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I was awarded a 2-year research Fellowship by the Fondation Pour l'Audition to work with Dr. Tobias Goehring (Deep Hearing Lab) here at the CBU.
The research project uses a multi-disciplinary approach to investigate new speech enhancement strategies with the aim to improve sound perception for people using hearing devices (cochlear implants,...) in challenging listening situations with noise and reverberation.
Before joining the CBU, I earned my PhD at University of Rennes 1 where I investigated, working in a computer science institute (Inria Rennes, France), sparse models and algorithms for audio inverse problems. I also worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the telecommunication industry. I studied acoustics and engineering at Le Mans University (France) and completed an internship at the Hearing and Balance Center (Southampton, UK).
You can find more information and access to my publications here: Personal website Google Scholar
Gaultier, C. , GOEHRING, T. (2023) Joint compensation of multi-talker noise and reverberation for speech enhancement with cochlear implants using one or more microphones, Interspeech 2023, 3497 [Open Access]
Thoidis, I., Gaultier, C. , GEOHRING, T. (2023) Perceptual Analysis of Speaker Embeddings for Voice Discrimination between Machine and Human Listening, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Proceedings, 04-10 June 2023 [Open Access]