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Michelle Naessens
Graduate Student
01223 766 166
Programme Leader: James Rowe
CBSU publications
HUGHES, L.E., Adams, N.E., Lanskey, J., Naessens, M. , ROUSE, M.E., Murley, A.G., Friston, K.J., ROWE, J.B. (2023) Neurochemistry-enriched dynamic causal models of magnetoencephalography, using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, NeuroImage,Volume 276, 1 August 2023, 120193 [Open Access]

WILLIAMS, R., Adams, N., HUGHES, L., ROUSE, M., Murley, A., Naessens, M. , Street, D., Holland, N., ROWE, J. (2023) Syndromes associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration change response patterns on visual analogue scales, Scientific Reports, 13(1):8939 [Open Access]
