MRC CBU’s Tina Emery, trained first aider, has been accepted by St John’s Ambulance as a volunteer vaccinator. The Unit has fully supported Tina in the process by allowing paid time off to train and volunteer. The Unit is keen to support other MRC CBU first aiders to also volunteer should they wish to do so.
Tina said “I decided to volunteer to become a St John Ambulance vaccinator as I hoped I could play a small part in helping out during this time of a national crisis. I have elderly parents and loved ones that I want to be vaccinated and thought that if someone is kind enough to vaccinate them, the least I can do is help vaccinate other people’s loved ones too.
I have been a first aider at the MRC CBU for some years now and have often thought I should do something to put the skills I have learnt to good use. When the MRC CBU kindly offered us 2 days a month to volunteer for the programme, I submitted my application to St John Ambulance. I thankfully passed my interview and am now officially part of the national St John Ambulance Vaccination Team. Next, I need to complete vaccination e-learning for both SJA and NHS, prior to a day of face to face learning. After that, all being well, I can then pick the shifts convenient to me to work at a local vaccination centre. I will be trained in all aspects of assisting so that if for any reason I am unable to administer the vaccine, I can always be an extra pair of hands to assist in any way required.”