Various stuff about fMRI/EEG/MEG statistical analysis...
- Up-to-date versions of many of the functions below can also be found on GitHub here:
Efficient fMRI design
- How to design efficient fMRI experiments
- Matlab function for calculating efficiency of fMRI GLMs: fMRI_GLM_efficiency.m
General stats stuff
- Power for detecting interactions (moderations) in experimental and field studies: HTML (or R-markdown)
- Relating three variables using GLM and SEM - as easy as ABC: HTML and Rmd TBC
ANOVAs/GLM in SPM/Matlab
- Matlab function for N-way repeated measures ANOVAs: repanova.m
- Matlab function for N-way mixed ANOVAs in SPM5/SPM8: batch_spm_anova.m
- Matlab script for simulating pooled versus partitioned errors: check_pooled_error.m
- Matlab function for generic GLM: glm.m
- Comparing a single patient vs a Group (in SPM)
SPM stuff
- SPM Course Slides from 2008
- Some Example fMRI/EEG/MEG SPM5 batch scripts
- Single-subject (1st-level) event-related fMRI analysis in SPM Manual and Data
- Group-based (2nd-level) event-related fMRI analysis in SPM Manual and Data
- Extract data for multiple ROIs from multiple datafiles: roi_extract.m
- Example of Source Localisation of EEG and MEG data in SPM5: Manual and Data (~80MB)
- Reading FIF MEG files into SPM5: click here for more info
- A multi-subject, multi-modal (T1, BOLD, DWI, EEG, MEG) dataset for methods development: A BIDS version is here: OpenNeuro, but if you want the original version used by Wakeman and Henson, you'll need to use an FTP tool to download from "" (note 170GB!)
- A Matlab toolbox for Strutural Equation Modelling (developed by Nitin Williams): click here for more info
- Matlab function for calculating NxN functional connectivity between all pairs of fMRI timeseries for N ROIs: rsfMRI_GLM
- Matlab function for detecting artefacts in EEG/MEG data using ICA and (bootstrapped) temporal correlations with EOG/ECG and/or spatial correlations with standard template topographies: detect_ICA_artefacts
- Matlab functions for computing multivariate Distance Correlation measure for fMRI functional connectivity
- Matlab function for computing single-trial fMRI estimates fMRI_multitrial_GLMs.m using LSA or LSS (see Abdulrahman & Henson (2016)).
Use at own risk!