MRC CBU Science Night – Exploring the Brain and Mind
Wednesday 29 March 2023
As part of the Cambridge Festival 2023
The MRC CBU’s Cambridge Festival event is taking place in person this year, however, we plan to live stream our 4 talks for those who are unable to attend in person.
The link will be live before the talks start at 7:30pm
Talk Link –
Talk Schedule
Speaker One
Alexa Mousley Simulating brains: how it works and what we learn
Speaker Two
Rachel Knight Notice, Observe, Step Back and Experience: A novel low-intensity intervention to improve mental health in adolescence
Speaker Three
Bob Carlyon Listening through a bionic ear: Our research on understanding and improving hearing by cochlear implant listeners
Speaker Four
Abbie Bradshaw You say to-may-to, and I say to-mah-to: stability versus flexibility in speech targets underlying voice production