01223 769422
I am a research associate in the Rowe Lab, within the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, and Department of Clinical Neurosciences. My research focuses on understanding behavioural control within the context of neurodegenerative diseases, such as frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson's disease.
The aim of our research is to characterise and link neurophysiological and behavioural changes in dementia, and to identify potential biomarkers for disease that could index individual progression and response to therapeutic treatment.
We use standard clinical assessments, and novel paradigms to understand the cognitive and behavioural changes in degenerative disease, in cross sectional and longitudinal study designs. We are particularly interested in volitional action control, as measured by response inhibition tasks.
We use task-based neuroimaging (MEG, EEG and fMRI) to identify the critical neural networks affected by disease. We link changes in localised spectral power with behavioural motor performance, and we use computational modelling to understand macro and micro circuit connectivity.
We use placebo-controlled drug studies to measure how neurotransmission underpins cognitive function and brain connectivity. We use pharmacological challenges of GABA, Glutamate and Serotonin combined with MR Spectroscopy in health and dementia.
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