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Clement Gaultier
Research Fellow (Fondation Pour l'Audition)
01223 766 166
Programme Leader: Bob Carlyon
CBSU publications
GAULTIER, C. , GOEHRING, T. (2024) Recovering speech intelligibility with deep learning and multiple microphones in noisy-reverberant situations for people using cochlear implants, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155(6):3833-3847 [Open Access]

Gaultier, C. , GOEHRING, T. (2023) Joint compensation of multi-talker noise and reverberation for speech enhancement with cochlear implants using one or more microphones, Interspeech 2023, 3497 [Open Access]

Thoidis, I., Gaultier, C. , GEOHRING, T. (2023) Perceptual Analysis of Speaker Embeddings for Voice Discrimination between Machine and Human Listening, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Proceedings, 04-10 June 2023 [Open Access]
