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CBSU bibliography search

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Changing Minds and Minding the Gap: Interactions between Arts, Science and Performance
Shaughnessy, N & BARNARD, P.
In Performing Psychologies: Imagination, Creativity and Dramas of the Mind. N. Shaughnessy, & P. Barnard (eds). London: Methuen. pp. 3-20
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This is an editorial introduction to the book. It sets the context for ten chapters that take wide ranging perspectives on minds and meaning making. It discusses various ways in which interactions between performance and science can complement, interact with and enrich our understanding of the embodied mind, while also having the capacity to change our thinking and perception through experience and action. It ventures into new areas of knowledge creation and practice through interdisciplinary projects as well as addressing some of the many challenges that need to be faced when different communities of practice seek to work together productively.
