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George: Learning to live independently with NeuroPage®.
WILSON, B. A., EMSLIE, H., Quirk, K., & Evans, J.
Rehabilitation Psychology, 1999, 44(3), 284-296.
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We report the case of George, a young man with very severe memory impairments following a head injury sustained in a road traffic accident several years earlier. George was one of 200 subjects in a study evaluating NeuroPage®, an electronic memory aid. Like many other participants in the study, he responded well to NeuroPage® and was able to live independently with the new memory aid. Using an ABAB single case experimental design, we show his response to the pager, describe his feelings about it, and consider reasons for its efficacy. It would appear that NeuroPage® is effective because it is easy for brain injured patients to use, the messages are relevant, the prompts appear at the time needed and using a pager is prestigious.
