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Daniel Mitchell
Research staff
01223 766166 x.336
Programme Leader: John Duncan
CBSU publications
ZHOU, A., DUNCAN, J., MITCHELL, D. (In Press) External task switches activate default mode regions without enhanced processing of the surrounding scene, Imaging Neuroscience [Read More]

KNIGHTS, E., HENSON, R.N., Morcom, A.M., MITCHELL, D. J., Tsvetanov, K.A. (In Press) Neural Evidence of Functional Compensation for Fluid Intelligence in Healthy Ageing, ELife [Open Access]

Karadacchka, K., ASSEM, M., MITCHELL, D. J., DUNCAN, J., Medendorp, W.P., Mars, R.B. (2023) Structural connectivity of the multiple demand network in humans and comparison to the macaque brain, Cerebral Cortex, 33(22):10959-10971 [Open Access]

Lugtmeijerm, S., Geerligs, L., Tsvetanov, K.A., MITCHELL, D. J., Cam-Can, Campbell, K.L. (2023) Lifespan differences in visual short-term memory load-modulated functional connectivity, Neuroimage, 26 Feb 2023, 270:119982 [Read More]

DUNCAN, J., Philips, E., MITCHELL, D. , Cooper, P., Murray, L. (2023) Parental scaffolding during book-sharing predicts child general intelligence, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 21 March 2023 [Open Access]

KADOHISA, M., KUSUNOKI, M., MITCHELL, D. J., Bhatia, C., Buckley, M.J., DUNCAN, J. (2023) Frontal and temporal coding dynamics in successive steps of complex behaviour, Neuron, 111(3), 430-443.e3 [Open Access]

O’Brien, S., MITCHELL, D. J., DUNCAN, J., & HOLMES, J. (2022) Cognitive segmentation and fluid reasoning in childhood, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17470218221116054 [Open Access]

MITCHELL, D. J., Mousley, A.L.S., Shafto, M.A., Cam-CAN., DUNCAN, J. (2022) Neural contributions to reduced fluid intelligence across the adult lifespan, Journal of Neuroscience, 43(2):293-307 [Open Access]

MCGREGOR, L., GILBERT, R., Balewski, MITCHELL, D. J., ERZINCLIOGLU, S., Rodd, J.M., DUNCAN, J.D., DAVIS, M.H. (2022) Causal contributions of the domain-general (Multiple Demand) and the language-selective brain networks to perceptual and semantic challenges in speech comprehension, Neurobiology of Language, 3(4), 665-698 [Open Access]

DUNCAN, J.D., Smith, V., Pinasco, C., ACHTERBERG, J., MITCHELL, D. , Das, T., Roca, M. (2022) Fluid intelligence and naturalistic task impairments after focal brain lesions, Cortex, 146: 106-115 [Open Access]

SMITH, V., DUNCAN, J.D., MITCHELL, D. (2021) Roles of the default mode and multiple-demand networks in naturalistic versus symbolic decisions, Journal of Neuroscience, 41(10), 2214-2228 [Open Access]

WEN, T., DUNCAN, J.D., MITCHELL, D. (2020) Hierarchical representation of multi-step tasks in multiple-demand and default mode networks, The Journal of Neuroscience (40)40, 7724-7738 [Open Access]

Mitchell, A., Pekekanos, V., Premereur, E., MITCHELL, D. , Mason, S., Chakraborty, S., Lee, A. (2020) Cortico-cortical and thalamocortical changes in functional connectivity and white matter structural integrity after reward-guided learning of visuospatial discriminations in rhesus monkeys, The Journal of Neuroscience, 40(41):7887-7901. [Open Access]

WEN, T., MITCHELL, D. J., DUNCAN, J. (2020) The functional convergence and heterogeneity of social, episodic, and self-referential thought in the default mode network, Cerebral Cortex, 30(11), 5915–5929 [Open Access]

WEN, T., DUNCAN, J.D., MITCHELL, D. J. (2020) The time-course of component processes of selective attention, NeuroImage, 199, 396-407 [Open Access]

SHASHIDHARA, S., MITCHELL, D. J., EREZ, Y., DUNCAN, J.D. (2019) Progressive Recruitment of the Frontoparietal Multiple-demand System with Increased Task Complexity, Time Pressure, and Reward, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31(11):1617-1630 [Open Access]

SMITH, V., MITCHELL, D. , DUNCAN, J.D. (2019) The effect of rule retrieval on activity in the default mode network, Neuroimage, 202:116088 [Open Access]

SMITH. V., MITCHELL, D. , DUNCAN, J. (2018) Role of the default mode network in cognitive transitions, Cerebral Cortex, 28(10):3685-3696] [Open Access]

WEN, T., MITCHELL, D. DUNCAN, J.D. (2018) Response of the multiple-demand during simple stimulus discriminations, NeuroImage, NeuroImage, 177: 79-87 [Open Access]

MITCHELL, D. J., Cam-CAN, Cusack, R. (2018) Visual short-term memory through the lifespan: preserved benefits of context and metacognition, Psychology and Aging, 33(5), 841-854 [Open Access]

Ainsworth, M., Browncross, H., MITCHELL, D. , Mitchell, a.s., Passingham, R.E., Buckley, M.J., DUNCAN, J.D., BELL, A.H. (2018) Functional reorganisation and recovery following cortical lesions: A study in macaque monkeys, Brain, 119:382-391 [Open Access]

Veldsman, M., MITCHELL, D. J., Cusack, R. (2017) The neural basis of precise short-term memory for complex recognisable objects, NeuroImage, 159, 131-145 [Read More]

Muhle-Karbe, P.S., DUNCAN,J.D., De Baene, W., MITCHELL, D. J., Brass, M. (2017) Neural coding for instruction-based task sets in human frontoparietal and visual cortex , Cerebral Cortex, Volume 27, Issue 3, 1 March 2017, Pages 1891–1905, [Open Access]

DUNCAN, J.D., Chylinski, MITCHELL, D. J., Bhandari, A. (2017) Complexity and compositionality in fluid intelligence, PNAS, 114(20):5295-5299 [Open Access]

TSCHENTSCHER, N., MITCHELL, D. , DUNCAN, J. (2017) Fluid intelligence predicts novel rule implementation in a distributed frontoparietal network, The Journal of Neuroscience, 37(18): 4841–4847 [Open Access]

Crittenden, B.M., MITCHELL, D. J., DUNCAN, J.D. (2016) Task Encoding across the Multiple Demand Cortex Is Consistent with a Frontoparietal and Cingulo-Opercular Dual Networks Distinction., The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(23), 2647-6155 [Open Access]

MITCHELL, D. , BELL, A., Buckley, M., Mitchell, A., Sallet, J., DUNCAN, J. (2016) A putative multiple-demand system in the macaque brain, Journal of Neuroscience, 36(33):8574-8585 [Open Access]

MITCHELL, D. , Cusack, R. (2016) Semantic and Emotional Content of Imagined Representations in Human Occipitotemporal Cortex, Scientific Reports, 6:20232 [Open Access]

Cusack, R., Vicente-Grabovetsky, A., MITCHELL, D. J., Wild, C.J., AUER, T., Linke, A.C., Peele, J.E. (2015) Automatic analysis (aa): efficient neuroimaging workflows and parallel processing using Matlab and XML, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 8:90 [Open Access]

Crittenden, B.M., MITCHELL, D. , DUNCAN, J. (2015) Recruitment of the default mode network during a demanding act of executive control., ELife, 4:e06481 [Open Access]

FINOIA, P., MITCHELL, D. , HAUK, O., Beste, c., Pizzella, v., DUNCAN, J.D. (2015) Concurrent brain responses to separate audiology and visual targets, Journal of Neurophysiology, 114(2), 1239–1247. [Open Access]

KIEVIT, R., Davis, S.W., MITCHELL, D. J., Taylor, J.R., DUNCAN, J., Cam-CAN Research Team, HENSON, R.N. (2014) Distinct aspects of frontal lobe structure mediate age-related differences in fluid intelligence and multitasking, Nature Communications, 5:5658 [Open Access]

FAROOQUI, A., MITCHELL, D. , THOMPSON, R., DUNCAN, J. (2012) Hierarchical Organization of Cognition Reflected in Distributed Frontoparietal Activity, Journal of Neuroscience, 32(48), 17373-17381 [Read More]

CUSACK, R., VELDSMAN, M., NACI, L. MITCHELL, D. J. & LINKE, A.C. (2012) Seeing Different Objects in Different Ways: Measuring Ventral Visual Tuning to Sensory and Semantic Features With Dynamically Adaptive Imaging, Human Brain Mapping, 33(2), 387-397 [Read More]

LINKE, A., VINCENTE-GRABOVETSKI, A., MITCHELL, D. CUSACK, R (2011) Encoding strategy accounts for individual differences in change detection measures of VSTM, Neuropsychologia, 49(6), 1476-1486 [Read More]

MITCHELL, D. J. and CUSACK, R. (2011) The temporal evolution of electromagnetic markers sensitive to the capacity limits of visual short-term memory, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5:18 [Open Access]

CUSACK, R., MITCHELL, D. J., DUNCAN, J. (2010) Discrete Object Representation, Attention Switching, and Task Difficulty in the Parietal Lobe., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(1), 32-47 [Read More]

MITCHELL, D. (2009) The role of human psoterior parietal cortex in representing a limited number of objects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge [Read More]

CUSACK, R., Lehmann, M., VELDSMAN, M. & MITCHELL, D. J. (2009) Encoding strategy and not visual working memory capacity correlates with intelligence, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 16, 641-647 [Open Access]

VICENTE-GRABOVETSKY, A., MITCHELL, D. & CUSACK, R. (2009) VSTM Retinotopy: The spatial organisation of visual and parieal cortex during Visual Short Term Memory, Cambridge Neuroscience: New Approaches in Neuroscience, Cambridge, UK [Read More]

MITCHELL, D. J. & CUSACK, R. (2008) MEG response to visual item load, in short-term memory and attentional monitoring tasks., In Biomagnetism – Interdisciplinary Research and Exploration, 209-211 – Hokkaido University Press – Kakigi I, Yokosawa K, Kuriki S (Eds), [Read More]

MITCHELL, D. J., CUSACK, R. (2008) Flexible, capacity-limited activity of posterior parietal cortex in perceptual as well as visual short-term memory tasks, Cerebral Cortex. 18(8), 1788-1798 [Read More]

CUSACK, R., MITCHELL, D. J. & DUNCAN, J. (2007) Discrete object representation for perception and memory in posterior parietal cortex, 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience [Read More]

MITCHELL, D. J. & CUSACK, R. (2007) Posterior parietal cortex responds to set size in perceptual as well as working memory tasks, 14th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, D30 [Read More]

MITCHELL, D. , DUNCAN, J. & CUSACK, R. (2006) Object processing can be differentiated from the fronto-parietal multiple-demands network within the intraparietal sulcus, 13th Annual Meeting for the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, S139 [Read More]

CUSACK R., MITCHELL, D. J., Beauregard, D.A., Salfity, M.F. & Huntley, J.M. (2006) Individual variability in cerebral vein structure reduces likelihood of bias from venous artefacts in group FMRI studies, NeuroImage, 31, S66 [Read More]

CUSACK, R., MITCHELL, D. J. & DUNCAN, J. (2006) Fronto-parietal MD network versus object processing: differential roles for anterior and posterior intraparietal sulcus, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, G1 [Read More]
