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Reabilitacao da memoria
Wilson, B.A.
In R. Nitrini, P. Caramelli & L.L. Mansur (eds), Neuropsicologia: Das bases anatomicas a reabilitacao Sao Paulo: Clinica Neurologica Hospital das Clinicas, FMUSP, 331-345
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This chapter is concerned with the management of memory problems encountered by elderly people in their daily lives. This group is particularly vulnerable because ability declines with age in some, if not all memory tasks. For example, age related memory decline can be observed in tasks involving working memory, where information has to be organised and manipulated as well as retained; whereas in the recall of a short sequence where no manipulation is required, no problems occur. Age related memory decline, which may make new learning much harder, can, in some circumstances, be overcome by older people using compensatory behaviour to offset their memory difficulties.
