You can now pre-register your interest to attend the Cognitive Neuroscience Skills Training In Cambridge (COGNESTIC) at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge on 16-27 September 2024.
The two-week summer school will provide researchers with training in state-of-the-art methods for open neuroimaging analysis and related methods, focusing on MRI, fMRI and EEG/MEG. We will use a variety of open-source software and data formats (e.g. DiPy, Nilearn, MNE-Python, FSL, Freesurfer, fMRIprep, BIDS) and software packages to demonstrate and explain reproducible analysis pipelines for neuroimaging data, mostly based on Python. The sessions will provide theory and practical demonstrations of these analysis pipelines, with opportunities for attendees to practice them hands-on. We will supply extensive online materials on the theoretical background of the methods in advance, e.g. in bespoke videos created by our tutors. Special guest lectures by principal investigators will showcase the application of neuroimaging methods in cognitive and clinical neuroscience. We will also offer tours of the CBU’s lab facilities with an opportunity to discuss best practice in data acquisition. There will be ample time for attendees to interact with tutors and fellow attendees. The event is aimed at researchers who are starting or are planning to start their own neuroimaging research. Basic knowledge of neuroimaging techniques and coding would be useful but is not essential.
The registration fee for COGNESTIC 2024 is £900. Registration deadline is 31 July 2024. The fee will include lunches, refreshments and two social events, but not accommodation and dinners. We offer a discount of 50% to attendees from UNESCO low and lower-middle income countries.
To pre-register your interest in COGNESTIC 2024, please contact
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