Friedemann Pulvermuller
I have now left the CBSU but can be contacted at the email address above
CBSU publications
Dreyer, F., Dopp elbauer, L., Arndt, V., Stahl, B., Lucchese,G., HAUK, O., Mohr,B., Pulvermüller, F. (2021) Increased recruitment of domain general neural networks in language processing following Intensive Language-Action Therapy – fMRI evidence from people with chronic aphasia., American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30(1s), 455-465 [Open Access]
Cope, T.E., Shtyrov, Y., MACGREGOR, L.J., Holland, R., Pulvermuller, F. , ROWE, J.B.,Patterson, K. (2020) Anterior temporal lobe is necessary for efficient lateralised processing of spoken word identity , Cortex, 126, 107-118 [Open Access]
SHEBANI, Z., Carota,F., HAUK, O., ROWE, J.B., Barsalou, L.W., Tomasello, R., Pulvermuller, F. (2018) Brain correlates of action word memory, BioRxiv [Open Access]
Shebani, Z., Patterson, K., Nestor, P.J., Diaz-de-Grenu, L.Z., Dawson, K., Pulvermuller, F. (2017) Semantic word category processing in semantic dementia and posterior cortical atrophy, Cortex, 93: 92-106 [Open Access]
Carota, F. , KR IEGSKORTE, N. , Nili, H., Pulvermüller, F. (2017) Acute stress disorder and the transition to posttraumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents: Prevalence, course, prognosis, diagnostic suitability, and risk markers., Cerebral Cortex, 27(1):294-309 [Open Access]
Stahl, B., Mohr, B., Dryer, F.R., Lucchese, G., Pulvermuller, F. (2016) Using language for social interaction: Communication mechanisms promote recovery from chronic non-fluent aphasia., Cortex, 85:90-99 [Read More]
Lucchese, G., P ulvermüller, F., Stahl, B., Dreyer, F.R., Mohr, B. (2016) Therapy-Induced Neuroplasticity of Language in Chronic Post Stroke Aphasia: A Mismatch Negativity Study of (A) Gr, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:669 [Open Access]
Grisoni, L., Dre yer, F.R. , Pulvermüller, F. (2016) Somatotopic Semantic Priming and Prediction in the Motor System., Cerebral Cortex 26(5):2353-2366 [Open Access]
Schomers, M.R., Pulvermüller, F. (2016) Is the Sensorimotor Cortex Relevant for Speech Perception and Understanding? An Integrative Review, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:435 [Open Access]
Garagnani, M., Pulvermüller, F. (2016) Conceptual grounding of language in action and perception: a neurocomputational model of the emergence of category specificity and semantic hubs, The European Journal of Neuroscience, 43(6), 721-737 [Open Access]
Tomasello, R., Garagnani, M., Wennekers, T., Pulvermüller, F. (2016) Brain connections of words, perceptions and actions: A neurobiological model of spatio-temporal semantic activation in the human cortex., Neuropsychologia, 98, 111-129 [Open Access]
Garagnani, M., L ucchese, G., Tomasello, R., Wennekers, T., Pulvermüller, F. (2016) A Spiking Neurocomputational Model of High-Frequency Oscillatory Brain Responses to Words and Pseudowords., Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 10:145 [Open Access]
Mohr, B., MCGREGOR, L.J., Difrancesco, S., Harrington, K., Pulvermuller, F. , Shytrov, Y. (2016) Hemispheric contributions to language reorganisation: an MEG study of neuroplasticity in chronic post-stroke aphasia, Neuropsychologia, 93(Pt B):413-424 [Read More]
MOSLEY, R.L., MORGADO CORREIA, M., Baron-Cohen, S., Shytrov, Y.Y., Pulvermuller, F. , and Mohr, B. (2016) Reduced volume of the accurate fasciculus in adults with high functioning autism spectrum conditions, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:214 [Open Access]
Hanna, J., SHYTROV, Y., Williams, J., PULVERMULLER, F. , (2016) Early neurophysiological indices of second language morphosyntax learning, Neuropsychologia, 82, 18-20 [Open Access]
Mollo, G., Pulve rmüller, F., HAUK, O. (2016) Movement priming of EEG/MEG brain responses for action-words characterizes the link between language and action, Cortex, 74, 262-276 [Open Access]
EGOROVA, N., Shytrov, Y., Pulvermuller, F. (2016) Brain Basis of Communicative Actions in Language, NeuroImage, 125, 857-867] [Open Access]
MACGREGOR, L., Shytrov, Y., Difrancesco, S., Pulvermuller, F. P., Mohr, B. (2015) Ultra-Rapid Access to Words in Chronic Aphasia: The Effects of Intensive Language Action Therapy (ILAT), Brain Topography, 28(2), 279-291 [Open Access]
MOSELEY, R., Shyrov, Y., Mohr, B., Lombardo, M.V., Baron-Cohen, S., Pulvermuller, F. P. (2015) Lost for emotion words: What motor and limbic brain activity reveals about autism and semantic theory, NeuroImage, 104, 413-422 [Open Access]
Pulvermuller, F. , MOSELEY, R.L., EGOROVA, N., SHEBANI, Z. & Boulenger, V. (2014) Motor cognition–motor semantics: Action perception theory of cognition and communication, Neuropsychologia, 55, 71-84 [Open Access]
Miozzo, M., Pulvermuller, F. P., HAUK, O. (2014) Early Parallel Activation of Semantics and Phonology in Picture Naming: Evidence from a Multiple-linear-regression MEG study, Cognition and Emotion [Open Access]
MOSELEY, R. & Pulvermuller, F. (2014) Nouns, verbs, objects, actions, and abstractions: Local fMRI activity indexes semantics, not lexical categories, Brain and Language, 132, 28-42 [Open Access]
EGOROVA, N., PULVERMULLER, F. P., SHYTROV, Y. (2014) Neural dynamics of speech act comprehension: an MEG study of Naming and Requesting, Brain Topography, 27(3), 375-392 [Open Access]
MOSELEY, R.L., PULVERMULLER, F. , Mohr, B., Lombardo, M.V., Baron-Cohen, S., SHTYROV, Y. (2014) Brain Routes for Reading in Adults with and without Autism: EMEG Evidence, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(1), 137-153 [Open Access]
MOSELEY, R.L., Lomardo, M.V., Baron-Cohen, S., PULVERMULLER, F. , Mohr, M. and HAUK, O. (2013) Brain and behavioral correlates of action semantic deficits in autism, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7:725 [Open Access]
CHEN, Y., DAVIS, M.H., PULVERMULLER, F. , HAUK, O. (2013) Task modulation of brain responses in visual word recognition as studied using EEG/MEG and fMRI, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 376 [Open Access]
MOSELEY, R., Pulvermuller, F. , SHTYROV, Y. (2013) Sensorimotor semantics on the spot: brain activity dissociates between conceptual categories within 150ms, Scientific Reports, 3, 1928 [Open Access]
EGOROVA, N., SHT YROV, Y., Pulvermüller, F. (2013) Early and parallel processing of pragmatic and semantic information in speech acts: neurophysiological evidence. , Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7:86 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., Pulvermuller, F. P. (2013) Neuronal correlates of decisions to speak and act: Spontaneous emergence and dynamic topographies in a computational model of frontal and temporal areas , Brain and Language, 127(1), 75-85 [Open Access]
SHEBANI, Z., & PULVERMULLER, F. (2013) Moving the hands and feet specifically impairs working memory for arm- and leg-related action words, Cortex, 49(1), 222-231 [Read More]
Holland, R., Brindley, L., SHTYROV, Y. Pulvermuller, F. P. PATTERSON, K. (2012) They played with the trade. MEG investigation of the processing of past tense verbs and their phonological twins, Neuropsychologia, 50(14), 3713-3720 [Open Access]
Barrós-Loscertales, A., González, J., PULVERMULLER, F. , Ventura-Campos, N., Bustamante, J.C., Costumero, V., Parcet, M.A., Avila, C. (2012) Reading Salt Activates Gustatory Brain Regions: fMRI Evidence for Semantic Grounding in a Novel Sensory Modality, Cerebral Cortex, 22(11), 2554-2563 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., SMITH, M.L., Horner, A.J., HENSON, R., Nathan, P.J., Bullmore, E.T., & PULVERMULLER, F. (2012) Attention to language: Novel MEG paradigm for registering involuntary language processing in the brain, Neuropsychologia, 50(11), 2605-2616 [Open Access]
CAROTA, F., MOSELEY, R. PULVERMULLER, F. P. (2012) Body-part specific representations of semantic noun categories, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(6), 1492-1509 [Read More]
MACGREGOR, L., PULVERMULLER, F. , VAN CASTEREN, M., SHYTYROV, Y. (2012) Ultra-rapid access to words in the brain, Nature Communications, 3, 711 [Read More]
MOSELEY, R., PULVERMULLER, F. P., CAROTA, F., Mohr, B., HAUK, O. (2012) A role for the motor system in binding abstract emotional meaning, Cerebral Cortex, 22(7),1634-1647 [Open Access]
Berthier, M.L., PULVERMULLER, F. (2011) Neuroscience insights improve neurorehabilitation of poststroke aphasia, Nature Reviews Neurology, 7(2), 86-97 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. P. (2011) Meaning and the brain: The neurosemantics of referential, interactive and combinatorial knowledge, Journal of Neurolinguistics, 25(5), 423–459 [Read More]
HAUK, O., PULVERMULLER, F. (2011) The Lateralization of Motor Cortex Activation to Action-Words, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5:149 [Open Access]
GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2011) Sensorimotor Circuits for Language, Memory and Action in the Human Brain: A Neuroanatomically Grounded Computational Model, Workshops at the Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-11) [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2011) Investigating Cognitive Representations with brain-like networks and MEG/EEG, Clinical Neurophysiology, 122(Suppl 1), S12, S4.4 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Kimppa, L., PULVERMULLER, F. , Kujala, T (2011) Event-related potentials reflecting the frequency of unattended spoken words: a neuronal index of connection strength in lexical memory circuits?, Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48(11), 1133-1138 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2011) Disembodying memory: Why are memory cells typically found in prefrontal cortex?, Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 160 [Read More]
MACGREGOR, L.J., PULVERMULLER, F. , Van Casteren, M., SHTYROV, Y. (2011) Earliest brain signatures of lexical access to spoken words: MEG evidence, Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, I9, 220 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Kimppa, L., PULVERMULLER, F. , Kujala, T. (2011) A neuronal index of connection strength in lexical memory circuits: early electrophysiological responses reflect frequency of unattended spoken words, Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 219 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., PULVERMULLER, F. (2011) Erratum to: From Sounds to Words: a neurocomputational model of adaptation, inhibition and memory processes in auditory change detection, NeuroImage [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., PULVERMULLER, F. (2011) From sounds to words: A neurocomputational model of adaptation, inhibition and memory processes in auditory change detection, NeuroImage 54, 170-181 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Brain-Language Research: Where is the Progress?, Biolinguistics, 4(2), 255-288 [Open Access]
SHTYROV, Y., Cappelle, B.. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Phrasal verbs in the brain: are they words of phrases? MEG solves long-standing linguistic puzzle, MEG UK 2010, P8, University of Cardiff, 2010 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Smith, M., HENSON, R., Bullmore, E, Nathan, P, PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Attention to language: Novel MEG paradigm for registering involuntary language processing in the brain, 17th Internatinal Conference on Biomagnetism (Biomag 2010), W-III T109-9, CD-ROM, Dubrovnik, Crotia, 2010 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Nikulin, V.. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Passive word learning within minutes: brain correlates of rapid memory trace formation, Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, A61 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Kiff, J., SHTYROV, Y. (2010) Learning language laterality and the motor system, Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, A93 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Brain meets new word: neurophysiological correlates of word learning and memory trace formation, 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, #1098 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Cappelle, B., SHTYROV, Y. (2010) Two cortical signatures of compositionality, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2010, 208.24/MMM15 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Nikulin, V.. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Rapid cortical platicity underlying novel word learning in the human brain, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 128.2 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Automaticity and parallelism of early stages of linguistic information processing: neurophysiological data based on the mismatch negativity, In: Current issues in neuroscience [Современные проблемы нейронаук] (Ed. Ivan Y. Pavlov). University of St. Petersburg, pp. 169-189, 2010. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Are you listening? Language outside the focus of attention, In: Unconscious Memory Representations in Perception. Processes and mechanisms in the brain (Eds. Istvan Czigler and Istvan Winkler). John Benjamins, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, pp.179-208, 2010. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Nikulin, V.. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Rapid cortical plasticity underlying novel word learning., Journal of Neuroscience, 30(50):16864-16867 [Open Access]
Cappelle, B., SHTYROV, Y., PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Heating up or cooling up the brain? MEG evidence that phrasal verbs are lexical units., Brain and Language, 115(3), 189-201 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & Fadiga, L . (2010) Active perception: sensorimotor circuits as a cortical basis for language., Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 11(5), 351-360 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) “What makes a Novel sound Novel? Short- and Long-term memory contributions to Auditory Change Detection”, Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Science, Tomsk, Russia, 22-26/06, p. 40 [Read More]
MOHR, B., Ludlow, A., Whitmore, A., GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Reduced auditory mismatch negativity to loudness discrimination in children with autism spectrum disorders, Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, p64 (B14) [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Short- and Long-Term Memory contributions to Auditory Change Detection: a neurocomputational model, Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 123 (D23) [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Interactions between language and attention systems: early automatic lexical processing?, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(7), 1465-1478 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Cooper-Pye, E., DINE, C., HAUK, O., Nestor, P.J., PATTERSON, K. (2010) The Word Processing Deficit in semantic dementia: All catgeories are equal, but some categories are more equal than others, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(9), 2027-2041 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Brain embodiment of syntax and grammar: Discrete combinatorial mechanisms spelt out in neuronal circuits, Brain and Language, 112(3), 167-179 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) “Language and Attention Interactions: integrating theory with MEG/EEG experiments”, MEG UK Annual Conference, Cardiff, 20-21 Jan. 2010 [Read More]
BOUDELAA, S., PULVERMULLER, F. , HAUK, O., SHTYROV, Y. & MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D. (2010) Arabic morphology in the neural language system: A mismatch negativity study, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(5), 998-1010 [Read More]
Smith, M., SHTYROV, Y., HENSON, R., Christnesen, S., Nathan, P., Bullmore, E and PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Differential replicability of the magnetic mismatch negativity to length and frequency deviants over the early and later response phrases, Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Budapest (Hungary), April 2009, DOI: 10.3389/conf.neuro.09.2009.05.156 [Open Access]
BRINDLEY, L., Holland, R., TAVABI, K., PULVERMULLER, F. PATTERSON, K., Shtyrov, Y (2009) Differential impact of listener age on early vesus late components of magnetic MMN response to spoken words, Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Budapest (Hungary), April 2009, DOI: 10.3389/conf.neuro.09.2009.05.134 [Open Access]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Spatiotemporal Signaturs of Large-Scale Synfire Chains for Speech Processing As Revealed By MEG, Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Budapest (Hungary), April 2009, DOI: 10.3389/conf.neuro.09.2009.05.055 [Open Access]
SHTYROV, Y., Cappelle, B.. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Are phrasal verbs treated by the brain as words or as phrases? Magnetic MMN solves long-standing linguistic puzzle, Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Budapest (Hungary), April 2009, DOI: 10.3389/conf.neuro.09.2009.05.054 [Open Access]
SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Early automaticity vs. late attention control in neural language processing: neurophysiological evidence, Neurobiology of Language Conference (NLC 2009), October 2009, p104, Chicago, 2009 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHEBANI, V., Boulenger, M, GARAGNANI, M., HAUK, O., SHTYROV, Y., PATTERSON, K. (2009) Somatotopic Motor Systems Are Critical For Catgory-Specific Semantic Processes, Neurobiology of Language Conference (NLC 2009), October 2009, p92, Chicago, 2009 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Brain-based modelling and neurophysiological investigations of language and attention interactions, Neurobiology of Language Conference (NLC 2009), October 2009, p75, Chicago, 2009 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Neural circuits for distributed lexemes: MEG evidence, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Session 874, Chicago, USA, 2009 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Early automaticity vs. late attention control in neural language processing: EEG studies, British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting, September 2009, ICH, London, 2009 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Interactions between language and attention systems: early automatic lexical access?, Society for Psychophysical Research 49th Annual Meeting, Berlin 2009, Psychophysiology, 46(Supl 1), S88 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Rapid, automatic and parallel language processing in the human brain, In: Brain Talk: Discourse with and in the brain (Eds. Kai Alter et al.). University of Lund, pp.247-268, 2009. [Read More]
Vestergaard, M.D., Háden, G.P., SHTYROV, Y., Patterson, R.D., PULVERMULLER, F. , Denham, S.L., Sziller, I., Winkler, I. (2009) Auditory size-deviant detection in adults and newborn infants., Biological Psychology, 82(2), 169-75 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Brain-based modeling and neurophysiological investigations of attention-language interactions, British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN) Annual Meeting, London, UCL, September 2009, Abstract #59 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Effects of attention on what is known and what is not: MEG evidence for functionally discrete memory circuits, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 3(10), doi:10.3389/neuro.09.010.2009 [Open Access]
PULVERMULLER, F. & Knoblauch, a. (2009) Discrete combinatorial circuits emerging in neural networks: A mechanism for rules of grammar in the human brain?, Neural Networks, 22(2), 161-172 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Are you listening? Language outside the focus of attention, In Advances in Consciousness Research (Ed Maxim Stamenov). John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia [Read More]
Wermter, S., Page, M., Knowles, M, Gallese, V., PULVERMULLER, F. & Taylor, J. (2009) Multimodal communication in animals, humans and robots: An introduction to perspecitives in brain-inspired informatics, Neural Networks, 22(2), 111-115 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Recruitment and consolidation of cell assemblies for words by way of Hebbian learning and competition in a multi-layer neural network, Cognitive Computation, 1(2), 160-176 [Open Access]
D’Ausilio, A., PULVERMULLER, F. , Salmas, P., Bufalari, I., Begliomini, C. & Fadiga, L. (2009) Speech perception may causally depend on the activity of motor centers, Current Biology, Online discussion [Open Access]
D’Ausilio, A., PULVERMULLER, F. , Salmas, P., Bufalari, I., Begliomini, C. & Fadiga, L. (2009) The motor somatotopy of speech perception, Current Biology, 19(5), 381-385 [Read More]
Berthier, M.L., Green, C., Lara, J.P., Higueras, C., Barbancho, M.A., Davila, G. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Memantine and constraint-induced aphasia therapy in chronic post-stroke aphasia, Annals of Neurology, 65(5), 577-585 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y. & HAUK, O. (2009) Understanding in an instant: Neurophysiological evidence for mechanistic language circuits in the brain, Brain and Language, 110(2), 81–94 [Open Access]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Kherif, F, HAUK, O. & NIMMO-SMITH, I. (2009) Distributed Cell Assemblies for General Lexical and Category-Specific Semantic Processing as Revealed by fMRI Cluster Analysis, Human Brain Mapping, 30(12), 3837-3850 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Explaining Attention and Language interactions: magnetic MMN validation of neurocomputational predictions, Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Budapest (Hungary), April 2009, Abstract A-0079, P79, DOI: 10.3389/conf.neuro.09.2009.05.133 [Open Access]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Separating the short and long-term memory components of the MMN response: a neurobiologically grounded computational model, Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Budapest (Hungary), April 2009, Abstract A-0131, P 106 [Open Access]
CARLYON, R.P., DEEKS, J., SHTYROV, Y., GRAHN, J., GOCKEL, H.E., HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Changes in the perceived duration of a narrowband sound induced by a preceding stimulus: a retrospective effect in auditory perception?, Journal of Experimental Psychology – Human Perception and Performance, 35(6), 1898-1912 [Read More]
Boulenger, V., HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Grasping ideas with the motor system: Semantic somatotopy in idiom comprehension, Cerebral Cortex, 19(8), 1905-1914 [Open Access]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2009) Spatiotemporal Signatures of Large-Scale Synfire Chains for Speech Processing as Revealed by MEG, Cerebral Cortex, 19(1), 79-88 [Open Access]
HAUK, O., PULVERMULLER, F. , Ford, M., MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D & DAVIS, M.H. (2009) Can I have a quick word? Early electrophysiological manifestations of psycholinguistic processes revealed by event-related regression analysis of the EEG, Biological Psychology, 80(1), 64-74. [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Mechanistic language circuits: what can be learned? What is pre-wired?, The Evolution Of Language, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, (EVOLANG7), Barcelona, Spain , 12 – 15 March 2008, 482-484 [Open Access]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2008) Spatiotemporal signatures of large-scale synfire chains for speech processing as revleaed by MEG, In: Biomag 2008, 16th International conference on biomagnetism, pp.128-129, Sapporo, 2008 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, T., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Neurocomputational and neurophysiological investigations of brain interactions of language and attention, 14th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 08), 4-6 September 2008, Cambridge, [Read More]
MOHR, B., PULVERMULLER, F. , Rockstroh, B. & Endrass, T (2008) Hemispheric cooperation – A crucial factor in schizophrenia?, NeuroImage, 41(3), 1102-1110 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Grounding language in the brain, In M. de Vega, A. Graesser & A.M. Glenberg (Eds), Symbols and Embodiment: Debates on Meaning and Cognition, 85-116 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Brain embodiment of category specific semantic memory circuits, In G. Semin (Ed), Embodied grounding: Social, cognitive, affective, and neuroscientific approaches, p 71-97. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & Berthier, M.L. (2008) Aphasia therapy on a neuroscience basis, Aphasiology, 22(6), 563-599 [Open Access]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, T., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Neurocomputational and neurophysiological studies of brain interactions of language and attention., Experimental Psychology Society Meeting – April 2008, p52 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Brain interactions of Language and Attention, 30th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, p2174 [Read More]
HAUK, O., DAVIS, M.H. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Modulation of brain activity by multiple lexical and word form variables in visual word recognition: A parametric fMRI study, NeuroImage, 42(3), 1185-1195 [Open Access]
HAUK, O., DAVIS, M.H., Ford, M., MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Can I Have a Quick Word? The Time Course of Visual Word Recognition as Revealed by Linear Regression Analysis of ERP Data, The Third International Conference on Cognitive Science, Volume 1, p58 [Read More]
HAUK, O., DAVIS, M.H., Kherif, F. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Imagery or meaning? Evidence for a semantic origin of category-specific brain activity in metabolic imaging, European Journal of Neuroscience, 27(7), 1856–1866 [Open Access]
HAUK, O., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) The time course of action and action-word comprehension in the human brain as revealed by neurophysiology, Journal of Physiology-Paris, 102(1-3), 50-58 [Open Access]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) A neuroanatomically grounded Hebbian-learning model of attention–language interactions in the human brain, European Journal of Neuroscience, 27(2), 492-513 [Open Access]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y., Hastings, A., CARLYON, R.P (2008) Syntax as a reflex: Neurophysiological evidence for early automaticity of grammatical processing, Brain and Language, 104(3), 244-253 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Osswald, K. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Memory Traces for Spoken Words in the Brain as Revealed by the Hemodynamic Correlate of the Mismatch Negativity, Cerebral Cortex, 18(1), 29-37 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2007) Spatio-temporal characteristics of large-scale synfire chaing for language processing, 15th Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, G119 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Language in the mismatch negativity design: motivations, benefits and prospects, Journal of Psychophysiology, 21(3-4), 176-187 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Interactions between language and attention systems: attention effects on early lexical processing, 14th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, P170 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., GARAGNANI, M., Kujala, T., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Brain interactions of language and attention: MEG, EEG, fMRI and neurocomputational studies, 37th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 864.4 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Early MEG activation dynamics in the left temporal and inferior frontal cortex reflect semantic context integration, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(10), 1633-1642 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Early and late brain reflections of what makes sense: attention effects in a neuronal model of the language cortex., Proceedings of the Experimental Psychology Society Annual Meeting, Edinburgh – July 2007. p.122 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Explaining the effects of attention on lexical processes using a single Hebbian neuronal model of the language cortex., 39th Annual General Meeting of the European Brain & Behaviour Society – Trieste, Italy, Sept. 2007. p.13. [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Early and late brain reflections of what makes sense: attention effects in a neuronal model of the language cortex., Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, p.87 [Read More]
MOHR, B., Endrass, T., HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) ERP correlates of the bilateral redundancy gain for words, Neuropsychologia, 45(9), 2114-2124 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & Assadollahi, R. (2007) Grammar or serial order?: Discrete combinatorial brain mechanisms reflected by the syntactic Mismatch Negativity, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience , 19(6), 971-980 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Brain processes of word recognition as revealed by neurophysiological imaging, In G. Gaskell (Ed.), Handbook of Psycholinguistics, Oxford University Press, 119-140 [Read More]
HAUK, O., PATTERSON, K., WOOLLAMS, A., COOPER-PYE, E., PULVERMULLER, F. & Rogers, T.T. (2007) How the Camel Lost its Hump: The impact of object typicality on ERP signals in object decision, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(8), 1338-1353 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) A neuronal model of the language cortex, Neurocomputing , 70(10-12), 1914-1919 [Read More]
Penolazzi, B., HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Early Semantic Context Integration and Lexical Access as Revealed by Event-Related Potentials, Biological Psychology, 74(3), 374-388 [Read More]
Assadollahi, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Signatures of Syntactic Processing in the Neuromagnetic Mismatch Field, Psychophysiology, Volume 44, Issue s1, [Read More]
MOSCOSO DEL PRADO MARTIN, F., HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) Category specificity in the processing of color-related and form-related words: An ERP study, Neuroimage, 29(1), 29-37 [Read More]
HAUK O., Kherif, F., DAVIS, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) Parametric fMRI analysis of psycholinguistic parameters, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, C53 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Osswald, K. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) BOLD evidence for word-elicited MMN enhancement., In: Fourth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, p.121 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y., Ilmoniemi, R. & MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D. (2006) An MEG correlate of word recognition, In: Fourth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, p.115 [Read More]
BOUDELAA, S., MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D., PULVERMULLER, F. , HAUK, O. & SHTYROV, Y. (2006) The neural correlates of Arabic morphology: A mismatch negativity study with roots and word patterns, In: Fourth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, p.66 [Open Access]
Naci, L., PULVERMULLER, F. , Taylor, K., SHTYROV Y., HAUK, O. & Tyler, L. (2006) Spatiotemporal patterns of cross-modal integration., Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, E21 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) Early semantic integration in the left temporal and inferior frontal cortex revealed by high-density MEG recordings., Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, G42 [Read More]
Naci, L., PULVERMULLER, F. , Taylor, K., SHTYROV, Y., HAUK, O. & Tyler, L (2006) Spatiotemporal dissociation of perceptual and semantic processes in the ventral object processing stream, Neuroimage 31, S178 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) Early contextual semantic integration in the left temporal and inferior-frontal cortex as revealed by high-density magnetoencephalography., Neuroimage 31, S116 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Osswald, K. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) Memory traces for words in the brain are indexed by the mismatch negativity (MMN) responses: fMRI evidence, Neuroimage 31, S116 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2006) The time course of MMN source activation: An index of word recognition?, In: Fourth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, p.39, [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) MMN4language: why are we using it?, In: Fourth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, p.35 [Read More]
HAUK, O., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) The sound of actions as reflected by mismatch negativity: Rapid activation of cortical sensory-motor networks by sounds associated with finger and tongue movements, In: Fourth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, p.34 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (Eds) (2006) Fourth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Programme and Abstract Book. (Eds. r). Edited Volume. Cambridge: MRC CBU, 136p [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2006) The mismatch negativity as an objective tool for studying higher language functions, In A. S. Meyer, L.R. Wheeldon & A. Krott (Eds.), Automaticity and control in language processing, 217-244. [Read More]
Berthier, M. L., PULVERMULLER, F. , Green, C. & Higueras, C (2006) Are release phenomena explained by disinhibited mirror neuron circuits?: Arnold Pick’s remarks on echographia and their relevance for modern cognitive neuroscience., Aphasiology, 20(5), 462-480 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Huss, M., Kherif, F., MOSCOSO DEL PRADO MARTIN, F., HAUK, O. & SHTYROV, Y. (2006) The Motor Theory of Speech Perception Confirmed: FMRI Evidence, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, A127 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y., Ilmoniemi RJ. & MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D. (2006) Tracking speech comprehension in space and time, Neuroimage, 31(3), 1297-1305 [Read More]
Gonzalez, J., Barros-Loscertales, A., PULVERMULLER, F. , Meseguer. V., Sanjuan, A,, Belloch. V,, Avila, C. (2006) Reading cinnamon activates olfactory brain regions, Neuroimage, 32(2), 906-912 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2006) Language outside the focus of attention: the mismatch negativity as a tool for studying higher cognitive processes., Progress in Neurobiology, 79(1), 49-71 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) A neuronal model of the language cortex, 15th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Huss,M., Kherif,F., MOSCOSO DEL PRADO MARTIN,F., HAUK, O. & SHTYROV, Y. (2006) Motor cortex maps articulatory features of speech sounds, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(20), 7865-7870 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) A neuronal model of the language cortex, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 98 [Read More]
Wennekers, T., GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) Language models based on hebbian cell assemblies, Journal of Physiology, Paris, 100(1-3),16-30 [Read More]
HAUK, O., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) The sound of actions as reflected by mismatch negativity:Rapid activation of cortical sensory-motor networks by sounds associated withfinger and tongue movements, European Journal of Neuroscience, 23(3), 811-821 [Read More]
HAUK, O., DAVIS, M.H., Ford, M., PULVERMULLER, F. & MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D. (2006) The time course of visual word-recognition as revealed by linear regression analysis of ERP data, Neuroimage, 30(4),1383-1400 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & HAUK, O. (2006) Category-specific Conceptual Processing of Color and Form in Left Fronto-temporal Cortex, Cerebral Cortex, 16(8), 1193-1201 [Read More]
HAUK, O., PATTERSON, K., WOOLLAMS, A., Watling, L., PULVERMULLER, F. & Rogers, T. (2006) [Q:] When would you prefer a SOSSAGE to a SAUSAGE? [A:] At about 100 ms. ERP correlates of orthographic typicality and lexicality in written word recognition., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18(5), 818-832 [Read More]
BAK, T.H., Yancopoulou, D., NESTOR, P., Xuereb, H.J., Spillantini, M.G., PULVERMULLER, F. & HODGES, J.R. (2006) Clinical, imaging and pathological correlates of a hereditary deficit in verb and action processing, Brain, 129(2), 321-332 [Read More]
VAN CASTEREN, M., DAVIS, M.H., HAUK, O., PULVERMULLER, F. , MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D. (2005) Effects of surface and stem frequency on ERPs to visually presented words, Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, E194 [Read More]
Wermter, S., Weber, C., Elshaw, M., Gallese, V. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) Neural grounding of robot language in action, In Biomimetic neural learning for intelligent robots – S. Wermter, G. Palm, M. Elshaw., 162 – 181 [Read More]
KNOBLAUCH, A. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) Sequence detector networks and associative learning of grammatical categories, In Biomimetic neural learning for intelligent robots – Wermter, S., Palm, G., Elshaw, M., 31 – 53 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) A neurobiologically-grounded model of syntactic processes, In: A.Glenberg, M.DeVega, A.Graesser (eds.) Proceedings of the Garachico Workshop on Symbols, Embodiment and Meaning, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, 2005 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) Dynamics of early MEG activation elicited by semantic incongruences in the left temporal and inferior-frontal cortex, Abstracts of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Psychophysiology, 42 (S1), 115 [Read More]
HAUK, O., FORD M .A., DAVIS, M.H. , MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D., PULVERMüLLER, F. (2005) Multiple regression analysis of ERPs reveals early processing stages in visual word recognition, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 45th Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 42: , Lisbon, 2005 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , HAUK, O. & MOSCOSO DEL PRADO MARTIN, F. (2005) Category-specific conceptual processing of color and form in left fronto-temporal cortex: fMRI and EEG evidence, Society for Psychophysiological Research, 45th Annual Meeting, Session 6/37 [Read More]
HAUK, O., ROGERS, T.T., WOOLLAMS, A., PULVERMULLER, F. , Watling, L. & PATTERSON, K. (2005) [Q:] When would you prefer a SOSSAGE to a SAUSAGE? [A:] At about 100 ms. ERP correlates of orthographic typicality and lexicalityin written word recognition., Society for Psychophysiological Research, 45th Annual Meeting, Session 6/35 [Read More]
Penolazzi, B., HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) Pre-N400 neurophysiological evidence for semantic context integration, Society for Psychophysiological Research, 45th Annual Meeting, Session 5/65 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , HAUK, O., Zohsel, K., Neininger, B. & MOHR, B. (2005) Therapy-related reorganization of language in both hemispheres of patients with chronic aphasia, Neuroimage, 28(2), 481-489 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y. & HASTING, A. (2005) Early autonomy of syntax as revealed by cortical electrophysiology, Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting Program 2005, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience supplement, p.25 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) Hemispheric dominance in spoken language processing: long-term memory traces vs. acoustic features, Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting Program 2005, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience supplement, p.93 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) Brain mechanisms linking language and action, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 6(7), 576-582 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Pihko, E. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) Determinants of dominance: Is language laterality explained by physical or linguistic features of speech?, Neuroimage, 27(1), 37-47 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y. & Ilmoniemi, R. (2005) Brain signatures of meaning access in action word recognition, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17(6), 884-892 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , HAUK, O., Nikulin, V. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. (2005) Functional links between motor and language systems, European Journal of Neuroscience, 21(3), 793-797 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) From babbling to articulatory echo neurons and unsolved questions of syntax., Behavioral & Brain Sciences [Open Access]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Left hemisphere’s dominance in speech determined by long-term memory traces not by physical sound features: an MEG study, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 44rd Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 41: s1, Santa Fe, USA, 2004 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Spatio-Temporal Pattern Of Word-Elicited Activity In The Human Neocortex., NeuroImage 22, Suppl 1 (CD-ROM), #MO101, Budapest, Hungary, 2004 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Early Category-Specific Semantic Processing In The Brain As Shown By Somatotopic Event-Related Responses To Auditorily Presented Action Words: ERP And L2 Minimum-Norm Source Analysis, NeuroImage 22, Suppl 1 (CD-ROM), #MO100, Budapest, Hungary, 2004 [Read More]
Neininger, B., PULVERMULLER, F. , Elbert, T., Rockstroh, B. & Mohr, B. (2004) Intensivierung, Fokussierung und Verhaltensrelevanz als Prinzipien der Neuropsychologischen Rehabilitation und ihre Implementierung in der Therapie chronischer Aphasie – eine Uebersichtsarbeit. (Constraint,focussing, behavioral relevance: Principles of neuropsychological rehabilitation and their implementation in aphasia therapy after chronic stroke: a review.), Zeitschrift fuer Neuropsychologie, 15(3), 219-232 [Read More]
Wermter, S., Weber, C., Elshaw, M., Panchev, C., Erwin, H. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Towards multimodal neural robot learning, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 47(2-3), 171-175 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & Mohr, B. (2004) Determinants of ignition times: Topographies of cell assemblies and the activation delays they imply, Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 27(2), 308-311 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Lexical access as a brain mechanism, Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 27(2), 297-299 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PU LVERMÜLLER, F. (2004) Evidence of early category-specific semantic processing in the brain: Responses to English action words in auditory odd-ball., In: Evoked Potentials International Conference XIV, Leipzig Series in Cognitive Sciences 5 (Eds. A. Widmann, E. Schröger, T. Jakobsen et al), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätverlag, pp.104-105, 2004. Poster [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PU LVERMÜLLER, F. (2004) Speech and language in the auditory odd-ball: Mismatch Negativity (MMN) studies. , In: Evoked Potentials International Conference XIV, Leipzig Series in Cognitive Sciences 5 (Eds. A. Widmann, E. Schröger, T. Jakobsen et al), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätverlag, p.148 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Distributed neuronal networks for encoding category-specific semantic information: the mismatch negativity to action words, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(4), 1083-1092 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Mohr, B & Lutzenberger, W (2004) Neurophysiological correlates of word and pseudo-word processing in well-recovered aphasics and patients with right-hemispheric stroke, Psychophysiology, 41(4), 584-591 [Read More]
Endrass, T, ,MOHR, B., and PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Enhanced mismatch negativity brain response after binaural word presentation, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(6), 1653-1660 [Read More]
HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Effects of word length and frequency on the human event-related potential, Clinical Neurophysiology, 115(5), 1090-1103 [Read More]
HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Neurophysiological distinction of action words in fronto-central cortex, Human Brain Mapping, 21(3), 191-201 [Read More]
HAUK, O., JOHNSRUDE, I. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Somatotopic representation of action words in human motor and premotor cortex, Neuron, 41(2), 301-307 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, T. & Naatanen, R. (2004) Word-specific cortical activity as revealed by the mismatch negativity, Psychophysiology, 4(1), 106-112 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) The Mismatch Negativity as an Index of Higher Language Processes: From Lexical to Syntactic and Semantic Processing, In: Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 43rd Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 40: supplement 1, S14, Chicago, USA, Oct 2003 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., PULVERMULLER, F. & Ilmoniemi, R.J (2003) Actions coming to mind: Time course of the processing of action word semantics as revealed by magnetoencephalography. (Poster), In: 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, NeuroImage 19:2 (CD-ROM supplement), #1335, New York, USA, 2003. [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , HAUK, O., SHTYROV, Y., JOHNSRUDE, I., Nikulin, V. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. (2003) Interactions of language and actions (Poster), In: Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 43rd Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 40: supplement 1, S70, Chicago, USA, Oct 2003. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Distributed neuronal networks for semantic information: mismatch negativity to action words (Poster), In: Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 43rd Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 40: supplement 1, S79, Chicago, USA, 2003. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., PULVERMULLER, F. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. (2003) Spatio-Temporal Dynamics Of Neural Language Processing: Minimum-Norm Analysis of Magnetic Mismatch Negativity Response to Spoken Word. (Poster), In: 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, NeuroImage 19:2 (CD-ROM supplement), #1352, New York, USA, 2003. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Early grammar processing in the brain outside the focus of attention: across languages, across methods (Poster), In: 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, NeuroImage 19:2 (CD-ROM supplement), #1351, New York, USA, 2003. [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. (2003) Spatio-temporal pattern of language processing in the brain: minimum-norm current estimates of magnetic MMN to spoken word. (Poster), In: MMN03, Third International Workshop on Mismatch Negativity and Auditory Functions and Dysfunctions, Lyon, France, p. 104, 2003. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Grammar processing in the brain outside the focus of attention: evidence from two studies (Poster), In: MMN03, Third International Workshop on Mismatch Negativity and Auditory Functions and Dysfunctions, Lyon, France, p. 103, 2003. [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2003) The MMN to action words: a step towards a neurophysiology of word meaning?, In: MMN03, Third International Workshop on Mismatch Negativity and Auditory Functions and Dysfunctions, Lyon, France, p. 29 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Is grammar processing automatic?: MMN(m) modulation by grammaticality (Talk), In: MMN03, Third International Workshop on Mismatch Negativity and Auditory Functions and Dysfunctions, May 2003. Lyon, France, p. 28, 2003. [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. (2003) Spatiotemporal Dynamics Of Neural Language Processing: An MEG study using Minimum-Norm Current Estimates., NeuroImage, Nov 2003, 20(2), 1020-1025 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2003) Automatic processing of grammar in the human brain as revealed by the mismatch negativity, NeuroImage, Nov 2003, 20(1), 159-172 [Read More]
HAUK, O., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Localising the average or averaging the localisations? It does not matter for the early left-anterior Mismatch Negativity! (Poster), NeuroImage 19(2) part 2, S57, June 2003 [Read More]
HAUK, O., PULVERMULLER, F. & JOHNSRUDE, I. (2003) Brain areas activated by action words: ERP and efMRI evidence (Poster), NeuroImage 19(2) Suppl1, S57 [Read More]
MICHEYL, C., CARLYON, R.P., SHTYROV, Y., HAUK, O., DODSON, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) The neurophysiological basis of the continuity illusion: A Mismatch Negativity Study, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15(5), 747-758 [Read More]
Muller, V., Lutzenberger, W., Preissl, H., PULVERMULLER, F. & Birbaumer, N. (2003) Complexity of visual stimuli and non-linear EEG dynamics in humans, Cognitive Brain Research, 16(1), 104-110 [Read More]
Assadollahi, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Early influences of word length and frequency: a group study using MEG, Neuroreport, Jun 2003, 14(8), 1183-1187 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Sequence detectors as a basis of grammar in the brain, Theory in Biosciences, 122(1), 87-103 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., PULVERMULLER, F. , Naatanen, R. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. (2003) Grammar processing outside the focus of attention: an MEG study, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15(8), 1195-1206 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Neurophysiology of language. (Introduction to the symposium at the Annual Conference of the Society for Psychophysiology Research, Montreal), Psychophysiology, Supplement [Read More]
Neininger, B. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Word-category specific deficits after lesions in the right hemisphere, Neuropsychologia, 41(1), 53 – 70 [Read More]
Pulvermuller, F. (2003) The Neuroscience Of Language: On Brain Circuits Of Words and Serial Order, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y., HAUK, O., & Ilmoniemi, R (2002) Word recognition as reflected by the Mismatch Negativity, Proceedings of the 8th International Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, Poster [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , & SHTYROV, Y (2002) Matching Languages and the Brain using the Mismatch Negativity, Proceedings of the 8th International Cognitive Neuroscience Conference [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & MOHR, B (2002) Neurophysiological reflections of language recovery after stroke, Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Meeting of the World Federation of Neurology, Research Group on Aphasia and Cognitive Disorders, Villefranche-sur-Mer, 28.-30.5.02 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Word categories in the brain: from actions and animals to foot and mouth., Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Meeting of the World Federation of Neurology, Research Group on Aphasia and Cognitive Disorders, Villefranche-sur-Mer, 28. – 30.5.2002 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Neuronal correlation learning and it’s implications for the brain mechanisms of language., Proceedings of the 2002 meeting of the Rodin Remediation Academy [Read More]
HAUK, O., & PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Effects of word length and frequency on the human ERP., 8th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, Porquelles, France, 107,34 [Read More]
HAUK, O., Holz, G., & PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) ERPs in action: Electrophysiological distinction of different types of action words, 8th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, Porquerolles, France, 107, 33 [Read More]
Pulvermuller, F. (2002) A brain perspective on language mechanisms: from discrete neuronal ensembles to serial order., Progress in Neurobiology, 67, 85-111. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., PULVERMULLER, F. , Naatanen, R. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. (2002) Automatic grammar processing in the brain, ICON8, 8th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, September 9-15, 2002, Porquerolles Island, France, p 65. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Neurophysiological evidence of memory traces for words in the human brain, ICON8, 8th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, September 9-15, 2002, Porquerolles Island, France, p 111 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Memory traces for inflectional affixes as shown by the mismatch negativity, ICON8, 8th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, September 9-15, 2002, Porquerolles Island, France, p 111 [Read More]
Muller, M.M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Hochfrequente Oszillatorische Aktivitaet als Indikator kognitiver Prozesse im Gehirn [High frequency oscillatory activity as indicator of cognitive processes in the brain], Enzyklopdie der Psychologie, Biologische Grundlagen der Psychologie [Encyclopedia of Psychology, Biological Foundations of Psychology 87 – 124 Hogrefe [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Memory traces for inflectional affixes as shown by the mismatch negativity., The European Journal of Neuroscience, 15 (6), 1085-1091 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Neurophysiological evidence of memory traces for words in the human brain, Neuroreport, 13 (4), 521-525 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & MOHR, B. (2002) Redundancy gains and costs in cognitive processing: Effects of short stimulus onset asynchronies., Journal of Experimental Psychology-Learning, Memory and Cognition, 28, 1200-1223 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Neurophysiological correlates of grammatical and semantic word categories, Journal of the International Neurophysiological Society, 7, 426 [Read More]
MOHR, B & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Modulation of word processing by lateralized slow cortical potential feedback: Implications for the rehabilitation of language disorders, Journal of the Interantional Neuropsychological Society, 7, 410 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Processing of words and pseudowords in the human brain as shown by mismatch negativity: the role of lexical status of the deviant, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 41st Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 38: supplement 1, S89, Montreal, Canada, 2001. [Read More]
Genkinger, B., PULVERMULLER, F. , Elbert, T.R., Mohr, B., Rockstroh, B., Koebbel, P. & Taub, E. (2001) Constraint-induced therapy of aphasia following stroke., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13, Suppl, 127-128 [Read More]
PULVERMÜLLER, F . & Assadollahi, R. (2001) Length and frequency: word properties in the MEG., Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, New York, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience [Read More]
Assadollahi, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Reading words in the MEG response., Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, New York, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,12, S123 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Processing of inflectional affix in the human brain as shown by mismatch negativity., Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 41st Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 38: suppl 1, S88, 2001. [Read More]
PULVERMÜLLER, F . & SHTYROV, Y. (2001) Automatic grammatical processing as revealed by the mismatch negativity., Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 41st Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 38: suppl 1, S79 [Read More]
HAUK, O., HOLZ, G. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Foot and mouth in the human word-evoked brain potential., Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 41st Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 38: suppl 1, S49 [Read More]
HAUK, O. & PULVE RMÜLLER, F. (2001) Effects of word length and frequency of the human ERP., Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 41st Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 38: suppl 1, S49 [Read More]
Assadollahi, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Word length and frequency in early lexical access: neuromagnetic evidence., Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 41st Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 38: suppl 1, S21 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Assadollahi R, SHTYROV, Y. & HAUK, O. (2001) Neurophysiologic indicators of word types and serial order, 1st Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Psychophysiology, 38, Suppl 1, S17 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Brain reflections of words and their meaning, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 5(12), 517-524 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Mutual access and mutual dependence of conceptual components (Comment on Humphreys and Forde), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, June 2001, 24(3), 490-492 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Neininger, B., Elbert, T.E., Mohr, B., Rockstroh, B., Koebbel, P. & Taub, E. (2001) Constraint-Induced Therapy Of Chronic Aphasia Following Stroke , Stroke, 32, 1621-1626 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Kujala, T., SHTYROV, Y., Simola, J., Tiitinen, H., Alku, P., Alho, K., Martinkauppi, S., Ilmoniemi, R.I. & Naatanen, R. (2001) Memory Traces For Words As Revealed By The Mismatch Negativity (MMN), NeuroImage, 14(3), 607-616 [Read More]
Assadollahi, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Neuromagnetic evidence for early access to cognitive representations, Neuroreport, 12 (2), 207-213 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Assadollahi, R. & Elbert, T. (2001) Neuromagnetic evidence for early semantic access in word recognition, European Journal of Neuroscience, 13(1), 201-205 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Haerle, M. & Hummel, F. (2001) Walking or talking?: Behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of action verb processing, Brain and Language, 78, 143-168 [Read More]
Neininger, B. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) The right hemisphere’s role in action word processing: A double case study, Neurocase, 7, 303-317 [Read More]
Muller, V., Lutzenberger, W., PULVERMULLER, F. & Mohr, B. (2001) Investigation of brain dynamics in Parkinson’s Disease by methods derived from nonlinear dynamics, Experimental Brain Research, 137, 103-110 [Read More]
Mohr, B., Heim, S., PULVERMULLER, F. & Rockstroh, B. (2001) Functional asymmetry in schizophrenic patients during auditory speech processing, Schizophrenia Research, 52(1-2), 69-78 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Connectionist models of language processing, In: International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Baltes, P.B. & Smelser, N.J. (eds.), Elsevier, New York. [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Imaging language in the brain, Frontiers in Neurobiology. An international handbook. Volume 5: Intelligence systems, Encyclopaedia Italiana Press, Rome [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Kujala, T., Shtyrov, Y., Simola, J., Tiitinen, H., Alku, P., Alho, K., Martinkauppi, S., Ilmoniemi, R. & Naatanen, R. (2000) Neuromagnetic and neuroelectric signs of pre-attentive word processing, In: Abstracts of 2nd International Congress on Mismatch Negativity and its Clinical Applications, (Eds: Elena Yago, Mari Tervaniemi, and Carles Escera), Barcelona: University of Barcelona, 57, June 2000. [Read More]
Dobel, C., PULVERMULLER, F. , Haerle, M., Cohen, R., Koebbel, P., Schoenle, P.W. & Rockstroh, B. (2000) Syntactic and semantic processing in the healthy and aphasic human brain, Experimental Brain Research, (2001), 140, 77-85 [Read More]
Mohr, B., PULVERMULLER, F. , Cohen, R. & Rockstroh, B. (2000) Interhemispheric cooperation during word processing: evidence for callosal dysfunction in schizophrenic patients, Schizophrenia Research, 46(2-3), 231-239 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2000) How and where are words represented and processed in the brain?, Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on language, brain and verbal behavior, Academic Press, New York. [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2000) On distributed cell assemblies, high frequencies, and the significance of EEG/MEG recordings, In: Time and the brain, Harwood Academic Publishers, R Miller (Ed), Amsterdam, 241 – 249 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Mohr, B., Schleichert, H. & Veit, R. (2000) Operant conditioning of left-hemispheric slow cortical potentials and its effect on word processing., Biological Psychology, 53, 177-215 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Haerle, M. & Hummel, F. (2000) Neurophysiological distinction of verb categories, Neuroreport, 11, 2789-2793 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2000) Syntactic circuits: How does the brain create serial order in sentences?, Brain and Language, 71(1), 194-199 [Read More]
Dobel, C., HAUK, O., Zobel, E., Eulitz, C., PULVERMULLER, F. , Cohen, R., Schoenle, P.W., Elbert, T. & Rockstroh, B. (1999) Monitoring brain activity of human subjects during delayed matching to sample tasks comparing verbal and pictorial stimuli with modal and cross-modal presentation: an event related potential study employing a source reconstruction method, Neuroscience Letters, 1998, 253, 179-182 [Read More]
Muller, M.M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (1999) Gamma-Band-Aktivität als Indikator kognitiver Prozesse im menschlichen Gehirn (Gamma band activity as an indicator of cognitive processes in the human brain), Jan 1999 Enzyclopädie der Psychologie, Band 6, Biologische Grundlagen der Psychologie (Encyclopedia of psychology, Vol 6, Biological foundations of psychology). 87 – 124 Hogrefe Verlag, Göttingen [Read More]
Cope, T.E., Shtyrov, Y., MACGREGOR, L.J., Holland, R., Pulvermuller, F. , ROWE, J.B.,Patterson, K. (2020) Anterior temporal lobe is necessary for efficient lateralised processing of spoken word identity , Cortex, 126, 107-118 [Open Access]
SHEBANI, Z., Carota,F., HAUK, O., ROWE, J.B., Barsalou, L.W., Tomasello, R., Pulvermuller, F. (2018) Brain correlates of action word memory, BioRxiv [Open Access]
Shebani, Z., Patterson, K., Nestor, P.J., Diaz-de-Grenu, L.Z., Dawson, K., Pulvermuller, F. (2017) Semantic word category processing in semantic dementia and posterior cortical atrophy, Cortex, 93: 92-106 [Open Access]
Carota, F. , KR IEGSKORTE, N. , Nili, H., Pulvermüller, F. (2017) Acute stress disorder and the transition to posttraumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents: Prevalence, course, prognosis, diagnostic suitability, and risk markers., Cerebral Cortex, 27(1):294-309 [Open Access]
Stahl, B., Mohr, B., Dryer, F.R., Lucchese, G., Pulvermuller, F. (2016) Using language for social interaction: Communication mechanisms promote recovery from chronic non-fluent aphasia., Cortex, 85:90-99 [Read More]
Lucchese, G., P ulvermüller, F., Stahl, B., Dreyer, F.R., Mohr, B. (2016) Therapy-Induced Neuroplasticity of Language in Chronic Post Stroke Aphasia: A Mismatch Negativity Study of (A) Gr, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:669 [Open Access]
Grisoni, L., Dre yer, F.R. , Pulvermüller, F. (2016) Somatotopic Semantic Priming and Prediction in the Motor System., Cerebral Cortex 26(5):2353-2366 [Open Access]
Schomers, M.R., Pulvermüller, F. (2016) Is the Sensorimotor Cortex Relevant for Speech Perception and Understanding? An Integrative Review, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:435 [Open Access]
Garagnani, M., Pulvermüller, F. (2016) Conceptual grounding of language in action and perception: a neurocomputational model of the emergence of category specificity and semantic hubs, The European Journal of Neuroscience, 43(6), 721-737 [Open Access]
Tomasello, R., Garagnani, M., Wennekers, T., Pulvermüller, F. (2016) Brain connections of words, perceptions and actions: A neurobiological model of spatio-temporal semantic activation in the human cortex., Neuropsychologia, 98, 111-129 [Open Access]
Garagnani, M., L ucchese, G., Tomasello, R., Wennekers, T., Pulvermüller, F. (2016) A Spiking Neurocomputational Model of High-Frequency Oscillatory Brain Responses to Words and Pseudowords., Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 10:145 [Open Access]
Mohr, B., MCGREGOR, L.J., Difrancesco, S., Harrington, K., Pulvermuller, F. , Shytrov, Y. (2016) Hemispheric contributions to language reorganisation: an MEG study of neuroplasticity in chronic post-stroke aphasia, Neuropsychologia, 93(Pt B):413-424 [Read More]
MOSLEY, R.L., MORGADO CORREIA, M., Baron-Cohen, S., Shytrov, Y.Y., Pulvermuller, F. , and Mohr, B. (2016) Reduced volume of the accurate fasciculus in adults with high functioning autism spectrum conditions, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:214 [Open Access]
Hanna, J., SHYTROV, Y., Williams, J., PULVERMULLER, F. , (2016) Early neurophysiological indices of second language morphosyntax learning, Neuropsychologia, 82, 18-20 [Open Access]
Mollo, G., Pulve rmüller, F., HAUK, O. (2016) Movement priming of EEG/MEG brain responses for action-words characterizes the link between language and action, Cortex, 74, 262-276 [Open Access]
EGOROVA, N., Shytrov, Y., Pulvermuller, F. (2016) Brain Basis of Communicative Actions in Language, NeuroImage, 125, 857-867] [Open Access]
MACGREGOR, L., Shytrov, Y., Difrancesco, S., Pulvermuller, F. P., Mohr, B. (2015) Ultra-Rapid Access to Words in Chronic Aphasia: The Effects of Intensive Language Action Therapy (ILAT), Brain Topography, 28(2), 279-291 [Open Access]
MOSELEY, R., Shyrov, Y., Mohr, B., Lombardo, M.V., Baron-Cohen, S., Pulvermuller, F. P. (2015) Lost for emotion words: What motor and limbic brain activity reveals about autism and semantic theory, NeuroImage, 104, 413-422 [Open Access]
Pulvermuller, F. , MOSELEY, R.L., EGOROVA, N., SHEBANI, Z. & Boulenger, V. (2014) Motor cognition–motor semantics: Action perception theory of cognition and communication, Neuropsychologia, 55, 71-84 [Open Access]
Miozzo, M., Pulvermuller, F. P., HAUK, O. (2014) Early Parallel Activation of Semantics and Phonology in Picture Naming: Evidence from a Multiple-linear-regression MEG study, Cognition and Emotion [Open Access]
MOSELEY, R. & Pulvermuller, F. (2014) Nouns, verbs, objects, actions, and abstractions: Local fMRI activity indexes semantics, not lexical categories, Brain and Language, 132, 28-42 [Open Access]
EGOROVA, N., PULVERMULLER, F. P., SHYTROV, Y. (2014) Neural dynamics of speech act comprehension: an MEG study of Naming and Requesting, Brain Topography, 27(3), 375-392 [Open Access]
MOSELEY, R.L., PULVERMULLER, F. , Mohr, B., Lombardo, M.V., Baron-Cohen, S., SHTYROV, Y. (2014) Brain Routes for Reading in Adults with and without Autism: EMEG Evidence, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(1), 137-153 [Open Access]
MOSELEY, R.L., Lomardo, M.V., Baron-Cohen, S., PULVERMULLER, F. , Mohr, M. and HAUK, O. (2013) Brain and behavioral correlates of action semantic deficits in autism, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7:725 [Open Access]
CHEN, Y., DAVIS, M.H., PULVERMULLER, F. , HAUK, O. (2013) Task modulation of brain responses in visual word recognition as studied using EEG/MEG and fMRI, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 376 [Open Access]
MOSELEY, R., Pulvermuller, F. , SHTYROV, Y. (2013) Sensorimotor semantics on the spot: brain activity dissociates between conceptual categories within 150ms, Scientific Reports, 3, 1928 [Open Access]
EGOROVA, N., SHT YROV, Y., Pulvermüller, F. (2013) Early and parallel processing of pragmatic and semantic information in speech acts: neurophysiological evidence. , Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7:86 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., Pulvermuller, F. P. (2013) Neuronal correlates of decisions to speak and act: Spontaneous emergence and dynamic topographies in a computational model of frontal and temporal areas , Brain and Language, 127(1), 75-85 [Open Access]
SHEBANI, Z., & PULVERMULLER, F. (2013) Moving the hands and feet specifically impairs working memory for arm- and leg-related action words, Cortex, 49(1), 222-231 [Read More]
Holland, R., Brindley, L., SHTYROV, Y. Pulvermuller, F. P. PATTERSON, K. (2012) They played with the trade. MEG investigation of the processing of past tense verbs and their phonological twins, Neuropsychologia, 50(14), 3713-3720 [Open Access]
Barrós-Loscertales, A., González, J., PULVERMULLER, F. , Ventura-Campos, N., Bustamante, J.C., Costumero, V., Parcet, M.A., Avila, C. (2012) Reading Salt Activates Gustatory Brain Regions: fMRI Evidence for Semantic Grounding in a Novel Sensory Modality, Cerebral Cortex, 22(11), 2554-2563 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., SMITH, M.L., Horner, A.J., HENSON, R., Nathan, P.J., Bullmore, E.T., & PULVERMULLER, F. (2012) Attention to language: Novel MEG paradigm for registering involuntary language processing in the brain, Neuropsychologia, 50(11), 2605-2616 [Open Access]
CAROTA, F., MOSELEY, R. PULVERMULLER, F. P. (2012) Body-part specific representations of semantic noun categories, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(6), 1492-1509 [Read More]
MACGREGOR, L., PULVERMULLER, F. , VAN CASTEREN, M., SHYTYROV, Y. (2012) Ultra-rapid access to words in the brain, Nature Communications, 3, 711 [Read More]
MOSELEY, R., PULVERMULLER, F. P., CAROTA, F., Mohr, B., HAUK, O. (2012) A role for the motor system in binding abstract emotional meaning, Cerebral Cortex, 22(7),1634-1647 [Open Access]
Berthier, M.L., PULVERMULLER, F. (2011) Neuroscience insights improve neurorehabilitation of poststroke aphasia, Nature Reviews Neurology, 7(2), 86-97 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. P. (2011) Meaning and the brain: The neurosemantics of referential, interactive and combinatorial knowledge, Journal of Neurolinguistics, 25(5), 423–459 [Read More]
HAUK, O., PULVERMULLER, F. (2011) The Lateralization of Motor Cortex Activation to Action-Words, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5:149 [Open Access]
GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2011) Sensorimotor Circuits for Language, Memory and Action in the Human Brain: A Neuroanatomically Grounded Computational Model, Workshops at the Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-11) [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2011) Investigating Cognitive Representations with brain-like networks and MEG/EEG, Clinical Neurophysiology, 122(Suppl 1), S12, S4.4 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Kimppa, L., PULVERMULLER, F. , Kujala, T (2011) Event-related potentials reflecting the frequency of unattended spoken words: a neuronal index of connection strength in lexical memory circuits?, Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48(11), 1133-1138 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2011) Disembodying memory: Why are memory cells typically found in prefrontal cortex?, Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 160 [Read More]
MACGREGOR, L.J., PULVERMULLER, F. , Van Casteren, M., SHTYROV, Y. (2011) Earliest brain signatures of lexical access to spoken words: MEG evidence, Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, I9, 220 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Kimppa, L., PULVERMULLER, F. , Kujala, T. (2011) A neuronal index of connection strength in lexical memory circuits: early electrophysiological responses reflect frequency of unattended spoken words, Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 219 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., PULVERMULLER, F. (2011) Erratum to: From Sounds to Words: a neurocomputational model of adaptation, inhibition and memory processes in auditory change detection, NeuroImage [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., PULVERMULLER, F. (2011) From sounds to words: A neurocomputational model of adaptation, inhibition and memory processes in auditory change detection, NeuroImage 54, 170-181 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Brain-Language Research: Where is the Progress?, Biolinguistics, 4(2), 255-288 [Open Access]
SHTYROV, Y., Cappelle, B.. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Phrasal verbs in the brain: are they words of phrases? MEG solves long-standing linguistic puzzle, MEG UK 2010, P8, University of Cardiff, 2010 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Smith, M., HENSON, R., Bullmore, E, Nathan, P, PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Attention to language: Novel MEG paradigm for registering involuntary language processing in the brain, 17th Internatinal Conference on Biomagnetism (Biomag 2010), W-III T109-9, CD-ROM, Dubrovnik, Crotia, 2010 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Nikulin, V.. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Passive word learning within minutes: brain correlates of rapid memory trace formation, Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, A61 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Kiff, J., SHTYROV, Y. (2010) Learning language laterality and the motor system, Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, A93 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Brain meets new word: neurophysiological correlates of word learning and memory trace formation, 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, #1098 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Cappelle, B., SHTYROV, Y. (2010) Two cortical signatures of compositionality, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2010, 208.24/MMM15 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Nikulin, V.. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Rapid cortical platicity underlying novel word learning in the human brain, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 128.2 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Automaticity and parallelism of early stages of linguistic information processing: neurophysiological data based on the mismatch negativity, In: Current issues in neuroscience [Современные проблемы нейронаук] (Ed. Ivan Y. Pavlov). University of St. Petersburg, pp. 169-189, 2010. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Are you listening? Language outside the focus of attention, In: Unconscious Memory Representations in Perception. Processes and mechanisms in the brain (Eds. Istvan Czigler and Istvan Winkler). John Benjamins, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, pp.179-208, 2010. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Nikulin, V.. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Rapid cortical plasticity underlying novel word learning., Journal of Neuroscience, 30(50):16864-16867 [Open Access]
Cappelle, B., SHTYROV, Y., PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Heating up or cooling up the brain? MEG evidence that phrasal verbs are lexical units., Brain and Language, 115(3), 189-201 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & Fadiga, L . (2010) Active perception: sensorimotor circuits as a cortical basis for language., Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 11(5), 351-360 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) “What makes a Novel sound Novel? Short- and Long-term memory contributions to Auditory Change Detection”, Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Science, Tomsk, Russia, 22-26/06, p. 40 [Read More]
MOHR, B., Ludlow, A., Whitmore, A., GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Reduced auditory mismatch negativity to loudness discrimination in children with autism spectrum disorders, Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, p64 (B14) [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Short- and Long-Term Memory contributions to Auditory Change Detection: a neurocomputational model, Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 123 (D23) [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Interactions between language and attention systems: early automatic lexical processing?, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(7), 1465-1478 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Cooper-Pye, E., DINE, C., HAUK, O., Nestor, P.J., PATTERSON, K. (2010) The Word Processing Deficit in semantic dementia: All catgeories are equal, but some categories are more equal than others, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(9), 2027-2041 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) Brain embodiment of syntax and grammar: Discrete combinatorial mechanisms spelt out in neuronal circuits, Brain and Language, 112(3), 167-179 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2010) “Language and Attention Interactions: integrating theory with MEG/EEG experiments”, MEG UK Annual Conference, Cardiff, 20-21 Jan. 2010 [Read More]
BOUDELAA, S., PULVERMULLER, F. , HAUK, O., SHTYROV, Y. & MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D. (2010) Arabic morphology in the neural language system: A mismatch negativity study, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(5), 998-1010 [Read More]
Smith, M., SHTYROV, Y., HENSON, R., Christnesen, S., Nathan, P., Bullmore, E and PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Differential replicability of the magnetic mismatch negativity to length and frequency deviants over the early and later response phrases, Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Budapest (Hungary), April 2009, DOI: 10.3389/conf.neuro.09.2009.05.156 [Open Access]
BRINDLEY, L., Holland, R., TAVABI, K., PULVERMULLER, F. PATTERSON, K., Shtyrov, Y (2009) Differential impact of listener age on early vesus late components of magnetic MMN response to spoken words, Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Budapest (Hungary), April 2009, DOI: 10.3389/conf.neuro.09.2009.05.134 [Open Access]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Spatiotemporal Signaturs of Large-Scale Synfire Chains for Speech Processing As Revealed By MEG, Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Budapest (Hungary), April 2009, DOI: 10.3389/conf.neuro.09.2009.05.055 [Open Access]
SHTYROV, Y., Cappelle, B.. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Are phrasal verbs treated by the brain as words or as phrases? Magnetic MMN solves long-standing linguistic puzzle, Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Budapest (Hungary), April 2009, DOI: 10.3389/conf.neuro.09.2009.05.054 [Open Access]
SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Early automaticity vs. late attention control in neural language processing: neurophysiological evidence, Neurobiology of Language Conference (NLC 2009), October 2009, p104, Chicago, 2009 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHEBANI, V., Boulenger, M, GARAGNANI, M., HAUK, O., SHTYROV, Y., PATTERSON, K. (2009) Somatotopic Motor Systems Are Critical For Catgory-Specific Semantic Processes, Neurobiology of Language Conference (NLC 2009), October 2009, p92, Chicago, 2009 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Brain-based modelling and neurophysiological investigations of language and attention interactions, Neurobiology of Language Conference (NLC 2009), October 2009, p75, Chicago, 2009 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Neural circuits for distributed lexemes: MEG evidence, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Session 874, Chicago, USA, 2009 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Early automaticity vs. late attention control in neural language processing: EEG studies, British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting, September 2009, ICH, London, 2009 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Interactions between language and attention systems: early automatic lexical access?, Society for Psychophysical Research 49th Annual Meeting, Berlin 2009, Psychophysiology, 46(Supl 1), S88 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Rapid, automatic and parallel language processing in the human brain, In: Brain Talk: Discourse with and in the brain (Eds. Kai Alter et al.). University of Lund, pp.247-268, 2009. [Read More]
Vestergaard, M.D., Háden, G.P., SHTYROV, Y., Patterson, R.D., PULVERMULLER, F. , Denham, S.L., Sziller, I., Winkler, I. (2009) Auditory size-deviant detection in adults and newborn infants., Biological Psychology, 82(2), 169-75 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Brain-based modeling and neurophysiological investigations of attention-language interactions, British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN) Annual Meeting, London, UCL, September 2009, Abstract #59 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Effects of attention on what is known and what is not: MEG evidence for functionally discrete memory circuits, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 3(10), doi:10.3389/neuro.09.010.2009 [Open Access]
PULVERMULLER, F. & Knoblauch, a. (2009) Discrete combinatorial circuits emerging in neural networks: A mechanism for rules of grammar in the human brain?, Neural Networks, 22(2), 161-172 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Are you listening? Language outside the focus of attention, In Advances in Consciousness Research (Ed Maxim Stamenov). John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia [Read More]
Wermter, S., Page, M., Knowles, M, Gallese, V., PULVERMULLER, F. & Taylor, J. (2009) Multimodal communication in animals, humans and robots: An introduction to perspecitives in brain-inspired informatics, Neural Networks, 22(2), 111-115 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Recruitment and consolidation of cell assemblies for words by way of Hebbian learning and competition in a multi-layer neural network, Cognitive Computation, 1(2), 160-176 [Open Access]
D’Ausilio, A., PULVERMULLER, F. , Salmas, P., Bufalari, I., Begliomini, C. & Fadiga, L. (2009) Speech perception may causally depend on the activity of motor centers, Current Biology, Online discussion [Open Access]
D’Ausilio, A., PULVERMULLER, F. , Salmas, P., Bufalari, I., Begliomini, C. & Fadiga, L. (2009) The motor somatotopy of speech perception, Current Biology, 19(5), 381-385 [Read More]
Berthier, M.L., Green, C., Lara, J.P., Higueras, C., Barbancho, M.A., Davila, G. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Memantine and constraint-induced aphasia therapy in chronic post-stroke aphasia, Annals of Neurology, 65(5), 577-585 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y. & HAUK, O. (2009) Understanding in an instant: Neurophysiological evidence for mechanistic language circuits in the brain, Brain and Language, 110(2), 81–94 [Open Access]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Kherif, F, HAUK, O. & NIMMO-SMITH, I. (2009) Distributed Cell Assemblies for General Lexical and Category-Specific Semantic Processing as Revealed by fMRI Cluster Analysis, Human Brain Mapping, 30(12), 3837-3850 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Explaining Attention and Language interactions: magnetic MMN validation of neurocomputational predictions, Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Budapest (Hungary), April 2009, Abstract A-0079, P79, DOI: 10.3389/conf.neuro.09.2009.05.133 [Open Access]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Separating the short and long-term memory components of the MMN response: a neurobiologically grounded computational model, Fifth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Budapest (Hungary), April 2009, Abstract A-0131, P 106 [Open Access]
CARLYON, R.P., DEEKS, J., SHTYROV, Y., GRAHN, J., GOCKEL, H.E., HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Changes in the perceived duration of a narrowband sound induced by a preceding stimulus: a retrospective effect in auditory perception?, Journal of Experimental Psychology – Human Perception and Performance, 35(6), 1898-1912 [Read More]
Boulenger, V., HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2009) Grasping ideas with the motor system: Semantic somatotopy in idiom comprehension, Cerebral Cortex, 19(8), 1905-1914 [Open Access]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2009) Spatiotemporal Signatures of Large-Scale Synfire Chains for Speech Processing as Revealed by MEG, Cerebral Cortex, 19(1), 79-88 [Open Access]
HAUK, O., PULVERMULLER, F. , Ford, M., MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D & DAVIS, M.H. (2009) Can I have a quick word? Early electrophysiological manifestations of psycholinguistic processes revealed by event-related regression analysis of the EEG, Biological Psychology, 80(1), 64-74. [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Mechanistic language circuits: what can be learned? What is pre-wired?, The Evolution Of Language, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, (EVOLANG7), Barcelona, Spain , 12 – 15 March 2008, 482-484 [Open Access]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2008) Spatiotemporal signatures of large-scale synfire chains for speech processing as revleaed by MEG, In: Biomag 2008, 16th International conference on biomagnetism, pp.128-129, Sapporo, 2008 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, T., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Neurocomputational and neurophysiological investigations of brain interactions of language and attention, 14th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 08), 4-6 September 2008, Cambridge, [Read More]
MOHR, B., PULVERMULLER, F. , Rockstroh, B. & Endrass, T (2008) Hemispheric cooperation – A crucial factor in schizophrenia?, NeuroImage, 41(3), 1102-1110 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Grounding language in the brain, In M. de Vega, A. Graesser & A.M. Glenberg (Eds), Symbols and Embodiment: Debates on Meaning and Cognition, 85-116 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Brain embodiment of category specific semantic memory circuits, In G. Semin (Ed), Embodied grounding: Social, cognitive, affective, and neuroscientific approaches, p 71-97. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & Berthier, M.L. (2008) Aphasia therapy on a neuroscience basis, Aphasiology, 22(6), 563-599 [Open Access]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, T., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Neurocomputational and neurophysiological studies of brain interactions of language and attention., Experimental Psychology Society Meeting – April 2008, p52 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., SHTYROV, Y., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Brain interactions of Language and Attention, 30th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, p2174 [Read More]
HAUK, O., DAVIS, M.H. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Modulation of brain activity by multiple lexical and word form variables in visual word recognition: A parametric fMRI study, NeuroImage, 42(3), 1185-1195 [Open Access]
HAUK, O., DAVIS, M.H., Ford, M., MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Can I Have a Quick Word? The Time Course of Visual Word Recognition as Revealed by Linear Regression Analysis of ERP Data, The Third International Conference on Cognitive Science, Volume 1, p58 [Read More]
HAUK, O., DAVIS, M.H., Kherif, F. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Imagery or meaning? Evidence for a semantic origin of category-specific brain activity in metabolic imaging, European Journal of Neuroscience, 27(7), 1856–1866 [Open Access]
HAUK, O., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) The time course of action and action-word comprehension in the human brain as revealed by neurophysiology, Journal of Physiology-Paris, 102(1-3), 50-58 [Open Access]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) A neuroanatomically grounded Hebbian-learning model of attention–language interactions in the human brain, European Journal of Neuroscience, 27(2), 492-513 [Open Access]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y., Hastings, A., CARLYON, R.P (2008) Syntax as a reflex: Neurophysiological evidence for early automaticity of grammatical processing, Brain and Language, 104(3), 244-253 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Osswald, K. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2008) Memory Traces for Spoken Words in the Brain as Revealed by the Hemodynamic Correlate of the Mismatch Negativity, Cerebral Cortex, 18(1), 29-37 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2007) Spatio-temporal characteristics of large-scale synfire chaing for language processing, 15th Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, G119 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Language in the mismatch negativity design: motivations, benefits and prospects, Journal of Psychophysiology, 21(3-4), 176-187 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Interactions between language and attention systems: attention effects on early lexical processing, 14th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, P170 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., GARAGNANI, M., Kujala, T., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Brain interactions of language and attention: MEG, EEG, fMRI and neurocomputational studies, 37th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 864.4 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Early MEG activation dynamics in the left temporal and inferior frontal cortex reflect semantic context integration, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(10), 1633-1642 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Early and late brain reflections of what makes sense: attention effects in a neuronal model of the language cortex., Proceedings of the Experimental Psychology Society Annual Meeting, Edinburgh – July 2007. p.122 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Explaining the effects of attention on lexical processes using a single Hebbian neuronal model of the language cortex., 39th Annual General Meeting of the European Brain & Behaviour Society – Trieste, Italy, Sept. 2007. p.13. [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Early and late brain reflections of what makes sense: attention effects in a neuronal model of the language cortex., Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, p.87 [Read More]
MOHR, B., Endrass, T., HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) ERP correlates of the bilateral redundancy gain for words, Neuropsychologia, 45(9), 2114-2124 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & Assadollahi, R. (2007) Grammar or serial order?: Discrete combinatorial brain mechanisms reflected by the syntactic Mismatch Negativity, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience , 19(6), 971-980 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Brain processes of word recognition as revealed by neurophysiological imaging, In G. Gaskell (Ed.), Handbook of Psycholinguistics, Oxford University Press, 119-140 [Read More]
HAUK, O., PATTERSON, K., WOOLLAMS, A., COOPER-PYE, E., PULVERMULLER, F. & Rogers, T.T. (2007) How the Camel Lost its Hump: The impact of object typicality on ERP signals in object decision, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(8), 1338-1353 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) A neuronal model of the language cortex, Neurocomputing , 70(10-12), 1914-1919 [Read More]
Penolazzi, B., HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Early Semantic Context Integration and Lexical Access as Revealed by Event-Related Potentials, Biological Psychology, 74(3), 374-388 [Read More]
Assadollahi, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2007) Signatures of Syntactic Processing in the Neuromagnetic Mismatch Field, Psychophysiology, Volume 44, Issue s1, [Read More]
MOSCOSO DEL PRADO MARTIN, F., HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) Category specificity in the processing of color-related and form-related words: An ERP study, Neuroimage, 29(1), 29-37 [Read More]
HAUK O., Kherif, F., DAVIS, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) Parametric fMRI analysis of psycholinguistic parameters, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, C53 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Osswald, K. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) BOLD evidence for word-elicited MMN enhancement., In: Fourth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, p.121 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y., Ilmoniemi, R. & MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D. (2006) An MEG correlate of word recognition, In: Fourth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, p.115 [Read More]
BOUDELAA, S., MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D., PULVERMULLER, F. , HAUK, O. & SHTYROV, Y. (2006) The neural correlates of Arabic morphology: A mismatch negativity study with roots and word patterns, In: Fourth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, p.66 [Open Access]
Naci, L., PULVERMULLER, F. , Taylor, K., SHTYROV Y., HAUK, O. & Tyler, L. (2006) Spatiotemporal patterns of cross-modal integration., Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, E21 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) Early semantic integration in the left temporal and inferior frontal cortex revealed by high-density MEG recordings., Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, G42 [Read More]
Naci, L., PULVERMULLER, F. , Taylor, K., SHTYROV, Y., HAUK, O. & Tyler, L (2006) Spatiotemporal dissociation of perceptual and semantic processes in the ventral object processing stream, Neuroimage 31, S178 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) Early contextual semantic integration in the left temporal and inferior-frontal cortex as revealed by high-density magnetoencephalography., Neuroimage 31, S116 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Osswald, K. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) Memory traces for words in the brain are indexed by the mismatch negativity (MMN) responses: fMRI evidence, Neuroimage 31, S116 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2006) The time course of MMN source activation: An index of word recognition?, In: Fourth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, p.39, [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) MMN4language: why are we using it?, In: Fourth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, p.35 [Read More]
HAUK, O., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) The sound of actions as reflected by mismatch negativity: Rapid activation of cortical sensory-motor networks by sounds associated with finger and tongue movements, In: Fourth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, p.34 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (Eds) (2006) Fourth Conference on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Programme and Abstract Book. (Eds. r). Edited Volume. Cambridge: MRC CBU, 136p [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2006) The mismatch negativity as an objective tool for studying higher language functions, In A. S. Meyer, L.R. Wheeldon & A. Krott (Eds.), Automaticity and control in language processing, 217-244. [Read More]
Berthier, M. L., PULVERMULLER, F. , Green, C. & Higueras, C (2006) Are release phenomena explained by disinhibited mirror neuron circuits?: Arnold Pick’s remarks on echographia and their relevance for modern cognitive neuroscience., Aphasiology, 20(5), 462-480 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Huss, M., Kherif, F., MOSCOSO DEL PRADO MARTIN, F., HAUK, O. & SHTYROV, Y. (2006) The Motor Theory of Speech Perception Confirmed: FMRI Evidence, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, A127 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y., Ilmoniemi RJ. & MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D. (2006) Tracking speech comprehension in space and time, Neuroimage, 31(3), 1297-1305 [Read More]
Gonzalez, J., Barros-Loscertales, A., PULVERMULLER, F. , Meseguer. V., Sanjuan, A,, Belloch. V,, Avila, C. (2006) Reading cinnamon activates olfactory brain regions, Neuroimage, 32(2), 906-912 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2006) Language outside the focus of attention: the mismatch negativity as a tool for studying higher cognitive processes., Progress in Neurobiology, 79(1), 49-71 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) A neuronal model of the language cortex, 15th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Huss,M., Kherif,F., MOSCOSO DEL PRADO MARTIN,F., HAUK, O. & SHTYROV, Y. (2006) Motor cortex maps articulatory features of speech sounds, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(20), 7865-7870 [Read More]
GARAGNANI, M., Wennekers, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) A neuronal model of the language cortex, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 98 [Read More]
Wennekers, T., GARAGNANI, M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) Language models based on hebbian cell assemblies, Journal of Physiology, Paris, 100(1-3),16-30 [Read More]
HAUK, O., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2006) The sound of actions as reflected by mismatch negativity:Rapid activation of cortical sensory-motor networks by sounds associated withfinger and tongue movements, European Journal of Neuroscience, 23(3), 811-821 [Read More]
HAUK, O., DAVIS, M.H., Ford, M., PULVERMULLER, F. & MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D. (2006) The time course of visual word-recognition as revealed by linear regression analysis of ERP data, Neuroimage, 30(4),1383-1400 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & HAUK, O. (2006) Category-specific Conceptual Processing of Color and Form in Left Fronto-temporal Cortex, Cerebral Cortex, 16(8), 1193-1201 [Read More]
HAUK, O., PATTERSON, K., WOOLLAMS, A., Watling, L., PULVERMULLER, F. & Rogers, T. (2006) [Q:] When would you prefer a SOSSAGE to a SAUSAGE? [A:] At about 100 ms. ERP correlates of orthographic typicality and lexicality in written word recognition., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18(5), 818-832 [Read More]
BAK, T.H., Yancopoulou, D., NESTOR, P., Xuereb, H.J., Spillantini, M.G., PULVERMULLER, F. & HODGES, J.R. (2006) Clinical, imaging and pathological correlates of a hereditary deficit in verb and action processing, Brain, 129(2), 321-332 [Read More]
VAN CASTEREN, M., DAVIS, M.H., HAUK, O., PULVERMULLER, F. , MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D. (2005) Effects of surface and stem frequency on ERPs to visually presented words, Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, E194 [Read More]
Wermter, S., Weber, C., Elshaw, M., Gallese, V. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) Neural grounding of robot language in action, In Biomimetic neural learning for intelligent robots – S. Wermter, G. Palm, M. Elshaw., 162 – 181 [Read More]
KNOBLAUCH, A. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) Sequence detector networks and associative learning of grammatical categories, In Biomimetic neural learning for intelligent robots – Wermter, S., Palm, G., Elshaw, M., 31 – 53 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) A neurobiologically-grounded model of syntactic processes, In: A.Glenberg, M.DeVega, A.Graesser (eds.) Proceedings of the Garachico Workshop on Symbols, Embodiment and Meaning, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, 2005 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) Dynamics of early MEG activation elicited by semantic incongruences in the left temporal and inferior-frontal cortex, Abstracts of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Psychophysiology, 42 (S1), 115 [Read More]
HAUK, O., FORD M .A., DAVIS, M.H. , MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D., PULVERMüLLER, F. (2005) Multiple regression analysis of ERPs reveals early processing stages in visual word recognition, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 45th Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 42: , Lisbon, 2005 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , HAUK, O. & MOSCOSO DEL PRADO MARTIN, F. (2005) Category-specific conceptual processing of color and form in left fronto-temporal cortex: fMRI and EEG evidence, Society for Psychophysiological Research, 45th Annual Meeting, Session 6/37 [Read More]
HAUK, O., ROGERS, T.T., WOOLLAMS, A., PULVERMULLER, F. , Watling, L. & PATTERSON, K. (2005) [Q:] When would you prefer a SOSSAGE to a SAUSAGE? [A:] At about 100 ms. ERP correlates of orthographic typicality and lexicalityin written word recognition., Society for Psychophysiological Research, 45th Annual Meeting, Session 6/35 [Read More]
Penolazzi, B., HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) Pre-N400 neurophysiological evidence for semantic context integration, Society for Psychophysiological Research, 45th Annual Meeting, Session 5/65 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , HAUK, O., Zohsel, K., Neininger, B. & MOHR, B. (2005) Therapy-related reorganization of language in both hemispheres of patients with chronic aphasia, Neuroimage, 28(2), 481-489 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y. & HASTING, A. (2005) Early autonomy of syntax as revealed by cortical electrophysiology, Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting Program 2005, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience supplement, p.25 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) Hemispheric dominance in spoken language processing: long-term memory traces vs. acoustic features, Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting Program 2005, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience supplement, p.93 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) Brain mechanisms linking language and action, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 6(7), 576-582 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., Pihko, E. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) Determinants of dominance: Is language laterality explained by physical or linguistic features of speech?, Neuroimage, 27(1), 37-47 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y. & Ilmoniemi, R. (2005) Brain signatures of meaning access in action word recognition, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17(6), 884-892 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , HAUK, O., Nikulin, V. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. (2005) Functional links between motor and language systems, European Journal of Neuroscience, 21(3), 793-797 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2005) From babbling to articulatory echo neurons and unsolved questions of syntax., Behavioral & Brain Sciences [Open Access]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Left hemisphere’s dominance in speech determined by long-term memory traces not by physical sound features: an MEG study, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 44rd Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 41: s1, Santa Fe, USA, 2004 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Spatio-Temporal Pattern Of Word-Elicited Activity In The Human Neocortex., NeuroImage 22, Suppl 1 (CD-ROM), #MO101, Budapest, Hungary, 2004 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Early Category-Specific Semantic Processing In The Brain As Shown By Somatotopic Event-Related Responses To Auditorily Presented Action Words: ERP And L2 Minimum-Norm Source Analysis, NeuroImage 22, Suppl 1 (CD-ROM), #MO100, Budapest, Hungary, 2004 [Read More]
Neininger, B., PULVERMULLER, F. , Elbert, T., Rockstroh, B. & Mohr, B. (2004) Intensivierung, Fokussierung und Verhaltensrelevanz als Prinzipien der Neuropsychologischen Rehabilitation und ihre Implementierung in der Therapie chronischer Aphasie – eine Uebersichtsarbeit. (Constraint,focussing, behavioral relevance: Principles of neuropsychological rehabilitation and their implementation in aphasia therapy after chronic stroke: a review.), Zeitschrift fuer Neuropsychologie, 15(3), 219-232 [Read More]
Wermter, S., Weber, C., Elshaw, M., Panchev, C., Erwin, H. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Towards multimodal neural robot learning, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 47(2-3), 171-175 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & Mohr, B. (2004) Determinants of ignition times: Topographies of cell assemblies and the activation delays they imply, Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 27(2), 308-311 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Lexical access as a brain mechanism, Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 27(2), 297-299 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PU LVERMÜLLER, F. (2004) Evidence of early category-specific semantic processing in the brain: Responses to English action words in auditory odd-ball., In: Evoked Potentials International Conference XIV, Leipzig Series in Cognitive Sciences 5 (Eds. A. Widmann, E. Schröger, T. Jakobsen et al), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätverlag, pp.104-105, 2004. Poster [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PU LVERMÜLLER, F. (2004) Speech and language in the auditory odd-ball: Mismatch Negativity (MMN) studies. , In: Evoked Potentials International Conference XIV, Leipzig Series in Cognitive Sciences 5 (Eds. A. Widmann, E. Schröger, T. Jakobsen et al), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätverlag, p.148 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Distributed neuronal networks for encoding category-specific semantic information: the mismatch negativity to action words, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(4), 1083-1092 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Mohr, B & Lutzenberger, W (2004) Neurophysiological correlates of word and pseudo-word processing in well-recovered aphasics and patients with right-hemispheric stroke, Psychophysiology, 41(4), 584-591 [Read More]
Endrass, T, ,MOHR, B., and PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Enhanced mismatch negativity brain response after binaural word presentation, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(6), 1653-1660 [Read More]
HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Effects of word length and frequency on the human event-related potential, Clinical Neurophysiology, 115(5), 1090-1103 [Read More]
HAUK, O. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Neurophysiological distinction of action words in fronto-central cortex, Human Brain Mapping, 21(3), 191-201 [Read More]
HAUK, O., JOHNSRUDE, I. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2004) Somatotopic representation of action words in human motor and premotor cortex, Neuron, 41(2), 301-307 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y., Kujala, T. & Naatanen, R. (2004) Word-specific cortical activity as revealed by the mismatch negativity, Psychophysiology, 4(1), 106-112 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) The Mismatch Negativity as an Index of Higher Language Processes: From Lexical to Syntactic and Semantic Processing, In: Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 43rd Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 40: supplement 1, S14, Chicago, USA, Oct 2003 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., PULVERMULLER, F. & Ilmoniemi, R.J (2003) Actions coming to mind: Time course of the processing of action word semantics as revealed by magnetoencephalography. (Poster), In: 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, NeuroImage 19:2 (CD-ROM supplement), #1335, New York, USA, 2003. [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , HAUK, O., SHTYROV, Y., JOHNSRUDE, I., Nikulin, V. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. (2003) Interactions of language and actions (Poster), In: Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 43rd Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 40: supplement 1, S70, Chicago, USA, Oct 2003. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Distributed neuronal networks for semantic information: mismatch negativity to action words (Poster), In: Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 43rd Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 40: supplement 1, S79, Chicago, USA, 2003. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., PULVERMULLER, F. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. (2003) Spatio-Temporal Dynamics Of Neural Language Processing: Minimum-Norm Analysis of Magnetic Mismatch Negativity Response to Spoken Word. (Poster), In: 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, NeuroImage 19:2 (CD-ROM supplement), #1352, New York, USA, 2003. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Early grammar processing in the brain outside the focus of attention: across languages, across methods (Poster), In: 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, NeuroImage 19:2 (CD-ROM supplement), #1351, New York, USA, 2003. [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. (2003) Spatio-temporal pattern of language processing in the brain: minimum-norm current estimates of magnetic MMN to spoken word. (Poster), In: MMN03, Third International Workshop on Mismatch Negativity and Auditory Functions and Dysfunctions, Lyon, France, p. 104, 2003. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Grammar processing in the brain outside the focus of attention: evidence from two studies (Poster), In: MMN03, Third International Workshop on Mismatch Negativity and Auditory Functions and Dysfunctions, Lyon, France, p. 103, 2003. [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2003) The MMN to action words: a step towards a neurophysiology of word meaning?, In: MMN03, Third International Workshop on Mismatch Negativity and Auditory Functions and Dysfunctions, Lyon, France, p. 29 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Is grammar processing automatic?: MMN(m) modulation by grammaticality (Talk), In: MMN03, Third International Workshop on Mismatch Negativity and Auditory Functions and Dysfunctions, May 2003. Lyon, France, p. 28, 2003. [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. (2003) Spatiotemporal Dynamics Of Neural Language Processing: An MEG study using Minimum-Norm Current Estimates., NeuroImage, Nov 2003, 20(2), 1020-1025 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & SHTYROV, Y. (2003) Automatic processing of grammar in the human brain as revealed by the mismatch negativity, NeuroImage, Nov 2003, 20(1), 159-172 [Read More]
HAUK, O., SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Localising the average or averaging the localisations? It does not matter for the early left-anterior Mismatch Negativity! (Poster), NeuroImage 19(2) part 2, S57, June 2003 [Read More]
HAUK, O., PULVERMULLER, F. & JOHNSRUDE, I. (2003) Brain areas activated by action words: ERP and efMRI evidence (Poster), NeuroImage 19(2) Suppl1, S57 [Read More]
MICHEYL, C., CARLYON, R.P., SHTYROV, Y., HAUK, O., DODSON, T. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) The neurophysiological basis of the continuity illusion: A Mismatch Negativity Study, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15(5), 747-758 [Read More]
Muller, V., Lutzenberger, W., Preissl, H., PULVERMULLER, F. & Birbaumer, N. (2003) Complexity of visual stimuli and non-linear EEG dynamics in humans, Cognitive Brain Research, 16(1), 104-110 [Read More]
Assadollahi, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Early influences of word length and frequency: a group study using MEG, Neuroreport, Jun 2003, 14(8), 1183-1187 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Sequence detectors as a basis of grammar in the brain, Theory in Biosciences, 122(1), 87-103 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., PULVERMULLER, F. , Naatanen, R. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. (2003) Grammar processing outside the focus of attention: an MEG study, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15(8), 1195-1206 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Neurophysiology of language. (Introduction to the symposium at the Annual Conference of the Society for Psychophysiology Research, Montreal), Psychophysiology, Supplement [Read More]
Neininger, B. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2003) Word-category specific deficits after lesions in the right hemisphere, Neuropsychologia, 41(1), 53 – 70 [Read More]
Pulvermuller, F. (2003) The Neuroscience Of Language: On Brain Circuits Of Words and Serial Order, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , SHTYROV, Y., HAUK, O., & Ilmoniemi, R (2002) Word recognition as reflected by the Mismatch Negativity, Proceedings of the 8th International Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, Poster [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , & SHTYROV, Y (2002) Matching Languages and the Brain using the Mismatch Negativity, Proceedings of the 8th International Cognitive Neuroscience Conference [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & MOHR, B (2002) Neurophysiological reflections of language recovery after stroke, Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Meeting of the World Federation of Neurology, Research Group on Aphasia and Cognitive Disorders, Villefranche-sur-Mer, 28.-30.5.02 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Word categories in the brain: from actions and animals to foot and mouth., Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Meeting of the World Federation of Neurology, Research Group on Aphasia and Cognitive Disorders, Villefranche-sur-Mer, 28. – 30.5.2002 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Neuronal correlation learning and it’s implications for the brain mechanisms of language., Proceedings of the 2002 meeting of the Rodin Remediation Academy [Read More]
HAUK, O., & PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Effects of word length and frequency on the human ERP., 8th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, Porquelles, France, 107,34 [Read More]
HAUK, O., Holz, G., & PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) ERPs in action: Electrophysiological distinction of different types of action words, 8th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, Porquerolles, France, 107, 33 [Read More]
Pulvermuller, F. (2002) A brain perspective on language mechanisms: from discrete neuronal ensembles to serial order., Progress in Neurobiology, 67, 85-111. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y., PULVERMULLER, F. , Naatanen, R. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. (2002) Automatic grammar processing in the brain, ICON8, 8th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, September 9-15, 2002, Porquerolles Island, France, p 65. [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Neurophysiological evidence of memory traces for words in the human brain, ICON8, 8th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, September 9-15, 2002, Porquerolles Island, France, p 111 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Memory traces for inflectional affixes as shown by the mismatch negativity, ICON8, 8th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, September 9-15, 2002, Porquerolles Island, France, p 111 [Read More]
Muller, M.M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Hochfrequente Oszillatorische Aktivitaet als Indikator kognitiver Prozesse im Gehirn [High frequency oscillatory activity as indicator of cognitive processes in the brain], Enzyklopdie der Psychologie, Biologische Grundlagen der Psychologie [Encyclopedia of Psychology, Biological Foundations of Psychology 87 – 124 Hogrefe [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Memory traces for inflectional affixes as shown by the mismatch negativity., The European Journal of Neuroscience, 15 (6), 1085-1091 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2002) Neurophysiological evidence of memory traces for words in the human brain, Neuroreport, 13 (4), 521-525 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. & MOHR, B. (2002) Redundancy gains and costs in cognitive processing: Effects of short stimulus onset asynchronies., Journal of Experimental Psychology-Learning, Memory and Cognition, 28, 1200-1223 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Neurophysiological correlates of grammatical and semantic word categories, Journal of the International Neurophysiological Society, 7, 426 [Read More]
MOHR, B & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Modulation of word processing by lateralized slow cortical potential feedback: Implications for the rehabilitation of language disorders, Journal of the Interantional Neuropsychological Society, 7, 410 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Processing of words and pseudowords in the human brain as shown by mismatch negativity: the role of lexical status of the deviant, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 41st Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 38: supplement 1, S89, Montreal, Canada, 2001. [Read More]
Genkinger, B., PULVERMULLER, F. , Elbert, T.R., Mohr, B., Rockstroh, B., Koebbel, P. & Taub, E. (2001) Constraint-induced therapy of aphasia following stroke., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13, Suppl, 127-128 [Read More]
PULVERMÜLLER, F . & Assadollahi, R. (2001) Length and frequency: word properties in the MEG., Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, New York, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience [Read More]
Assadollahi, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Reading words in the MEG response., Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, New York, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,12, S123 [Read More]
SHTYROV, Y. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Processing of inflectional affix in the human brain as shown by mismatch negativity., Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 41st Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 38: suppl 1, S88, 2001. [Read More]
PULVERMÜLLER, F . & SHTYROV, Y. (2001) Automatic grammatical processing as revealed by the mismatch negativity., Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 41st Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 38: suppl 1, S79 [Read More]
HAUK, O., HOLZ, G. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Foot and mouth in the human word-evoked brain potential., Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 41st Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 38: suppl 1, S49 [Read More]
HAUK, O. & PULVE RMÜLLER, F. (2001) Effects of word length and frequency of the human ERP., Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 41st Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 38: suppl 1, S49 [Read More]
Assadollahi, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Word length and frequency in early lexical access: neuromagnetic evidence., Society for Psychophysiological Research, Abstracts of the 41st Annual Meeting, Psychophysiology 38: suppl 1, S21 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Assadollahi R, SHTYROV, Y. & HAUK, O. (2001) Neurophysiologic indicators of word types and serial order, 1st Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Psychophysiology, 38, Suppl 1, S17 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Brain reflections of words and their meaning, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 5(12), 517-524 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Mutual access and mutual dependence of conceptual components (Comment on Humphreys and Forde), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, June 2001, 24(3), 490-492 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Neininger, B., Elbert, T.E., Mohr, B., Rockstroh, B., Koebbel, P. & Taub, E. (2001) Constraint-Induced Therapy Of Chronic Aphasia Following Stroke , Stroke, 32, 1621-1626 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Kujala, T., SHTYROV, Y., Simola, J., Tiitinen, H., Alku, P., Alho, K., Martinkauppi, S., Ilmoniemi, R.I. & Naatanen, R. (2001) Memory Traces For Words As Revealed By The Mismatch Negativity (MMN), NeuroImage, 14(3), 607-616 [Read More]
Assadollahi, R. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Neuromagnetic evidence for early access to cognitive representations, Neuroreport, 12 (2), 207-213 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Assadollahi, R. & Elbert, T. (2001) Neuromagnetic evidence for early semantic access in word recognition, European Journal of Neuroscience, 13(1), 201-205 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Haerle, M. & Hummel, F. (2001) Walking or talking?: Behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of action verb processing, Brain and Language, 78, 143-168 [Read More]
Neininger, B. & PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) The right hemisphere’s role in action word processing: A double case study, Neurocase, 7, 303-317 [Read More]
Muller, V., Lutzenberger, W., PULVERMULLER, F. & Mohr, B. (2001) Investigation of brain dynamics in Parkinson’s Disease by methods derived from nonlinear dynamics, Experimental Brain Research, 137, 103-110 [Read More]
Mohr, B., Heim, S., PULVERMULLER, F. & Rockstroh, B. (2001) Functional asymmetry in schizophrenic patients during auditory speech processing, Schizophrenia Research, 52(1-2), 69-78 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Connectionist models of language processing, In: International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Baltes, P.B. & Smelser, N.J. (eds.), Elsevier, New York. [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2001) Imaging language in the brain, Frontiers in Neurobiology. An international handbook. Volume 5: Intelligence systems, Encyclopaedia Italiana Press, Rome [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Kujala, T., Shtyrov, Y., Simola, J., Tiitinen, H., Alku, P., Alho, K., Martinkauppi, S., Ilmoniemi, R. & Naatanen, R. (2000) Neuromagnetic and neuroelectric signs of pre-attentive word processing, In: Abstracts of 2nd International Congress on Mismatch Negativity and its Clinical Applications, (Eds: Elena Yago, Mari Tervaniemi, and Carles Escera), Barcelona: University of Barcelona, 57, June 2000. [Read More]
Dobel, C., PULVERMULLER, F. , Haerle, M., Cohen, R., Koebbel, P., Schoenle, P.W. & Rockstroh, B. (2000) Syntactic and semantic processing in the healthy and aphasic human brain, Experimental Brain Research, (2001), 140, 77-85 [Read More]
Mohr, B., PULVERMULLER, F. , Cohen, R. & Rockstroh, B. (2000) Interhemispheric cooperation during word processing: evidence for callosal dysfunction in schizophrenic patients, Schizophrenia Research, 46(2-3), 231-239 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2000) How and where are words represented and processed in the brain?, Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on language, brain and verbal behavior, Academic Press, New York. [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2000) On distributed cell assemblies, high frequencies, and the significance of EEG/MEG recordings, In: Time and the brain, Harwood Academic Publishers, R Miller (Ed), Amsterdam, 241 – 249 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Mohr, B., Schleichert, H. & Veit, R. (2000) Operant conditioning of left-hemispheric slow cortical potentials and its effect on word processing., Biological Psychology, 53, 177-215 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. , Haerle, M. & Hummel, F. (2000) Neurophysiological distinction of verb categories, Neuroreport, 11, 2789-2793 [Read More]
PULVERMULLER, F. (2000) Syntactic circuits: How does the brain create serial order in sentences?, Brain and Language, 71(1), 194-199 [Read More]
Dobel, C., HAUK, O., Zobel, E., Eulitz, C., PULVERMULLER, F. , Cohen, R., Schoenle, P.W., Elbert, T. & Rockstroh, B. (1999) Monitoring brain activity of human subjects during delayed matching to sample tasks comparing verbal and pictorial stimuli with modal and cross-modal presentation: an event related potential study employing a source reconstruction method, Neuroscience Letters, 1998, 253, 179-182 [Read More]
Muller, M.M. & PULVERMULLER, F. (1999) Gamma-Band-Aktivität als Indikator kognitiver Prozesse im menschlichen Gehirn (Gamma band activity as an indicator of cognitive processes in the human brain), Jan 1999 Enzyclopädie der Psychologie, Band 6, Biologische Grundlagen der Psychologie (Encyclopedia of psychology, Vol 6, Biological foundations of psychology). 87 – 124 Hogrefe Verlag, Göttingen [Read More]