01223 769438
Research interests
I investigate the neurobiological basis of language using a variety of neuroimaging techniques. My research interests include, but are not limited to, the study of combinatorial language processing, speech production, the systems engaged by semantic and episodic memory, and the interplay between language and the default mode network and executive systems.
Much of my research has focused on understanding the functional contribution of parietal cortex to language and memory. I have developed a unifying model in which the lateral parietal cortex operates with a core underlying neurocomputational function; the multi-sensory buffering of spatio-temporally extended representations. Saying this, although a variety of cognitive activities might draw on shared underlying machinery, variations in task preference across lateral parietal cortex, arise from graded changes in the underlying structural connectivity of the region to different input/output information sources.
Biographical information
I completed my PhD in the Department of Psychology at the University of York in 2013 before taking up a position as a Research Associate at the University of Manchester. I moved to the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in 2018 where I continue my research.
TIBON, R., GREVE, A., HUMPHREYS, G. , QUENT, J.A., HENSON, R. (2023) Do activations and representations differ during successful retrieval from episodic vs. semantic memory?, Brain and Cognition, Volume 170, Supplement, August 2023, 106033 [Read More]
JACKSON, R.L., HUMPHREYS, G. F., RICE, G.E., Binney, R.J., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2023) A Network-level Test of the Role of the Co-activated Default Mode Network in Episodic Recall and Social Cognition, Cortex, 165, 141-159 [Open Access]
CHIOU, R., Jefferies, E., DUNCAN, J.D., HUMPHREYS, G. F., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2022) A middle ground where executive control meets semantics: The neural substrates of semantic-control are topographically sandwiched between the multiple-demand and default-mode systems, Cerebral Cortex, 33(8):4512-4526 [Open Access]
HUMPHREYS, G. , TIBON, R. (2022) Dual-axes of functional organisation across lateral parietal cortex: the angular gyrus forms part of a multi-modal buffering system, Brain Structure & Function,228(1), 341-352 [Open Access]
HUMPHREYS, G. F., Jung, J., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2022) The convergence and divergence of episodic and semantic functions, Cerebral Cortex, 32(24) 5664-5681 [Open Access]
HUMPHREYS, G. F., LAMBON RALPH, M.A., Simons, J.S. (2021) A Unifying Account of Angular Gyrus Contributions to Episodic and Semantic Cognition, Trends in Neurosciences, 44(6):452-463 [Open Access]
CHIOU, R., LAMBON RALPH, M., HUMPHREYS, G. (2020) Bipartite functional fractionation within the default network supports disparate forms of internally oriented cognition, Cerebral Cortex, 30(10):5484-5501 [Open Access]
HUMPHREYS, G. F., JACKSON, R.L., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2020) Overarching principles and dimensions of the functional organisation in the inferior parietal cortex, Cerebral Cortex, 30(11):5639-5653 [Open Access]
DUNCAN, J., Bundesen, C., Olson, A., Humphreys, G. , Ward, R., Kyllingsbaek, S., Van Raamsdonk, M., RORDEN, C. & Chavda, S. (2003) Attentional functions in dorsal and ventral simultanagnosia, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 20(8), 675-701 [Read More]
OSSWALD, K., Humphreys, G. W. & Olson, A. (2002) Words are more than the sum of their parts: Evidence for detrimental effects of word-level information in alexia., Cognitive Neuropsychology, 19(8), 675-695 [Read More]
Thomas , R.M., Forde, E.M., Humphreys, G. W. & GRAHAM, K.S. (2002) A Longitudinal Study of Category-specific AgnosiaReported in Unit Report 46 as: The effects of passage of time on a patient with category-specific agnosia. , Neurocase, 8(6), 466-479 [Read More]
Humphreys, G. W., Duncan, J., & Treisman, A. M. (Eds.) (1999) Attention, space, and action: Studies in cognitive neuroscience, OUP [Read More]
Duncan, J., Bundesen, C., Olson, A., Humphreys, G. , Chavda, S., & Shibuya, H. (1999) Systematic analysis of deficits in visual attention, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 128(4), 450-478 [Read More]
Duncan, J., Humphreys, G. & Ward, R. (1997) Competitive brain activity in visual attention., Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 7, 255-261 [Read More]
Humphreys, G. , Romani, C., Olson, A., Riddoch, M.J. & Duncan, J. (1994) Non-spatial extinction following lesions of the parietal lobe in humans, Nature, 372, 357-359 [Read More]
Young, A.W., Humphreys, G. , Riddoch, J., Hellawell, D. & de Haan, E. (1994) Recognition impairments and face imagery., Neuropsychologia, 32, 693-702. [Read More]
Wydell, T.N., Patterson, K.E. & Humphreys, G. W. (1993) Phonologically mediated access to meaning for Kanji: Is a Rows still a Rose in Japanese KANJI?, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 19, 491-514. [Read More]
Duncan, J. & Humphreys, G. (1992) Beyond the search surface: Visual search and attentional engagement., Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18, 578-588. [Read More]
Duncan, J. & Humphreys, G. W. (1989) Visual search and stimulus similarity., Psychological Review, 96, 433-458. [Read More]
Evett, L.J. & Humphreys, G. W. (1987) Extending the multiple-levels approach to word processing., Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10, 334-336. [Read More]
Humphreys, G. W., Evett, L.J., Quinlan, P.T. & Besner, D. (1987) Orthographic priming: Qualitative differences between priming from identified and unidentified primes., In M. Coltheart (Ed.), Attention and Performance XII, The Psychology of Reading (pp. 105-125). Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [Read More]
Evett, L.J., Humphreys, G. W., & Quinlan, P.T. (1986) Identification, masking and priming: Clarifying the issues., Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 9, 31-32. [Read More]
Humphreys, G. W ,Evett, L.J & Taylor, D.E (1982) Automatic phonological priming in visual word recognition., Memory and Cognition, 10, (6) p. 576 – 590 [Read More]