Elizabeth Buchanan-Worster
Research Staff
01223 767499
Programme Leader: Matt Davis
I am interested in how children perceive spoken language and how this relates to language and literacy development. I completed my PhD at UCL in 2019, supervised by Professor Mairéad MacSweeney and Professor Charles Hulme. My PhD research focussed on the relationship between visual speech perception, phonological awareness and reading in deaf and hearing children. I use techniques such as eyetracking, structural equation modelling and training studies.
I am currently working with Dr Matt Davis on speech perception and language development in children.
As a member of the Brain Bus team I also enjoy working on interactive neuroscience activities for children.
CBSU publications
Schwarz, J., Li, K.K ., Sim, J.H., Zhang, Y., BUCHANAN-WORSTER, E., Post, B., Gibson, J., McDougall, K. (In Press) Semantic Cues Modulate Children’s and Adults’ Processing of Audio-Visual Face Mask Speech, Frontiers in Psychology [Open Access]