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Tamar Makin
Programme Leader
01223 766 166
Research Themes:
CBSU publications
Nisky, L and MAKIN, T. (2024) A neurocognitive pathway for engineering artificial touch, Science Advances, 10(51):eadq6290 [Open Access]

Tucciarelli, R., Ejaz, N., Wesselink, D.B., Kolli, V., Hodgetts, C,J,.Diedrichsen, J., MAKIN, T. R. (2024) Does Ipsilateral Remapping Following Hand Loss Impact Motor Control of the Intact Hand?, The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 24 Jan 2024, 44(4):e0948232023 [Open Access]

Allen, K.R., Smith, K.A., Bird, L.A., Tenenbaum, J.B., MMAKIN, T. R., Cowie, D. (2023) Lifelong learning of cognitive styles for physical problem-solving: The effect of embodied experience., Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 04 Dec 2023, 31(3):1364-1375 [Open Access]
