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Bernhard Staresina, Ph.D.

Academic History

since 2010 Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow

MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, England
Dr. Richard Henson

2009 – 2010 Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Epileptology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Dr. Juergen Fell

2004 – 2009 Ph.D., Experimental Psychology

Department of Psychology, New York University, New York, NY, USA
Dr. Lila Davachi

1999 – 2004 B.Sc., M.Sc., Psychology

University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Dr. Peter Walla

Fellowships and Awards

2012 Laird Cermak Award, Memory Disorders Research Society (MDRS)

2012 elected Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts (FRSA)

2011 – 2014 Junior Research Fellow, St. Catharine's College, University of Cambridge

2011 Postdoctoral Researcher, St. John's College, University of Cambridge

2010 – 2014 Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Wellcome Trust

2008 American Psychological Association (APA) Dissertation Research Award

2008 Martin Braine Fellowship, New York University

2007 Katzell Summer Fellowship, New York University

2006 Travel Grant, "Neuroimaging and Psychological Theories of Human Memory", Marburg, Germany

2006 Research Support: "Neuroimaging Studies of Emotional and Attentional Influences, Cognition and Perception", The Seaver Foundation

2005 GSAS Student Travel Grant, New York University

2004 – 2009 McCracken Fellowship, New York University


Staresina, B.P., Fell, J., Lam, A.T., Axmacher, N. and Henson, R.N. (in press). Memory signals are temporally dissociated in and across human hippocampus and perirhinal cortex. Nature Neuroscience.

Lam, A.T., Axmacher, N., Fell, J., Staresina, B.P., Gauggel, S., Wagner, T., Olligs, J. and Weis, S. (2012). Monitoring the mind: the neurocognitive correlates of metamemory. PloS One 7(1): e30009.

Staresina, B.P., Duncan, K.D. and Davachi, L. (2011). Perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices differentially contribute to later recollection of object- and scene-related event details. The Journal of Neuroscience 31(24): 8739 - 8747.

Fell, J., Ludowig, E., Staresina, B.P., Wagner, T., Kranz, T., Elger, C.E. and Axmacher, N. (2011). Medial temporal lobe theta/alpha power enhancement precedes successful memory encoding: evidence based on intracranial EEG. The Journal of Neuroscience 31(14): 5392 - 5397.

Staresina, B.P. and Davachi, L. (2010). Object unitization and associative memory formation are supported by distinct brain regions. The Journal of Neuroscience 30(29): 9890 - 9897.

Devinsky, O., Davachi, L., Santchi, C., Quinn, B.T., Staresina B.P., Thesen, T. (2010). Hyperfamiliarity for faces. Neurology 74(12): 970-974.

Staresina, B.P. and Davachi, L. (2009). Mind the gap: Binding experiences across space and time in the human hippocampus. Neuron 63(2): 267 - 276.

Staresina, B.P., Gray, J.C. and Davachi, L. (2009). Event Congruency Enhances Memory Encoding Through Semantic Elaboration and Relational Binding. Cerebral Cortex 19(5): 1198 - 1207.

Öztekin, I., McElree, B., Staresina, B.P. and Davachi, L. (2009). Neural correlates of working memory retrieval. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21(3): 581 - 593.

Staresina, B.P. and Davachi, L. (2008). Selective and shared contributions of the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex to episodic item and associative encoding. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 20(8): 1478 - 1489.

Staresina, B.P. and Davachi, L. (2006). Differential encoding mechanisms for subsequent associative recognition and free recall. The Journal of Neuroscience 26(36): 9162 - 9172.

Staresina, B.P., Bauer, H., Deecke, L. and Walla, P. (2005). Magnetoencephalographic correlates of different levels in subjective recognition memory. NeuroImage 27(1): 83 - 94.

Staresina, B.P., Bauer, H., Deecke, L. and Walla, P. (2005). Neurocognitive correlates of incidental verbal memory encoding: a magnetoencephalographic (MEG) study. NeuroImage 25(2): 430 - 443.

Staresina, B. (2004). Epiphänomenalismus. Anlass zur Skepsis gegenüber Bewusstsein. In: A. Batthyany (Hrsg.), Bewusstsein: Neuronale Grundlagen und subjektives Erleben. [Epiphenomenalism. Reason for Skepticism Towards Consciousness. In: A. Batthyany (Ed.), Consciousness: Neural Fundamentals and Subjective Experience.] Kassel: Kassel University Press.

Poster Presentations

Staresina, B.P., Fell, J., Lam, A.T., Axmacher, N. and Henson, R.N. Qualitatively different memory signals in human rhinal cortex and hippocampus revealed via iEEG. (Poster at the 2012 Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting)

Fell, J., Axmacher, N., Elger, C.E., and Staresina, B.P. Phase-amplitude coupling in human hippocampal EEG recordings during waking state and sleep. (Poster at the 2012 Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting)

Staresina, B.P., Wagner, T., Ranganath, C., Fell, J. and Axmacher, N. MTL Mechanisms Supporting Episodic Memory Encoding and Retrieval Revealed via Intracranial EEG. (Poster at the 2010 Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting)

Staresina, B.P., Duncan, K. and Davachi, L. Domain specificity in medial temporal lobe cortex during episodic memory formation. (Poster at the 2010 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting)
Duncan, K., Staresina, B.P. and Davachi, L. Temporal dynamics of blood-oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) responses in the medial temporal lobe during associative encoding. (Poster at the 2010 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting)

Staresina, B.P. and Davachi, L. Contributions of the perirhinal cortex to associative memory formation. (Poster at the 2009 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting)

Staresina, B.P., Gray, J.C. and Davachi, L. Mind the Gap: Associative Binding in the Medial Temporal Lobe. (Poster at the 2008 38th Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting)

Staresina, B.P., Thesen, T., Donner, T.H., Carlson, C., Devinsky, O. and Davachi, L. Functional dynamics of successful retrieval in the human MTL revealed using intracranial EEG recordings. (Poster at the 2008 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting)

Staresina, B.P. and Davachi, L. The beneficial effect of affirmative responses on episodic memory encoding. (Poster at the 2007 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting)

Öztekin, I., McElree, B., Staresina, B. and Davachi, L. Isolating focal attention from memory representations: Converging neuroimaging evidence from two distinct working memory paradigms. (Poster at the 2006 36th Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting)

Staresina, B.P. and Davachi, L. Differential brain activity for subsequent recognition and free recall. (Poster at the 2005 35th Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting)

Staresina, B.P., Bauer, H., Deecke, L. and Walla, P. Verbal memory encoding: a magnetoencephalocraphic (MEG) study. (Poster at the 2003 8th Meeting of the Austrian Neuroscience Association)

Selected Talks

Episodic Memory: Who Does What in the Medial Temporal Lobe. (Symposium at the International Graduate School of Neuroscience [IGSN]. Bochum, Germany)

Perirhinal Cortex Contributions to Episodic Memory. (5th International Conference on Memory [ICOM]. York, UK)

Staresina B.P. Hippocampal cross-frequency coupling during sleep. (1st Conference on High Frequency Oscillations in Cognition and Epilepsy, Montreal Neurological Institute. Montreal, CA)

Staresina B.P. The formation of a memory trace in the brain. (CUBRIC Seminar Series at the Department of Psychology, Cardiff University. Cardiff, UK)

Staresina B.P. Building memories across temporal gaps. (Ninth International Conference on Neuroesthetics: "Time and Timing in the Brain". Berkeley, CA, USA)

Staresina B.P. The formation of a memory trace in the brain. (Translational Neuroscience Seminar Series at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. New York, NY, USA)

Staresina B.P. The formation of a memory trace in the brain. (New School for Social Research conference: "Is an Interdisciplinary Field of Memory Studies Possible?". New York, NY, USA)

Staresina B.P. and Davachi, L. Item Recognition and Source Recollection. (1st Aquitaine Conference in Neuroscience: "Memory in health and disease". Arcachon, France)

Staresina B.P. and Davachi, L. Neural correlates of intra-item and contextual associative memory formation. (36th Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, USA)

Ad Hoc Referee

Cerebral Cortex

Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience

Human Brain Mapping

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

Journal of Neuroscience




Professional Memberships

Cognitive Neuroscience Society

Organization for Human Brain Mapping

Society for Neuroscience


Spring, 2007 Teaching Assistant for Dr. Clayton Curtis, Cognitive Neuroscience

Spring, 2005 Teaching Assistant for Dr. Denis Pelli, Perception
