Alexandra Krugliak
Research Staff
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CBSU publications
Alink, A., WALTHER, A., Krugliak, A. , KRIEGESKORTE, N. (2017) Local opposite orientation preferences in V1: fMRI sensitivity to fine-grained pattern information., Scientific Reports, 7(1) 7128 [Open Access]
GOCKEL, H.E., Krugliak, A. , Plack, C.J. & CARLYON, R.P. (2015) Specificity of the human frequency following response (FFR) for carrier and modulation frequency assessed using adaption, Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 16(6), 747-762 [Open Access]
GOCKEL, H. E., Krugliak, A. , Plack, C. J., & CaARLYON, R. P (2014) Investigation of envelope rate and audio-frequency specific adaptation in the frequency following response (FFR), International Journal of Audiology, 53(9), 677-678. [Read More]
ALINK, A., KRIEGESKORTE, N., WALTHER, A., Krugliak, A. (2013) FMRI orientation decoding in V1 does not require global maps or globally coherent orientation stimuli, Frontiers in Psychology, 4: 493 [Open Access]
GOCKEL, H.E., Krugliak, A. , Plack, C.J., CARLYON, R.P. (2013) Evidence for modulation rate specific adaption in the frequency following response?, Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 133(5), 3429 [Read More]
GOCKEL, H.E., Krugliak, A. , Plack, C.J. & CARLYON, R.P. (2015) Specificity of the human frequency following response (FFR) for carrier and modulation frequency assessed using adaption, Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 16(6), 747-762 [Open Access]
GOCKEL, H. E., Krugliak, A. , Plack, C. J., & CaARLYON, R. P (2014) Investigation of envelope rate and audio-frequency specific adaptation in the frequency following response (FFR), International Journal of Audiology, 53(9), 677-678. [Read More]
ALINK, A., KRIEGESKORTE, N., WALTHER, A., Krugliak, A. (2013) FMRI orientation decoding in V1 does not require global maps or globally coherent orientation stimuli, Frontiers in Psychology, 4: 493 [Open Access]
GOCKEL, H.E., Krugliak, A. , Plack, C.J., CARLYON, R.P. (2013) Evidence for modulation rate specific adaption in the frequency following response?, Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 133(5), 3429 [Read More]