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Towards a framework for modelling human-computer interactions.
Barnard, P.J. & Harrison, M.D.
In J. Gornostaev (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, EWHCI '92 (pp. 189-196). Moscow: ICSTI.
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In human-computer interaction, techniques are available for modelling users, systems and work tasks. However, there are a few techniques or concepts that specifically address the form and contents of interactions per se. This paper outlines the concept of an Interaction Framework. The main functions of such a framework are to support intercommunication between specialist modellers and to assist in the design process itself. The possible value of this approach in supporting interdisciplinary communication and in the development of design ideas is illustrated by reference to the "unselected window" phenomenon. Empirical evidence is cited in support of a particular set of interactional principles and their broader implications discussed.
