Celebrate Rare Disease Day with us!
We are happy to celebrate Rare Disease Day– the official international awareness campaign for rare diseases!
Rare Disease Day happens every year on the last day of February. This year, on 29th February 2024, the rare disease community will come together to raise awareness and generate change for the 300 million people worldwide living with a rare disease, their families, and carers.
How does our research impact people with rare diseases?
We are particularly interested in understanding the strengths and difficulties of individuals with rare genetic conditions, and how different types of genetic conditions influence cognitive abilities and brain function.
Our aim is to improve the knowledge around these conditions, so that support can be better targeted and more effective in the future.
How are we celebrating Rare Disease Day?
Rare Disease Day Seminar
Our Lead Investigator, Dr Kate Baker, will give a talk on ‘Rare Journeys from Genes to Mental Health’ in an online seminar focused on patient centred rare disease research on 29th February 2024.
You can register for this online event here.
The session will be recorded and will be available on the NIHR Cambridge BRC YouTube channel from mid-March.
Cakey Tuesday!
BINGO researchers will host a coffee morning to raise awareness of rare diseases at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit on Tuesday 13th February.
We will share our Rare Disease Day colours with colleagues over home-baked goods, as well as by displaying posters and rare disease statistics around the lab!
If you want to find out more about Rare Disease Day, you can visit the official website here.
You can also read the information pack for this year’s Rare Disease Day here.