Russell Thompson
IT Manager
01223 767629
Alongside the other members of the computing group, my job involves the installation, configuration and maintenance of the various IT systems used at the CBU, including our network infrastructure, network data storage, a diverse server environment, and our high performance compute cluster. I also provide support for desktop machines, scientific software, and fMRI data analyses.
CBSU publications
Roca, M., Manes, F., Gleichgerrcht, E., WATSON, P., Ibanez, A., THOMPSON, R. , Torralva, T., DUNCAN, J.
(2013) Intelligence and executive functions in frontotemporal dementia, Neuropsychologia, 51(4), 725-730 [Open Access]
FAROOQUI, A., MITCHELL, D., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J. (2012) Hierarchical Organization of Cognition Reflected in Distributed Frontoparietal Activity, Journal of Neuroscience, 32(48), 17373-17381 [Read More]
DUNCAN, J., Schramm, M., THOMPSON, R. , Dumontheil, I. (2012) Task rules, working memory, and fluid intelligence, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19(5), 864-870 [Open Access]
FELDMANHALL, O., DALGLEISH, T., THOMPSON, R. , EVANS, D., SCHWEIZER, S., MOBBS, D. (2012) Differential Neural Circuitry and Self-Interest in Real versus Hypothetical Moral Decisions, Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience [Open Access]
Rodríguez, V., THOMPSON, R. , Stokes, M., Brett, M., ,Alvarez, I., Valdes-Sosa, M., DUNCAN, J. (2012) Absence of Face-specific Cortical Activity in the Complete Absence of Awareness: Converging Evidence from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Event-related Potentials, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(2), 396-415 [Read More]
CARLIN, J. D., ROWE, J. B., KRIEGESKORTE, N., THOMPSON, R. , & CALDER, A. J. (2012) Direction-Sensitive Codes for Observed Head Turns in Human Superior Temporal Sulcus, Cerebral Cortex, 22(4), 735-744 [Open Access]
THOMPSON, R. , CORREIA, M.M., CUSACK, R. (2011) Vascular contributions to multivariate pattern analysis at 3T, NeuroImage, 56(2), 643-650 [Open Access]
Manes, F., Roca, M., Torralva, T., Gleichgerrcht, E., WOOLGAR, A., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J.D. (2011) The role of Area 10 (BA10) in human multitasking and in social cognition: A lesion study, Neuropsychologia, 49(13), 3525-2531 [Read More]
WOOLGAR, A., Hampshire, A., THOMPSON, R. & DUNCAN, J. (2011) Adaptive Coding of Task-Relevant Information in Human Frontoparietal Cortex, Journal of Neuroscience, 31(41), 14592-14599 [Open Access]
HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN. J. & OWEN, A.M. (2011) Lateral prefrontal cortex sub-regions make dissociable contributions during fluid reasoning, Cerebral Cortex, 21(1), 1-10 [Open Access]
WOOLGAR, A., THOMPSON, R. , Bor, D., DUNCAN, J. (2011) Multi-voxel coding of stimuli, rules, and responses in human frontoparietal cortex, NeuroImage, 56(2), 744-752 [Read More]
Dumotheil, I., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J. (2011) Assembly and use of new task rules in the frontoparietal cortex, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(1),168-182 [Read More]
WOOLGAR, A., Parr, A., CUSACK, R., THOMPSON, R. , NIMMO-SMITH, I., Torralva, T., Roca, M., Antoun, N., Manes, F. & DUNCAN, J. (2010) Fluid intelligence loss linked to restricted regions of damage within frontal and parietal cortex, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(33), 14899-14902 [Open Access]
CARLIN, J.D., THOMPSON, R. , KRIEGESKORTE, N., ROWE, J. & CALDER, A.J. (2010) Response patterns in Human Superior Temporal Sulcus discriminate the direction of observed head turns, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, 2010 [Read More]
Roca, M., Parr, A., THOMPSON, R. , WOOLGAR, A., Torralva, T., Antoun, N., Manes, F. and DUNCAN, J. (2010) Executive function and fluid intelligence after frontal lobe lesions, Brain, 133(1), 234–247 [Open Access]
WOOLGAR, A., Parr, A., CUSACK, R., THOMPSON, R. , NIMMO-SMITH, I., Torralva, T., Roca, M., Antoun, N., Manes, F. & DUNCAN, J.D. (2009) Specific brain lesions linked to fluid intelligence loss, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Wenesday PM, 128 [Open Access]
Stokes, M.G., THOMPSON, R. , Nobre N., and DUNCAN, J. (2009) Attention activates shape-specific neural codes in human visual cortex., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(46), 19569-19574 [Open Access]
THOMPSON, R. and DUNCAN, J. (2009) Attentional modulation of stimulus representation in human fronto-parietal cortex, NeuroImage 48(2), 436-448 [Read More]
Hon, N., THOMPSON, R. , SIGALA, N., and DUNCAN, J. (2009) Evidence for Long-Range Feedback in Target Detection: Detection of Semantic Targets Modulates Activity in Early Visual Areas, Neuropsychologia, 47(7), 1721-1727 [Read More]
Stokes, M.G., THOMPSON, R. , CUSACK, R. & DUNCAN, J. (2009) Top-Down Activation of Shape-Specific Population Codes in Visual Cortex during Mental Imagery, Journal of Neuroscience, 29(5), 1565-1572 [Open Access]
HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A.M. (2009) Selective tuning of the right inferior frontal gyrus during target detection., Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 9(1), 103-112. [Open Access]
HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A.M. (2008) The target selective neural response – similarity, ambiguity, and learning effects, PLos ONE, 3(6), e2520 [Open Access]
DUNCAN, J., Parr, A., WOOLGAR, A., THOMPSON, R. , Bright, P., Cox, S., BISHOP, S. & NIMMO-SMITH, I. (2008) Goal neglect and Spearman’s g: Competing parts of a complex task, JEP: General, 137(1), 131-148 [Read More]
THOMPSON, R. (2007) The Representation of Behavioural Relevance in Human Prefrontal Cortex, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Wolfson College, Cambridge University [Read More]
FAROOQUI, A., MITCHELL, D., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J. (2012) Hierarchical Organization of Cognition Reflected in Distributed Frontoparietal Activity, Journal of Neuroscience, 32(48), 17373-17381 [Read More]
DUNCAN, J., Schramm, M., THOMPSON, R. , Dumontheil, I. (2012) Task rules, working memory, and fluid intelligence, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19(5), 864-870 [Open Access]
FELDMANHALL, O., DALGLEISH, T., THOMPSON, R. , EVANS, D., SCHWEIZER, S., MOBBS, D. (2012) Differential Neural Circuitry and Self-Interest in Real versus Hypothetical Moral Decisions, Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience [Open Access]
Rodríguez, V., THOMPSON, R. , Stokes, M., Brett, M., ,Alvarez, I., Valdes-Sosa, M., DUNCAN, J. (2012) Absence of Face-specific Cortical Activity in the Complete Absence of Awareness: Converging Evidence from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Event-related Potentials, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(2), 396-415 [Read More]
CARLIN, J. D., ROWE, J. B., KRIEGESKORTE, N., THOMPSON, R. , & CALDER, A. J. (2012) Direction-Sensitive Codes for Observed Head Turns in Human Superior Temporal Sulcus, Cerebral Cortex, 22(4), 735-744 [Open Access]
THOMPSON, R. , CORREIA, M.M., CUSACK, R. (2011) Vascular contributions to multivariate pattern analysis at 3T, NeuroImage, 56(2), 643-650 [Open Access]
Manes, F., Roca, M., Torralva, T., Gleichgerrcht, E., WOOLGAR, A., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J.D. (2011) The role of Area 10 (BA10) in human multitasking and in social cognition: A lesion study, Neuropsychologia, 49(13), 3525-2531 [Read More]
WOOLGAR, A., Hampshire, A., THOMPSON, R. & DUNCAN, J. (2011) Adaptive Coding of Task-Relevant Information in Human Frontoparietal Cortex, Journal of Neuroscience, 31(41), 14592-14599 [Open Access]
HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN. J. & OWEN, A.M. (2011) Lateral prefrontal cortex sub-regions make dissociable contributions during fluid reasoning, Cerebral Cortex, 21(1), 1-10 [Open Access]
WOOLGAR, A., THOMPSON, R. , Bor, D., DUNCAN, J. (2011) Multi-voxel coding of stimuli, rules, and responses in human frontoparietal cortex, NeuroImage, 56(2), 744-752 [Read More]
Dumotheil, I., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J. (2011) Assembly and use of new task rules in the frontoparietal cortex, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(1),168-182 [Read More]
WOOLGAR, A., Parr, A., CUSACK, R., THOMPSON, R. , NIMMO-SMITH, I., Torralva, T., Roca, M., Antoun, N., Manes, F. & DUNCAN, J. (2010) Fluid intelligence loss linked to restricted regions of damage within frontal and parietal cortex, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(33), 14899-14902 [Open Access]
CARLIN, J.D., THOMPSON, R. , KRIEGESKORTE, N., ROWE, J. & CALDER, A.J. (2010) Response patterns in Human Superior Temporal Sulcus discriminate the direction of observed head turns, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, 2010 [Read More]
Roca, M., Parr, A., THOMPSON, R. , WOOLGAR, A., Torralva, T., Antoun, N., Manes, F. and DUNCAN, J. (2010) Executive function and fluid intelligence after frontal lobe lesions, Brain, 133(1), 234–247 [Open Access]
WOOLGAR, A., Parr, A., CUSACK, R., THOMPSON, R. , NIMMO-SMITH, I., Torralva, T., Roca, M., Antoun, N., Manes, F. & DUNCAN, J.D. (2009) Specific brain lesions linked to fluid intelligence loss, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Wenesday PM, 128 [Open Access]
Stokes, M.G., THOMPSON, R. , Nobre N., and DUNCAN, J. (2009) Attention activates shape-specific neural codes in human visual cortex., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(46), 19569-19574 [Open Access]
THOMPSON, R. and DUNCAN, J. (2009) Attentional modulation of stimulus representation in human fronto-parietal cortex, NeuroImage 48(2), 436-448 [Read More]
Hon, N., THOMPSON, R. , SIGALA, N., and DUNCAN, J. (2009) Evidence for Long-Range Feedback in Target Detection: Detection of Semantic Targets Modulates Activity in Early Visual Areas, Neuropsychologia, 47(7), 1721-1727 [Read More]
Stokes, M.G., THOMPSON, R. , CUSACK, R. & DUNCAN, J. (2009) Top-Down Activation of Shape-Specific Population Codes in Visual Cortex during Mental Imagery, Journal of Neuroscience, 29(5), 1565-1572 [Open Access]
HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A.M. (2009) Selective tuning of the right inferior frontal gyrus during target detection., Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 9(1), 103-112. [Open Access]
HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A.M. (2008) The target selective neural response – similarity, ambiguity, and learning effects, PLos ONE, 3(6), e2520 [Open Access]
DUNCAN, J., Parr, A., WOOLGAR, A., THOMPSON, R. , Bright, P., Cox, S., BISHOP, S. & NIMMO-SMITH, I. (2008) Goal neglect and Spearman’s g: Competing parts of a complex task, JEP: General, 137(1), 131-148 [Read More]
THOMPSON, R. (2007) The Representation of Behavioural Relevance in Human Prefrontal Cortex, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Wolfson College, Cambridge University [Read More]