We list here books published by members of APU/CBU staff from the 1950’s to the present that have an APU accreditation. The first Director, Kenneth Craik, wrote an influential short book called the Nature of Explanation that was published in 1943 before the Unit was officially founded. Books are listed by decade and then alphabetically by author within a particular decade. It is noteworthy that the medium of authored or edited books is minimal before the 1970’s. Essentially, Donald Broadbent wrote two books and Bartlett one. In the 1970s, 9 books were published, increasing in the 1980’s to 24; and to 35 in the 1990’s – the peak output. The current millenium has seen a substantial decline in choosing to write or edit books as a medium for disseminating research.
The Mind at Work and Play
Author: Bartlett, F
Reference: London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd
Year of Publication: 1951
Perception and Communication
Author: Broadbent, D.E.
Reference: London, Pergamon Press
Year of Publication: 1958
Author: Broadbent, D.E.
Reference: London: Eyre & Spottiswoode
Year of Publication: 1961
The Psychology of Memory
Author: Baddeley, A.D.
Reference: New York., Basic Books Inc.
Year of Publication:1976
Decision and Stress
Author: Broadbent, D.E.
Reference: London and New York: Academic Press
Year of Publication: 1971
In Defence of Empirical Psychology
Author: Broadbent, D.E.
Reference: Methuen & Co Ltd.
Year of Publication: 1973
Biological Rhythms and Human Performance
Author: Colquhoun, W.P.
Reference: London and New York: Academic Press
Year of Publication: 1971
Biological and Social Factors in Psycholinguistics
Author: Morton, J (Ed)
Reference: Logos Press, Ltd
Year of Publication: 1971
Psycholinguistic Series I. Developmental and Pathological
Author: Morton, J. & Marshall, J.C. (Eds)
Reference: London, Elek Press
Year of Publication: 1977
Environment and Human Efficiency
Author: Poulton, E.C.
Reference: Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas
Year of Publication: 1970
Tracking Skill and Manual Control
Author: Poulton, E.C.
Reference: New York: Academic Press
Year of Publication: 1974
The Environment at Work
Author: Poulton, E.C.
Reference: Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas
Year of Publication: 1979
Your Memory: A User’s Guide
Author: Baddeley, A
Reference: London: Sidgwick & Jackson
Year of Publication: 1982
Working Memory
Author: Baddeley, A.D.
Reference: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Year of publication: 1986
Research Directions in Cognitive Science: A European Perspective, Vol. 1: Cognitive Psychology
Authors: Baddeley, A.D. & Bernsen, N.O. (Eds.)
Reference: London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Year of publication: 1989
People and Computers: How to Evaluate your Company’s New Technology
Authors: Clegg, G., Warr, P., Green, T., Monk, A., Kemp, N., Allison, G. & Lansdale, M. (Eds.)
Reference: Chichester: Ellis Horwood Ltd.
Year of publication: 1988
Deep Dyslexia
Author: Coltheart, M., Patterson, K. & Marshall, J (Eds)
Reference: London: Routledge & Kegan Paul
Year of Publication: 1980
Parallell Models of Associative Memory
Author: Hinton, G.E. & Anderson (Eds.)
Reference: Hillsdale, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum
Year of Publication: 1981
Aphasia Therapy: Historical and Contemporary Issues
Authors: Howard, D. & Hatfield, F.M.
Reference: Hove, Sussex: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Year of publication: 1987
The Computer and the Mind: An Introduction to Cognitive Science
Author: Johnson-Laird, P.N.
Reference: London: Fontana Press.
Year of publication: 1988
Attention and Performance IX
Author: Long, J.B. & Baddeley, A.D. (Eds)
Reference: Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrene Erlbaum
Year of Publication: 1981
Consciousness in Contemporary Science
Authors: Marcel, A.J. & Bisiach, E. (Eds.)
Reference: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Year of publication: 1988
Lexical Representation and process
Author: Marslen-Wilson, W.D. (Ed.)
Reference: Cambridge, MA. The MIT Press
Year of Publication: 1989
Auditory Frequency Selectivity
Author: Moore, B. & Patterson, R.
Reference: New York: Plenum Press
Year of Publication: 1986
Behavioural and Mental Health Research: A Handbook of Skills and Methods.
Authors: Parry, G. & Watts, F.N. (Eds.)
Reference: Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Year of publication: 1989
Surface Dyslexia
Author: Patterson, K., Marshall, J. & Coltheart, M. (Eds.)
Reference: London: Lawrence Erlbaum
Year of Publication: 1985
Bias in Quantifying Judgments
Authors: Poulton, E.C.
Reference: Hove, Sussex: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Year of publication: 1989
Cognitive Therapy in Clinical Practice
Authors: Scott, J., Williams, J.M.G. & Beck, A.T. (Eds.)
Reference: London: Routledge.
Year of publication: 1989
From Neuropsychology to Mental Structure
Author: Shallice, T.
Reference: New York: Cambridge University Press.
Year of publication: 1988
The Psychology of Human Movement
Author: Smyth, M.M. & Wing, A.M. (Eds.)
Reference: London, Academic Press
Year of Publication: 1984
Visual Processing: Computational, Psychophysical and Cognitive Research.
Author: Watt, R.J.
Reference: Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Year of publication: 1988
New Developments in Clinical Psychology
Author: Watts, F (Ed.)
Reference: Chicester: BPS in association with John Wiley
Year of Publication: 1985
New Developments in Clinical Psychology Volume II
Author: Watts, F. N (Ed.)
Reference: Chicester: BPS in association with John Wiley
Year of Publication: 1988
The Efficacy of Clinical Applications of Psychology: An Overview of Research
Author: Watts, F
Reference: Cardiff: Shadowfax Publishers
Year of Publication: 1989
The Psychological Treatment of Depression: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy
Author: Williams, J.M.G.
Reference: London: Croom Helm
Year of Publication: 1984
Cognitive Psychology and Emotional Disorders
Authors: Williams, J.M.G., Watts, F.N., MacLeod, C. & Mathews, A.
Reference: Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Year of publication: 1988
Human Memory: Theory and Practice
Author: Baddeley, A.D.
Reference: London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Year of publication: 1990
Attention, Selection, Awareness and Control
Author: Baddeley, A.D. & Weiskrantz, L. (Eds.)
Reference: Oxford, Claredon Press
Year of Publication: 1993
Handbook of Memory Disorders
Authors: Baddeley, A.D., Wilson, B.A. & Watts, F.N. (Eds.)
Reference: Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Year of publication: 1995
Your Memory: A User’s Guide, Third Edition
Author: Baddeley, A.D.
Reference: London: Prion Books
Year of publication: 1996
Human Memory: Theory and Practice, Revised Edition
Author: Baddeley, A.D.
Reference: Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates – Taylor and Francis
Year of publication: 1997
The Body and The Self
Authors: Bermùdez, J., Marcel, A.J. & Eilan, N. (Eds.)
Reference: Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, Bradford Books.
Year of publication: 1995
Uncommon Understanding: Development and Disorders of Language Comprehension in Children
Author: Bishop, D.V.M.
Reference: Hove: Psychology Press.
Year of publication: 1997
Computers, Communication and Usability: Design Issues, Research and Methods for Integrated Services
Authors: Byerley, P.F., Barnard, P.J. & May, J. (Eds.)
Reference: Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.
Year of publication: 1993
Coping with memory problems. A practical guide for people with memory impairments, relatives, friends and carers
Authors: Clare, L. & Wilson, B.A.
Reference: Bury St Edmunds: Thames Valley Test Company
Year of publication: 1997
Autobiographical Memory: An Introduction
Author: Conway, M.A.
Reference: Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Year of publication: 1990
The Handbook of Cognition and Emotion
Authors: Dalgleish, T. & Power, M.J. (Eds.)
Reference: Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Year of publication: 1999
Human Cognitive Neuropsychology: a textbook with readings
Authors: Ellis, A.W. & Young, A.W.
Reference: Hove, East Sussex: Erlbaum (UK) Taylor & Francis
Year of publication: 1996
Vision in Vehicles V
Authors: A.G. Gale, I.D.Brown, C.M. Haslegrave & S.P. Taylor (Eds.)
Reference: Amsterdam: Elsevier
Year of publication: 1996
Working Memory and Language
Authors: Gathercole, S. & Baddeley, A.D.
Reference: Hove, Sussex: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Year of publication: 1993
Vision in Vehicles III
Author: Gale, A.G., Brown, I.D. Haslegrave, C.M., Moorhead, I. & Taylor, S.P. (Eds.)
Reference: Amsterdam: North-Holland
Year of Publication: 1991
The Psychology of Programming
Authors: Hoc, J-M., Green, T.R.G., Samurcay, R. & Gilmore, D.J. (Eds.)
Reference: London: Academic Press.
Year of publication: 1990
Authors: Johnson-Laird, P.N. & Byrne, R.M.J.
Reference: Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Year of publication: 1991
The Production of Spoken Discourse: A Computational Model
Author: Houghton, G.
Reference: New Jersey: Ablex.
Year of publication: 1997
Attention, space, and action: Studies in cognitive neuroscience
Authors: Humphreys, G. W., Duncan, J., & Treisman, A. M. (Eds.)
Reference: OUP
Year of publication: 1999
Offender Profiling
Authors: Jackson, J. & Bekerian, D.A. (Eds.)
Reference: Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Year of publication: 1997
Behavioural and Mental Health Research: A Handbook of Skills and Methods, second edition
Authors: Parry, G. & Watts, F.N. (Eds.)
Reference: Hove, Sussex: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Year of publication: 1996
Behavioral Decision Theory: A New Approach
Author: Poulton, E.C.
Reference: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Year of publication: 1994
Cognition and Emotion: From Order to Disorder
Authors: Power, M. & Dalgleish, T.
Reference: Power, M. J. & Dalgleish, T. Cognition and Emotion: From Order to Disorder. Hove: Psychology Press
Year of publication: 1997
Unilateral Neglect: Clinical and Experimental Studies
Authors: Robertson, I.H. & Marshall, J. (Eds.)
Reference: Hove, Sussex: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Year of publication: 1993
Spatial Neglect: A Clinical Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment
Authors: Robertson, I.H. & Halligan, P.W.
Reference: Hove: Psychology Press.
Year of publication: 1999
The Logic of Limits
Author: Tayler, K
Reference: Cambridge: Haslingfield Press
Year of Publication: 1992
Affect, Cognition and Change
Authors: Teasdale, J.D. & Barnard, P.J.
Reference: Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Year of publication: 1993
Neuropsychological Impairments of Short-Term Memory
Authors: Vallar, G. & Shallice, T. (Eds.)
Reference: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Year of publication: 1990
Development of Graphic Skills: Research, Perspectives and Educational Implications.
Authors: Wann, J., Wing, A.M. & Søvik, N. (Eds.)
Reference: London: Academic Press.
Year of publication: 1991
The Psychological Treatment of Depression (second edition)
Author: Williams, J.M.G.
Reference: London: Routledge.
Year of publication: 1995
Cognitive Psychology and Emotional Disorders
Author: Williams, J.M.G., Watts, F.M., MacLeod, C. & Mathews, A.
Reference: Chicester. JohnWiley & Sons
Year of Publication: 1997
Visual Stress
Author: Wilkins, A.J.
Reference: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Year of publication: 1995
Clinical Management of Memory Problems (Second edition)
Authors: Wilson, B.A. & Moffat, N. (Eds.)
Reference: London: Chapman & Hall.
Year of publication: 1992
Rehabilitation studies handbook
Authors: Wilson, B.A. & McLellan, L. (Eds.)
Reference: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Year of publication: 1997
Hand and Brain: The Neurophysiology and Psychology of Hand Function
Authors: Wing, A.M., Haggard, P. & Flanagan, J.R. (Eds.)
Reference: San Diego: Academic Press
Year of publication: 1996
The Handbook of Memory Disorders, 2nd Edition
Authors: Baddeley, A.D., Kopelman, M., Wilson, B.A (Eds.)
Reference: Chicester: John Wiley
Year of publication: 2002
The Essential Handbook of Memory Disorders for Clinicians
Authors: Baddeley, A.D., Kopelman, M.D. & Wilson, B.A.
Reference: Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Year of publication: 2004
Memory disorders in Psychiatric Practice
Authors: Berrios, G.E. & Hodges, JR,. (Eds.)
Reference: Cambridge University Press
Year of publication: 2000
Recovered memories: Seeking the middle ground
Authors: Davies, G. & Dalgleish, T.
Reference: Chichester: Wiley
Year of publication: 2001
Early Onset Dementia: A multidisciplinary approach
Author: Hodges, J.R.
Reference: J.R. Hodges (Ed) Early-Onset Dementia: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Year of publication: 2001
The Neuroscience Of Language: On Brain Circuits Of Words and Serial Order
Author: Pulvermuller, F.
Reference: Cambridge University Press: Cambridge
Year of publication: 2003
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression: A new approach to relapse prevention
Authors: Segal, Z.V., Williams, J.M.G. & Teasdale, J.D.
Reference: New York: Guildford Press
Year of publication: 2000
First Year: Worst Year: A diary of bereavement following the unexpected death of an adult daughter
Authors: Wilson, B.A., & Wilson, M.J
Reference: John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Year of publication: 2004
Cognition, Emotion and Psychopathology
Author: Yiend, J (Ed.)
Reference: Cambridge University Press
Year of publication: 2004