The MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit offers eduroam (JANET Roaming Service) at Tier 2, supporting WPA-TKIP and WPA2-AES with private IP addresses using NAT and no IPv6 support.
Visitors need to make sure that they arrive with their wireless configuration set up (or that they can do so by contacting their home institution). Note that you are bound by your home organisation’s AUP (Acceptable Use Policy), the JANET AUP and Cambridge University’s AUP, and that breach of AUP could result in disciplinary procedures at your home site.
Note – All traffic on the eduroam network will go through our firewall. This employs various security mechanisms including application and URL filtering, an Intrusion Protection System, and antivirus scanning to block access to unsuitable sites and applications.
All network activity is fully logged and monitored for unsuitable use.
Note that it is not possible to connect to Eduroam using an Amazon Kindle.
The following ports are allowed out through our stateful firewall which will allow the majority of internet applications to function normally.
- IPv6 Tunnel Broker NAT traversal: UDP/3653;TCP/3653 egress and established.
- IPSec NAT traversal: UDP/4500 egress and established.
- Cisco IPSec NAT traversal: UDP/10000; TCP/10000 egress and established.
- PPTP: IP protocol 47 (GRE) egress and established; TCP/1723 egress and established.
- OpenVPN: UDP/1194; TCP/1194 egress and established.
- NTP: UDP/123 egress and established
- SSH: TCP/22 egress and established.
- HTTP: TCP/80 egress and established.
- HTTPS: TCP/443 egress and established.
- LDAP: TCP/389 egress and established.
- LDAPS: TCP/636 egress and established.
- IMSP: TCP/406 egress and established.
- IMAP4: TCP/143 egress and established.
- IMAP3: TCP/220 egress and established.
- IMAPS: TCP/993 egress and established.
- POP: TCP/110 egress and established.
- POP3S: TCP/995 egress and established.
- Passive (S)FTP: TCP/21 egress and established.
- SMTPS: TCP/465 egress and established.
- Message submission: TCP/587 egress and established.
- RDP: TCP/3389 egress and established.
- VNC: TCP/5900 egress and established.
- Citrix: TCP/1494 egress and established.
- AFS: UDP/7000 through UDP/7007 inclusive egress and established.
Note – SMTP: TCP/25 is blocked to stop the unsecured sending of email, please use SMTPS: TCP/465 instead or your institution provided webmail system.