Rhodri Cusack
CBSU publications
Shfto, M.A., HENSON, R.N., Matthews, F.E., Taylor, J.R., EMERY, T., ERZINCLIGLU, S., Hanley, C., ROWE, J.B., Cusack, R. , CALDSER, A.J., Marslen-Wilson, W.D., DUNCAN, J.D., DALGLEISH, T., Brayne, C., Cam-CAN, Tyler, L.K. (2019) Cognitive diversity in a healthy aging cohort: cross-domain cognition in the Cam-CAN project, Journal of Aging and Health, :898264319878095 [Open Access]
MITCHELL, D.J., Cam-CAN, Cusack, R. (2018) Visual short-term memory through the lifespan: preserved benefits of context and metacognition, Psychology and Aging, 33(5), 841-854 [Open Access]
Veldsman, M., MITCHELL, D.J., Cusack, R. (2017) The neural basis of precise short-term memory for complex recognisable objects, NeuroImage, 159, 131-145 [Read More]
TAYLOR, J.R., WILLIAMS, N., Cusack, R. , Auer, T. Shafto, M.A., Dixon, M., Tyler, L.K., Cam-CAN, and HENSON, R. (2017) The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN) data repository: Structural and functional MRI, MEG and cognitive data from a cross-sectional adult lifespan sample, NeuroImage, 144(Pt B), 262-269 [Open Access]
MITCHELL, D., Cusack, R. (2016) Semantic and Emotional Content of Imagined Representations in Human Occipitotemporal Cortex, Scientific Reports, 6:20232 [Open Access]
Campbell, K.L. , Shafto, M.A. , Wright, P. , Tsvetanov, K.A. , GEERLIGS, L., Cusack, R. , Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN)., Tyler, L.K. (2015) Idiosyncratic responding during movie-watching predicted by age differences in attentional control., Neurobiology of Aging, 36(11), 3045-3055 [Open Access]
Cusack, R. , Vicente-Grabovetsky, A., MITCHELL, D.J., Wild, C.J., AUER, T., Linke, A.C., Peele, J.E. (2015) Automatic analysis (aa): efficient neuroimaging workflows and parallel processing using Matlab and XML, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 8:90 [Open Access]
Shafto, M.A., Tyler, L.K., Dixon, M,, Taylor, J.R., ROWE, J.B., Cusack, R. , CALDER, A.J., MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D., DUNCAN, J., DALGLEISH, T., HENSON, R,N, Brayne, C., Matthews, F.E., Cam-CAN. (2014) The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN) study protocol: a cross-sectional, lifespan, multidisciplinary examination of healthy cognitive ageing, BMC Neurology, 14:204 [Open Access]
VINCENTE-GRABOVESTSKY, A., CARLIN, J.D., CUSACK, R. (2014) Strength of Retinotopic Representation of Visual Memories is Modulated by Strategy, Cerebral Cortex, 24(2), 281-292 [Read More]
Peelle, J.E., Cusack, R. , HENSON, R. (2012) Adjusting for global effects in voxel-based morphometry: Grey matter decline in normal aging, NeuroImage, 60(2), 1503-1516 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , VELDSMAN, M., NACI, L. MITCHELL, D.J. & LINKE, A.C. (2012) Seeing Different Objects in Different Ways: Measuring Ventral Visual Tuning to Sensory and Semantic Features With Dynamically Adaptive Imaging, Human Brain Mapping, 33(2), 387-397 [Read More]
Thompson, S.K., CARLYON, R.P., Cusack, R. (2011) An objective measurement of the build-up of auditory streaming and of its modulation by attention, JEP:HPP, 37(4), 1253-1262 [Read More]
LINKE, A., VINCENTE-GRABOVETSKY, A., CUSACK, R. (2011) Stimulus-specific suppression preserves information in auditory short-term memory, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(31), 12961-12966 [Open Access]
THOMPSON, R., CORREIA, M.M., CUSACK, R. (2011) Vascular contributions to multivariate pattern analysis at 3T, NeuroImage, 56(2), 643-650 [Open Access]
CARLYON, R.P., Thompson, S., CUSACK, R. (2011) An objective measurement of the build-up of auditory streaming and of its modulation by attention, JEP: HPP, 37(4), 1253-1262 [Read More]
May, J., Calvo-Merino, B., deLahunta, S., McGregor, W., CUSACK, R. Owen, A. VELDSMAN, M., RAMPONI, C. and BARNARD, P.J. (2011) Points in mental space: an interdisciplinary study of imagery in movement creation, Dance Research Electronic, 29(2), 402-430 [Open Access]
MITCHELL, D.J. and CUSACK, R. (2011) The temporal evolution of electromagnetic markers sensitive to the capacity limits of visual short-term memory, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5:18 [Open Access]
KRIEGESKORTE, N., CUSACK, R. Bandetti, P. (2010) How does an fMRI voxel sample the neuronal activity pattern: compact-kernel or complex spatiotemporal filter?, NeuroImage, 49(3), 1965-1976 [Open Access]
DUNN, B.D., Galton, H.C., Morgan, R., EVANS, D., Oliver, C., Meyer, M., CUSACK, R. , Lawrence, A.D., DALGLEISH, T. (2010) Listening to your heart: How Interoception Shapes Emotion Experience and Intuitive Decision Making, Psychological Science, 21, 1835-1844 [Open Access]
WOOLGAR, A., Parr, A., CUSACK, R. , THOMPSON, R., NIMMO-SMITH, I., Torralva, T., Roca, M., Antoun, N., Manes, F. & DUNCAN, J. (2010) Fluid intelligence loss linked to restricted regions of damage within frontal and parietal cortex, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(33), 14899-14902 [Open Access]
Overath, T., Kumar, S., Stewart, L., von Kriefstein, K., CUSACK, R. , Rees, A., Griffiths, T.D. (2010) Cortical Mechnaisms for the segregation and representation of acoustic textures, Journal of Neuroscience, 30(6), 2070-2076 [Open Access]
CUSACK, R. , MITCHELL, D.J., DUNCAN, J. (2010) Discrete Object Representation, Attention Switching, and Task Difficulty in the Parietal Lobe., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(1), 32-47 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , Lehmann, M., VELDSMAN, M. & MITCHELL, D.J. (2009) Encoding strategy and not visual working memory capacity correlates with intelligence, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 16, 641-647 [Open Access]
WOOLGAR, A., Parr, A., CUSACK, R. , THOMPSON, R., NIMMO-SMITH, I., Torralva, T., Roca, M., Antoun, N., Manes, F. & DUNCAN, J.D. (2009) Specific brain lesions linked to fluid intelligence loss, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Wenesday PM, 128 [Open Access]
PEELLE, J.E., CUSACK, R. & HENSON, R.N.A. (2009) Effects of normalization approach and global covariates on voxel-based morphometry: Comparing DARTEL and standard SPM approaches using age-related cortical change, 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping [Read More]
VICENTE-GRABOVETSKY, A., MITCHELL, D. & CUSACK, R. (2009) VSTM Retinotopy: The spatial organisation of visual and parieal cortex during Visual Short Term Memory, Cambridge Neuroscience: New Approaches in Neuroscience, Cambridge, UK [Read More]
Stokes, M.G., THOMPSON, R., CUSACK, R. & DUNCAN, J. (2009) Top-Down Activation of Shape-Specific Population Codes in Visual Cortex during Mental Imagery, Journal of Neuroscience, 29(5), 1565-1572 [Open Access]
Avril, S, Huntley, J.M. & CUSACK, R. (2009) In-vivo measurements of blood viscosity and wall stiffness in the carotid using PC-MRI, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 18(1), 9-20 [Read More]
MOUTSOPOULOU, K., MANLY, T. & CUSACK, R. (2008) Does Attention Modulate Actication in the Mirror Neuron System?, Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, B113 [Read More]
MOUTSOPOULOU, K., MANLY, T. & CUSACK, R. (2008) Attention Modulates Mirror Neuron Activation, Experimental Psychology Society Summer Meeting, Cambridge [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , OWEN, A.M. (2008) Distinct networks of connecticity for parietal (AIPS/PIPS) but not frontal (VLPFC/DLPFC) regions identified with a novel alternative to the “resting state” method, Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, B1 [Read More]
MITCHELL, D.J. & CUSACK, R. (2008) MEG response to visual item load, in short-term memory and attentional monitoring tasks., In Biomagnetism – Interdisciplinary Research and Exploration, 209-211 – Hokkaido University Press – Kakigi I, Yokosawa K, Kuriki S (Eds), [Read More]
Yiend, J., Mathews, A., Weston, B., DUNN, B.D., CUSACK, R. & MACKINTOSH, B (2008) An Investigation of the Implicit Control of the Processing of Negative Pictures, Emotion, 8 (6), 828-837 [Read More]
Dodds, C.m., Van Belle, J., PEERS, P.V., Dove, A., CUSACK, R. , DUNCAN, J. & MANLY, T. (2008) The effects of time-on-task and concurrent cognitive load on normal visuospatial bias, Neuropsychology, 22(4), 545-552 [Read More]
Avril, S., Huntley, J.M. & CUSACK, R. (2008) In-vivo characterization of blood viscosity and carotid wall stiffness using MRI, Photomechanics [Read More]
MITCHELL, D.J., CUSACK, R. (2008) Flexible, capacity-limited activity of posterior parietal cortex in perceptual as well as visual short-term memory tasks, Cerebral Cortex. 18(8), 1788-1798 [Read More]
Marklund, O., Huntley, J.M. & CUSACK, R. (2007) Robust Unwrapping Algorithm for 3-D Phase Volumes of Arbitrary Shape Containing Knotted Phase Singularity Loops, Applied Optics, 46, 085601 [Read More]
Datta, A.K., CUSACK, R. , Hawkins, K., Heutink, J., Rorden, C., Robertson, I. and MANLY, T. (2007) The P300 as a marker of waning attention and error propensity, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 93968. [Open Access]
Bailey, L., Abolmaesumi, P., Taml, J., Morosan, P., CUSACK, R. , Amunts, K. & Johnsrude, I. (2007) Customised cytoarchitectonic probability maps using deformable registration: primary auditory cortex, Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI … International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 10:760-8 [Read More]
Overath, T., CUSACK, R. Kumar, S. von Kriegstein, K., Warren, J.D., Grube, M., CARLYON, R.P. Griffiths, T.D. (2007) An information theoretic characterisation of auditory encoding, PLoS Biology 5 (11), e288 [Open Access]
CUSACK, R. , MITCHELL, D.J. & DUNCAN, J. (2007) Discrete object representation for perception and memory in posterior parietal cortex, 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience [Read More]
MITCHELL, D.J. & CUSACK, R. (2007) Posterior parietal cortex responds to set size in perceptual as well as working memory tasks, 14th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, D30 [Read More]
WOOLGAR, A., BOR, D., DUNCAN, J., Parr, A., CUSACK, R. , NIMMO-SMITH, I., Antoun, N, Manes, F. & Torralava, T (2007) Fluid intelligence after brain damage: relating brain lesion to behavioural deficit, 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, S115 [Read More]
MITCHELL, D., DUNCAN, J. & CUSACK, R. (2006) Object processing can be differentiated from the fronto-parietal multiple-demands network within the intraparietal sulcus, 13th Annual Meeting for the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, S139 [Read More]
Overath, T., Warren, J.D., Sukhbinder, K., Grube, M., von Kriegstein, K., CUSACK, R. , CARLYON, R.P. & Griffiths, T.D. (2006) Analysis of fractal pitch sequences in the auditory cortex, NeuroImage, 31, S138 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , MITCHELL, D.J. & DUNCAN, J. (2006) Fronto-parietal MD network versus object processing: differential roles for anterior and posterior intraparietal sulcus, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, G1 [Read More]
Salfity, M.F., Huntley, J.M., Graves, M.J., Marklund, O., CUSACK, R. & Beauregard, D (2006) Extending the dynamic range of phase contrast magnetic resonance velocity imaging using advanced higher-dimension unwrapping algorithms, J. Royal Soc. Interface, 3(8), 415-427 [Read More]
Salfity, M.F., Ruiz, P.D., Huntley, J.M., Graves, M.J., CUSACK, R. & Beauregard, D (2006) Branch cut surface placement for unwrapping of undersampled three-dimensional phase data: application to magnetic resonance imaging arterial flow mapping, Applied Optics, 45(12), 2711-2722 [Read More]
DOVE, A., BRETT, M., CUSACK, R. & OWEN, A. (2006) Dissociable contributions of the mid-ventrolateral frontal cortex and the medial temporal lobe system to human memory, NeuroImage, 31(4), 1790-1801 [Read More]
PEERS, P., CUSACK, R. & DUNCAN, J. (2006) Modulation of spatial bias in the dual task paradigm: Evidence from patients with unilateral parietal lesions and controls, Neuropsychologia, 44(8), 1325-1335 [Read More]
MARCEL, A., POSTMA,P., CUSACK, R. , MACKINTOSH, B, NIMMO-SMITH, I, VUCKOVICH, J. & COX, S (2006) Is Susceptibility to Perceptual Migration and Fusion Modality-Specific or Multimodal?, Neuropsychologia, 44(5), 693-710 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. (2005) The intraparietal sulcus and perceptual organization, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 17(4), 641-651. [Read More]
PEERS, P., Ludwig, C., Rorden, C., CUSACK, R. , Bonfiglioli, C., Bundesen, C., Driver, J., Antoun, N., and DUNCAN, J. (2005) Attentional functions of parietal and frontal cortex, Cerebral Cortex, 15(10), 1469-1484 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , Russell, B., COX, S.M.L., De Panfilis, C., SCHWARZBAUER, C. & Ansorge, (2005) An evaluation of the use of passive shimming to improve frontal sensitivity in fMRI, Neuroimage, 24 (1), 82-91 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , CUMMING, N., BOR, D., NORRIS, D. & LYZENGA, J. (2005) Automated post-hoc noise cancellation tool for audio recordings acquired in an MRI scanner, Human Brain Mapping, 24(4), 299-304. [Read More]
CUSACK, R. (2004) Structuring our world: FMRI shows primary cortices and the intraparietal sulcus are involved in perceptual organization, Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 223 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. & CARLYON, R.P. (2004) Structuring the auditory scene and selecting from it, Proceedings of the International Society in Acoustics 2004 (Keynote Presentation TH1.D) [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , & CARLYON, R.P (2004) Auditory scene analysis inside and outside the laboratory, In Ecological Psychoacoustics, Jon Neuhoff (Ed) [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , & Roberts, B (2004) Effects of differences in the pattern of amplitude envelopes across harmonics on auditory stream segregation, Hearing Research , 193(1-2) 95-104 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , DEEKS,J., Aikman, G., & CARLYON, R.P (2004) Effects of Location, Frequency Region, and Time Course of Selective Attention on Auditory Scene Analysis, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 30(4), 643-56. [Read More]
PEERS, P., CUSACK, R. , Antoun, N., & DUNCAN, J. (2004) Neural correlates of spatial and non-spatial attention. Evidence from patients with unilateral brain lesions, Neuroimage (Abstract from British Neuropsychological Society Spring Meeting ) [Read More]
DUNN, B.D., DALGLEISH, T., LAWRENCE, A.D., CUSACK, R. & Ogilvie, A. (2004) Categorical and Dimensional Reports of Experienced Affect to Emotion-Inducing Pictures in Dysphoria and Depression , Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 113(4), 654-660 [Read More]
MICHEYL, C., CARLYON, R.P., CUSACK, R. & Moore, B.C.J. (2004) Performance measures of auditory organization, In Auditory signal processing: physiology, psychoacoustics, and models, Part 5, 202-210 [Read More]
COX, S.M.L., Andrade, A., CUSACK, R. , Russell, B. & JOHNSRUDE, I.S. (2003) Functional neuroimaging of conditioned reward in humans, NeuroImage 19(2) Suppl1, S20 [Read More]
CARLYON, R.P., Plack, C.J., Fantini, D.A. & CUSACK, R. (2003) Cross-modal and non-sensory influences on auditory streaming, Perception, 32(11), 1393-1402 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. (2003) Regularities in Real-World Sounds That Could Facilitate Perceptual Grouping, Association for Research in Otolaryngology Abstract, 717, 2003 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. (2003) Parieto-occipital cortex and non-spatial auditory perceptual organisation, NeuroImage 19, S31 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , & CARLYON, R.P (2003) Perceptual asymmetries in audition, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 29(3), 713-25 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , BRETT, M. & OSSWALD, K. (2003) An evaluation of the use of magnetic field maps to undistort echo-planar images, Neuroimage,18(1), 127-142, 2003 [Read More]
OWEN, A.M., Lewis, S.J.G., DOVE, A., Robbins, T.W., CUSACK, R. , & Barker, R.A (2002) Dissociating the effects of disease and behaviour in Parkinson’s disease using event-related fMRI, Neuroimage, 16, 2336-2337 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , & CARLYON, R.P (2002) Auditory feature extraction revealed by search asymmetries, Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2002. Online, Program No. 659.11. 2002 [Read More]
JOHNSRUDE, I.S., Morosan, P., Hall, D., CUSACK, R. , BRETT, M., Zilles, K., & Frackowiak, R (2001) Functional specialization within three human primary auditory cortical areas., Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Florida, Feb 2001 [Read More]
JOHNSRUDE, I.S., CUSACK, R. , Morosan, P., Hall, D., BRETT, M., Zilles, K., & Frackowiak, R (2001) Cytoarchitectonic region-of-interest analaysis of auditory imaging data, Neuroimage, 13, S897 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , Papadakis, N., Martin, K., & BRETT, M (2001) A new robust 3D phase-unwrapping algorithm applied to fMRI field maps for the undistortion of EPIs., Neuroimage 13, S103 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , CARLYON, RP., JOHNSRUDE, I., & EPSTEIN, R (2001) Functional interaction between left and right auditory pathways in or before auditory cortex demonstrated using fMRI, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 27, 512.11 [Read More]
BRETT, M., Christiff, K., CUSACK, R. , & Lancaster, J (2001) Using the Talairach atlas with the MNI template, Neuroimage, 13, S85 [Read More]
CARLYON, R.P., CUSACK, R. , Foxton, J.M., & ROBERTSON, I.H (2001) Effects of attention and of unilateral neglect on auditory streaming, In D.J. Brebart, A.J.M. Houtsma, A.Kohlrausch, V.F. Prijs & R. Schoonhoven (Eds), Physiological and psychophysical bases of auditory function. Maaastricht: Shaker [Read More]
Cusack, R. , Papadakis, N. & , (2001) New robust 3D phase unwrapping algorithms: Application to magnetic field mapping and undistorting echo-planar images, NeuroImage, 16(3, Part 1), 754-764 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , CARLYON, R.P. & ROBERTSON, I.H. (2001) Auditory midline and spatial discrimination in patients with unilateral neglect , Cortex, 37(5), 706-709 [Read More]
CARLYON, R.P., CUSACK, R. , Foxton, J. & ROBERTSON, I.H. (2001) Effects of attention and unilateral neglect on auditory stream segregation, Journal of Experimental Psychology, Human Perception and Performance, 27, 115-127 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. & Roberts, B. (2000) Effects of differences in timbre on sequential grouping, Perception & Psychophysics, 62(5), 1112-1120 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , & CARLYON, R.P (2000) Auditory pop-out: Perceptual asymmetries in sequences of sounds, British Journal of Audiology, 34, part 2, p112 [Read More]
CARLYON, R.P., CUSACK, R. , Foxton, J.M., Aikman, G.A., & ROBERTSON, I.H (2000) Effects of attention on auditory stream segregation, British Journal of Audiology, 34, 112-113 [Read More]
Manly,T., Datta, A.., Heutink, J., Hawkins, K., Cusack, R. , Rorden,C. & Robertson I. (2000) An electrophysiological predictor of imminent action error in humans, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience S111 [Read More]
Cusack, R. , Carlyon, R. P.. & Robertson, I.H. (2000) Unilateral neglect affects the auditory domain in time more than space, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience S87 [Read More]
MANLY, T., Datta, A., Heutink, J., Hawkins, K., CUSACK, R. , Rorden, C.,& Robertson, I (2000) An electrophysiological predictor of imminent action error in humans., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2000, 21E Suppl [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , CARLYON, R.P., & ROBERTSON, I.H (1999) Comparisons between but not within sounds are impaired in stroke victims with unilateral neglect, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 105, part 2, 1236 [Read More]
Cusack, R. , Carlyon, R. P.. & Robertson, I.H. (1999) Neglect between but not within auditory objects, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience S58 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , CARLYON, R.P. & ROBERTSON, I.H. (1999) Neglect between but not within auditory objects, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 12(6), 1056-1065 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , & Roberts, B. (1999) Effects of similarity in bandwidth on the auditory sequential streaming of two-tone complexes, Perception, 1999, 28(10), 1281-1289. [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , & Roberts, B. (1999) Effects of differences in timbre on sequential grouping, Perception 28, 1281-1289 [Read More]
MITCHELL, D.J., Cam-CAN, Cusack, R. (2018) Visual short-term memory through the lifespan: preserved benefits of context and metacognition, Psychology and Aging, 33(5), 841-854 [Open Access]
Veldsman, M., MITCHELL, D.J., Cusack, R. (2017) The neural basis of precise short-term memory for complex recognisable objects, NeuroImage, 159, 131-145 [Read More]
TAYLOR, J.R., WILLIAMS, N., Cusack, R. , Auer, T. Shafto, M.A., Dixon, M., Tyler, L.K., Cam-CAN, and HENSON, R. (2017) The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN) data repository: Structural and functional MRI, MEG and cognitive data from a cross-sectional adult lifespan sample, NeuroImage, 144(Pt B), 262-269 [Open Access]
MITCHELL, D., Cusack, R. (2016) Semantic and Emotional Content of Imagined Representations in Human Occipitotemporal Cortex, Scientific Reports, 6:20232 [Open Access]
Campbell, K.L. , Shafto, M.A. , Wright, P. , Tsvetanov, K.A. , GEERLIGS, L., Cusack, R. , Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN)., Tyler, L.K. (2015) Idiosyncratic responding during movie-watching predicted by age differences in attentional control., Neurobiology of Aging, 36(11), 3045-3055 [Open Access]
Cusack, R. , Vicente-Grabovetsky, A., MITCHELL, D.J., Wild, C.J., AUER, T., Linke, A.C., Peele, J.E. (2015) Automatic analysis (aa): efficient neuroimaging workflows and parallel processing using Matlab and XML, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 8:90 [Open Access]
Shafto, M.A., Tyler, L.K., Dixon, M,, Taylor, J.R., ROWE, J.B., Cusack, R. , CALDER, A.J., MARSLEN-WILSON, W.D., DUNCAN, J., DALGLEISH, T., HENSON, R,N, Brayne, C., Matthews, F.E., Cam-CAN. (2014) The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN) study protocol: a cross-sectional, lifespan, multidisciplinary examination of healthy cognitive ageing, BMC Neurology, 14:204 [Open Access]
VINCENTE-GRABOVESTSKY, A., CARLIN, J.D., CUSACK, R. (2014) Strength of Retinotopic Representation of Visual Memories is Modulated by Strategy, Cerebral Cortex, 24(2), 281-292 [Read More]
Peelle, J.E., Cusack, R. , HENSON, R. (2012) Adjusting for global effects in voxel-based morphometry: Grey matter decline in normal aging, NeuroImage, 60(2), 1503-1516 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , VELDSMAN, M., NACI, L. MITCHELL, D.J. & LINKE, A.C. (2012) Seeing Different Objects in Different Ways: Measuring Ventral Visual Tuning to Sensory and Semantic Features With Dynamically Adaptive Imaging, Human Brain Mapping, 33(2), 387-397 [Read More]
Thompson, S.K., CARLYON, R.P., Cusack, R. (2011) An objective measurement of the build-up of auditory streaming and of its modulation by attention, JEP:HPP, 37(4), 1253-1262 [Read More]
LINKE, A., VINCENTE-GRABOVETSKY, A., CUSACK, R. (2011) Stimulus-specific suppression preserves information in auditory short-term memory, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(31), 12961-12966 [Open Access]
THOMPSON, R., CORREIA, M.M., CUSACK, R. (2011) Vascular contributions to multivariate pattern analysis at 3T, NeuroImage, 56(2), 643-650 [Open Access]
CARLYON, R.P., Thompson, S., CUSACK, R. (2011) An objective measurement of the build-up of auditory streaming and of its modulation by attention, JEP: HPP, 37(4), 1253-1262 [Read More]
May, J., Calvo-Merino, B., deLahunta, S., McGregor, W., CUSACK, R. Owen, A. VELDSMAN, M., RAMPONI, C. and BARNARD, P.J. (2011) Points in mental space: an interdisciplinary study of imagery in movement creation, Dance Research Electronic, 29(2), 402-430 [Open Access]
MITCHELL, D.J. and CUSACK, R. (2011) The temporal evolution of electromagnetic markers sensitive to the capacity limits of visual short-term memory, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5:18 [Open Access]
KRIEGESKORTE, N., CUSACK, R. Bandetti, P. (2010) How does an fMRI voxel sample the neuronal activity pattern: compact-kernel or complex spatiotemporal filter?, NeuroImage, 49(3), 1965-1976 [Open Access]
DUNN, B.D., Galton, H.C., Morgan, R., EVANS, D., Oliver, C., Meyer, M., CUSACK, R. , Lawrence, A.D., DALGLEISH, T. (2010) Listening to your heart: How Interoception Shapes Emotion Experience and Intuitive Decision Making, Psychological Science, 21, 1835-1844 [Open Access]
WOOLGAR, A., Parr, A., CUSACK, R. , THOMPSON, R., NIMMO-SMITH, I., Torralva, T., Roca, M., Antoun, N., Manes, F. & DUNCAN, J. (2010) Fluid intelligence loss linked to restricted regions of damage within frontal and parietal cortex, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(33), 14899-14902 [Open Access]
Overath, T., Kumar, S., Stewart, L., von Kriefstein, K., CUSACK, R. , Rees, A., Griffiths, T.D. (2010) Cortical Mechnaisms for the segregation and representation of acoustic textures, Journal of Neuroscience, 30(6), 2070-2076 [Open Access]
CUSACK, R. , MITCHELL, D.J., DUNCAN, J. (2010) Discrete Object Representation, Attention Switching, and Task Difficulty in the Parietal Lobe., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(1), 32-47 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , Lehmann, M., VELDSMAN, M. & MITCHELL, D.J. (2009) Encoding strategy and not visual working memory capacity correlates with intelligence, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 16, 641-647 [Open Access]
WOOLGAR, A., Parr, A., CUSACK, R. , THOMPSON, R., NIMMO-SMITH, I., Torralva, T., Roca, M., Antoun, N., Manes, F. & DUNCAN, J.D. (2009) Specific brain lesions linked to fluid intelligence loss, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Wenesday PM, 128 [Open Access]
PEELLE, J.E., CUSACK, R. & HENSON, R.N.A. (2009) Effects of normalization approach and global covariates on voxel-based morphometry: Comparing DARTEL and standard SPM approaches using age-related cortical change, 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping [Read More]
VICENTE-GRABOVETSKY, A., MITCHELL, D. & CUSACK, R. (2009) VSTM Retinotopy: The spatial organisation of visual and parieal cortex during Visual Short Term Memory, Cambridge Neuroscience: New Approaches in Neuroscience, Cambridge, UK [Read More]
Stokes, M.G., THOMPSON, R., CUSACK, R. & DUNCAN, J. (2009) Top-Down Activation of Shape-Specific Population Codes in Visual Cortex during Mental Imagery, Journal of Neuroscience, 29(5), 1565-1572 [Open Access]
Avril, S, Huntley, J.M. & CUSACK, R. (2009) In-vivo measurements of blood viscosity and wall stiffness in the carotid using PC-MRI, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 18(1), 9-20 [Read More]
MOUTSOPOULOU, K., MANLY, T. & CUSACK, R. (2008) Does Attention Modulate Actication in the Mirror Neuron System?, Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, B113 [Read More]
MOUTSOPOULOU, K., MANLY, T. & CUSACK, R. (2008) Attention Modulates Mirror Neuron Activation, Experimental Psychology Society Summer Meeting, Cambridge [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , OWEN, A.M. (2008) Distinct networks of connecticity for parietal (AIPS/PIPS) but not frontal (VLPFC/DLPFC) regions identified with a novel alternative to the “resting state” method, Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, B1 [Read More]
MITCHELL, D.J. & CUSACK, R. (2008) MEG response to visual item load, in short-term memory and attentional monitoring tasks., In Biomagnetism – Interdisciplinary Research and Exploration, 209-211 – Hokkaido University Press – Kakigi I, Yokosawa K, Kuriki S (Eds), [Read More]
Yiend, J., Mathews, A., Weston, B., DUNN, B.D., CUSACK, R. & MACKINTOSH, B (2008) An Investigation of the Implicit Control of the Processing of Negative Pictures, Emotion, 8 (6), 828-837 [Read More]
Dodds, C.m., Van Belle, J., PEERS, P.V., Dove, A., CUSACK, R. , DUNCAN, J. & MANLY, T. (2008) The effects of time-on-task and concurrent cognitive load on normal visuospatial bias, Neuropsychology, 22(4), 545-552 [Read More]
Avril, S., Huntley, J.M. & CUSACK, R. (2008) In-vivo characterization of blood viscosity and carotid wall stiffness using MRI, Photomechanics [Read More]
MITCHELL, D.J., CUSACK, R. (2008) Flexible, capacity-limited activity of posterior parietal cortex in perceptual as well as visual short-term memory tasks, Cerebral Cortex. 18(8), 1788-1798 [Read More]
Marklund, O., Huntley, J.M. & CUSACK, R. (2007) Robust Unwrapping Algorithm for 3-D Phase Volumes of Arbitrary Shape Containing Knotted Phase Singularity Loops, Applied Optics, 46, 085601 [Read More]
Datta, A.K., CUSACK, R. , Hawkins, K., Heutink, J., Rorden, C., Robertson, I. and MANLY, T. (2007) The P300 as a marker of waning attention and error propensity, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 93968. [Open Access]
Bailey, L., Abolmaesumi, P., Taml, J., Morosan, P., CUSACK, R. , Amunts, K. & Johnsrude, I. (2007) Customised cytoarchitectonic probability maps using deformable registration: primary auditory cortex, Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI … International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 10:760-8 [Read More]
Overath, T., CUSACK, R. Kumar, S. von Kriegstein, K., Warren, J.D., Grube, M., CARLYON, R.P. Griffiths, T.D. (2007) An information theoretic characterisation of auditory encoding, PLoS Biology 5 (11), e288 [Open Access]
CUSACK, R. , MITCHELL, D.J. & DUNCAN, J. (2007) Discrete object representation for perception and memory in posterior parietal cortex, 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience [Read More]
MITCHELL, D.J. & CUSACK, R. (2007) Posterior parietal cortex responds to set size in perceptual as well as working memory tasks, 14th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, D30 [Read More]
WOOLGAR, A., BOR, D., DUNCAN, J., Parr, A., CUSACK, R. , NIMMO-SMITH, I., Antoun, N, Manes, F. & Torralava, T (2007) Fluid intelligence after brain damage: relating brain lesion to behavioural deficit, 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, S115 [Read More]
MITCHELL, D., DUNCAN, J. & CUSACK, R. (2006) Object processing can be differentiated from the fronto-parietal multiple-demands network within the intraparietal sulcus, 13th Annual Meeting for the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, S139 [Read More]
Overath, T., Warren, J.D., Sukhbinder, K., Grube, M., von Kriegstein, K., CUSACK, R. , CARLYON, R.P. & Griffiths, T.D. (2006) Analysis of fractal pitch sequences in the auditory cortex, NeuroImage, 31, S138 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , MITCHELL, D.J. & DUNCAN, J. (2006) Fronto-parietal MD network versus object processing: differential roles for anterior and posterior intraparietal sulcus, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, G1 [Read More]
Salfity, M.F., Huntley, J.M., Graves, M.J., Marklund, O., CUSACK, R. & Beauregard, D (2006) Extending the dynamic range of phase contrast magnetic resonance velocity imaging using advanced higher-dimension unwrapping algorithms, J. Royal Soc. Interface, 3(8), 415-427 [Read More]
Salfity, M.F., Ruiz, P.D., Huntley, J.M., Graves, M.J., CUSACK, R. & Beauregard, D (2006) Branch cut surface placement for unwrapping of undersampled three-dimensional phase data: application to magnetic resonance imaging arterial flow mapping, Applied Optics, 45(12), 2711-2722 [Read More]
DOVE, A., BRETT, M., CUSACK, R. & OWEN, A. (2006) Dissociable contributions of the mid-ventrolateral frontal cortex and the medial temporal lobe system to human memory, NeuroImage, 31(4), 1790-1801 [Read More]
PEERS, P., CUSACK, R. & DUNCAN, J. (2006) Modulation of spatial bias in the dual task paradigm: Evidence from patients with unilateral parietal lesions and controls, Neuropsychologia, 44(8), 1325-1335 [Read More]
MARCEL, A., POSTMA,P., CUSACK, R. , MACKINTOSH, B, NIMMO-SMITH, I, VUCKOVICH, J. & COX, S (2006) Is Susceptibility to Perceptual Migration and Fusion Modality-Specific or Multimodal?, Neuropsychologia, 44(5), 693-710 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. (2005) The intraparietal sulcus and perceptual organization, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 17(4), 641-651. [Read More]
PEERS, P., Ludwig, C., Rorden, C., CUSACK, R. , Bonfiglioli, C., Bundesen, C., Driver, J., Antoun, N., and DUNCAN, J. (2005) Attentional functions of parietal and frontal cortex, Cerebral Cortex, 15(10), 1469-1484 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , Russell, B., COX, S.M.L., De Panfilis, C., SCHWARZBAUER, C. & Ansorge, (2005) An evaluation of the use of passive shimming to improve frontal sensitivity in fMRI, Neuroimage, 24 (1), 82-91 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , CUMMING, N., BOR, D., NORRIS, D. & LYZENGA, J. (2005) Automated post-hoc noise cancellation tool for audio recordings acquired in an MRI scanner, Human Brain Mapping, 24(4), 299-304. [Read More]
CUSACK, R. (2004) Structuring our world: FMRI shows primary cortices and the intraparietal sulcus are involved in perceptual organization, Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 223 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. & CARLYON, R.P. (2004) Structuring the auditory scene and selecting from it, Proceedings of the International Society in Acoustics 2004 (Keynote Presentation TH1.D) [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , & CARLYON, R.P (2004) Auditory scene analysis inside and outside the laboratory, In Ecological Psychoacoustics, Jon Neuhoff (Ed) [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , & Roberts, B (2004) Effects of differences in the pattern of amplitude envelopes across harmonics on auditory stream segregation, Hearing Research , 193(1-2) 95-104 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , DEEKS,J., Aikman, G., & CARLYON, R.P (2004) Effects of Location, Frequency Region, and Time Course of Selective Attention on Auditory Scene Analysis, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 30(4), 643-56. [Read More]
PEERS, P., CUSACK, R. , Antoun, N., & DUNCAN, J. (2004) Neural correlates of spatial and non-spatial attention. Evidence from patients with unilateral brain lesions, Neuroimage (Abstract from British Neuropsychological Society Spring Meeting ) [Read More]
DUNN, B.D., DALGLEISH, T., LAWRENCE, A.D., CUSACK, R. & Ogilvie, A. (2004) Categorical and Dimensional Reports of Experienced Affect to Emotion-Inducing Pictures in Dysphoria and Depression , Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 113(4), 654-660 [Read More]
MICHEYL, C., CARLYON, R.P., CUSACK, R. & Moore, B.C.J. (2004) Performance measures of auditory organization, In Auditory signal processing: physiology, psychoacoustics, and models, Part 5, 202-210 [Read More]
COX, S.M.L., Andrade, A., CUSACK, R. , Russell, B. & JOHNSRUDE, I.S. (2003) Functional neuroimaging of conditioned reward in humans, NeuroImage 19(2) Suppl1, S20 [Read More]
CARLYON, R.P., Plack, C.J., Fantini, D.A. & CUSACK, R. (2003) Cross-modal and non-sensory influences on auditory streaming, Perception, 32(11), 1393-1402 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. (2003) Regularities in Real-World Sounds That Could Facilitate Perceptual Grouping, Association for Research in Otolaryngology Abstract, 717, 2003 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. (2003) Parieto-occipital cortex and non-spatial auditory perceptual organisation, NeuroImage 19, S31 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , & CARLYON, R.P (2003) Perceptual asymmetries in audition, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 29(3), 713-25 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , BRETT, M. & OSSWALD, K. (2003) An evaluation of the use of magnetic field maps to undistort echo-planar images, Neuroimage,18(1), 127-142, 2003 [Read More]
OWEN, A.M., Lewis, S.J.G., DOVE, A., Robbins, T.W., CUSACK, R. , & Barker, R.A (2002) Dissociating the effects of disease and behaviour in Parkinson’s disease using event-related fMRI, Neuroimage, 16, 2336-2337 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , & CARLYON, R.P (2002) Auditory feature extraction revealed by search asymmetries, Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2002. Online, Program No. 659.11. 2002 [Read More]
JOHNSRUDE, I.S., Morosan, P., Hall, D., CUSACK, R. , BRETT, M., Zilles, K., & Frackowiak, R (2001) Functional specialization within three human primary auditory cortical areas., Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Florida, Feb 2001 [Read More]
JOHNSRUDE, I.S., CUSACK, R. , Morosan, P., Hall, D., BRETT, M., Zilles, K., & Frackowiak, R (2001) Cytoarchitectonic region-of-interest analaysis of auditory imaging data, Neuroimage, 13, S897 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , Papadakis, N., Martin, K., & BRETT, M (2001) A new robust 3D phase-unwrapping algorithm applied to fMRI field maps for the undistortion of EPIs., Neuroimage 13, S103 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , CARLYON, RP., JOHNSRUDE, I., & EPSTEIN, R (2001) Functional interaction between left and right auditory pathways in or before auditory cortex demonstrated using fMRI, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 27, 512.11 [Read More]
BRETT, M., Christiff, K., CUSACK, R. , & Lancaster, J (2001) Using the Talairach atlas with the MNI template, Neuroimage, 13, S85 [Read More]
CARLYON, R.P., CUSACK, R. , Foxton, J.M., & ROBERTSON, I.H (2001) Effects of attention and of unilateral neglect on auditory streaming, In D.J. Brebart, A.J.M. Houtsma, A.Kohlrausch, V.F. Prijs & R. Schoonhoven (Eds), Physiological and psychophysical bases of auditory function. Maaastricht: Shaker [Read More]
Cusack, R. , Papadakis, N. & , (2001) New robust 3D phase unwrapping algorithms: Application to magnetic field mapping and undistorting echo-planar images, NeuroImage, 16(3, Part 1), 754-764 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , CARLYON, R.P. & ROBERTSON, I.H. (2001) Auditory midline and spatial discrimination in patients with unilateral neglect , Cortex, 37(5), 706-709 [Read More]
CARLYON, R.P., CUSACK, R. , Foxton, J. & ROBERTSON, I.H. (2001) Effects of attention and unilateral neglect on auditory stream segregation, Journal of Experimental Psychology, Human Perception and Performance, 27, 115-127 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. & Roberts, B. (2000) Effects of differences in timbre on sequential grouping, Perception & Psychophysics, 62(5), 1112-1120 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , & CARLYON, R.P (2000) Auditory pop-out: Perceptual asymmetries in sequences of sounds, British Journal of Audiology, 34, part 2, p112 [Read More]
CARLYON, R.P., CUSACK, R. , Foxton, J.M., Aikman, G.A., & ROBERTSON, I.H (2000) Effects of attention on auditory stream segregation, British Journal of Audiology, 34, 112-113 [Read More]
Manly,T., Datta, A.., Heutink, J., Hawkins, K., Cusack, R. , Rorden,C. & Robertson I. (2000) An electrophysiological predictor of imminent action error in humans, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience S111 [Read More]
Cusack, R. , Carlyon, R. P.. & Robertson, I.H. (2000) Unilateral neglect affects the auditory domain in time more than space, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience S87 [Read More]
MANLY, T., Datta, A., Heutink, J., Hawkins, K., CUSACK, R. , Rorden, C.,& Robertson, I (2000) An electrophysiological predictor of imminent action error in humans., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2000, 21E Suppl [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , CARLYON, R.P., & ROBERTSON, I.H (1999) Comparisons between but not within sounds are impaired in stroke victims with unilateral neglect, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 105, part 2, 1236 [Read More]
Cusack, R. , Carlyon, R. P.. & Robertson, I.H. (1999) Neglect between but not within auditory objects, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience S58 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , CARLYON, R.P. & ROBERTSON, I.H. (1999) Neglect between but not within auditory objects, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 12(6), 1056-1065 [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , & Roberts, B. (1999) Effects of similarity in bandwidth on the auditory sequential streaming of two-tone complexes, Perception, 1999, 28(10), 1281-1289. [Read More]
CUSACK, R. , & Roberts, B. (1999) Effects of differences in timbre on sequential grouping, Perception 28, 1281-1289 [Read More]