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Ajay Halai
Research Staff
01223 767655
Programme Leader: Matt Lambon-Ralph
CBSU publications
Nørkær, Erling, HALAI, A. D., Woolams, A., LAMBON Ralph, M.A., Schumacher, R. (2024) Establishing and evaluating the gradient of item naming difficulty in post-stroke aphasia and semantic dementia, Cortex [Open Access]

Ingram, R.U., Ocal, D., HALAI, A. D., Pobric, G., Cash, D., Crutch, S.J., Yong, K., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2024) Graded Multidimensional Clinical and Radiologic Variation in Patients With Alzheimer Disease and Posterior Cortical Atrophy, Neurology, 103(4) [Open Access]

HUMPHREYS, G.F., HALAI, A. D., BRANZI, F.M., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2024) The left posterior angular gyrus is engaged by autobiographical recall not object-semantics, or event-semantics: Evidence from contrastive propositional speech production, Imaging Neuroscience, March 06, 2024 [Open Access]

RAMANAN, D., HALAI, A. , GARCIA-PENTON, L., Perry, A.G., Patel, N., Peterson, K., Ingram, R., Storey, I., Cappa, S., Catricala, E., PATTERSON, K., ROWE, J., Garrard, P., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2023) The Neural substrates of transdiagnostics cognitive-linguistic heterogeneity in primary progressive aphasia, Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy, Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy, 15, 219 [Open Access]

HALAI, A. , CHANG, Y., LAMBON RALPH, M. (2023) Distance-dependent distribution thresholding in probabilistic tractography, Human Brain Mapping, 44(10):4064-4076 [Open Access]

HALAI, A. , Zhao, Y., Cox, C., LAMBON RALPH, M. (2023) Using in-vivo functional and structural connectivity to predict chronic stroke aphasia deficits, Brain, 146(5):1950-1962 [Open Access]

LAMBON RALPH, M., HALAI, A. (2023) Reply: Are Recovery of Fluency and Recovery of Phonology Antagonistic?, Brain, 146(7):e52-e54 [Open Access]

FRISBY, S., HALAI, A. , Cox, C.R., LAMBON RALPH, M.A., Rogers, T.T. (2023) Decoding semantic representations in mind and brain, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 09 Jan 2023, :S1364-6613(22)00323-0 [Open Access]

HALAI, A. D., De Dios, P.B., Stefaniak, J.D., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2022) Efficient and effective assessment of deficits and their neural bases in stroke aphasia, Cortex, 155: 333-346 [Read More]

SCHUMACHER, R., HALAI, A. , LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2022) Attention to attention in aphasia – elucidating impairment patterns, modality differences and neural correlates, Neuropsychologia, 177:108413 [Open Access]

Krieger-Redwood, K., Steward, A., Gao, K., Wang, X., HALAI, A. , Smallwood, J., Jefferies, E. (2022) Creativity in verbal associations is linked to semantic control, Cerebral Cortex: bhac405 [Open Access]

Gao, Z., Zheng, L., Krieger-Redwood, K., HALAI, A. , Marguiles, D.S., Smallwood, J., Jefferies, E. (2022) Flexing the principal gradient of the cerebral cortex to suit changing semantic task demands , eLife 11:e80368. [Open Access]

Thomson, H.E., Noonan, K.A., HALAI, A. D.M, Hoffman, P., Stampacchia, S., Hallam, G., RICE, , G.E., De Dois Perez, B., LAMBON RALPH, M.A., Jefferies, E. (2022) Damage to temporoparietal cortex is sufficient for impaired semantic control, Cortex, 156:71-85 [Open Access]

Souter, N.E., Wang, X., Thompson, H., Krieger‑Redwood, K., Halai, A. D., LAMBON RALPH, M.A., de Schotten, M.T., Jefferies, E (2022) Mapping lesion, structural disconnection, and functional disconnection to symptoms in semantic aphasia, Brain Structure and Function, 227(9), 3043-3061 [Open Access]

Alyahya, R.S.W., LAMBON RALPH, M.A., HALAI, A. , Hoffman, P. (2022) The cognitive and neural underpinnings of discourse coherence in post-stroke aphasia., Brain Communications, 14 Jun 2022, 4(3):fcac147 [Open Access]

Gillespie, D.C., HALAI, A. D., West, R.M., Dickie, D.A., Walters, M., Broomfield, N.M. (2022) Demographic, clinical and neuroimaging markers of post-stroke emotionalism: a preliminary investigation, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 21 Mar 2022, 436:120229 [Open Access]

Schumacher, R., HALAI, A. D., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2022) Assessing executive functions in post stroke aphasia – utility of verbally based tests, Brain Communications, 26 Apr 2022, 4(3):fcac107 [Open Access]

Patel, N., Peterson, K.A., Ingram, R.U., Storey, I., Cappa, S.F., Catricala, E.,, HALAI, A. , Patterson, K.E., LAMBON RALPH, M.A., ROWE, J.B., Garrard, P. (2021) A ‘Mini Linguistic State Examination’ to classify primary progressive aphasia, Brain Communications, 21 Dec 2021, 4(2):fcab299 [Open Access]

ALYAHYA, R.S.W., HALAI, A. D., Conroy, P., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2021) Content word production during discourse in aphasia: Deficits in word quantity, not lexical-semantic complexity, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33 (12): 2494–2511 [Open Access]

Rounis, E., HALAI, A. , Pizzamiglio, G., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2021) Characterising factors underlying praxis deficits in chronic left hemisphere stroke patients, Cortex, 29 May 2021, 142:154-168 [Open Access]

Alyahy, R.S.W., Conroy, P., HALAI, A. D., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2021) An Efficient, Accurate and Clinically-Applicable Index of Content Word Fluency in Aphasia, Aphasiology, 36(8):921-939 [Open Access]

Alyahya, R.S.W., HALAI, A. D., Conroy, P., Lambon Ralph, M.A. (2020) Mapping psycholinguistic features to the neuropsychological and lesion profiles in aphasia, Cortex, 124, 260-273 [Read More]

Schumacher, R., Bruehl, S., HALAI, A. , LAMBON RALPH, M.A (2020) The verbal, nonverbal and structural bases of functional communication abilities in aphasia, Brain Communications, 2(2):fcaa118 [Open Access]

Ingram, R.U., HALAI, A. D., Pobric, G., PATTERSON, K., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2020) Graded, multi dimensional intragroup and intergroup variations in primary progressive aphasia and post stroke aphasia, Brain, 143(10):3121-3135 [Open Access]

ZHAO, Y., HALAI, A. , LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2020) Evaluating the granularity and statistical structure of lesions and behaviour in post-stroke aphasia, Brain Communications, 19 May 2020, 2(2):fcaa062 [Open Access]

HALAI, A. , Woollams, A., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2020) Investigating the effect of changing parameters when building prediction models in post-stroke aphasia., Nature Human Behaviour, 4(7):725-735 [Open Access]

ALYAHYA, R., HALAI, A. , Conroy, P., LAMBON RALPH, M. (2020) A unified model of post-stroke language deficits including discourse production and their neural correlates, Brain, 143(5) 1541-1554 [Open Access]

Busby, N., HALAI, A. D., Parker, G.J.M., Coop, D.J.M., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2019) Mapping whole brain connectivity changes: The potential impact of different surgical resection approaches for temporal lobe epilepsy, Cortex, 113, April 2019, 1-14 [Open Access]

Stefaniak, J.D., HALAI, A. D., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2019) The neural and neurocomputational bases of recovery from post-stroke aphasia., Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 16(1), 43-55 [Read More]

Schumacher, R., HALAI, A. D., LAMBON-RALPH, M. (2019) Assessing and mapping language, attention and executive multidimensional deficits in stroke aphasia, Brain, 142(10), 3202-3216 [Open Access]
