Human speech comprehension achieves unsurpassed accuracy and efficiency despite most of the speech that we hear everyday being acoustically degraded or ambiguous, or indeed both. A key aim in our research is to characterize the computational and neural processes that underlie successful comprehension in the face of these challenges. Mechanisms of prediction, ambiguity resolution, learning and consolidation play a critical role in explaining the success of human communication. Understanding these processes in healthy adults will provide a critical foundation for understanding and ameliorating developmental disorders and acquired deficits that impact on speech, language and literacy.
Relevant publications
Davis, M.H. & Johnsrude, I. S. (2003) Hierarchical processing in spoken language comprehension. Journal of Neuroscience, 23(8), 3423-3431
Davis, M. H., Ford, M. A., Kherif, F., Johnsrude, I. S. (2011) Does semantic context benefit speech understanding through “top-down” processes? Evidence from time-resolved sparse fMRI. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(12), 3914-3932.
Gagnepain, P., Henson, R.N., Davis, M.H. (2012) Temporal predictive codes for spoken words in human auditory cortex. Current Biology, 22(7), 615-621.
Peelle, J.E., Davis, M.H. (2012) Neural oscillations carry speech rhythm through to comprehension. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 320.
Peelle, J., Gross, J., Davis, M.H. (in press) Phase-locked responses to speech in human auditory cortex are enhanced during comprehension. Cerebral Cortex
Sohoglu, E., Peelle, J.E., Carlyon, R.P., Davis, M.H. (2012) Predictive top-down intergration of prior knowledge during speech perception. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(25), 8443-8453.
Wild, C., Davis, M.H., Johnsrude, I.S. (2012) The perceptual clarity of speech modulates activity in primary auditory cortex: fMRI evidence of interactive processes in speech perception. NeuroImage, 60, 1490-1502.
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Bekinschtein, T., Davis, M.H., Rodd, J.M., Owen, A.M. (2011) Why clowns taste funny: the relationship between humour and semantic ambiguity. Journal of Neuroscience 31(26), 9665-9671.
Coleman, M.R., Davis, M.H., Rodd J.M., Robson T., Ali A., Pickard J.D., Owen A,M. (2009) Towards the routine use of brain imaging to aid the clinical diagnosis of disorders of consciousness. Brain, 132, 2541-2552.
Davis M.H., Coleman M.R., Absalom A.R., Rodd J.M., Johnsrude I. S., Matta B. F., Owen A.M., Menon D.K. (2007) Dissociating speech perception and comprehension at reduced levels of awareness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 104(41), 16032-16037.
Rodd, J. M., Davis, M.H., Johnsrude, I.S. (2005) Neural mechanisms of speech comprehension: fMRI studies of semantic ambiguity. Cerebral Cortex,15(8), 1261-1269.
Rodd, J.M., Johnsrude, I.S. and Davis, M.H. (2012) Dissociating frontotemporal contributions to semantic ambiguity resolution in spoken sentences. Cerebral Cortex, 22(8), 1761-1773
Rodd, J.M., Lopez Cutin, B., Millar, A., Kirsh, H. and Davis, M.H. (in press) Long-term priming of the meanings of ambiguous words: Evidence for the top-down influence of sentential context on semantic representations. Journal of Memory and Language
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Davis, M.H., Johnsrude, I.S., Hervais-Adelman, A., Taylor, K. & McGettigan, C.M. (2005) Lexical information drives perceptual learning of distorted speech: Evidence from the comprehension of noise-vocoded sentences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 134(2), 222-241
Davis, M.H., Johnsrude, I.S. (2007) Hearing speech sounds: Top-down influences on the interface between audition and speech perception. Hearing Research, 229(1-2), 132-147
Hervais-Adelman, A., Davis, M.H., Johnsrude, I.S., Carlyon, R.P (2008) “Perceptual learning of noise vocoded words: effects of feedback and lexicality.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 34(2), 460-474.
Hervais-Adelman, A., Davis, M.H., Taylor, K., Johnsrude, I.S., Carlyon, R.P (2011) Generalization of perceptual learning of vocoded speech: Evidence for abstract pre-lexical representations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37(1), 283-295.
Hervais-Adelman, A. G., Carlyon, R. P., Johnsrude, I. S., Davis, M. H. (2012) Brain regions recruited for effortful comprehension of noise-vocoded words: evidence from fMRI. Language & Cognitive Processes, 27(7/8), 1145-1166.
Mattys, S. Davis, M.H., Bradlow, A., Scott, S.K. (2012) Speech reception in adverse conditions: A review. Language and Cognitive Processes, 27(7/8), 953-978.
Sohoglu, E., Peelle, J.E., Carlyon, R.P., Davis, M.H. (2012) Predictive top-down intergration of prior knowledge during speech perception. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(25), 8443-8453.
Wild, C.J., Yusuf, A., Wilson, D., Peelle, J.E., Davis, M.H., Johnsrude, I.S. (2012) Effortful listening: The processing of unattended speech depends critically on its acoustic clarity. Journal of Neuroscience 32(40), 14010-14021
Relevant publications
Davis, M.H., Di Betta, A., Macdonald, M.J.E., Gaskell, M.G. (2009) Learning and consolidation of novel spoken words. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(4), 803-820.
Davis, M.H., Gaskell, M.G. (2009) A complementary systems account of word learning: neural and behavioural evidence. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364(1536), 3773-3800.
Orfanidou, E., Marslen-Wilson, W.D., Davis, M.H. (2006) Neural response suppression predicts repetition priming of spoken words and pseudowords Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18(8), 1232-1257
Rodd, J.M., Berriman, R., Landau, M., Lee, T., Ho, C., Gaskell, M.G., Davis, M.H. (2012) Learning new meanings for old words: effects of semantic relatedness. Memory & Cognition, 40(7), 1095-1108.
Tamminen, J., Davis, M.H., Merkx, M., Rastle, K. (2012) The role of memory consolidation in generalisation of new linguistic information. Cognition, 125(1), 107-112.
Taylor, J.S.H, Rastle, K., Davis, M.H. (in press) Can cognitive models explain brain activation during single-word reading? A meta-analysis of 36 neuroimaging studies. Psychological Bulletin
Sam Evans – Career Development Fellowship
Viktoria Havas – Visting student
Ediz Sohoglu – MRC Centennial Fund
Joanne Taylor – MRC/ESRC Fellowship and Newnham College