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Federica Magnabosco
Graduate Student
01223 766 166
Programme Leader: Olaf Hauk
CBSU publications
MAGNABOSCO, F. , HAUK, O. (In Press) Decoding semantics from dynamic brain activation patterns: From Trials to task in EEG/MEG source space, eNeuro [Read More]

HAUK, O., Magnabosco, F. , Law, R. (2024) Can we separate semantic representations from computations? A commentary on Calzavarini (2023), Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, [Open Access]

MAGNABOSCO, F. HAUK, O. (2023) An Eye on Semantics: a study on the influence of concreteness and predictability on early fixation durations, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 39(3):302-316 [Open Access]
