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Russell Thompson
IT Manager
01223 767629
CBSU publications
Roca, M., Manes, F., Gleichgerrcht, E., WATSON, P., Ibanez, A., THOMPSON, R. , Torralva, T., DUNCAN, J. (2013) Intelligence and executive functions in frontotemporal dementia, Neuropsychologia, 51(4), 725-730 [Open Access]

FAROOQUI, A., MITCHELL, D., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J. (2012) Hierarchical Organization of Cognition Reflected in Distributed Frontoparietal Activity, Journal of Neuroscience, 32(48), 17373-17381 [Read More]

DUNCAN, J., Schramm, M., THOMPSON, R. , Dumontheil, I. (2012) Task rules, working memory, and fluid intelligence, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19(5), 864-870 [Open Access]

FELDMANHALL, O., DALGLEISH, T., THOMPSON, R. , EVANS, D., SCHWEIZER, S., MOBBS, D. (2012) Differential Neural Circuitry and Self-Interest in Real versus Hypothetical Moral Decisions, Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience [Open Access]

Rodríguez, V., THOMPSON, R. , Stokes, M., Brett, M., ,Alvarez, I., Valdes-Sosa, M., DUNCAN, J. (2012) Absence of Face-specific Cortical Activity in the Complete Absence of Awareness: Converging Evidence from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Event-related Potentials, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(2), 396-415 [Read More]

CARLIN, J. D., ROWE, J. B., KRIEGESKORTE, N., THOMPSON, R. , & CALDER, A. J. (2012) Direction-Sensitive Codes for Observed Head Turns in Human Superior Temporal Sulcus, Cerebral Cortex, 22(4), 735-744 [Open Access]

THOMPSON, R. , CORREIA, M.M., CUSACK, R. (2011) Vascular contributions to multivariate pattern analysis at 3T, NeuroImage, 56(2), 643-650 [Open Access]

Manes, F., Roca, M., Torralva, T., Gleichgerrcht, E., WOOLGAR, A., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J.D. (2011) The role of Area 10 (BA10) in human multitasking and in social cognition: A lesion study, Neuropsychologia, 49(13), 3525-2531 [Read More]

WOOLGAR, A., Hampshire, A., THOMPSON, R. & DUNCAN, J. (2011) Adaptive Coding of Task-Relevant Information in Human Frontoparietal Cortex, Journal of Neuroscience, 31(41), 14592-14599 [Open Access]

HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN. J. & OWEN, A.M. (2011) Lateral prefrontal cortex sub-regions make dissociable contributions during fluid reasoning, Cerebral Cortex, 21(1), 1-10 [Open Access]

WOOLGAR, A., THOMPSON, R. , Bor, D., DUNCAN, J. (2011) Multi-voxel coding of stimuli, rules, and responses in human frontoparietal cortex, NeuroImage, 56(2), 744-752 [Read More]

Dumotheil, I., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J. (2011) Assembly and use of new task rules in the frontoparietal cortex, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(1),168-182 [Read More]

WOOLGAR, A., Parr, A., CUSACK, R., THOMPSON, R. , NIMMO-SMITH, I., Torralva, T., Roca, M., Antoun, N., Manes, F. & DUNCAN, J. (2010) Fluid intelligence loss linked to restricted regions of damage within frontal and parietal cortex, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(33), 14899-14902 [Open Access]

CARLIN, J.D., THOMPSON, R. , KRIEGESKORTE, N., ROWE, J. & CALDER, A.J. (2010) Response patterns in Human Superior Temporal Sulcus discriminate the direction of observed head turns, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, 2010 [Read More]

Roca, M., Parr, A., THOMPSON, R. , WOOLGAR, A., Torralva, T., Antoun, N., Manes, F. and DUNCAN, J. (2010) Executive function and fluid intelligence after frontal lobe lesions, Brain, 133(1), 234–247 [Open Access]

WOOLGAR, A., Parr, A., CUSACK, R., THOMPSON, R. , NIMMO-SMITH, I., Torralva, T., Roca, M., Antoun, N., Manes, F. & DUNCAN, J.D. (2009) Specific brain lesions linked to fluid intelligence loss, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Wenesday PM, 128 [Open Access]

Stokes, M.G., THOMPSON, R. , Nobre N., and DUNCAN, J. (2009) Attention activates shape-specific neural codes in human visual cortex., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(46), 19569-19574 [Open Access]

THOMPSON, R. and DUNCAN, J. (2009) Attentional modulation of stimulus representation in human fronto-parietal cortex, NeuroImage 48(2), 436-448 [Read More]

Hon, N., THOMPSON, R. , SIGALA, N., and DUNCAN, J. (2009) Evidence for Long-Range Feedback in Target Detection: Detection of Semantic Targets Modulates Activity in Early Visual Areas, Neuropsychologia, 47(7), 1721-1727 [Read More]

Stokes, M.G., THOMPSON, R. , CUSACK, R. & DUNCAN, J. (2009) Top-Down Activation of Shape-Specific Population Codes in Visual Cortex during Mental Imagery, Journal of Neuroscience, 29(5), 1565-1572 [Open Access]

HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A.M. (2009) Selective tuning of the right inferior frontal gyrus during target detection., Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 9(1), 103-112. [Open Access]

HAMPSHIRE, A., THOMPSON, R. , DUNCAN, J. & OWEN, A.M. (2008) The target selective neural response – similarity, ambiguity, and learning effects, PLos ONE, 3(6), e2520 [Open Access]

DUNCAN, J., Parr, A., WOOLGAR, A., THOMPSON, R. , Bright, P., Cox, S., BISHOP, S. & NIMMO-SMITH, I. (2008) Goal neglect and Spearman’s g: Competing parts of a complex task, JEP: General, 137(1), 131-148 [Read More]

THOMPSON, R. (2007) The Representation of Behavioural Relevance in Human Prefrontal Cortex, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Wolfson College, Cambridge University [Read More]
