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Listeners' responses to extraneous signals coincident with English and French speech.
Cutler, A., Kearns, R., Norris, D. & Scott, D.R.
In Proceedings of the 4th Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology (pp. 666-671). Canberra: Australian Speech Science and Technology Association.
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This paper reports a series of experiments in which listeners were presented with English and French sentences, closely matched in structure, in the course of which an extraneous signal - a click - occurred. Two measures were used: accuracy of judging where in the sentence the click occurred, and reaction time to detect the click. English and French listeners took part; each performed only one type of task, but heard sentences in both languages. The clicks were placed in open-class (noun, verb or adjective) versus closed-class words (article or conjunction). The results showed a pattern which differed as a function of language rather than of listener, suggesting that these tasks are not tapping higher levels of processing.
