Memory and Perception Group Meeting Schedule
The Memory and Perception (MemPer) group meetings take place on Tuesday morning at 11am, typically in the West Wing Seminar Room at the MRC-CBU, but currently via zoom. The meetings are held fortnightly during term time, unless otherwise noted. If you would like to speak at a Memory and Perception group meeting please contact Andrea Greve.
Easter Term 2021
Monday: 28th of June 10am*
Alex Kafkas, University of Manchester
Pupil response as a measure of memory formation, retrieval success and memory veracity
Pupil response is a psychophysiological measure controlled by the antagonistic functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. However, changes in pupil response can reveal cognitive and mnemonic processing presumably via central nervous system interactions. In this presentation, I will focus on studies linking changes in pupil response to successful memory encoding and retrieval. I will highlight findings related to separating true from false memories in the pupil signal and its sensitivity to the types of novelty that are detected and encoded. Finally, findings regarding the neural basis of memory-related pupil responses and implications for encoding mechanisms in the hippocampus will be discussed.
* please note this is a zoom meeting