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Yuanyuan Chen
I have now left the CBSU but can be contacted at the email address above
CBSU publications
Ding, J., Chen, K., Liu, H., Huang, L., Chen, Y. , Lv, Y.V., Yang, Q., Guo, Q., Han, Z., LAMBON RALPH, M.A. (2020) A unified neurocognitive model of semantics language social behaviour and face recognition in semantic dementia., Nature Communications, 11(1):2595 [Open Access]

CHEN, Y. , DAVIS, M.H., PULVERMULLER, F., HAUK, O. (2013) Task modulation of brain responses in visual word recognition as studied using EEG/MEG and fMRI, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 376 [Open Access]

CHEN, Y. (2012) The modulation of spatio-temporal brain dynamics in visual word recognition by psycholinguistic variables and tasks studied using EEG/MEG and fMRI, Unpublished PhD Thesis – Gonville and Caius [Read More]

HAUK, O., Coutout, C., Holden, A., Chen, Y. (2012) The time-course of single-word reading: Evidence from fast behavioral and brain responses, Neuroimage, 60(2), 1462-1477 [Open Access]
