7th Annual MEG-UK Conference 2013
Thurs-Fri, 10-11th January, 2013
***Online registration is now closed***
This conference is the 7th in an annual series that represents the scientific and clinical use of Magnetoencephalography (MEG) in the UK. It brings together researchers from all 8 of the UK sites that currently possess full-head MEG scanners (Aston, Cardiff, Cambridge, Glasgow, London, Nottingham, Oxford, York), as well as users from other institutions and representatives of the manufacturers of MEG and MEG-related technologies. It has grown in size every year, reaching approximately 140 at the last meeting, and become the main focus of an increasingly cohesive and influential UK MEG community.
The main sponsors of the conference are Elekta Neuromag, the University of Cambridge and the MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, with additional support from SR Research, Advanced Medical Equipment, BESA and LOT Quantum Design. It is an open meeting, requiring registration (please see below), but no registration fees. Refreshment will be provided, though delegates need to arrange their own travel and accommodation. Here are some links to possible accommodation options: www.accommodation.cam.ac.uk/Info/CentralLocations/and www.conferencecambridge.com/accommodation/
This year’s Conference is co-organised by members of the MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit (CBSU) and University of Cambridge (contact details below). From 10am-6pm, the two days will consist of oral presentations from members of the UK MEG community, with time explicitly assigned for each of the 8 sites. The evening of the 10th January (from 8pm-11pm approximately) will be devoted to a buffet reception centred around up to 50 poster presentations. See programme below.
The talks will be held at the Mill Lane University Lecture Theatres in central Cambridge (map below), while lunch and the poster session will be held at the nearby University Centre.
There will also be an additional educational programme on the day before (9th January), hosted by the MRC CBSU, which is again open and free, when experts will give talks about various methodological aspects of MEG – see below for more details.
Cambridge, Mill Lane (not at CBSU):
Final Programme
Here is a the final Programme.
Presentation Details
For talks, we will provide a networked laptop running Windows, which is the preferred choice for presenting powerpoint or PDF talks. Use of other laptops is possible, but not recommended given the time constraints (particularly for 5min talk sessions).
Poster boards are 1m wide and 2m tall, so portrait format is best. Velcro attachments will be provided.
Pre-conference workshop (Weds 9th Jan)
An additional, free “Introduction to EEG/MEG” workshop will precede the conference on the afternoon of Wednesday, January 9th ( programme). Note: this will be held at the MRC CBSU (not the above Mill Lane site).
There will be a pre-conference reception on Wednesday evening at the Clare College bar, starting at 20.00 with a finger buffet. This event is open to all attendees of the workshop.
Note this course is currently fully-subscribed.
Conference Registration
Online registration is now closed. If you have any questions about registration, please contact us on email below.
MRC-CBSU: Rik Henson, Yury Shtyrov, Olaf Hauk, Tammy Seymour, Marion Ormandy.
University of Cambridge: Elisabeth Fonteneau, Alex Clarke.
To contact us, please email meguk2013-AT-mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk.
Please watch this space for further announcements!
And while you are here, why not visit our Research pages, Imaging Wiki pages, or browse some CBSU MEG publications?