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Data Request

Please complete the details below to request a copy of this data set. All fields are required, and requests cannot be considered if any of the fields are blank. Once we receive your request it will be evaluated by a member of staff based on criteria such as the scientific merit of the proposed data use. We will contact you with the result of this evaluation, and if your request is approved we will provide you with a link you can use to download a copy of the data.

By requesting this data set, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • I will receive access to de-identified data and will not attempt to establish the identity of, or attempt to contact any of the participants.
  • I will not publish or disclose any information in a way that would allow the identity of any individual participants to become known.
  • I will only use the data for the purposes of non-commercial, ethically approved research or teaching as specified above. I will seek approval from the MRC CBSU if I wish to use the data for any other purpose.
  • I agree to store the data securely.
  • I will not disclose the data to any third parties beyond my immediate research team
  • I will require any members of my team with whom I do share the data to comply with these terms and conditions
  • I will comply with any rules and regulations imposed by my institution and its institutional review board when requesting and using the data.
  • I understand that determining whether ethical approval is needed for the use of the data and gaining that approval is my responsibility.
  • I understand that the CBSU cannot guarantee exclusive use of these data or police potential overlaps of interest between researchers who request the data.
  • I understand that it is my responsibility to check the data for errors, and that the MRC CBSU is not responsible for any consequences of unreported errors in the data.
  • I agree to make any errors that I discover in this data known to MRC CBSU as soon as possible.
  • I agree to acknowledge the MRC CBSU in any output arising from the use of the data.
  • I agree to make any publications that arise from use of the data open-access.
  • I agree that should any data I derive from this data set appear in a publication, I will make that derived data, as well as any processing scripts used to produce that derived data, available on a suitable open-access data repository. I will also notify the MRC CBSU where the data has been made available.
