janik, V.M., Mcgrew, W.C., Miklosi, A. & Weissner, P. (2004) Understanding Culture Across Species, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 8(8), 341-346 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. (2004) Bridging between basic theory and clinical practice, Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42(9), 977-1000 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. , SCOTT, S., TAYLOR, J., May, J. & KNIGHTLEY, W. (2004) Paying Attention to Meaning, Psychological Science, 15(3), 179-186 [Read More]
Bowman, P., Wyble, B. & BARNARD, P. (2004) Neural Network Models of the Attentional Blink, In H. Bowman & Labiouse (Eds.) Proceedings of the 8th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, 178 – 187, 2003 [Read More]
RAMPONI, C., BARNARD, P. J. & NIMMO-SMITH, I. (2004) Recollection Deficits in Dysphoric Mood: An Effect of Schematic Models and Executive Mode?, Memory, 12(5), 655-670 [Read More]
DALGLEISH, T., Perkins, N., GOLDEN, A.J., BARNARD, P. & Watkins, E (2003) In the overgeneral memory effect, is there anything special about the overgenerality, autobiography or memory?, Paper presented at the Third Special Interest Meeting on Autobiographical Memory and psychopathology, 7-9th May, Le Lignely, Belgium [Read More]
Palmer, A. & BARNARD, P. (2003) The immediate processing of schema discrepant meaning in Bipolar Disorder, Bipolar Disorders, Supplement no 1, Vol 5, p73Poster, 5th International Conference on Bipolar Disorders, June 2003 [Read More]
May, J., Dean, M. & BARNARD, P. (2003) Using Film Cutting Techniques in Interface Design, Human Computer Interaction, 18(4), 325-372 [Read More]
Duke, D., BARNARD, P. , Halper, N. & Mellin, M. (2003) Rendering and Affect, Computer Graphics Forum, 22(3), 359-368 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. , Dayan, P. & Regrave, P. (2003) Action, Foresight Cognitive Systems Research Review 1 – 16, January 2003, [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J. & Bowman, H. (2003) Rendering information processing models of cognition and affect computationally explicit: Distributed executive control and the deployment of attention., Cognitive Science Quarterly 3(3), 297-328 [Read More]
May, J., & BARNARD, P. (2003) Cognitive Task Analysis in Interacting Cognitive Subsystems, In Diaper, D. & Stanton, N, (Eds.) The Handbook of Task Analysis for HCI. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates , 291-325 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J. (2003) Asynchrony, implicational meaning and the experience of self in schizophrenia., In A. David & T. Kircher (Eds.). The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, Chapter 6 [Read More]
BATTYE, G. & BARNARD, P. J. (2002) The Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Conflict Monitoring: fMRI studies from a range of paradigms implicate inhibitory mechanisms in top down attentional control., 8th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, NeuroImage, 16, 657 [Read More]
DUKE, D.J., Duce, D.A., BARNARD, P. J & May, J (2001) Human-Computer Protocols, In: C. Stephandis (Ed), Universal Access in HCI, Volume 3 of the proceedings of HCI International 2001, (pp.296-300). Hillsdale, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates [Read More]
Bowman., & BARNARD, P. J (2001) Computational Modelling of Distributed Executive Control Technical Report, 12-01: Computing Laboratory, University of Kent at Canterbury, [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J., SCOTT, S.K. & May, J. (2001) When the Central Executive lets us down: schemas, attention and load in a generative working memory task. , Memory, 9 (4/5/6), 209-221 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J., May. J. Duke, D. & Duce, D. (2001) Macrotheory for Systems of Interactors, In J.M. Carroll (Ed.) Human-Computer Interaction in the New Millenium. Reading MA: Boston: Addison-Wesley Chapter 2, 31-52 [Read More]
SCOTT, S.K., BARNARD, P. J. & May, J. (2001) Specifying executive representations and processes in number generation tasks, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 54A (3), 641-664 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J., May, J., Duke, D.J. & Duce, D.A. (2000) Systems Interactions and Macrotheory, Transactions On Computer Human Interaction 7, 222-262 [Read More]
Barnard, P. & May, J. (1999) Representing cognitive activity in complex tasks, Human Computer Interaction, 14(1/2), 93-158, 1999 [Read More]
BARNARD, P. J. (1999) Interacting Cognitive Subsystems: modeling working memory phenomena within a multi-processor architecture., In A. Miyake & P. Shah (Eds), Models of Working Memory: Mechanisms of active maintenance and executive control. New York: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 9, pp. 298-339. [Read More]
Duke, D. J., Barnard, P. J., Duce, D. A. & May, J. (1998) Syndetic Modelling, Human Computer Interaction, volume 13, issue 4, 1998 [Read More]
May, J. & BARNARD, P. (1997) Modelling multimodal interaction: A theory-based technique for design analysis and support., In S. Howard, J. Hammond & C. Lindgaard (Eds), Human-Computer Interaction: Interact ‘97. London: Chapman & Hall, pp.667-668. [Read More]
May, J., & Barnard, P. J. (1996) A modest experiment in the usefulness of electronic archives., Behaviour & Information Technology, 15, 193-201 [Read More]
Barnard, P. , May, J. & Salber, D. (1996) Deixis and points of view in media spaces: an empirical gesture., Behaviour and Information Technology, 15(1) 37-50 [Read More]
Barnard, P. J., Bernsen, N.O., Coutaz, J., Darzentas, J., Faconti, G., Hammond, N., Harrison, M., Jorgensen, A., Lowgren, J., Maclean, A., May, J. & Young, R.M. (1995) Assaying means of design expression for users and systems: Amodeus 7040 Final Report (also incorporating Exploitation of Results Report), D13 [Read More]
Duke, D.J., Barnard, P. J., Duce, D.A. & May, J. (1995) Systematic development of the human interface, In: APSEC ‘95: Second Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, (IEE) Computer Society Press, pp.313-321 [Read More]
May, J., Scott, S. & Barnard, P. (1995) Structuring Displays: a psychological guide, Eurographics Tutorial Notes Series Geneva: EACG [Read More]
Blandford, A. E., Harrison, M. D. & Barnard, P. J. (1995) Using Interaction Framework to guide the design of interactive systems, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 43, 101-130 [Read More]
May, J. & Barnard, P. (1995) Cinematography and interface design, In K. Nordby, P.H. Helmersen, D.J. Gilmore & S.A. Arnesen (Eds), Human- Computer Interaction, Interact ‘95, pp. 26-30 London: Chapman & Hall [Read More]
May, J. & Barnard, P. (1995) The case for supportive evaluation during design, Interacting with Computers, 7,115-143 [Read More]
Barnard, P. & May, J. (1995) Interactions with advanced graphical interfaces and their deployment of latent human knowledge., In Paterno, F. (Ed.) The Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp.15-49 [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. (1995) The contributions of applied cognitive psychology to the study of human-computer interaction., In R. Baecker, J. Grudin, W. Buxton and S. Greenberg (eds), Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: Toward the Year 2000, Second Edition. Los Altos, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, pp.640-658 [Reproduction of 2205] [Read More]
May, J. & Barnard, P. (1994) Supportive evaluation of interface design, Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Workshop on Cognitive Modeling & User Interface Development, Vienna, 14-17 Dec 1994 [Read More]
Duke, D., Duce, D., Barnard, P. J., Harrison, M.D. & May, J. (1994) On the integration of cognitive and system models., AMODEUS, ID/WP26, pp. 21. Constituent part of the D7 scientific deliverable associated with 3122. [Read More]
Harrison, M., Blandford, A. & Barnard, P. (1994) The requirements engineering of user freedom., In F. Paterno (Ed.), The Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems, Berlin: Springer Verlag [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. (Ed.) (1994) AMODEUS 2: ESPRIT Basic Research Action 7040, Periodic Progress Report 2, and Associated Scientific Deliverables., Brussels: CEC, July. [Read More]
Eldridge, M., Barnard, P. & Bekerian, D. (1994) Autobiographical memory and daily schemas at work., Memory, 2, 51-74. [Read More]
Tweedie, L., Barnard, P. J. & May, J. (1993) AnimICS v 5.0., Electronic document, pub/amodeus/usemod/AnimICS_5.hqx @ [Read More]
May J. & Barnard, P. J. (1993) Modelling the user’s interpretation of dynamic displays., AMODEUS: Working paper UM/WP9; May 1993, pp.28. Constituent part of scientific deliverable D2 associated with 2963. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. & May, J. (1993) Real time blending of data streams: A key problem for the cognitive modelling of multimodal systems., AMODEUS working Paper UM/WP 10; May 1993, pp 25. Constituent part of scientific deliverable D2 associated with 2963. [Read More]
May, J., Tweedie, L. & Barnard, P. J. (1993) Modelling user performance in visually based interactions., In J.L. Alty, D. Diaper & S.P. Guest (Eds.), People and Computers VIII: Proceedings of the HCI ’93 Conference (pp. 95-110). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. (1993) Modelling users, systems and design spaces (ESPRIT Basic Research Action 3066)., In M.J. Smith and G. Salvendy (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction: Applications and Case Studies. Advances in Human Factors/Ergonomics Vol. 19A. (Proceedings of HCI International 1993) (pp. 331-336). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. (1993) AMODEUS 2: ESPRIT Basic Research Action 7040, Periodic Progress Report 1., Brussels: CEC. [Read More]
Blandford, A., Harrison, M.D. & Barnard, P. J. (1993) Integrating user requirements and system specification., In P.F. Byerley, P.J. Barnard & J. May (Eds.), Computers, Communication and Usability: Design Issues, Research and Methods for Integrated Services (pp. 165-196). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. & May, J. (1993) Cognitive modelling for user requirements., In P.F. Byerley, P.J. Barnard & J. May (Eds.), Computers, Communication and Usability: Design Issues, Research and Methods for Integrated Services (pp. 101-145). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V. [Read More]
Byerley, P.F., Barnard, P. J. & May, J. (Eds.) (1993) Computers, Communication and Usability: Design Issues, Research and Methods for Integrated Services., Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V. [Read More]
May, J., Barnard, P. J. & Blandford, A. (1993) Using structural descriptions of interfaces to automate the modelling of user cognition., User Modelling and User Adapted Interaction, 3, 27-64. [Read More]
Harrison, M.D. & Barnard, P. J. (1993) On defining requirements for interactions., In A. Finkelstein (Ed.), Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Requirements Engineering (pp. 50-54). New York: IEEE. [Read More]
Teasdale, J.D. & Barnard, P. J. (1993) Affect, Cognition and Change., Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J., Blandford, A.E. & May. J. (1992) Demonstration of expert system capability., Documentation to support and accompany D19, Constituent part of scientific deliverables associated with 2962, pp 136. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J., Coutaz, J., Hammond, N., Harrison, M., Jørgensen, A., MacLean, A. & Young, R. (1992) AMODEUS ESPRIT Basic Research Action 3066 Final Report, D23., Brussels: CEC. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. & Harrison, M.D. (1992) Towards a framework for modelling human-computer interactions., In J. Gornostaev (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, EWHCI ’92 (pp. 189-196). Moscow: ICSTI. [Read More]
Tweedie, L. & Barnard, P. J. (1992) The Interactive Talk: A new tool for presenting complex theory., Psychology Software News, 3, 43-45. [Read More]
Young, R.M. & Barnard, P. J. (1992) Multiple uses of scenarios: A reply to Campbell., SIGCHI Bulletin, 24, p.10. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. & Harrison, M.D. (Eds.) (1991) Assimilating Models of Designers, Users and Systems (AMODEUS), Periodic Progress Report No. 1, and associated Deliverables., Brussels: CEC, September. [Read More]
Young, R.M. & Barnard, P. J. (1991) Signature tasks and paradigm tasks: New wrinkles on the scenarios methodology., In D. Diaper & N. Hammond (Eds.), People and Computers VI: Proceedings of the HCI ’91 Conference (pp. 91-101). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. (1991) Bridging between basic theories and the artifacts of human-computer interaction., In J.M. Carroll (Ed.), Designing Interaction: Psychology at the Human-Computer Interface (pp. 103-127). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. & Teasdale, J.D. (1991) Interacting cognitive subsystems: A systemic approach to cognitive-affective interaction and change., Cognition and Emotion, 5, 1-39. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. (1991) Applied cognitive psychology: Research for human-computer interaction., In A.C. Downton (Ed.), Engineering the Human-Computer Interface (pp. 28-61). McGraw-Hill. [Read More]
Barnard, P. (1991) The contributions of applied cognitive psychology to the study of human-computer interaction., In B. Shackel & S. Richardson (Eds.), Human Factors for Informatics Usability (pp. 151-182). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (See also 2206) [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. (Ed.) (1990) Assimilating Models of Designers, Users and Systems (AMODEUS), Periodic Progress Report No. 1, and associated deliverables., CEC Brussels, September. [Read More]
Duff, S.C. & Barnard, P. J. (1990) Influencing behaviour via device representation: Decreasing performance by increasing instruction., In D. Diaper, D. Gilmore, G. Cockton & B. Shackel (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT ’90 (pp. 61-66). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V. [Read More]
May, J., Barnard, P. J., Boecker, M. & Green, A.J. (1990) Characterising structural and dynamic aspects of the interpretation of visual interface objects., In ESPRIT ’90 Conference Proceedings (pp. 819-834), Brussels (November 1990), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [Read More]
Green, A.J.K. & Barnard, P. J. (1990) Iconic interfacing: The role of icon distinctiveness and fixed or variable screen location., In D. Diaper, D. Gilmore, G. Cockton & B. Shackel (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT ’90 (pp. 457-462). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. (1990) Research on Human-Computer Interaction at the MRC Applied Psychology Unit., In J.C. Chew & J. Whiteside (Eds.), CHI ’90 Conference Proceedings: Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 379-380), (Special issue of the SIGCHI Bulletin). Seattle, Washington: ACM Pres. [Read More]
Wilson, M., Barnard, P. & MacLean, A. (1990) An investigation of the learning of a computer system., In P. Falzon (Ed.), Cognitive Ergonomics, Understanding Learning and Designing Human-Computer Interaction (pp.151-172). London: Academic Press Ltd. [Read More]
MacLean, A., Barnard, P. & Hammond, N. (1989) Nameset constitution and text-editing performance: Mixing general and specific command names within a set., IBM Hursley Human Factors Laboratory Report, No. HF138. [Read More]
Barnard, P. , Ellis, J. & MacLean, A. (1989) Relating ideal and non-ideal verbalised knowledge to performance., In A. Sutcliffe & L. Macaulay (Eds.), People and Computers V (pp. 461-473). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Read More]
Barnard, P. & Harrison, M. (1989) Integrating cognitive and system models in Human Computer Interaction., In A. Sutcliffe & L. Macaulay (Eds.), People and Computers V (pp. 87-103). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Read More]
Young, R.M., Barnard, P. , Simon, T. & Whittington, J. (1989) How would your favourite user model cope with these scenarios?, SIGCHI Bulletin, 20, 51-55. [Read More]
Barnard, P. , Grudin, J. & MacLean, A. (1989) Developing a science base for the naming of computer commands., In J.B. Long & A. Whitefield (Eds.), Cognitive Ergonomics and Human-Computer Interaction (pp.95-133). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Read More]
Barnard, P. , Wilson, M. & MacLean, A. (1988) Approximate modelling of cognitive activity with an expert system: A theory-based strategy for developing an interactive design tool., The Computer Journal, 31, 445-456. [Read More]
Barnard, P. , MacLean, A. & Wilson, M. (1988) Navigating integrated facilities: Initiating and terminating interaction sequences., In Proceedings of CHI ’88. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp.121-126), (Washington, May 15-19 1988). (See also N.I. 2204) [Read More]
Barnard, P. & Grudin, J. (1988) Command names., In M. Helander (Ed.), Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction (pp.237-255). Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V. (North-Holland). (See also N.I. 2201) [Read More]
Barnard, P. & Grudin, J. (1988) Command names., MCC Technical Report Number ACA-HI-039-88, February 1988. (See also N.I. 2202) [Read More]
Wilson, M., Barnard, P. , Green, T.R.G. & MacLean, A. (1988) Knowledge-based task analysis for human-computer systems., In G. Van der Veer, T.R.G. Green, J.M. Hoc & D. Murray (Eds.), Working with Computers: Theory Versus Outcome (pp.47-87). London: Academic Press Ltd. [Read More]
Barnard, P. (1987) The contributions of applied cognitive psychology to the study of human-computer interaction., Hursley Human Factors Laboratory Report No. HF 133, September 1987. (See also 2205) [Read More]
Barnard, P. , MacLean, A. & Wilson, M. (1987) Navigating integrated facilities: Initiating and terminating interaction sequences., Hursley Human Factors Laboratory Report No. HF 134, September 1987. (See also N.I. 2203) [Read More]
Wilson, M., Barnard, P. & MacLean, A. (1987) Learning to use a computer system: Its assessment via multiple behavioural methods., Hursley Human Factors Laboratory Report No. HFR 135, September 1987. (See also N.I. 2097) [Read More]
Young, R.M. & Barnard, P. (1987) The use of scenarios in human-computer interaction research: Turbocharging the tortoise of cumulative science., In J.M. Carroll & P. Tanner (Eds.), Human Factors in Computing Systems and Graphics Interface (pp.291-296), (CHI & GI 87 Toronto). New York: ACM. [Read More]
Byerley, P., Barnard, P. , Carr, D., Foster, A., Fowler, T., Saffin, R. & Ward, G. (1987) Cognitive simulator for user-interface design., In ESPRIT 7: Achievements and Impact, Part 2 (pp.1101-1109). Amsterdam: North-Holland. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J., Wilson, M. & MacLean, A. (1987) Approximate modelling of cognitive activity: Towards an expert system design aid., In J.M. Carroll & P. Tanner (Eds.), Human Factors in Computing Systems and Graphics Interface (pp.21-26), (CHI & GI 87 Toronto). New York: ACM. [Read More]
Hammond, N.V., Barnard, P. J., Morton, J., Long, J.B. & Clark, I.A. (1987) Characterizing user performance in command-driven dialogue., Behaviour and Information Technology, 6, 159-205. (See also 1739-84) [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. (1987) Cognitive resources and the learning of human-computer dialogs., In J.M. Carroll (Ed.), Interfacing Thought: Cognitive Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction (pp.112-158). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (See also 1912) [Read More]
Barnard, P. , Wilson, M. & MacLean, A. (1986) Approximate modelling of cognitive activity with an expert system: A concept demonstrator for an interactive design tool., IBM Hursley Human Factors Report HF123 (pp. 1-37), Sept. 1986. [Read More]
Wilson, M.D., Barnard, P. J. & MacLean, A. (1986) Task analyses in Human-Computer Interaction., IBM Hursley Human Factors Report HF122 (pp. 1-63), (August 1986). (See also 1955) [Read More]
Barnard, P. J., Wilson, M. & MacLean, A. (1986) The elicitation of system knowledge by picture probes., In Proceedings CHI ‘86 Human Factors in Computer Systems (pp.235-240), (Boston, April 13-17, 1986). New York: ACM. (See also 1914) [Read More]
Jorgensen, A. & Barnard, P. J. (1986) An experiment on the effect of task structure in interactive computer systems., In Proceedings of Work with Display Units (pp.777-780), Stockholm, May 12-15. [Read More]
Wilson, M., Barnard, P. & MacLean, A. (1986) Using an expert system to convey HCI information., In M.D. Harrison & A.F. Monk (Eds.), People and Computers: Designing for Usability (pp.482-497). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Read More]
MacLean, A., Barnard, P. & Wilson, M. (1986) Rapid prototyping of dialogue for human factors research: The EASIE approach., In M.D. Harrison & A.F. Monk (Eds.), People and Computers: Designing for Usability (pp.180-195). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Read More]
Barnard, P. , Wilson, M. & MacLean, A. (1986) The elicitation of system knowledge by picture probes., Hursley Human Factors Laboratory Report No. HF117, February 1986. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. (1986) Cognitive resources and the learning of human-computer dialogues., Hursley Human Factors Laboratory Report No. HF118, March 1986. [Read More]
Wilson, M.D., Barnard, P. J. & MacLean, A. (1985) A user learning of core command sequences in a menu system., IBM Hursley Human Factors Laboratory Report No. HF114, September, 117 pages. [Read More]
Wilson, M.D., Barnard, P. J., & MacLean, A. (1985) Analysing the learning of command sequences in a menu system., In P. Johnson & S. Cook (Eds.), People and Computers: Designing the Interface (pp.63-75). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Read More]
MacLean, A., Barnard, P. & Wilson, M. (1985) Evaluating the human interface of a data entry system: User choice and performance measures yield different trade-off functions., In P. Johnson & S. Cook (Eds.), Proceedings of HCI 5, People and Computers: Designing the Interface (pp.172-185). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Read More]
MacLean, A., Barnard, P. & Wilson, M. (1985) A comparison between performance and preference trade-offs in a data entry task., In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Human Factors in Telecommunications, (meeting at CCETT, France, 9-13 Sept.). [Read More]
Grudin, J. & Barnard, P. J. (1985) When does an abbreviation become a word? And related questions., In Proceedings of CHI 5, Third Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems (pp.121-125), San Francisco/New York: ACM. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. (1985) Interacting cognitive subsystems: A psycholinguistic approach to short-term memory., In A. Ellis (Ed.), Progress in the Psychology of Language, Vol. 2 (pp.197-258). London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [Read More]
Harris, J.E. & Barnard, P. J. (1984) A feasibility study of tools for representing operators’ interactions with naval command and control systems., Scicon Human Factors Report HR-2 under contract NSW 32A/1180 for ARE (Portsdown), pp.54. [Read More]
Barnard, P. ,MacLean, A. & Hammond, N. (1984) User representations of ordered sequences of command operations., In: Interact ‘84 First IFIP Conference on ‘Human – Computer’ International Federation for Information Processing, IEE: London, Vol. I p. 434 – 438 [Read More]
Hammond, N.V & Barnard, P. J (1984) Dialogue design: Characteristics of user knowledge., (Editor): Monk. A. In; Fundamentals of Human – Computer Interactions, London: Academic Press, p. 127 – 164 [Read More]
Hammond, N.V ,Hinton, G. ,Barnard, P. ,MacLean, A. ,Long, J.B & Whitefield, A. (1984) Evaluating the interface of a document processor: A comparison of expert judgement and user observation., In: Interact ‘84 First IFIP Conference on ‘Human – Computer Interaction’ International Federation for Information Processing, IEE: London, Vol. II p. 135 – 139 [Read More]
Hammond, N.V ,Morton, J. ,Barnard, P. J ,Long, J.B & Clark, I.A (1984) Characterising user performance in command – driven interactive dialogue. , IBM Hursley Human Factors Report HF.093 (See Also. APU 2093 – 87). [Read More]
McLean, A. ,Barnard, P. & Hammond, N. (1984) Recall as an indicant of performance in interactive systems., In: Interact ‘84 First IFIP Conference on ‘Human – Computer Interaction’. International Federation for Information Processing, IEE: London: Vol II p. 15 – 19 [Read More]
Grudin, J. & Barnard, P. (1984) The cognitive demands of learning and representing command names for text editing., Human Factors, 26, (4) p. 407 – 422 [Read More]
Grudin, J. & Barnard, P. (1984) The roe of prior task experience in command name abbreviation., In: Interact ‘84 First IFIP Conference on Human – Computer Interaction. International Federation for Information Processing, IEE: London, Vol. I p. 439 – 443 [Read More]
Barnard, P. J & Marcel, A. (1984) Representation and understanding in the use of symbols and pictograms., (editors): Easterby, R.S & Zwaga, H. In: Information Design: The design and evaluation of signs and printed material. Chichester : John Wiley, p. 37 – 75 [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. (1983) Applying the products of research on interactive dialogues., (editor): Elphick, M.J In: Man – Machine Interaction: Proceedings of the 16th Joint IBM/University of Newcastle Seminar, University of Newcastle upon Tyne. p. 11 – 20 [Read More]
Barnard, P. J. (1983) Experiments on learning interactive dialogues., (Editor): Elphick, M.J In: Man – Machine Interaction: Proceedings of the 16th Joint IBM/University of Newcastle Seminar, University of Newcastle upon Tyne. p. 1 – 9 [Read More]
Hammond, N.V ,MacLean, A. ,Hinton, G. ,Long, J.B ,Barnard, P. J & Clark, I.A (1983) Novice use of an interactive graph – plotting system., IBM Hursley Human Factors Report HF .083 [Read More]
Hammond, N.V ,Jorgensen, A.H ,MacLean, A. ,Barnard, P. J & Long, J.B (1983) Design practice and interface usability: Evidence from interviews with designers., (editor): Ann Janda. In: CHI ‘83 Conference Proceedings: Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM: Boston, p. 40 – 44 [Read More]
Hammond, N.V ,Morton, J. ,MacLean, A. & Barnard, P. J (1983) Fragments and signposts: Users models of the system., In Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium of Human Factors in Telecommunications, Helsinki, June 1983 p. 81 – 88 [Read More]
Jorgensen, A., Barnard, P. , Hammond, N. & Clark, I. (1983) Naming commands: An analysis of designers ‘ naming behaviour., (Editors): Green, T.R.G ,Payne, S.J & Van der Veer, G.C. In: The Psychology of Computer Use. London: Academic Press, p. 69 – 88 [Read More]
Long, J. ,Hammond, N.V ,Barnard, P. ,Morton, J. & Clark, I.A (1983) Introducing the interactive computer at work: The user’s views., Behaviour and Information Technology, 2, (1) p. 39 – 106. (See also APU 1487 – Human Factors Report HF060 – IBM (U.K) Laboratories, Hursley, July 1982). [Read More]
Barnard, P. J & Hammond, N.V (1982) Cognitive contexts and Interactive communication., IBM Hursley Huan Factors Report No. HF. 070 [Read More]
Barnard, P. J ,Hammond, N.V ,MacLean, A. & Morton, J. (1982) Learning and remembering interactive commands in a text – editing task., Behaviour and Information Technology, 1, (4) p. 347 – 358 [Read More]
Barnard, P. J & Hammond, N.V (1982) Usability and its multiple determination for the occasional user of interactive systems., (Editor): Williams, M.B In: Pathways to the Information Society. Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Company. p. 543 – 548 (Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer Communication, London). [Read More]
Barnard, P. J ,Hammond, N.V ,MacLean, A. & Morton, J. (1982) Learning and remembering interactive commands., In: Proceedings of Human Factors in Computer Systems, Gaithersburg, Maryland, p. 2 – 7 [Read More]
Long, J.B ,Hammond, N.V Barnard, P. J ,Morton, J. & Clark, I.A (1982) Introducing the interactive computer at work: The users ‘ views., Human Factors Report HF 060 IBM U.K Laboratories, Hursley, July 1982 [Read More]
Barnard, P. J ,Hammond, N.V ,Morton, J. ,Long, J.B & Clark, I.A (1981) Consistency and compatibility in human operator dialogue., International Journal of Man – Machine Studies, 15, p. 87 – 134 [Read More]
Hammond, N.V ,Barnard, P. J ,Clark, I.A ,Morton, J. & Long, J.B (1980) Structure and content in interactive dialogue., Human Factors Report No. HF034, IBM U.K Laboratories, Hursely, October 1980 [Read More]
Hammond, N.V ,Long, J.B ,Morton, J. ,Barnard, P. J & Clark, I.A (1980) Documenting human-computer mismatch at the individual and organizational levels., In: Proceedings of the Metropolitan chapter of the Human Factors Society, New York, Sept. 1980 p. 34 – 56 [Read More]
Long, J. ,Hammond, N.V ,Barnard, P. ,Morton, J. & Clark, I. (1980) New technology in the workplace: An analysis of users’ reactions., (Editors): Susnik, J. & Gorse, M. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on ‘Analysis and Health Evaluation of the workplace’. Porotoz, Yugoslavia, Sept. 1980 p. 521 – 539 [Read More]
Hammond, N.V ,Long, J.B ,Clark, I.A ,Morton, J. & Barnard, P. J (1980) Documenting human – computer mismatch in interactive systems., In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Human Factors in Telecommunication. Red Bank, New Jersey, October 1980, p. 17 – 24 [Read More]
Barnard, P. ,Wright, P. & Wilcox, P. (1979) Effects of response instructions and question style on the ease of completing forms., Journal of Occupational Psychology, 52, p. 209 – 226 [Read More]
Beatti, G. & Barnard, P. (1979) The temporal structure of natural telephone conversations. (Directory enquiry calls)., Linguistics, 17, p. 213 – 229 [Read More]
Morton, J. ,Barnard, P. ,Hammond, N. & Long, J. (1979) Interacting with the computer: A framework., (editors): Boutmy, E.J & Danthine, A. Teleinformatics 79, IFIP North Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam, p. 201 – 208 [Read More]
Marcel, A. & Barnard, P. (1979) Paragraphs of pictographs: The use of non – verbal instructions for equipment., (Editors): Kolers, P.A ,Wrolstad, M. & Bouma, H. In: Processing of Visible Language 1. New York: Plenum Publishing Corperation. p. 501 – 518 [Read More]
Wright, P. & Barnard, P. (1978) Asking multiple questions about several items: The design of matrix structures on aplication forms., Applied Ergonomics, 9.1 p. 7 – 14 [Read More]
Barnard, P. Wright, P. & Wilcox, P. (1978) The effects of spatial constraints on the legibility of handwritten alphanumeric codes., Ergonomics, 21 (1) p. 73 – 78 [Read More]
Barnard, P. J (1977) Task constraints and user variables in cognitive ergonomics., (editor): Duncanson, J.P In: Getting it together: Research and Applications in Human Factors. Human Factors Society, New York p. 58 – 71 [Read More]
Morton, J. ,Clark, I. ,Barnard, P. & Long J. (1977) Componants of incompatibility in man – computer interaction., In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Human FActors in Telecommunications, Cambridge, Sept. [Read More]
Barnard, P. J & Marcel, A.J (1977) A preliminary investigation of factors influencing the interpretation of pictorial instructions for the use of apparatus., In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Human Factors in telecommunications. Cambridge, Sept. p. 379 – 392 [Read More]
Barnard, P. J ,Morton, J. ,Long, J.B & Ottley, E.A (1977) Planning menus for display: Some effects of their structure and content on user performance., In: Displays for Man – Machine systems, Institute of Electrical Engineers Conference Publication, No. 150, p. 130 – 133 [Read More]
Barnard, P. J & Wright, P. (1976) The effects of spaced character formats on the production and legibility of handwritten names., Ergonomics, 19, (1) p. 81 – 92 [Read More]
Wright, P.A.M & Barnard, P. J (1975) Just fill in this form: A survey for designers., Applied Ergonomics, 6 (4) p. 213 – 220 [Read More]
Wright, P.A.M & Barnard, P. J (1975) Effects of ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ decisions on the use of numerical tables., Journal of Applied Psychology, 60 (5) p. 606 – 611 [Read More]