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Overlapping effects of neuropsychiatric symptoms and circadian rhythm on effort-based decision-making
Year of publication:
In Press
CBU number:
Motivational deficits are common in several brain disorders and motivational syndromes like apathy and anhedonia predict worse outcomes. Disrupted effort- based decision-making may represent a neurobiological underpinning of motivational deficits, shared across neuropsychiatric disorders. We measured effort-based decision-making in 994 participants using a gamified online task, combined with computational modelling, and validated offline for test-retest reliability. In two pre-registered studies, we first replicated studies linking impaired effort-based decision-making to neuropsychiatric syndromes, taking both a transdiagnostic and a diagnostic-criteria approach. Next, testing participants with early and late circadian rhythms in the morning and evening, we find circadian rhythm interacts with time-of-testing to produce overlapping effects on effort-based decision-making. Circadian rhythm may be an important variable in computational psychiatry, decreasing reliability or distorting results when left unaccounted for. Disentangling effects of neuropsychiatric syndromes and circadian rhythm on effort-based decision-making will be essential to understand motivational pathologies and to develop tailored clinical interventions.
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