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Susan Gathercole
I have now left the CBSU but can be contacted at the email address above
CBSU publications
ASTLE, D.E., Holmes, J., KIEVIT, R., Gathercole, S. E. (2021) Annual Research Review: The transdiagnostic revolution in neurodevelopmental disorders, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines, 23 Jul 2021, 63(4):397-417 [Open Access]

KAUR, S., NORRIS, D.G., GATHERCOLE, S. E. (2020) The time course of updating in running span, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 46(12), 2397-2409 [Open Access]

Spencer-Smith, M., Quach, J., Mensah, F., Roberts, G., GATHERCOLE, S. , Wake, M., Anderson, P.J. (2020) The Effectiveness of Working Memory Training for Children With Low Working Memory, Pediatrics, 146(6) [Read More]

HOLMES, J., GUY, J., MAREVA, S., BRYANT, A. KIEVIT, R., GATHERCOLE, S. (2020) Cognitive Dimensions of Learning in Children with Problems in Attention, Learning and Memory, Journal of Educational Psychology, 12 Nov 2020, 113(7):1454-1480 [Open Access]

BYRNE, E.M., Ewbank, M., GATHERCOLE, S. E., HOLMES, J. (2020) The effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on within- and cross-paradigm transfer following multi-session backward recall training, Brain and Cognition, 141:105552 [Open Access]

GATHERCOLE, S. , DUNNING, D., HOLMES, J., NORRIS, D. (2019) Corrigendum to ‘Working memory training involves learning new skills’ (Journal of Memory and Language (2019) 105 (19–42), Journal of Memory and Language, 106, 203 [Read More]

HOLMES, J., WOOLGAR, F., Hampshire, A., GATHERCOLE, S. (2019) Are working memory training effects paradigm-specific?, Frontiers in Psychology – Cognition [Open Access]

NORRIS, D., HALL, J,. GATHERCOLE, S. (2019) How do we perform backward serial recall?, Memory & Cognition, 47(3), 519-543 [Open Access]

NORRIS, D., HALL, J., GATHERCOLE, S. (2019) Can short-term memory be trained?, Memory & Cognition, 47(5):1012-1023 [Open Access]

GATHERCOLE, S. E., DUNNING, D.L., HOLMES, J., NORRIS, D.G. (2019) Working memory training involves learning new skills, Journal of Memory and Language, Journal of Memory and Language, 105, 19-42 [Open Access]

HOLMES, J., BRYANT, the CALM Team, GATHERCOLE, S. (2019) Protocol for a transdiagnostic study of children with problems of attention, learning and memory (CALM), BMC Pediatrics, 19(1):10 [Open Access]

Anderson, P.J., Lee, K.J., Roberts, G., Spencer-Smith, M.M., Thompson, D.K., Seal M.L., Nosarti, C., Grehan, A., Josev, E.K., GATHERCOLE, S. , Doyle, L.W., Pascoe, L. (2018) Long-Term Academic Functioning Following Cogmed Working Memory Training for Children Born Extremely Preterm: A Randomized Controlled Trial., The Journal of Pediatrics, 202:92-97.e4 [Open Access]

GATHERCOLE, S. E., DUNNING, D.L., HOLMES, J., NORRIS, D.G. (2018) Feature coding dataset for trained and untrained working memory tasks in randomized controlled trials of working memory training., Data in Brief, 21, 2129-2133 [Open Access]

BATHELT, J., GATHERCOLE, S. E., BUTTERFIELD, S., the CALM team, ASTLE, D.E. (2018) Children’s academic attainment is linked to the global organization of the white matter connectome, Developmental Science, 21(5): e12662 [Open Access]

JAROSLAWSKA, A., GATHERCOLE, S. , HOLMES, J. (2018) Following instructions in a dual-task paradigm: Evidence for a temporary motor store in working memory, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(11):2439-2449 [Open Access]

BATHELT, J., GATHERCOLE, S. , JOHNSON, A., ASTLE, D. (2018) Differences in brain morphology and working memory capacity across childhood, Developmental Science [Open Access]

Roberts,G., Quach, J., Spencer-Smith, M. , Anderson. P.J., GATHERCOLE, S. , Gold, L., Sia, K.L., Mensah. F,, Rickards. F., Ainley, J., Wake, M. (2016) Academic Outcomes 2 Years After Working Memory Training for Children With Low Working Memory: A Randomized Clinical Trial., JAMA Pediatrics, 170(5):e154568 [Open Access]

GATHERCOLE, S. , WOOLGAR, F., the CALM Team, KIEVIT, R.A., ASTLE, D., Manly, T., HOLMES, J. (2016) How common are WM deficits in children with difficulties in reading and mathematics?, Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 5(4), 384-394 [Open Access]

JAROSLAWSKA, A., GATHERCOLE, S. , Allen, R.J., HOLMES, J. (2016) Following instructions from working memory: Why does action at encoding and recall help?, Memory & Cognition, 44(8):1183-1191. [Open Access]

HAWKINS, E., GATHERCOLE, S. , ASTLE, D., the CALM team, HOLMES, J. (2016) Language problems and ADHS symptoms: How specific are the links?, Brain Sciences, 6(4), 50 [Open Access]

HOLMES, J., BYRNE, E., GATHERCOLE, S. , EWBNAK, M. (2016) Transcranial random noise does not enhance the effects of working memory training, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 28(10), 14711483 [Open Access]

Yang, T., Allen, R., GATHERCOLE, S. (2015) Examining the role of working memory resources in following spoken instructions, Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 2, 186-198 [Read More]

Roberts, G., Quach, J., Mensah, F, GATHERCOLE, S. , Gold, L., Anderson, P., Anderson, P., Spencer-Smith, M., Wake, M. (2015) Schooling duration rather than chronological age predicts working memory between 6 and 7 years: memory maestros study, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 36(2), 68-74 [Read More]

HOLMES, J., Hilton, K., Place, M., Alloway, T., Elliot, J., GATHERCOLE, S. E. (2014) Children with low working memory and children with ADHA: same or different, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 976 [Open Access]

GATHERCOLE, S. , Tianxiao,y (2014) Benefit of enactment over oral repetition of verbal instruction does not require additional working memory during encoding, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 21(1), 186-192 [Open Access]

HOLMES, J., GATHERCOLE, S. (2014) Taking working memory training from the laboratory into schools, Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 34(4), 440-450 [Open Access]

Dunning, D.L., HOLMES, J., & GATHERCOLE, S. (2013) Does working memory training lead to generalised improvements in children with low working memory? A randomised controlled trial, Developmental Science, 16(6), 915-926 [Open Access]

Warmington, M., Hitch, G.J., GATHERCOLE, S. E. (2013) Improving word learning in children using an errorless technique, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 114(3), 456-465 [Read More]

Wang, S., GATHERCOLE, S. E. (2013) Working memory deficits in children with reading difficulties: Memory span and dual task coordination, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 115(1), 188-197 [Read More]

Engel de Abreu, P.,M.J. & GATHERCOLE, S. E. (2012) Executive and phonological processes in second language acquisition, Journal of Educational Psychology, 104(4), 976-986 [Read More]

GATHERCOLE, S. E. Dunning, D., HOLMES, J. (2012) Cogmed training: Let’s be realistic about intervention research, Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 1(3), 201-203 [Open Access]

Hall, D., GATHERCOLE, S. E. (2011) Serial recall of rhythms and verbal sequences: Impacts of concurrent tasks and irrelevant sound, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64(8), 1580-1592 [Read More]

Engel de Abreu, P.M.J., GATHERCOLE, S. E., Martin, R. (2011) Disentangling the relationship between working memory and language: The role of short-term storage and cognitive control, Learning and Individual Differences, 21(5), 569-574 [Read More]

Gathercole, S. E. & Baddeley, A.D. (1995) The children’s test of non-verbal repetition, Psychological Corporation [Read More]

Gathercole, S. E. & Baddeley, A.D. (1995) Short-term memory may yet be deficient in children with language impairments: a comment on van der Lely & Howard (1993), Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 38, 463-466 [Read More]

Gathercole, S. E., Willis, C.S., Baddeley, A.D. & Emslie, H. (1994) The Children’s Test of Nonword Repetition: A test of phonological working memory., Memory, 2, 103-127. [Read More]

Gathercole, S. E. & Baddeley, A.D. (1993) Phonological working memory: A critical building block for reading development and vocabulary acquisition., European Journal of Psychology of Education, 8, 259-272. [Read More]

Gathercole, S. E. & Baddeley, A.D. (1993) Evaluation of the role of phonological STM in the development of vocabulary in children: A longitudinal study., In P.E. Morris & M.A. Conway (Eds.), The Psychology of Memory, Vol. II. Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing Company, pp. 192-205. [Reprinted from 1989] [Read More]

Gathercole, S. & Baddeley, A.D. (1993) Working Memory and Language., Hove, Sussex: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [Read More]

Gathercole, S. E., Willis, C.S., Emslie, H. & Baddeley, A.D. (1992) Phonological memory and vocabulary development during the early school years: A longitudinal study., Developmental Psychology, 28, 887-898. [Read More]

Baddeley, A.D. & Gathercole, S. (1992) Learning to read: The role of the phonological loop., In J. Alegria, D. Holender, J. Junça de Morais & M. Radeau (Eds.), Analytic Approaches to Human Cognition (pp. 153-167). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. [Read More]

Baddeley, A.D., Gathercole, S. & Papagno, C. (1991) Short-term phonological memory: A crucial system for language development?, In Current Issues in Natural Language Processing (Proceedings of a Conference held at University of Texas, Feb. 15-16, 1991), Center for Cognitive Science, University of Texas. [Read More]

Gathercole, S. E., Willis, C.S. & Baddeley, A.D. (1991) Nonword repetition, phonological memory, and vocabulary: A reply to Snowling, Chiat, and Hulme., Applied Psycholinguistics, 12, 375-379. [Read More]

Gathercole, S. E., Willis, C. & Baddeley, A.D. (1991) Differentiating phonological memory and awareness of rhyme: Reading and vocabulary development in children., British Journal of Psychology, 82, 387-406. [Read More]

Gathercole, S. E., Willis, C., Emslie, H. & Baddeley, A.D. (1991) The influences of number of syllables and wordlikeness on children’s repetition of nonwords., Applied Psycholinguistics, 12, 349-367. [Read More]

Gathercole, S. E. & Baddeley, A.D. (1990) The role of phonological memory in vocabulary acquisition: A study of young children learning new names., British Journal of Psychology, 81, 439-454. [Read More]

Gathercole, S. & Baddeley, A. (1990) Phonological memory deficits in language disordered children: Is there a causal connection?, Journal of Memory and Language, 29, 336-360. [Read More]

Broadbent, D.E. & Gathercole, S. E. (1990) The processing of nontarget words: Semantic or not?, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 42A, 3-37. [Read More]

Gathercole, S. & Baddeley, A.D. (1989) Evaluation of the role of phonological STM in the development of vocabulary in children: A longitudinal study., Journal of Memory and Language, 28, 200-213. [Read More]

Gathercole, S. & Baddeley, A. (1989) The role of phonological memory in normal and disordered language development., In C. von Euler, I. Lundberg & G. Lennerstrand (Eds.), Brain and Reading (pp.245-255). London: Macmillan Press. [Read More]

Gathercole, S. E. & Conway, M.A. (1988) Exploring long-term modality effects: Vocalization leads to best retention., Memory and Cognition, 16, 110-119. [Read More]

Gathercole, S. E. & Baddeley, A.D. (1987) The processes underlying segmental analysis., CPC: Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive, European Bulletin of Cognitive Psychology, 7, 462-464. [Read More]

Conway, M. & Gathercole, S. (1987) Modality and long-term memory., Journal of Memory and Language, 26, 341-361. [Read More]

Gathercole, S. (1987) Lipreading: Implications for theories of short-term memory., In B. Dodd & R. Campbell (Eds.), Hearing by Eye: The Psychology of Lipreading (pp.227-241). London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [Read More]

Gathercole, S. (1986) The modality effect and articulation., The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 38A, 461-474. [Read More]
