Dace Apsvalka
Research Staff and MRI Methods Support
01223 767482
Programme Leader: Marta Correia
I am Research Associate in the Methods Group. I work on (f)MRI methods development and support. You can find more information about me on my personal website.
CBSU publications
APSVALKA, D. , Ferreira, C.S., Schmitz, T.W., ROWE, J.B., ANDERSON, M.C. (2022) Dynamic targeting enables domain-general inhibitory control over action and thought by the prefrontal cortex, Nature Communications, 13(1):274, 12 Jan 2022 [Open Access]
Cross, E.S., Ramsey, R., APSVALKA, D. (2019) Fluid intelligence and working memory support dissociable aspects of learning by physical and not observational practice, Cognition, 190, 170-183 [Open Access]
Cross, E., Ramsey, APSVALKA, D. (2018) Observing action sequences elecits sequence-specific neural representations in frontparietal brain regions, The Journal of Neuroscience, 8(47):10114-10128 [Open Access]
Cross, E., Ramsey, R., APSVALKA, D. (2018) Anodal tDCS over Primary Motor Cortex Provides No Advantage to Learning Motor Sequences via Observation, Neural Plasticity [Open Access]

Cross, E.S., Ramsey, R., APSVALKA, D. (2019) Fluid intelligence and working memory support dissociable aspects of learning by physical and not observational practice, Cognition, 190, 170-183 [Open Access]

Cross, E., Ramsey, APSVALKA, D. (2018) Observing action sequences elecits sequence-specific neural representations in frontparietal brain regions, The Journal of Neuroscience, 8(47):10114-10128 [Open Access]

Cross, E., Ramsey, R., APSVALKA, D. (2018) Anodal tDCS over Primary Motor Cortex Provides No Advantage to Learning Motor Sequences via Observation, Neural Plasticity [Open Access]