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Maite Crespo-Garcia
Research fellow (Newton Fellow)
01223 769767
Programme Leader: Michael Anderson
CBSU publications
CRESPO GARCIA, M. , Wang, Y., Jiang, M., ANDERSON, M.C., Lei, X. (2022) Anterior Cingulate Cortex Signals the Need to Control Intrusive Thoughts During Motivated Forgetting, Journal of Neuroscience, 18 Apr 2022, 42(21):4342-4359 [Open Access]

Ruzich, E., CRESP O-GARCIA, M., Dalal, S.S., Schneiderman, J.F. (2019) Characterizing hippocampal dynamics with MEG: A systematic review and evidence-based guidelines, Human Brain Mapping, 40(4), 1353-1375 [Open Access]
