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I am a PhD student in the Genomic Disorders and Cognitive Development Group, supervised by Dr Kate Baker. I am interested in neurodevelopmental difficulties and mental health symptoms in children and adolescents with rare genetic disorders. In particular, my research aims to better describe anxiety and related characteristics in young people with DDX3X- and CASK-related neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), two X-linked causes of NDD which primarily affect females. My research also aims to explore bio-behavioural and cognitive factors which might contribute to variability in anxiety in children with rare genetic disorders, and whether specific genetic diagnosis affects these relationships. This work is funded by the Medical Research Council.
BRKIC, D., NG-CORDELL, E., O’BRIEN, S., MARTIN, J. , SCERIF, G., ASTLE, D., BAKER, K. (2022) FarmApp: a new assessment of cognitive control and memory for children and young people with neurodevelopmental difficulties, Child Neuropsychology [Open Access]