Congratulations to MRC CBU’s Amy Orben, who has won the BNA 2021 “credibility prize” in recognition of her excellent and continuing work on Open Science.
Amy said “when I was awarded a college-based fellowship to join the University of Cambridge in 2019, the MRC CBU’s history of and commitment to supporting robust and open science solidified my interest in joining the Unit as a Visiting Research Fellow. I have long been passionate about improving scientific practices, whether by community building, activism or education. It is therefore a real pleasure to do my work in an environment that values these ideas and initiatives. For example, the MRC CBU has supported me in designing and delivering a 16-hour “Robust Behavioural Science” course to all incoming graduate students this academic year. Receiving the BNA Credibility Prize (after being nominated by a CBU colleague) is a great honour, and I am excited to see the scientific community increasingly recognising the efforts put in by members to improve the credibility of our collective work.”
More information about the BNA prize can be read here: