01223 766166 x.336
My research focuses on cognitive representations in visual short-term memory, perception, attention, mental imagery and task execution. I am interested in their capacity limits, relationships, and neural substrates. I study healthy adults and aging populations, using a combination of fMRI, MEG/EEG, intracranial recordings, and behavioural tasks, complimented by multiple analysis methods such as multivariate pattern analysis, functional connectivity and causal inference. By studying the links between brain and mind, I aim to understand constraints on cognition, and identify strategies to promote healthy cognitive aging. Collaborative projects also study fluid intelligence in children and glioma patients, and the neural basis of interventions to reduce anxiety.
Selected publications:
- DJ Mitchell, et al. (2023) Neural contributions to reduced fluid intelligence across the adult lifespan. J. Neurosci,43(2):293–307
- V Smith, J Duncan & DJ Mitchell (2021) Roles of the default mode & multiple-demand networks in naturalistic versus symbolic decisions. J. Neurosci., 41(10), 2214-2228
- T Wen, J Duncan & DJ Mitchell (2020) Hierarchical representation of multi-step tasks in multiple-demand & default mode networks. J. Neurosci., 40(40) 7724-7738
- T Wen, J Duncan & DJ Mitchell (2019) The time-course of component processes of selective attention. NeuroImage, 199:396-407
- DJ Mitchell et al. (2018) Visual short-term memory through the lifespan: Preserved benefits of context & metacognition. Psychology & Aging, 33(5), 841-854
- DJ Mitchell & R Cusack (2016) Semantic & emotional content of imagined representations in human occipitotemporal cortex. Sci Rep., 6
- DJ Mitchell, et al. (2016) A Putative Multiple-Demand System in the Macaque Brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(33):8574-8585
KNIGHTS, E., HENSON, R.N., Morcom, A.M., MITCHELL, D. J., Tsvetanov, K.A. (In Press) Neural Evidence of Functional Compensation for Fluid Intelligence in Healthy Ageing, ELife [Open Access]
Karadacchka, K., ASSEM, M., MITCHELL, D. J., DUNCAN, J., Medendorp, W.P., Mars, R.B. (2023) Structural connectivity of the multiple demand network in humans and comparison to the macaque brain, Cerebral Cortex, 33(22):10959-10971 [Open Access]
Lugtmeijerm, S., Geerligs, L., Tsvetanov, K.A., MITCHELL, D. J., Cam-Can, Campbell, K.L. (2023) Lifespan differences in visual short-term memory load-modulated functional connectivity, Neuroimage, 26 Feb 2023, 270:119982 [Read More]
DUNCAN, J., Philips, E., MITCHELL, D. , Cooper, P., Murray, L. (2023) Parental scaffolding during book-sharing predicts child general intelligence, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 21 March 2023 [Open Access]
KADOHISA, M., KUSUNOKI, M., MITCHELL, D. J., Bhatia, C., Buckley, M.J., DUNCAN, J. (2023) Frontal and temporal coding dynamics in successive steps of complex behaviour, Neuron, 111(3), 430-443.e3 [Open Access]
O’Brien, S., MITCHELL, D. J., DUNCAN, J., & HOLMES, J. (2022) Cognitive segmentation and fluid reasoning in childhood, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17470218221116054 [Open Access]
MITCHELL, D. J., Mousley, A.L.S., Shafto, M.A., Cam-CAN., DUNCAN, J. (2022) Neural contributions to reduced fluid intelligence across the adult lifespan, Journal of Neuroscience, 43(2):293-307 [Open Access]
MCGREGOR, L., GILBERT, R., Balewski, MITCHELL, D. J., ERZINCLIOGLU, S., Rodd, J.M., DUNCAN, J.D., DAVIS, M.H. (2022) Causal contributions of the domain-general (Multiple Demand) and the language-selective brain networks to perceptual and semantic challenges in speech comprehension, Neurobiology of Language, 3(4), 665-698 [Open Access]
DUNCAN, J.D., Smith, V., Pinasco, C., ACHTERBERG, J., MITCHELL, D. , Das, T., Roca, M. (2022) Fluid intelligence and naturalistic task impairments after focal brain lesions, Cortex, 146: 106-115 [Open Access]
SMITH, V., DUNCAN, J.D., MITCHELL, D. (2021) Roles of the default mode and multiple-demand networks in naturalistic versus symbolic decisions, Journal of Neuroscience, 41(10), 2214-2228 [Open Access]
WEN, T., DUNCAN, J.D., MITCHELL, D. (2020) Hierarchical representation of multi-step tasks in multiple-demand and default mode networks, The Journal of Neuroscience (40)40, 7724-7738 [Open Access]
Mitchell, A., Pekekanos, V., Premereur, E., MITCHELL, D. , Mason, S., Chakraborty, S., Lee, A. (2020) Cortico-cortical and thalamocortical changes in functional connectivity and white matter structural integrity after reward-guided learning of visuospatial discriminations in rhesus monkeys, The Journal of Neuroscience, 40(41):7887-7901. [Open Access]
WEN, T., MITCHELL, D. J., DUNCAN, J. (2020) The functional convergence and heterogeneity of social, episodic, and self-referential thought in the default mode network, Cerebral Cortex, 30(11), 5915–5929 [Open Access]
WEN, T., DUNCAN, J.D., MITCHELL, D. J. (2020) The time-course of component processes of selective attention, NeuroImage, 199, 396-407 [Open Access]
SHASHIDHARA, S., MITCHELL, D. J., EREZ, Y., DUNCAN, J.D. (2019) Progressive Recruitment of the Frontoparietal Multiple-demand System with Increased Task Complexity, Time Pressure, and Reward, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31(11):1617-1630 [Open Access]
SMITH, V., MITCHELL, D. , DUNCAN, J.D. (2019) The effect of rule retrieval on activity in the default mode network, Neuroimage, 202:116088 [Open Access]
SMITH. V., MITCHELL, D. , DUNCAN, J. (2018) Role of the default mode network in cognitive transitions, Cerebral Cortex, 28(10):3685-3696] [Open Access]
WEN, T., MITCHELL, D. DUNCAN, J.D. (2018) Response of the multiple-demand during simple stimulus discriminations, NeuroImage, NeuroImage, 177: 79-87 [Open Access]
MITCHELL, D. J., Cam-CAN, Cusack, R. (2018) Visual short-term memory through the lifespan: preserved benefits of context and metacognition, Psychology and Aging, 33(5), 841-854 [Open Access]
Ainsworth, M., Browncross, H., MITCHELL, D. , Mitchell, a.s., Passingham, R.E., Buckley, M.J., DUNCAN, J.D., BELL, A.H. (2018) Functional reorganisation and recovery following cortical lesions: A study in macaque monkeys, Brain, 119:382-391 [Open Access]
Veldsman, M., MITCHELL, D. J., Cusack, R. (2017) The neural basis of precise short-term memory for complex recognisable objects, NeuroImage, 159, 131-145 [Read More]
Muhle-Karbe, P.S., DUNCAN,J.D., De Baene, W., MITCHELL, D. J., Brass, M. (2017) Neural coding for instruction-based task sets in human frontoparietal and visual cortex , Cerebral Cortex, Volume 27, Issue 3, 1 March 2017, Pages 1891–1905, [Open Access]
DUNCAN, J.D., Chylinski, MITCHELL, D. J., Bhandari, A. (2017) Complexity and compositionality in fluid intelligence, PNAS, 114(20):5295-5299 [Open Access]
TSCHENTSCHER, N., MITCHELL, D. , DUNCAN, J. (2017) Fluid intelligence predicts novel rule implementation in a distributed frontoparietal network, The Journal of Neuroscience, 37(18): 4841–4847 [Open Access]
Crittenden, B.M., MITCHELL, D. J., DUNCAN, J.D. (2016) Task Encoding across the Multiple Demand Cortex Is Consistent with a Frontoparietal and Cingulo-Opercular Dual Networks Distinction., The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(23), 2647-6155 [Open Access]
MITCHELL, D. , BELL, A., Buckley, M., Mitchell, A., Sallet, J., DUNCAN, J. (2016) A putative multiple-demand system in the macaque brain, Journal of Neuroscience, 36(33):8574-8585 [Open Access]
MITCHELL, D. , Cusack, R. (2016) Semantic and Emotional Content of Imagined Representations in Human Occipitotemporal Cortex, Scientific Reports, 6:20232 [Open Access]
Cusack, R., Vicente-Grabovetsky, A., MITCHELL, D. J., Wild, C.J., AUER, T., Linke, A.C., Peele, J.E. (2015) Automatic analysis (aa): efficient neuroimaging workflows and parallel processing using Matlab and XML, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 8:90 [Open Access]
Crittenden, B.M., MITCHELL, D. , DUNCAN, J. (2015) Recruitment of the default mode network during a demanding act of executive control., ELife, 4:e06481 [Open Access]
FINOIA, P., MITCHELL, D. , HAUK, O., Beste, c., Pizzella, v., DUNCAN, J.D. (2015) Concurrent brain responses to separate audiology and visual targets, Journal of Neurophysiology, 114(2), 1239–1247. [Open Access]
KIEVIT, R., Davis, S.W., MITCHELL, D. J., Taylor, J.R., DUNCAN, J., Cam-CAN Research Team, HENSON, R.N. (2014) Distinct aspects of frontal lobe structure mediate age-related differences in fluid intelligence and multitasking, Nature Communications, 5:5658 [Open Access]
FAROOQUI, A., MITCHELL, D. , THOMPSON, R., DUNCAN, J. (2012) Hierarchical Organization of Cognition Reflected in Distributed Frontoparietal Activity, Journal of Neuroscience, 32(48), 17373-17381 [Read More]
CUSACK, R., VELDSMAN, M., NACI, L. MITCHELL, D. J. & LINKE, A.C. (2012) Seeing Different Objects in Different Ways: Measuring Ventral Visual Tuning to Sensory and Semantic Features With Dynamically Adaptive Imaging, Human Brain Mapping, 33(2), 387-397 [Read More]
LINKE, A., VINCENTE-GRABOVETSKI, A., MITCHELL, D. CUSACK, R (2011) Encoding strategy accounts for individual differences in change detection measures of VSTM, Neuropsychologia, 49(6), 1476-1486 [Read More]
MITCHELL, D. J. and CUSACK, R. (2011) The temporal evolution of electromagnetic markers sensitive to the capacity limits of visual short-term memory, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5:18 [Open Access]
CUSACK, R., MITCHELL, D. J., DUNCAN, J. (2010) Discrete Object Representation, Attention Switching, and Task Difficulty in the Parietal Lobe., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(1), 32-47 [Read More]
MITCHELL, D. (2009) The role of human psoterior parietal cortex in representing a limited number of objects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge [Read More]
CUSACK, R., Lehmann, M., VELDSMAN, M. & MITCHELL, D. J. (2009) Encoding strategy and not visual working memory capacity correlates with intelligence, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 16, 641-647 [Open Access]
VICENTE-GRABOVETSKY, A., MITCHELL, D. & CUSACK, R. (2009) VSTM Retinotopy: The spatial organisation of visual and parieal cortex during Visual Short Term Memory, Cambridge Neuroscience: New Approaches in Neuroscience, Cambridge, UK [Read More]
MITCHELL, D. J. & CUSACK, R. (2008) MEG response to visual item load, in short-term memory and attentional monitoring tasks., In Biomagnetism – Interdisciplinary Research and Exploration, 209-211 – Hokkaido University Press – Kakigi I, Yokosawa K, Kuriki S (Eds), [Read More]
MITCHELL, D. J., CUSACK, R. (2008) Flexible, capacity-limited activity of posterior parietal cortex in perceptual as well as visual short-term memory tasks, Cerebral Cortex. 18(8), 1788-1798 [Read More]
CUSACK, R., MITCHELL, D. J. & DUNCAN, J. (2007) Discrete object representation for perception and memory in posterior parietal cortex, 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience [Read More]
MITCHELL, D. J. & CUSACK, R. (2007) Posterior parietal cortex responds to set size in perceptual as well as working memory tasks, 14th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, D30 [Read More]
MITCHELL, D. , DUNCAN, J. & CUSACK, R. (2006) Object processing can be differentiated from the fronto-parietal multiple-demands network within the intraparietal sulcus, 13th Annual Meeting for the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, S139 [Read More]
CUSACK R., MITCHELL, D. J., Beauregard, D.A., Salfity, M.F. & Huntley, J.M. (2006) Individual variability in cerebral vein structure reduces likelihood of bias from venous artefacts in group FMRI studies, NeuroImage, 31, S66 [Read More]
CUSACK, R., MITCHELL, D. J. & DUNCAN, J. (2006) Fronto-parietal MD network versus object processing: differential roles for anterior and posterior intraparietal sulcus, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, G1 [Read More]