Below is a list of unit staff from the start of the Unit within the Psychological Laboratory to 2002. To see the current staff please visit the people pages. There are a few gaps in the sequence, but these listings will enable you to find out about who was at the Unit and for what period. The lists include core staff, attached workers, visiting scientists and scholars.
Dr KJW Craik (to 1945)
Professor Sir Frederic Bartlett, C.B.E., P.R.S., D.Sc., (Hon.Director)
Present Staff
Mr E. Farmer, University reader in Industrial Psychology
Mr E. G. Chambers, Research Assistant in Industrial Psychology
Miss M. D. Vernon
Dr Alice Heim
Dr D. Russell-Davies
Dr N. H. Mackworth
Dr W. E. Hick
Dr R. B. Buzzard
Mr J. W. Whitfield
Dr A. Carpenter
Miss N. Timpany
Miss J. Wallace
Miss V. Horn
Miss D. Archibald
Miss V. Batts
Miss S. R. Nxon
Mr L. P. Thomas
Attached to Ministry of Works for Building Research:-
Miss V. G. Stone
MIss M. M. Woodhead
Miss P. M.P. Hooper
Mr A. Gilbert
Miss P. King
Professor Sir Frederic Bartlett, C.B.E., P.R.S., D.Sc., (Hon.Director)
Assistant Director
1. Dr. N. H. Mackworth, M.B., Ph.D., (Assistant Director),
Scientific staff
2. V. Batts.
3. E. Belbin, B.A.
4. D.E. Broadbent, B.A,
5. Buzzard, B.M., B.Ch.
6. T.R. Cane, M.A., Dip. Maths-Stats.
7. A. Carpenter, M.A., M.B., B.Chir.
8. E.G. Chambers, M.A.
9. R. Conrad, B.A.
10. W. Cunningham.
11. A. Davidson.
D. Russell-Davis, M.D. ,M.R.C.P. ,D.P.M. (Until Septembor, J950J
N. Dolphin (Until February, 1950).
12. E. Farmer, M.A.
13. D.C. Fraser, M.A., B.Sc.
14. C. B. Gibbs.
15. R.L. Gregory, B.A. (Started September, 1950).
16. A.D. Harris, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
17. N. Harris, B.Sc.
18. A.W. Heim, M.A. , Ph.D.
19. W.E. Hick, M.D.
20. V. Horn.
H. James, B.A. (Until September, 1950).
21. R.E.F. Lewis.
22. M. 0’Loughlin, B.A.
23. R.D. Pepler, B. A.
24. E.C. Poulton, M.B., B.Chir., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., M.A.
25. W.J. Shaw, B.A.
26. D. Sijmataids (Started April, 1950).
27. M. Vince, B.A.
J. Whitfield, M.A. (Until September, 1950).
28. H. Walford (Started February, 1950).
29. K. Watts.
Lieut. Commander Clutton-Baker, D.S.C., R.N. A.W. Mills (Juno-August, 1950).
Wardrmaster A.G. White, R.N. . Sick Berth Attendant Petty Officer A.G. Steggles, R.N., (Until August, 1950). Sick Berth Chief Petty Officer G. Joisce, R.N. (Started August, 1950).
Miss B.V.C. Batts,
Mrs. E. Belbin, M.A.
J.M. Bilney,
D. E. Broadbent, M.A.
Miss V.R. Cane, M.A., Dip. Maths-Stats.
A. Carpenter, M.A., M.B., B. Chir.
E. G. Chambers, M.A.
R. Conrad, M.A., Ph.D.
E.R.F.W. Crossman, M.A.
W.R. Cunningham,
A. Davidson,
Miss S.M.B. Davidson,
Miss J. Elliott, B.A.
E. Farmer, M.A.
D. C. Praser, M.A., B.Sc., M.Sc.
C. B. Gibbs,
Miss D.M. Green,
R.L. Gregory, B.A.
W.E. Hick, M.D.
J.A. Leonard, M.A., Ph.D.
R.E.F. Lewis,
R.D. Pepler, M.A.
E. C. Poulton, M.B., B.Chir., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., M.A.
Mrs. E.C. Roberts, M.A.
B. S. Shackel, B.A.
W.J. Shaw, B.A., Ll.B.
G.J. Siddall, B.A.
D. C.V. Simmonds,
P.B. Waldron, B.A.
Miss M.M. Woodhead.
Attached Workers:
Sick Berth Chief Petty Officer J. Joisce, R.N.
Corporal D. Thomas, R.A.P.
Wardmaster A.G. White, R.N.
A.E. Bursill, B.A. (National Coal Board).
Attached to the Nuffield Research Unit
R.M. Belbin, M.A., Ph.D.
D.E. Broadbent, MA
Assistant Directors
R. Conrad, PhD
E.C. Poulton, MB
Present Staff
A.D. Baddeley, MA
I.D. Brown
Miss V.R. Cane, MA (part-time)
A. Carpenter, MB
E.G. Chambers, MA
W.P. Colquhoun, PhD
D.W.T. Corcoran, BSc
H.C.A. Dale, BSc
M. Hammerton, BSc
J.A. Leonard, PhD
J. Morton, BA
P.M.A. Rabbitt, BA
L.H. Shaffer, PhD
M. Stone, PhD
R.T. Wilkinson, PhD
Miss M.M. Woodhead
M.R.C. Scholar
Miss J.A. Kelly, BSc
Attached Workers
E.J. Archer, PhD (University of Wisconsin)
P.E.K. Donaldson
Former Staff (during period covered by report)
N.H. Mackworth, MB, PhD (Director 1954-58)
G. H Begbie, MB, PhD
H. M. Bowen, PhD
Mrs. J.M. Bowen, BA
A. E. Bursill, BA
E.R.F.W. Crossman, BA
G.G. Denton, AM(SA),
I.E.E. C.B. Gibbs, BSc
W.D. Graham-Brown, BA
W.E. Hick, MD
S.D. Holmqvist, Dr.Eng(Lund)
I. M. Hughes, MA
Miss J.A. Kelly
R.E.F. Lewis
Mrs. J.F. Mackworth, PhD
R.D. Pepler, PhD
M. Rappaport, PhD
E.L. Saldanha, PhD
B. S. Shackel, BA
W.J. Shaw, BA, LIB
Miss G. Slater-Stone, DPhil
M.R.C. Scholar
M.C. Woodhouse (January – December 1959)
Honorary Advisers
Professor Sir Frederic Bartlett, CBE, FRS (until 1958)
Professor G.C. Drew, MA (until 1958)
Attached and Visiting Workers
P. Bakan, PhD (Michigan State University) (1956-1957)
C. H. Baker, PhD (DRML Toronto) (1956-1957)
D. J. Bradley, BSc (CSIR, Johannesburg) (1956-1957)
P. Bertelson, Lic.Sc (University of Brussels) (1957)
E. C. Carterette, PhD (University of California) (December 1960)
R.S. Davidon, PhD (Bryn Mawr College) (1959-1960)
R.R. Drewry (Nuffield Foundation) (1955-1956)
L.N.H. Knops, DPsych (University of Louvain) (1956)
S. Kornblum, PhD (University of Michigan) (September 1960)
I. Pollack, PhD (Operational Applications Laboratory, U.S.A.F.) (September 1960)
A.F. Sanders, Dr.Psych (Institut voor Zintuigfysologie RVO-TNO. Holland) (1957-1958)
F. V. Taylor, PhD (N.R.L., Washington) (1955-1956)
R.M. Warren, PhD (U.S.A.F.) (1958-1959)
J.C. Webster, PhD (U.S. Navy Electronics Laboratory, San Diego) (1959-1960)
D. E. Broadbent, ScD, FRS
Assistant Directors
R. Conrad, PhD (until seconded to The Nuffield Hearing and Speech Centre 1.1.69)
E. C. Poulton, MB, BChir
Scientific Staff
R. G. Adams, BSc 1 September 1970 –
Mrs. J. M. Brand, BA 1 October 1970 –
I. D. Brown, PhD October 1953 –
A. Carpenter, MB 1 April 1949
W. P. Colquhoun, PhD 1 August 1956 –
A. Craig, MA 1 January 1971 –
Miss H. C, Fuller, BA 1 September 1970 –
M. Hammerton, PhD 1 October 1959 –
L. R. Hartley, PhD 1 October 1968 –
C. M. Holloway, PhD 1 October 1968 –
T. J. Hunt, PhD. Transferred to Unit 2 February 1970 –
J. S. Long, BA 1 September 1970 –
J. N. T. Martin, MA 1 October 1968 –
P. D. McLeod, BA 1 September 1969 –
B. J. T. Morgan, BSc 1 January 1970 –
J. Morton, PhD 15 October 1960 –
Miss M. T. Spence, PhD 28 September 1970 –
S. D. G. Stephens, MB 1 July 1967 –
R. T. Wilkinson, PhD 1 September 1953 –
Miss M. M. Woodhead Transferred to Unit 23 July 1951 –
Miss P. A. M. Wright, PhD 1 September 1966
Other Senior Staff
A. Davidson (Technical) January 1949 –
Mrs. M. H. P. Gregory, MB (Technical) 1 November 1958 –
Attached Workers
Professor R. N. Haber, Department of Psychology, University of Rochester, New York. 5 September 1970 –
Professor G. Keppel, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley. 5 September 1970 –
J. P. Fox, BSc, (MRC Scholar) 1 October 1970 –
D. R. Godden, BSc, (MRC Scholar) 1 October 1969 –
M. Herbert, BA, (MRC Scholar) 1 October 1970 –
G. J. Hitch, BA, (MRC Scholar) 1 October 1968 –
A.D. Baddeley, PhD
Assistant Directors
I.D. Brown, PhD E.C. Poulton, MB
Senior staff
P.J. Barnard, PhD
R.J. Bloomfield, BA
K.B. Campbell, PhD*
A. Carpenter, MB (until A. 12.75)
C. J. Colbourn, BSc (until 30.9.75)
R. Conrad, PhD+
A. Davidson (until 30.9.76)
D. Godden, PhD (1.9.77 -31.12.77)
K. Herbert, PhD* (until 31.12.76)
G.J. Hitch, PhD
D. Houghton, GradlERE*
Audrey J Hull, MA
Gillian M Hunt, MB (1.5.74-31.12.74)
I.J. Hunt, DPhil (until 8.12.74)
J. Jameson, BSc (1.8.76-10.12.76)
J.G. Kyle, MSc+ (until 31.8.77)
J.B. Laidlaw, BA (until 30.9.75)
Vivien J. Lewis, BSc
J.B. Long, PhD
A.J. Marcel, PhD
Morag McKenzie (until 23.8.77)
P.D. McLeod, PhD
K. Millar, BA* R. Milroy, MA
Anne Morris* (until 31.8.77)
J. Morton, PhD
G.A. Murrell, BA (until 30.6.76)
M.I. Nimmo-Smith, PhD
Pennie Ottley, BA (until 31.12.76)
Karalyn Patterson, PhD
R.D. Patterson, PhD
S.V. Piatt, BSc
D.C.V. Simmonds
B.C. Styles, PhD*
A. Sunderland, MPhil
Penny Wilcox, BA
A.J. Wilkins, DPhil
R.T. Wilkinson, PhD*
A.M. Wing, PhD
W.T. Wilson, PhD (until 30.9.77)
Muriel M. Woodhead, BA
Patricia A.M. Wright, PhD
N. Thomson, MSc (1.10.75-30.9.76)
P.O. Tyler, BA (until 11.1.74)
Carol Varey, BA (until 31.8.76)
* Psychophysiology Section, 5 Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge.
+ Seconded to the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford.
1976 Nancy S. Anderson, PhD 1977 -78 (University of Maryland,USA)
1975 W.F. Battig, PhD 1974 (University of Colorado,USA)
1975 R.J. Broughton, PhD (University 1977 of Ottawa, Canada)
1975 D.L. Bruce, MD (Northwest 1976 University Medical School,USA)
1977 – D.K. Candland, PhD (Bucknell 1976 University, USA)
1976-77 Carol Ernest, PhD (Trent 1978 – University, Canada)
1975-77 D. Godden, PhD (TSA Diving 1977 Project)
1973-74 D.M. Green, PhD (University 1977of Harvard, USA)
1977 D.D. Greenwood, PhD (University 1974-75 of British Columbia, Canada)
1977 Edith Gulian, PhD (Institute 1975-76 of Psychology, Rumania)
1977 – N.V. Hammond, PhD (IBM/MRC 1977-78 Project)
1977 – CM. Holloway, PhD (Open 1977 University, Milton Keynes)
1974 D.L. Horton, PhD (University 1977 – of Maryland, USA)
1978 – J.M. Jensen, BS (Bucknell University, USA)
J.M. Johns, MD (MRC Environmental Physiology Unit)
Olga Katchan, BA (Sydney University Australia)
A.B. Kris toff erson, PhD (McMaster University, Canada)
Marianne Kristofferson, PhD McMaster University, Canada)
Susan Langmore, BA (Northwestern University, USA) Betty
Ann Levy, PhD (McMaster University, Canada)
M. Loeb, PhD (University of Louisville, USA)
Maria Lukianowicz, PhD (University of Cambridge, Dept of Psychology)
M.W. Perrine, PhD (University of Vermont, USA)
W.A. Phillips, PhD (University of Stirling, Scotland)
I. Pollack, PhD (University of Michigan, USA)
M. Puccetti, MA (Bucknell University, USA)
Moyra Williams, DPhil (Consultancy for rehabilitation Project)
Visting Scholars
1975- 77 Vicki Bruce, MA (University of Cambridge, Psychology Dept)
1974-75 Marilyn Eaton, MA
1978 Annette de Groot, (University of Nijmegen, Holland)
1976- 77 K. Hewitt, BA (University of Cambridge, Psychology Dept)
1977-78 J. Mierop (University of Lieden, Holland)
1973-74 H. van der Molen, BD (University of Groningen)
1977 K.T. Poon (Cambridge College of Art and Technology)
1975-76 R. Roos-Collins, AB
MRC Scholars
1977 – Hilary Buxton, BSc
1972-75 R. Byrne, BA
1976 – P. Forster, BSc
1975 – Marilyn Glenville
1976-77 A. Grierson, MA
1977 – R. Hammersley, MA
1976-77 Anita Jackson, BSc
1973-76 S. Marcus, BA
1975 – I. Moar, BA
1972-75 R. Nicholson, MSc
1974 – Davina Simmonds, BSc
A.D. Baddeley, PhD
Assistant Directors
I.D. Brown, PhD E.C. Poulton, MB, ScD
Senior staff
P.J. Barnard, PhD
Debra Bekerian, PhD
K.J. Bloomfield, BA
R. Conrad, PhD*
J. Duncan, DPhil
Lindsay Evett, BSc
N.V. Hammond, PhD
J. Harris, PhD
G.E. Hinton, PhD
G.J. Hitch, PhD (until 30.9.79)
Audrey J. Hull, MA
C. Idzikowski, PhD
Vivien J. Lewis, BSc (until 31.12.79)
R.H. Logie, BSc
J.B. Long, PhD (until 31.8.79)
A. Maclean, HA
A.J. Marcel, PhD
Rosaleen McCarthy, PhD
F. McKenna, PhD
P.D. McLeod, PhD
R. Milroy, MA
J. Morton, PhD
M.I. Ninmo-Smith, PhD
Pennie Ottley, BA
Karalyn Patterson, PhD
R.D. Patterson, PhD
S.V. Piatt, BSc
T. Shallice, PhD
D.C.V. Simmonds, ARPS
Cathy Skinner, BSc (until 31.3.80)
A. Sunderland, MPhil
Susan Threlfall, MSc (until 31.3.81)
D. Wastell, PhD (until 30.9.80)
Kathleen Watts
A.J. Wilkina, DPhil
A.M. Wing, PhD
Muriel H. Woodhead, BA
Patricia A.M. Wright, PhD
R. Young, PhD
Seconded to the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford.
Attached Workers;
Visiting Scientists
1979-81 Marie-France Beauvois, PhD
1978-79 (INSERM, La SalpStriere, France) 1980-81
1979-80 R.L. Cohen, Fil.Dr. (York University, Canada) 1978-79
1981 Susan Chambers, PhD (Deakin University, Australia) 1980
1979 Jacqueline Derouesne, PhD (INSERM, La Salpetriere, 1980-81 France)
1978 Marie-Claire Goldblum 1978 (INSERM, Paris, France)
1979-80 T.R.C, Green, PhD (MRC Social and Applied Psychology 1980 Unit, Sheffield)
1980 F.M. Hatfield, MPhil (Speech 1980-81 Therapy Dept. Cambridge)
1979 E. Hunt, PhD (University of 1978-80 Washington, USA)
1978-79 H.J. Jeriaon, PhD (University 1979 of California, USA)
1980 Annemaire Karpf, PhD (Linguistics 1980-81 Dept. University of Graz,Austria)
1978-1979 Diana Kornbrot, PhD (Hatfield Polytechnic, Hertfordshire)
Susan Langmore, BA (Northwestern University,USA)
R.A. Lutfi, PhD (Universityof Indiana, USA)
Susan Minas, BSc (The Open University, Milton Keynes)
D.A. Routh, BSc (University of Bristol)
P. Salame, PhD (Centre d’Etudes Bioclimatiquea, Strasbourg)
J.L.H.M. Teulings, PhD (University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
G. Vallar, MD (University of Milan, Italy)
P. van Sommers, PhD (Macquarie University,
Australia D.L. Weber, PhD (Harvard University, USA)
W. Wickelgren, PhD (University of Oregon, USA)
R. Wilberg, PhD (University of Alberta, Canada)
Moyra Williams, DPhil (Consultant in ClinicalPsychology)
Visiting Scholars
P. Creighton, BSc (SRC Student, 1976-79 Dept. of Psychology, University of Cambridge)
Marjoric Gregg, (Lake Erie College Ohio, USA) 1980-81
T.J. Hoare, BA (Middlesex Hospital,Medical School) 1979-
D. Johnson-Davies, BA (SRC Student, Dept. of Psychology, University of Cambridge)
L.J. Maris (State University. Leiden, The Netherlands)
G.A. Thomson, BSc (Ministry of Transport, New Zealand)
MRC Scholars
1980- J. Bowers, BA
1977-81 Hilary Buxton, BSc
1979- Carole Cotter, BSc
1976-80 P. Forater, BSc
1979- P. Gipson, BSc
1977-80 R. Hammersley, MA
1978- Janice Kay, BA
1979- C. Limbert, BSc
1975-78 I. Hoar, BA
1978- J. Noon, BA
1974-78 Davina Simmonds, BSc
1980- H.J. Wilson, BSc
PSYCH0PHYSIOL0GY SECTION (5 Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 2BW)
Section Head:
R.T. Wilkinson, PhD
Senior staff
Sue Allison, BA
K.B. Campbell, PhD (until 10.8.79)
D. Houghton, GradlERE
K. Millar, PhD (until 27.7.79)
B.C. Styles, PhD (until 15.12.78)
A. Tilley, PhD
Jane Whitten, MPhil
Attached Workers
Visiting Scientists
1980- C.N. Batten, MA (Energy Conservation Project)
1980-81 J.A. Home, PhD (Dept.of Human Sciences, University of Loughborough)
1980 W.B. Webb, PhD (Universi of Florida, USA)
1980 H.L. Williams, PhD (University of Oklahoma USA)
MRC Scholars
1975-78 Marilyn Glenville, MA
A.D. Baddeley, PhD
Assistant Directors
E.C. Poulton, MB, ScD (until 30.9.83)
I.D. Brown, PhD
P.N. Johnson-Laird, PhD
Senior staff
A. Anderson, PhD
P.J. Barnard, PhD
Debra Bekerian, PhD
R.J. Bloomfield, BA
J.M. Bowers, BA (to 8.12.84)
R. Conrad, PhD+ (to 30.9.81)
M. Conway, PhD
P. Creighton, BSc (to 15.1.82)
Anne Cutler, PhD
J. Duncan, DPhil
Judy Edworthy, PhD
Marge Eldridge, MSc (to 8.1.84)
Lindsay Evett, PhD
B. B. Fischhoff, PhD (to 30.7.82)
Susan Franklin, MSc (to 30.9.82)
Sue Gatherole, PhD
T.R.G. Green, PhD
J.T. Grudin, PhD (to 9.11.83)
N.V. Hammond, PhD (to 30.9.83)
J. Harris, PhD (to 10.5.82)
G.E. Hinton, PhD (to 30.8.82)
Audrey J. Hull, MA
C. IdzikowsM, PhD (to 14.10.83)
P.J. James, BSc
A. Levey, PhD
Kristen Lewis, PhD (to 7.9.84)
Ann Lickorish, BA
R.H. Logie, PhD
S. Lough, PhD
A. Maclean, MA
A.J. Marcel, PhD
Rosaleen McCarthy, PhD (to 22.1.82)
F.P. McKenna, PhD (to 5.10.84)
P.D. McLeod, PhD (to 30.9.83)
R. Milroy, MA
J. Morton, PhD (to 30.9.82)
M.I. Nimmo-Smith, PhD
D. Norris, DPhil
Pennie Ottley, BA (to 30.6.82)
Karalyn Patterson, PhD
R.D. Patterson, PhD
S.V. Piatt, BSc
T. Shallice, PhD
K.E.A. Silverman, BSc
D.C.V. Simmonds, ARPS (to 30.9.84)
A. Sunderland, PhD (to 9.11.84)
Wieslawa Suraska, PhD (to 30.6.84)
Frances Watson, BSc
R.J. Watt, PhD
F.N. Watts, PhD
Kathleen Watts (to 19.6.83)
A.J. Wilkins, DPhil
J.M.G. Williams, DPhil
M. Wilson, PhD
A.M. Wing, PhD
Muriel M. Woodhead, BA (to 31.3.82)
Patricia Wright, PhD,
R.M. Young, PhD
+Seconded to the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford.
Attached Worker’s
Visiting Scientists
1983 B. Bara, MO (Univ. of 1984 Milan, Italy)
1980-81 Marie-France Beauvols, PhD (INSERM, La Salpetriere, 1984 France)
1981 Susan M. Chambers, PhD (Deakin Univ., Australia)
1982 S. Della Sala, MD (Univ. of 198I Milan, Italy)
1982 G. Denes, MD (Univ. of 1934 Padova, Italy – NATO Fellowship)
1982-83 Sedwell M. Diggle, MPhil (Dept. of Psychiatry, 1981-1983. Middlesex Hospital, London)
1981 P.M. Forster, PhD (SRC Post-doctoral Research 1931 Fellow)
1983 W.J. Friedman, PhD (Dept.of Psychology, Oberlin 1984 College. Ohio, USA)
1984 D. Gentner, PhD (Center for Human Information 1935 Processing, Univ. of California, San Diego, USA)
1985 1982 J. Grudin, PhD (Univ. of California, San Diego, USA – NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship)
1985 J.E. Harris, PhD (Human. 1934 Factors Consultancy for British Telecom)
1980 Frances M. Hatfield, MPhil 1982(Dept. of Speech Therapy, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridqe)
1982-83 D.J. Herman, PhD (Hamilton College. Clinton, New 1933 York, USA)
1982-83 D.L. Hlntzman, PhD (Univ. of Oregon, Eugene, USA)
1981 Helene Intraub, PhD 1978 (Bucknell Univ, USA)
1983 M. Kopelman, BA (Dept. of Psychiatry, London)
1981-82 1985 W.D. Marslen-Wilson, PhD (Max-Pianck Inst., Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Visiting Scholars
1984- S.J. Bartram, BA (Research 1984-Student, Sydney Sussex College, Cambridge)
1983- 84 K. Broadbent, BA (North East London Polytechnic- Sandwich Course Student)
1983 G.D.A. Brown, BA (SERC 1981-82 Student, Experimental Psychology Dept., Sussex 1984 Univ.)
1982-83 J.P. Brown, BA (LEA Grant) 1983
1981- 84 A. da Costa Pinto, Lie. (Faculty of Psychology, 1984-Univ. of Porto, Portugal)
1982- 83 Carole Cotter, BSc 1983-(Grindley Trust Award)
1984- B.J. Craven, BA (MRC/IBM Partnership Award 1983-84 Studentship)
1982 M. Deboeck (Univ. of Brussels)
1984- Judi Ellis, BSc (ESRC 1979-82Studentship)
1984- J.G. Gammack, BSc (SERCCase Studentship)
D.J. Gilmore, BSc (ESRC Studentship)
S. Hunt, BSc (Psychology Dept., Leicester Un1v./East Anglia R.H.A.)
A.J. Jansen, BA (Univ. ofLeiden, The Netherlands)
A. Jorgensen, MSc (Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark)
A. Ljolje, BSc (Cambridge Univ. Research Student)
C. Manso (ILEA Grant -Hatfield Polytechnic)
D. Nulty (Division of Applied Psychology, Univ. of Aston, Birmingham)
Kirsten Schreiner, BA (Univ. of Cambridge, PhD Student)
K.E.A. Silverman, BSc (ORSAward; Sydney Sussex College Grant; BritishTelecom Grant)
G.A. Thomson, BSc (Ministryof Transport, NewZeal and)
PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY SECTION (5 Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 2BW)
Section Head:
R.T. Wilkinson, PhD
Senior staff
Sue Allison, BA A. Tllley, PhD (to 26.8.83)
D. Houghton, Grad iERE (to 9.6.82)
Jane Whitten, MPhil (to 23.6.81)
Annice Ryder, PhD
Attached Workers
Visiting Scientists
1980- C.N. Batten, MA (Energy Conservation Project)
1982-83 P.C. Birrell, PhD (Univ. of New South-Hales, Australia)
1984-85 A.W.K. Gall lard, PhD (Inst, for Perception TNO, The Netherlands)
1981 J.A. Home, PhD (Dept. of Human Sciences Univ. of Loughborough)
R.D. Ogilvie, MA (Brock Univ. Canada)
1985 W.B. Webb, PhD (Univ. of Florida, USA)
A D Baddeley, PhD
Assistant Directors
I D Brown, PhD., P N Johnson Laird, PhD, FBA
Scientific Staff
P J Barnard, PhD
Debra Bekerian, PhD
Sally Butterfield, MPhil (from 1.8.85)
Ruth Byrne, PhD (30.10.86-30.9.89)
M A Conway, PhD (31.3.88)
P Cosgrove, PhD (1.10.87-2.6.89)
Anne Cutler, PhD
J Duncan, DPhil
Judy Edworthy, PhD (to 30.9.85)
Hazel Emslie, PhD (from 1.3.88)
Sue Gathercole, PhD (to 31.10.88)
TRG Green, PhD
J A Groeger, PhD (from 1.10.85)
J W Holdsworth, BSc
G Houghton, DPhil (from 1.10.87)
A B Levey, PhD
R H Logie, PhD (to 31.12.86)
S Lough, BSc (to 28.2.86)
A K MacLeod, MA (from 3.4.89)
D McKeown, PhD (from 1.6.89)
P Manson, BSc (from 1.2.89)
A J Marcel, PhD
W D Marslen-Wilson, PhD (from 1.7.87)
Catherine Neary, PhD (3.11.86-2.11.89)
M I Nimmo-Smith, PhD
D G Norris, DPhil Karalyn E Patterson, PhD
R D Patterson, PhD T Shallice, PhD
D R Shanks, PhD (from 1.10.85)
A J Simon, PhD (1.9.86-21.11.88)
Mary R Smith, PhD (8.1.86-7.1.88)
Heather Stark, PhD (from 1.1.89)
A Sunderland, MPhil (to 9.11.84)
J D Teasdale, PhD (from 1.9.85)
P Thurston, BSc (from 3.7.89)
T Valentine, PhD (1.3.87-30.9.89)
J P Wann, MPed (9.3.87-30.9.89)
R J Watt, PhD (1.10.84-30.9.88)
F N Watts, PhD
Joyce Whittington, PhD (from 28.11.88)
A J Wilkins, DPhil
R T Wilkinson, PhD
J M G Williams, DPhil
M D Wilson, BSc (to 30.9.86)
A M Wing, PhD
Patricia A M Wright, PhD
R Young, PhD
Research Support Staff
T Aldridge (to 4.3.88) Sue Allison, BA
T Anderson, PhD (1.10.84-22.8.86)
J Barton
S Bartram, BA (18.2.85-15.11.85)
Rachel Bellamy, BSc (1.10.85-30.9.87)
D Bennett (1.4.87-10.5.88)
R Bloomfield, JP, BA (to 30.9.87)
P Bourke, BA (22.9.86-30.9.87)
P Burgess, BA (from 1.4.87)
P Chapman, BSc (from 1.10.88)
C Clark (from 4.7.88)
Zafra Cooper (28.10.85-12.9.86)
A Copeman
K Coyle, BSc (from 1.10.88)
J Culling, BSc (1.10.86-31.3.88)
T Dalgleish (12.10.87-15.6.88)
J Dennett
Barbara Dritschel, PhD (from 17.11.86)
R S Edwards, JP
Judi Ellis, BSc (1.4.88-30.4.89)
Lindsay Evett, PhD (to 27.10.85)
Gunn Grande, BA (from 1.10.88)
Alison Green, MA (from 1.10.88)
J Holdsworth, BE (1.11.88-30.9.89)
Audrey Hull, MA (to 31.5.89)
P James, BSc (from 19.11.84)
Ann Lickorish, BA
A MacLean, MA (to 30.11.86)
J Mazzeo (11.2.85-31.5.86)
R Milroy, MA
R Olsson (to 30.9.87)
Drs. Brighid van Ooyen (from 1.8.89)
S Platt, BSc
Linda Proctor, MPhil (1.10.87-30.9.89)
F Roberts
F Schiele (1.4.85-11.12.87)
A Sidwell, PhD (19.8.85-21.8.89)
K Silverman, BSc (1.11.84-31.10.86)
K Tayler, MA
S Taylor (from 25.7.88)
Frances Watson, PhD (1.11.84-30.11.86)
G Wells (from 23.2.89)
J N Williams, PhD (18.11.85-31.3.86)
Phyllis Williams, BSc (3.3.86-31.8.88)
Administrative Staff
Eeva Abrahams, BA Lillian Astell
Gail Barber, BA (from 2.2.87)
Deborah Black (from 4.9.89)
Sharon Gamble
Lorraine Dingley (from 11.9.87)
Julia Darling Ann Edwards (from 28.4.86)
Jill Ethridge (2.6.86-31.8.87)
Angela Glennie (1.7.85-14.11.86)
Pauline Guest (11.8.86-23.12.86)
Jacqueline Harper (from 14.8.89)
Melita Hoblin (to 16.8.86)
Joan Jackson (to 30.11.85)
Valda Jones (28.5.85-25.9.87)
Laura Macmillan (2.12.85-5.6.87)
Mary Marsters (4.2.87-31.3.88)
Caroline Muncey (from 7.9.87)
Carol Naughton (to 31.1.85)
Julie Otterson (to 29.11.85)
Camille Saint (17.1.89-14.7.89)
Carole Scurll (to 17.4.86)
Edith Sutton (9.3.87-30.9.89)
Hazel Sutton (1.12.85-4.6.86)
Pauline Whately (28.9.87-17.6.88)
Dorothy Wilman, DipTh (14.9.87-4.8.89)
Attached Workers
Visiting Scientists
1985- 87 Sylvie Athenes, DEA
1986- 89 J A Aldaz, Lie Psych
1989 L L Avant, PhD
1987 R Baddeley, BA
1989 W F Brewer, PhD
1986/87 Deborah Burke, PhD
1989 C Clifton, PhD
1989 Rachel Clifton, PhD
1989 M C Corballis, PhD
1985-86 Barbara Dritschel, PhD
1988 H Egeth, PhD
1989 L L Feth, PhD
1985 J Grafman, PhD
1985 J E Harris, PhD
1980-86 Frances M Hatfield, MPhil
1986/87/88 J W Holdsworth,
1989 F Koksal, PhD
1985 TK Landauer, PhD
1988 H C Longuet-Higgins, DPhil,
1988 A MacLean, PhD
1986/87 D G Mackay, PhD
1987 J A Madruga
1985-87 W D Marslen-Wilson, PhD
1988 R W J Neufeld, PhD
1985-86 D A Norman, PhD
1989 G M Olson, PhD
1989 Judith S Olson, PhD
1987-88 A Ortony, PhD
1988 Costanza Papagno, MD
1985 H Pashler, MA
1983- E C Poulton, ScD
1987 Linda P Proctor, MPhil
1988 B Repp, PhD
1985- 86 D C Rubin, PhD
1989 P Saariluoma, PhD
1985 R Schvaneveldt, PhD
1986- 87 M S Seidenberg, PhD
1984- 85 M J Shailer, PhD
1985 Geraldine A Shaw, PhD
1987 K Silverman, PhD
1985 Lynn Streeter, PhD Bell Communications Research, Morristown, New Jersey, USA
1986/87 Patrizia Tabossi, PhD Univ. of Bologna, Italy
1986-88 Helen Tang, MSc Logica Cambridge Ltd.
1985-86 Jo Tombaugh, PhD Carleton Univ., Ottawa, Canada
1986 P Tudela Univ. of Granada, Spain
1985 Lorraine K Tyler, PhD Max-Planck-Inst. for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
1986 Valentina d’Urso Univ. of Padua, Italy
1989 P Van Sommers, PhD Macquarie Univ., NSW, Australia
1988 W B Webb, PhD Univ. of Florida, USA
1989 L R T Williams, PhD Univ. of Ota go. New Zealand
Visiting Scholars
1987- Rachel Bellamy, BSc MRC/ITT Partnership Award
1987- P Bourke, MA Robert Gardiner Memorial Scholarship/Wolfson College
1985-88 Vivian Burden, BSc National Woman Graduate Scholarship (Australia)
1988- Elizabeth Churchill, MSc MRC/Rank Xerox Partnership Award
1984-88 B Craven, BA MRC/IBM Partnership Award
1985 G Dalla Barba Univ. of Padova, Italy
1986 G de Haan Univ. of Leiden, The Netherlands
1988 Julie Dye, BSc Univ. of Cambridge, Engineering Lab.
1984-88 Judi Ellis, BSc ESRC Studentship
1984-87 J Gammack, BSc SERC Studentship
1984-85 D Gilmore, BSc ESRC Studentship
1988 A Glennerster, BA Addenbrooke’s Hospital Medical School, Cambridge
1988 Robin Green, BA Overseas Research Student (Canada, self-funded)
1988 P Haggard, BA Welcome Trust Studentship
1989 Arancha Huidobro Univ. of Madrid, Spain
1984-85 S Hunt, BSc Leicester Univ.
1989 Rianne Janssen Catholic Univ., Leuven, Belgium
1987 Carmel M McLaughlin, BSc Movement Analysis Cambridge Ltd.
1987 G Mehta, MA Univ. of Cambridge, Engineering Lab.
1984-85 D Nulty Univ. of Aston, Birmingham
1987- K Robinson, BSc Overseas Research Student (Australia)
1989 Alice F S Salway, BSc Univ. of Aberdeen, Scotland
1986 Donatella Sava Univ. of Padova, Italy
1988 W Schaeken Catholic Univ., Leuven, Belgium
1983-86 Kirsten Schreiner, BA Univ. of Cambridge, PhD Student
1986 J B Taylor, BSc Cambridge Electronic Design
1986 P E Tressoldi Univ. of Padova, Italy
1989 Paulette van Vliet, B.App.Sc. Developmental Disability Services,Kogarah, Australia
1986 G Zucco Univ. of Padova, Italy
MRC Scholars
1984- 87 Alison Black, BSc
1988- M Coulson, BSc
1986- 89 S Duff, BSc
1988- S Jackson, BA
1985- 88 A MacLeod, MA
1982-86 Carmel McLaughlin, BSc
1987- J McQueen, BA
1982- 86 D Mingay, BA
1983- 87 R Moore, BA
1983- 86 C Pleydell-Pearce, BSc
1986-89 M Price, BA
1984- 87 J Wann, MPEd
1983-85 J N Williams, BA
Alan Baddeley, PhD, FRS
Assistant Directors
Patricia Wright, PhD (1990 – 1994)
Ivan Brown, PhD, OBE (to 30.4.93)
Philip Barnard, PhD (1994 – 1998)
Alan Wing, PhD (1993 – 1997)
Scientific Staff
Michael Allerhand, PhD (10.10.89 – 31.3.94)
Elizabeth Maylor, PhD (from 1.9.92)
Jackie Andrade, PhD (from 7.1.91)
Jaap Murre, PhD (from 1.4.92)
Debra Bekerian, PhD
Ian Nimmo-Smith, PhD
Dorothy Bishop, PhD (from 1.10.91)
Dennis Norris, DPhil
Ann Blandford, PhD (from 1.11.91)2,16
Mike Page, PhD (from 15.11.93)19
Sally Butterfield, DPhil (to 31.3.91)
Costanza Papagno, PhD (16.11.89 – 30.6.91)
Bob Carlyon, PhD (from 31.3.94)
Karalyn E Patterson, PhD
Peter Chapman, PhD (to 28.2.94)
Roy Patterson, PhD
Anne Cutler, PhD (to 31.11.93)
Ian Robertson, PhD (from 10.6.91)
John Duncan, DPhil
Abigail Sellen, PhD (from 4.11.91)
Hazel Emslie, PhD (from 1.9.93) 7,17,24
Tim Shallice, PhD (to 28.9.90)
Eamon Fulcher, DPhil (1.10.92 – 31.8.93)
David Shanks, PhD (to 31.12.92)
Susan Goodrich, PhD (from 2.10.89)
Heather Stark, PhD (to 31.12.91)
Duncan Godden, PhD (7.12.92 – 7.2.94)
Daniel Sturdy, PhD (1.8.91 – 31.7.94)
Thomas Green, PhD
John Teasdale, PhD
John Groeger, PhD (to 28.2.94)
Peter Thurston, BSc (to 11.10.91)
George Houghton, DPhil (to 31.10.91)
James Tresilian, PhD (from 2.1.92)
Andrew Howes, PhD (2.10.89 – 30.9.94)
Robert Ward, PhD (1.10.91 – 31.8.94)
Nillie Lavie, PhD (from 11.10.93)
Fraser Watts, PhD (to 31.12.93)
Archie Levey, PhD (to 30.9.90)
Joyce Whittington, PhD (to 30.4.92)
Andrew MacLeod, PhD (to 31.7.91)
Arnold Wilkins, DPhil
Dennis McKeown, PhD (to 31.9.91)
Bob Wilkinson, PhD (to 28.9.90)
James McQueen, PhD (1.10.90 – 30.9.93)
Mark Williams, DPhil (to 31.5.91)
Anthony Marcel, PhD
Barbara Wilson, PhD (from 1.10.90)
William Marslen-Wilson, PhD (to 31.8.90)
Andy Young, DSc (from 1.10.93)
Andrew Mathews, PhD (from 3.2.92)
Richard Young, PhD
Jon May, PhD (from 1.7.92)
Research Support Staff
Sue Allison, BA Rebecca
Ivani-Chalian, BA (1.11.90-31.3.91)
Andrew Arblaster, BSc (1.11.90 – 31.1.91)
Peter James, BSc
Bartholomew Baddeley (3.5.94 – 30.9.94)
Rebecca Jeanes, BSc (from 23.11.92)
Hilary Baddeley, PhD (from 1.6.94)
Anna Jolliffe (7.6.93 – 27.8.93)
Heather Balleny, BA (1.7.92 – 31.7.93)
Jonathan Kolodny, BA (3.12.90 – 31.8.93)
John Barton (to 30.9.92) Ann Lickorish, BA
Brad Blumenthal, PhD (1.2.91 – 29.2.92)
Charlotte Lloyd, BA (1.10.92 – 14.5.93)
Mark Boden (5.7.94 – 26.9.94)
Sarah MacLachlan (13.4.92 – 3.7.92)
Andrea Borning, MS (9.10.89 – 31.7.90)
Calum MacKay, BSc (2.1.91 – 31.3.92)
Patrick Bourke, BA (1.10.90 – 31.3.91)
Vlasta Malinek, BA (from 1.12.89)
Peter Bright, MSc (from 4.1.94)
Rob Milroy, MA
Simone Bruce (18.10.93 – 10.12.93)
Fiona Newell, BA (8.2.93 – 25.6.93)
Paul Burgess, BA (to 31.10.90)
Brighid van Ooyen, DRS (1.8.89 – 31.3.92)
Sally Butterfield, MPhil (from 1.4.91)
Ana Perez-Diaz, BPsy (1.12.92 – 31.3.93)
Helen Buxton, BA (21.1.93 – 28.5.93)
Susan Pike, BSc (18.1.93 – 26.3.93)
Edward Chronicle, BSc (4.1.93 – 30.6.93)
Steven Platt, BSc (to 30.6.91)
Chris Clark (to 9.2.90)
Valerie Ridgeway, PhD (from 1.6.92)
Ben Clegg, BSc (3.8.92 – 28.2.94)
Gerhard Rinkenauer, MA (1.12.93 – 31.3.94)
Alan Copeman
Fred Roberts
Sally Cox, BSc (25.4.94 – 9.9.94)
Christopher Robinson, MA (3.5.94-19.8.94)
Kieran Coyle, BSc (to 10.6.91)
Ken Robinson, BSc (1.3.89 – 31.10.91)
Jay Datta, BA (from 1.9.93)
Daniel Salber, DA (13.7.93 – 27.9.93)
John Dennett Sophie Scott, PhD (from 1.10.93)
Ann Doubleday, (MSc) (1.9.93 – 31.12.93)
Agnes Shiel, MSc (1.10.92 – 31.3.94)
Barbara Dritschel, PhD (to 31.8.90)
WenTao Song, MSc (from 1.2.93)
Simon Duff, BSc (2.10.89 – 31.1.91)
Martin Stacey, PhD (16.11.93 – 30.4.94)
Mitchum D’Souza, MSc (from 15.6.92)
Eamon Strain, PhD (from 14.9.92)
Robert Edwards, JP (to 30.9.91)
Matthew Stratfold, BA (2.3.92 – 30.4.92)
Martin East, BA (1.10.91 – 31.8.93)
Keith Tayler, MA (to 5.4.94)
Jonathan Evans, BSc (from 3.6.91)
Melanie Taylor, PhD (3.9.90 – 29.5.92)
Vincent Everett, BSc (from 3.2.92)
Renee Taylor, BA (18.11.91 – 20.12.91)
Gunn Grande, BA (to 31.3.92)
Steven Taylor
Alison Green, PhD (to 15.11.91)
Rachel Toplis, BSc (1.7.92 – 15.11.93)
Arnoud Gourdol, DA (29.7.91 – 20.9.91)
Lisa Tweedie, BSc (1.10.91 – 31.1.93)
David Hendry, MSc (1.5.92 – 28.2.94)
Tony Ward, PhD (2.12.91 – 28.2.94)
Elaine Hoffner, BA (14.3.94 – 13.9.94)
Peter Watson, PhD (from 18.7.94)
John Holdsworth, BE (15.11.89 – 31.3.91)
Graham Wells
Philip Houghton (12.7.93 – 24.9.93)12
Charles Woodburn, BA (1.9.92 – 31.3.93)
Ynze van Houten, DRS (28.9.93 – 30.9.93)
Elia Zhang, MEng (18.6.90 – 30.9.91)
Jane Hutton, BA (from 3.9.93)
Marslen-Wilson William 01/07/1997
Barnard Philip 01/10/1972 Senior Scientist
Carlyon Robert 31/03/1994 Senior Scientist
Dalgleish Timothy 03/10/1994 Senior Scientist
Duncan John Band 30/10/1978 Senior Scientist
Graham Kim 01/10/1997 Senior Scientist
Marcel Anthony01/10/1974 Senior Scientist
Mathews Andrew 03/02/1992 Senior Scientist
Nimmo-smith Michael 01/09/1972 Senior Scientist
Norris Dennis 01/01/1983 Senior Scientist
Owen Adrian 02/06/1997 Senior Scientist
Patterson Karalyn 06/01/1975 Senior Scientist
Pulvermuller Friedemann 01/06/2000 Senior Scientist
Teasdale John 01/09/1985 Senior Scientist
Wilson Barbara 01/10/1990 Senior Scientist
Brett Matthew 08/02/1999 Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Calder Andrew 02/10/1995 Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Cusack Rhodri 01/10/1997 Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Emslie Hazel 04/01/1999 Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Graham Andrew 01/12/2001 Research Associate
Johnsrude Ingrid 04/01/2000 Research Associate
Kusunoki Makoto 02/01/2002 Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Lawrence Andrew 06/05/1999 Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Malinek Vlastimil 01/12/1989 Computing Manager
Manly Tom 03/10/1994 Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Schwarzbauer Christian 06/03/2001 MRI Physicist
Bak Thomas 10/04/1997 Research Associate
Boudelaa Sami 17/08/1998 Research Associate
Butterfield Sally 01/08/1985 Research Assistant
Davis Matthew 01/10/1999 Research Associate
Deeks John 12/03/1999 Research Assistant
Dove Anja 04/01/2000 Research Associate
Fullah Henry 22/05/2001 Computing Officer
Hauk Olaf 02/10/2000 Research Assistant
Hein Grit 11/02/2002 Research Associate
James Peter 15/08/1966 Laboratory Manager
Kellenbach Marion 03/05/1999 Research Associate
Lee Andy 18/01/2001 Research Associate
Long Christopher 21/08/2000 Research Associate
Morrison Iain 02/01/1996 Computer Officer
Murphy Fionnuala 01/03/2000 Research Associate
Ramponi Cristina 04/10/1999 Research Assistant
Rogers Timothy 13/09/2000 Research Associate
Shiel Agnes 01/10/1999 Clinical Scientist
Shtyrov Yuri 06/12/2000 Research Associate
Sigala Anastasia 02/01/2002 Research Associate
Van Casteren Maarten 02/05/2000 Research Assistant
Watson Peter 18/07/1994 Assistant Statistician
Yiend Jenny 12/10/1998 Research Assistant
Staff who have left during the period
Bishop Dorothy 01/10/1991 30/09/1998 Senior Scientist
Robertson Ian 10/06/1991 18/05/1999 Senior Scientist
Everling Stefan 01/04/1999 11/08/2000 Postdoc research scientist
Gaskell Mark 20/10/1997 24/09/1999 Career track scientist
Lambon Ralph Matthew 3 01/06/1997 21/07/2000 EF NIMH grant – post-doc
Page Michael 15/11/1993 14/11/2000 Postdoc research scientist
Rogers Robert 01/04/1999 29/09/1999 Career track scientist
Scott Sophie 01/10/1993 13/11/1998 Research Project Support
Bozeat Sasha 01/11/2001 28/05/2002 EF NIMH grant – post-doc
Clare Linda 02/01/1997 30/04/1999 Higher Scientific Officer
Epstein Russell 01/07/1999 31/12/2001 Research Associate
Ford Michael 01/09/1998 02/10/2000 Research Assistant
Gaynord Bridget 15/07/1996 31/05/1998 EF Stroke Ass Res Assistant
Gockel Hedwig 15/07/1999 29/02/2000 EF Stroke Ass/RE Post-doc
Greenfield Eveline 05/06/1995 31/01/2001 EF Stroke Ass Res Assistant
Knott Raymond 19/08/1998 31/03/2000 Postdoc research scientist
Lyzenga Johannes 15/01/1997 14/01/1999 EF Wellcome Trust – post-doc
Mackintosh Brenda 01/11/1995 28/02/2001 Higher Scientific Officer
Meunier Fanny 01/12/1999 31/10/2000 Postdoc research scientist
Ridgeway Valerie 01/06/1992 30/06/2000 EF CRC post-doc
Taylor Julie 16/11/1998 31/07/1999 Research Support
Tinsley Christopher 21/01/2000 22/12/2000 Postdoc research scientist
Wojciulik Ewa 25/04/2000 11/04/2001 Postdoc research scientist
Bishop Sonia 01/12/2000 28/09/2001 Research Assistant
Bramham Jessica 01/04/1998 30/09/1998 Research Assistant
Carter Georgina 01/08/1998 17/09/1999 Research Assistant
Cox Sally 25/04/1994 29/10/1999 Research Assistant
Cox Sylvia 01/11/1999 30/09/2000 Research Assistant
Cumming Nicholas 5 04/12/2000 28/09/2001 Research Assistant
Deeks John 13/10/1997 31/01/1999 Research Assistant
Dobler Veronika 01/10/1999 30/09/2002 EF NHS R&D Res Student
Donald Linda 01/03/2001 28/09/2001 EF PSP Res Assistant
Ellis Katherine 01/10/2001 13/09/2002 EF NIMH Res Assistant
Everett Alice 01/02/2000 22/12/2000 EF PSP Res Assistant
Gillmeister Helge 04/09/2000 29/08/2001 Research Assistant
Griffin Harry 01/10/2001 02/11/2001 Research Assistant
Hawkins Kari 14/04/1998 30/04/1999 EF Papworth Trust Res Assistant
Hawkins Kari 02/01/2001 28/09/2001 Research Assistant
Hervais-Adelman Alexis 26/06/2002 30/09/2002 Research Assistant
Heutink Jochem 15/06/1998 14/08/1998 Research Assistant
Keane Helen 04/01/1999 30/09/1999 Research Assistant
Levi Netali 09/03/2001 28/02/2002 Research Assistant
Martin Sandra 19/01/1998 31/05/1998 Research Project Support
Powis Jane 0/07/1998 10/09/1999 Research Assistant
Rafter Anne 02/08/1999 01/08/2000 Research Assistant
Rafter Anne 08/01/2001 13/06/2002 Research Assistant
Reid Agnieszka 02/04/2001 15/03/2002 Research Assistant
Spinelli Elsa 01/12/1998 30/06/1999 Research Assistant
Woldt Karina 05/03/2001 24/09/2001 Research Assistant
Wood Christopher 01/03/1999 31/08/2001 Research Assistant
Andrade Alexandre EU Fellow 01/02/2002 30/08/2002 Category 30 Fellow