Tools that I use in my research:
Windows Software for running experiments developed by Jonathan and Ken Forster at the University of Arizona.
I've written
a script to process the data from multi-subject
.azk files into a form that is more easy to suck into Excel or SPSS. I've also
been working with Mike
Ford to set up DMDX for running fMRI experiments at the Wolfson
Brain Imaging Centre. There are also some notes and guidelines on using
DMDX with fMRI. This and other
useful links and information on DMDX can be found here.
A lexical database with lists of words, their frequency of occurrence, morphological structures, etc.
My colleague Maarten van Casteren has written useful programmes, to extract and use information from the CELEX database. You can read more here.
These two programmes written by Maarten van Casteren automate two critical and laborious stages in generating behavioural and functional imaging experiments: (a) generating constrained yet pseudo-random trial sequencse (Mix), and (b) generating optimally matched item/subject sets for factorial experiments (Match). You can read more about these in forthcoming papers in BRMIC.
An extremely useful program for manipulating, and displaying speech. Tell your friends!
There is a script that I wrote for generating temporally segmented speech here. You can also read about some other forms of distorted speech that can be generated with Praat, Noise-Vocoded Speech, and Sine-Wave Speech.
High-quality software for speech manipulation developed by Hideki Kawahara.
Sofware for fMRI/EEG analysis.
Tools that I have used in the past: