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Assaying means of design expression for users and systems: Amodeus 7040 Final Report (also incorporating Exploitation of Results Report)
Barnard, P.J., Bernsen, N.O., Coutaz, J., Darzentas, J., Faconti, G., Hammond, N., Harrison, M., Jorgensen, A., Lowgren, J., Maclean, A., May, J. & Young, R.M.
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This project has been concerned with the development of interdisciplinary approaches to studying interactions between users and systems as well as routes for transferring basic research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to interface designers. The programme of work included (a) developing cognitive models of users; (b) developing formal representations of system architectures; (c) developing practical means of integrating over user and system concerns; (d) developing modality theory and (d) developing techniques for transferring basic knowledge to designers and for empirically evaluating their efficacy. The work of the project been conducted around analyses of three examplar systems concerned with air traffic control, education, and audio-visual communications. The project has documented these developments in a large number of published papers.
