Dear Matt,
I am Peter Eskolin from Finland. I was browsing the web before the weekend and notised your web page I have also received circulated e-mail concerning miss order of the letter and wondered the theory. There was mentioned that you would be interested to have other language versions too.
Well, if you still are, here is Finnish language version. I am a native Finnish speeker, but not a linguist so there might be one or two grammar errors a couple of typos ;)
I hope that you can see all the letters, But just in case :
ä - a with
ö - o with dots
Ä - capital A with dots
Ö - capital O with dots
FINNISH (translated by meanings of sentences):
Cambridgen yliopiston tutkijan mukaan, sanassa olevien kirjainten järjestyksellä ei ole väliä, kunhan ensimmäinen ja viimeinen kirjan on oikeilla paikoillaan. Loput kirjaimista voivat olla täysin sekaisessa järjestyksessä tekstin ollessa silti luettavissa. Tämä johtuu siitä että ihmismieli ei lue jokaista kirjainta kirjaimena vaan sanan kokonaisuudessaan.
Cmribdgean ypltoisoin tkaiutjn maaukn, saasnsa ovileen kiiteanrjn jtyäkjelselsrä ei ole vläiä, kahunn eimäinsnemn ja vimeinein kjarin on olkielia pilaoikalan. Lupot kimistrajia vivaot olla tsiäyn sessekaisa jjstykessräseä tktiesn ossella stili lvttsasueia. Tmää juthou sitiä että isimhielmi ei lue jatisoka kaintirja kaienirmja vaan saann kaaosnaissokuuden.
It is very difficult to read above text. Many words have parts with different meanings when typed incorrectly.
Original ENGLISH version:
According to a researcher (sic) at Cambridge University, it doesn't matter in
what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first
and last letter be at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you
can still read it without problem. This is because the human mind does not read
every letter by itself but the word as a whole.
Peter Eskolin